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  • The Human BioField

    The human biofield is the energetic blueprint or matrix that creates the human form. Every human being, and every living creature on this planet, has such a blueprint. The human biofield is multidimensional, offering 3D physical form along with the vibrational aspects of the emotional and mental planes and beyond. The biofield is holographic and predetermines who we are, while at the same time reflecting our state of being from moment to moment. If any portion of the physical body is removed, the holographic blueprint of that tissue remains. The biofield can be read, scanned and interpreted in many different ways, just like any blueprint.It directly links the body's cellular activity with the meridian pathways to create the physical form and all other vibratory aspects of the being. This energetic field is like a superhighway that allows the DNA in our cells to communicate faster than light and maintain a coherent, holistic, intelligence, in the organism. The biofield is commonly referred to as the aura, but this is not strictly accurate as the biofield is comprised of multiple frequencies and information. Every one of us is an energy being. In fact, we are all beings of light existing across multiple dimensions. We all consume different frequencies of light in multiple ways to create who we are. Your biofield is a complex living structure and the energy of that structure is sometimes referred to as Quantum Energy. Indeed, we are very complex beings existing as a combination of up to 22 vibratory states, interconnected with up to 14 strands of DNA, all of which are based on light energy.These vibratory states coalesce or form around the zero point of your central cord. Note that I said central cord, not the silver cord, which is a different concept. Each state is in turn supported by energy spheres or sephirot as depicted in the Hebrew Tree of Life.(Please note I'm not wanting to introduce any religious aspects here. It's just the closet model I have to help describe what I perceive.)This is a classic descriptive term for the central mystical symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric Judaism, also known as the 10 Sephirot. The tree, visually or conceptually, represents a series of divine emanations of God's creation. In this way, Kabbalists developed the symbol into a full model of reality, using the tree to depict a map of Creation. When I was first exploring energy healing, this concept was introduced to me, and I failed to grasp it. I have to be honest and say that I still do not understand the concept fully, but I do perceive similar patterns within the biofield during a healing session. The patterns I perceive are commonly much more complex than the 10 Sephirot. Just to keep it simple, you could interpret each energy centre as an independent gyroscope, with dimensions within dimensions. Gyroscope is an apt description because that's how they are presented to me in a healing session. Sometimes they become unbalanced or slow down and fail to maintain the correct alignment. When this occurs, we need to make adjustments on multiple planes and it's like adjusting wheels within wheels until the correct alignment is found. Think about that for a moment. If your gyroscope is stuck, how can you stay on course? The Human Biofield As Light The total number of energy centres will differ for each individual. Every person is unique, emerging as one of many possible combinations. We recognise that your strands of DNA can become constricted, and it requires unique healing practises to uncoil or open the DNA, allowing for greater expression of light. At the end, that's what we are, expressions of light. The term Human Biofield is often referred to as the Human Energy Field. Some will also describe it as your Aura but that is not really accurate, as I've already mentioned. If a person can see your aura in some form, they are usually perceiving a small frequency range within a very complex, energy field. It would be the equivalent of looking at an image on a television screen and ignoring the complexities involved in transmitting that image; ignoring the millions of pixels that make up the image. Just as I can read and see blockages within the human energy field, it's only within a particular frequency range. As valuable as it may be, it's still not the whole picture. Nobel Prize laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi once said, “We live by a small trickle of electricity from the sun”, and he's right. The miracle of photosynthesis transforms the sun’s light frequencies into green plants, trees, grasses and medicinal herbs. When consumed and digested, these plants release nutrients and multiple light frequencies into the human body. In addition, as humans, we directly absorb light energies from the sun into our bodies. Cosmic (yang) energy is directly collected through the crown while other frequencies are assimilated through the remaining chakras. We also need to be grounded to Mother Earth (yin) to release damaging energies in exchange for other healing frequencies. Other sources of light energy must be consumed through our foods. I'm talking about fresh, preferably organically grown, fruits and vegetables that have captured light energy and transformed it into living nutrients. Nutrients that are rapidly absorbed and assimilated into the cells of our bodies, not dead, lifeless, processed rubbish. Our water intake needs to be considered the same way. Bottled water for instance is lifeless water. The Human Biofield or Energy Field has the potential to be corrupted and the energy flow blocked. When the flow is blocked or disrupted, a natural healthy balance cannot be maintained, and states of disease will become evident. Contaminated and lifeless foods, environmental toxins, parasites, chronic viral infections, surgery, emotional trauma and negative thought patterns, as well as misguided energies and inter-dimensional interference, all have the potential to interfere with your energy flow. Everything we consume, both physically and mentally, has consequences. Those consequences can be supportive to our health or degrade it. What many people do not realise is that genetic hereditary patterns, and even past lives can have an effect on the light energy of the biofield. This is where energy healing comes into its own by providing the techniques to cross multiple dimensions and make positive changes

  • Healing with Shells

    Since the release of SeaShell Healing Reiki, I have received several emails from people who do not believe that shells could be used during healing sessions or if they actually had healing qualities. I actually thought the same thing before I started to work with these beautiful crystals of the sea. As soon as I opened my mind and embraced the shells, I started to experience the life-changing effects that shells can have within a healing session. I also found that my psychic awareness was dramatically increased and my sensitivity to the energies of the shells was life-changing. Shells have a metaphysical energy in the same way as crystals, herbs, flowers, metals, stones etc. They all hold a frequency of energy which when you learn what they mean and how to access the energies, can be used for a multitude of reasons. The only difference is that Shell Healing is still a new idea with not many shell healers around the world. Just as crystals, herbs and flowers have energy, shells have one too with many dating back to the times of Atlantis and Lemuria. It is actually believed that the Atlantians and Lemurians used shells in their healing sessions. Just as a shell is formed through spirals, so they work to untangle stagnant energies within our vibrational field to help expand our consciousness to new levels of awareness. Learning how to access these energies will help you to create new possibilities in your life, and bring healing to mind, body and spirit and you will surely be changed for life if you start to work with these Crystals of the Sea. What is SeaShell Healing Reiki? First and foremost, it is my belief that SeaShell Healing Reiki is the next step in Spiritual Healing for Mind, Body & Spirit. Seashell Healing Reiki has been a long time in the making but it is finally here and it is full of channelled information as well as my personal experiences of working with these beautiful crystals of the sea. Seashell Healing Reiki came about after working with SeaShells for many years of which I am forever grateful to the Shell Kingdom for the blessings that they have given to me. I have always been fascinated with SeaShells and have often wondered if they could be used in the same way as crystals to bring healing, alignment, balance and an ability to clear the chakras, aura and etheric bodies of disease, illness and energy imbalances. To my amazement, it was not only possible but the process of connecting with the Shells was life-changing. Why do SeaShells call us? Why do they ask us to hold them? Why do they ask us to hold them close to our ears so we can hear the sound of the Sea? Why do they ask us to take them home? I am sure you have thought these same questions and have experienced this calling from the SeaShells and that is what led you here to Seashell Healing Reiki. Many of us will have looked at the beautiful patination on SeaShells, wondering what it would be like to live inside of their spiral rings, encoded to their harmonic resonance, captivated as if by a beautiful magical spell. On some level, we know deep within our souls that SeaShells are magical. They comfort us, they centre us, and they help us to feel a sense of calmness and peace which floods both the physical and spiritual body. There is an innate calling deep within our souls to re-connect with the energies of the Sea and her crystals, the SeaShells that spring from the depths of the ocean and can penetrate the depths of our soul, bringing forth the spiral dance of the oceans in the ever-expanding universe. SeaShells are amazing tools that can exponentially empower, enhance and deepen our healing and personal empowerment practices. SeaShells can also be used to attune those of you who are new to energy healing and working with SeaShells. In doing so, you will awaken your true divine self to the empowering energies that lay dormant within you. Seashell Healing Reiki can help with the following and much more: 1} SeaShells can help to shift physical, behavioural, emotional, mental and spiritual energies. 2} SeaShells can help to activate new ways of being within the core of our being. 3} SeaShells act as enhancement tools to expand awareness and our abilities to achieve certain goals in life. 4} We can then choose a SeaShell to help us feel more love for ourselves and others. 5} We can choose a SeaShell to help us be more courageous. 6} We can choose a SeaShell to help us forgive ourselves and others. 7} We can choose a SeaShell to build confidence. 8} When we want to experience more energy within our lives, there is a shell that can help with this. 9} SeaShells can help to balance the spiritual trinity of mind, body and spirit. 10} For more complex situations you can choose a combination of different shells, all of which will work on specific situations, bringing an overall re-alignment of mind, body and soul. If this post has captured your imagination and you would like to take the next step on your healing journey to work with the vibrations of shells whether that be through etheric encoding or physical healing please CLICK HERE to learn more and to take the step on your spiritual path to be attuned to SeaShell Healing Reiki

  • The Meaning of the Hamsa Hand

    You may not know its name, but you have definitely seen this symbol somewhere or other. The Hamsa is one of the most easily recognisable symbols of all time with religious and cultural significance in many parts of the world. It is a mysterious amulet, worn as a talisman to protect you from evil. The Hamsa symbol has many variations but is commonly depicted with an eye within a hand. It is popularly worn as a pendant or a charm and sported by celebrities. However, there is a lot of confusion surrounding the Hamsa. Are you allowed to wear it and if so, how should you wear it? Let’s have a look at this beautiful symbol to answer these questions. What’s In a Name? The word Hamsa means five in Hebrew. This symbol is also known by many names. These include: The Hand of Fatima: This name is derived from Islamic beliefs and is named after Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet. Hand of Miriam: In Jewish culture, the Hamsa is a symbol of the Hand of God. It is called the Hand of Miriam after the sister of Moses and Aaron. The Hand of Mother Mary: This name comes from the Christian tradition, where the symbol has been named after the mother of Jesus, Mary. Hamesh: The word hamesh means five in Hebrew. It represents the name ‘Heh’ which is one of God’s many names. Some other variations are Humes hand, Khamesh, and Khamsa. The History of the Hamsa As you might have guessed, the Hamsa is one of the oldest symbols with a history that dates back at least 1800 years, pre-dating all the major religions. The symbol first originated in ancient Mesopotamia {present-day Iraq} and Carthage {present-day Tunisia}. It has great significance to Middle Easter and North African people. It is believed that the symbol was created by the Phoenicians who used it as an amulet. Over time, it continued to be seen as a symbol of protection from evil, especially from the ‘evil eye’, that primal fear that has existed in almost all cultures. Hamsa Hand Meanings and Styles The Hamsa has different meanings to different groups of people. However, the common thread is that it is a protective symbol that brings forth good luck, health, happiness, and good fortune, warding off evil and negative feelings. In many cultures, even today, there is a prevailing superstition that if a person with evil thoughts in their heart gazes at you, their ‘evil eye’ can cause bad things to happen. So, by wearing a Hamsa or placing one in your home, you intercept that negativity and it does not cause you harm. The two main styles that the Hamsa comes in are with the hand either up or down. If the hand faces upwards, it is a sign against evil. It is representative of protection and repels the negativity of others and protects you from your own negative thoughts, such as envy, hatred, and greed. The fingers may be spread apart to repel evil. If the hand faces downwards, the Hamsa represents abundance and goodness. It becomes a welcoming sign that invites good things into your life. In this position, the fingers are generally close together, as a sign of invitation for good luck. Some Hams a variations don’t contain an eye, but the most common depictions show a human eye in the centre of the palm. Most times, the thumb and the little finger are depicted as identical in size and shape. The Hamsa has often been misunderstood because it is seen as ‘the evil eye’. People wonder, why would you wear an evil eye? What people fail to understand is that the Hamsa is NOT the EVIL EYE. Rather, it wards off evil from others’ eyes. The Hamsa Significance in Different Religions It’s very interesting that the Hamsa has significance in all the major religions in the world! Evidence of the Hamsa is seen in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. However, the meaning varies for each of these religions. Hamsa Hand Meaning – Islam The symbol means different things to the Sunni and Shi’ite sects of Islam. For the Sunni, the symbol represents the 5 pillars of Islam. For the Shi’ite, it represents the Five People of the Cloak. It is generally called the Hand of Fatima in Islamic circles. Hamsa Hand Meaning – Hindu and Buddhism According to Hindus and Buddhists, the Hamsa represents the flow of energy of the chakras in your body as well as the five senses and mudras. Each finger of the Hamsa is representative of a chakra and an element. Hamsa Hand Meaning – Christianity As I said earlier, the Hamsa is sometimes called the Hand of Mary after Jesus’ mother. It’s true that in Christianity, symbols apart from the cross are generally rejected, but due to the connection with Judaism, the Hamsa is often accepted in Christian circles. The Hamsa is a symbol of the position of Mary, exalted above all mankind, as a compassionate and caring Mother. It can be seen as a reminder of how God has the power to exalt an ordinary person. However, many Christians are often confused about whether or not the Hamsa should be worn by a Christian as it also has connections to other religions and spiritualism. If you are a Christian, this is entirely your decision to make based on how you feel about wearing it. Hamsa Hand Meaning – Judaism In Judaism, the number five has holy connotations, representative of one of God’s names as well as of the Torah’s five holy books. The five fingers also remind the wearer to praise God using the five senses. Should You Wear the Hamsa Symbol? The Hamsa is a meaningful symbol it can be culturally insensitive to wear it without knowing what the symbol means. Having said that, anyone can wear the Hamsa regardless of their faith or beliefs. There is a lot of religious meaning attached to the Hamsa, so be aware of this if you prefer to avoid a religious symbol. However, the Hamsa also has multiple meanings that are universal to all humans: It is a representation of unity, considering that it is a common thread between all major religions. It is a symbol of protection which is a universal theme not restricted to religion. It is also a symbol of femininity, as the hand represents various compassionate and strong female figures. Considering that the Hamsa had existed before the advent of organized religion, we could view it as a spiritual symbol as well. Finally, before you purchase your very own Hamsa jewellery or sign to place your home, consider whether any of these meanings means something to you. Wearing a Hamsa is a way of expressing yourself and what matters to you. Seen in this light, the Hamsa transcends fashion trends, becoming more of a piece of jewellery imbued with positivity, and even spirituality to add to your look. Hamsa Attunements I was blessed with being able to channel a distant attunement for the Hamsa Hand which has been received by hundreds of students since it was released in 2017. The Attunement/Empowerment places an etheric symbol into your auric field so you can tap into the energies at any time for spiritual protection. To learn more about the attunement, please CLICK HERE

  • A Healing Crisis - What Is It?

    During the past few months, I have been channelling nonstop to bring forth several new distant attunements. These attunements are designed to propel your life towards higher dimensional realms. In doing this, you will occasionally experience a Healing Crisis. This is why I have created this easy-to-understand blog post to talk more about what a Healing Crisis is. I have also purposely kept the information easy to understand so it can be read by EVERYONE. What Is A Healing Crisis? Detoxification rejuvenates the mind and body and positively impacts well-being and clarity. However, sometimes the initial reaction to a detoxification program or a more advanced energy system can be anything but pleasant. The process of healing sometimes includes a healing crisis, also known as the detox reaction, the cleansing reaction, and the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. During a healing crisis, you can feel even worse than before you started your detox program. The good news is that this reaction is likely a sign that you're getting better by way of a deep and thorough cleansing of the spiritual trinity of mind, body & spirit. Environmental toxins accumulate in tissue throughout the body, especially fat tissue. Additionally, the human body has bacterial colonies. When you cleanse your body, the toxins dislodge and the bacteria die off where they then release endotoxins. When the toxins and waste are dislodged, the body begins to flush them into the bloodstream to be filtered and eliminated. This sudden circulation of toxins can temporarily impact your well-being and symptoms of illness {sweating, fever, discomfort, etc.} may occur. What Are The Indications Of A Healing Crisis? The indications that you're experiencing a healing crisis can include headaches, nausea, fever, upset stomach, and cold/flu symptoms to name just a few. During the crisis, a recurrence of symptoms from long-forgotten illnesses may also occur. Symptoms of a healing crisis vary from one person to person but the majority will include: Fatigue Diarrhoea Aches and Soreness Low-Grade Fever Anxiety Mood Swings Nausea Skin Irritations Stuffy Nose Congestion Low Blood Pressure Chakra Pain {especially in the Heart Chakra} How Long Does A Healing Crisis Last A healing crisis generally lasts around 7 days but can ease after only 3-4, depending on the individual and the severity of their situation. The more severe the toxicity, the more intense the healing crisis can be. As your body begins to expel toxins, your energy may decrease and you may begin to feel ill. If this occurs, take this as a sign that your body is working to flush out toxins and energetic waste. What Else Can Cause A Healing Crisis? Sometimes you don't even need to begin a cleansing protocol to experience a healing crisis. People who have participated in some of my higher vibrational attunements such as Celestial LightBody Activation / Crystal LightCode Ascension Reiki / Diamond LightCode Ascension Reiki / Angel LightCode Healing Reiki and many more have reported experiencing the effects of a Healing Crisis. There are also many other therapies that can also dislodge toxins and encourage a healing crisis (and healing!). How To Handle A Healing Crisis For a cleanse or detox-induced healing crisis, it's important to stay hydrated with purified water to encourage your body to flush and expel the toxins. Depending on the detox program, lemon juice in warm water, and herbal teas may help to flush out toxins and provide nutrients and antioxidants. Self-healing, massage, EFT {emotional freedom technique}, sound baths, massage and meditation may be helpful for relieving the indications of a healing crisis, especially anxiety and stress. If you are working with a teacher and are experiencing a healing crisis after an attunement {in person or distant}, your teacher should always offer additional free healing to help you with the clearing of the old energies so the new can enter. If they do not offer you healing, please use self-healing where possible or you can find genuine healers and teachers online who will give you healing {free of charge} to help you with the crisis. A Healing Crisis After An Energy Treatment Although it is not common to experience a healing crisis after an energy-healing treatment, it can happen so here are several tips for moving through the process. Have you received a healing treatment only to return home where you spent the following few days feeling emotionally raw, fragile, and crying spontaneously? Have you experienced strange pains in your legs and arms? Felt energetically depleted? There is a thought that energy healing is supposed to make someone feel better so why does a crisis occur after a healing session has been received? Having a healing crisis following an energy healing session is not a common experience, though it does sometimes happen. When it occurs, a healing crisis includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual/energetic components. The length of a healing crisis can be a few hours or a few days. Often, the disruption may begin in the physical body; it registers aches and twinges, tension or stiffness, muscle contractions, and even nerve pain. The pain or discomfort can resolve quickly, sometimes travelling down one side of the body, creating tingling sensations as the energetic material exits through the feet' chakras. The nervous system can be highly activated, causing mental overstimulation and a feeling of panic or overwhelming anxiety. The emotional aspects can include wide emotional swings, from grief and despair to expansiveness and bliss and back again. Spiritually, there’s a sense of separating from what was known and understood, and landing in a void or chasm of uncertainty, feeling disconnected from the Source. Sounds like a great time, right? Well, in truth, it’s a pretty powerful passage through layer upon layer of energy held in the energetic systems of the body, mind, and emotions. Ironically, there is often not a lot of emotional context or story. Healing crises are generally not memory-based, with the recall of past trauma or experience informing the process. Without available context, the individual may feel adrift and unable to make sense of the spectrum of symptoms and emotions. Experienced practitioners have navigated healing crises themselves as well as with their clients. It’s not a regular occurrence, but when it happens, the practitioner needs to be notified. With an energy modality, chakra- and aura-based clearing and infusing protocols may be appropriate to ease and regulate energy flow. Some practitioners are able to treat remotely, so the client can rest in the comfort of home while energy is balanced and integrated. Here are several tips for moving through a healing crisis after an energy-healing treatment: You collaborated with your practitioner to enable deep and powerful energy work to occur in your fields - the systems for your physical body, emotions, and mind. You stirred up and released this material because you were ready to evolve, shift, and heal. Validate your authority. The energy you released came from all of your energetic fields or bodies. Your etheric body {the energy system for your physical body} was holding emotional energy in its cells, the fascia, joints, and multiple chakras. Your body let it go, a huge boon for its overall well-being. Your Astral body {the energy system for your emotional body} lightened through your work. As your energy and body integrate, you’ll likely find new insights and levels of conscious awareness to unpack and embody. Your mind may be unable to process what has occurred. It may lean toward thinking that something is wrong. The mind is a powerful resource, but it’s not the best at comprehending the energetic and spiritual process. Dialogue with your body, and let it know that it can release, let go, and integrate without pain syndromes. Allow your emotions to move through without judging them or digging deep to determine the event or experience that might be behind the feelings. Emotions come from all sorts of times, places, events, and interactions. The healing crisis is releasing residual emotion. You need not go it alone. Call your practitioner for support. Let your nearest and dearest connections know you may need some extra support, compassion, and care as you move through the process. If a reasonable period has passed and you still feel as though you’re not fully integrated, make an appointment with your practitioner to balance and regulate your energy so you can ground into who you are now. Trust yourself. If it feels weird, but you think you’re basically okay, trust that. If you feel like you need to reach out for support, trust that. Be gentle with yourself. Validate your astonishing ability to heal, evolve, release, and let go. Eat nourishing foods; take baths; sit outside under the stars; meditate; take naps. Self-nurturing and self-care are essential when you’re moving through deep energetic integration. A healing crisis is a powerful catharsis that resets of your mind, body, emotions, and spirit. It is generally a transit - not a dark night of the soul. In other words, you’ll move through it and find your feet under you once again, conscious of the nuanced and evolved self on the other side. I will talk more about the Dark Night of the Soul soon through an in-depth blog post.

  • Distant Attunements!

    What Is An Attunement The attunement process is by far the most important part of learning any type of energy-based healing system because it helps to bring forth many changes within the recipient’s energy field. In simple terms, each attunement helps to introduce or 'attune' your energy field to a Higher Consciousness frequency so that you can then call on and ascend into these higher frequencies through the prescribed practices. The word attunement is best recognised when speaking about Reiki however as we have learnt over the past few years, attunements are now becoming a very popular and highly effective way of helping many people ascend into higher levels of love, light and purity in their life. It is also said that each attunement helps to remove negative karma from within and ultimately, can help you move closer towards a place of happiness or inner peace. In this place of higher vibratory understanding, we are often better able to understand the true nature of love, compassion and what we refer to as interconnectedness. Receiving an attunement is a very simple and straightforward process and most attunements can be completed within around 10 - 20 minutes {depending on what energy you are receiving}. It is truly a very sacred and uplifting ceremony and something which can then bring you much love, light and purity in your life. What Happens During An Attunement? Attunements are normally a very satisfying and very peaceful experience in which the recipient opens themselves up to receive love and divine light. The energies are then received within your energy field and there will be some necessary adjustments to your energy system in the days following. You may sit upright or lie down, as you wish, with the key being that you always open yourself up to receive the healing and attuning energies with love and gratitude. This is normally experienced as a very peaceful, relaxing and loving experience as you allow the healing energies to wash over you and create a place of stillness from within. All that is required is that you use your intention to accept the attunement and then simply rest, relax and enjoy the divinely guided energies as they are being brought into your consciousness for your own highest & divine purpose. With most attunements, you will then be able to access the divine energetic healing frequencies in your own self-healing or meditative practices and you may also then practice with these energies with others. The introduction to these types of energy-based healing practices, especially for people learning these for the first time, can be a very special and empowering experience as the healing energies can now be called on directly by themselves for whomever they wish. How Long Does An Attunement Take To Receive? The time it takes for each attunement will depend on the energetic frequencies that you are being attuned to and this often depends on what teaching you are receiving the attunement for. Typically, the attunement is a 15-20 minute process which can be taken any time of the day or night. The most important thing to remember when taking any attunement is that you be undisturbed and in a peaceful environment so that you can relax and enjoy the energies being received. After your attunement has finished, you will most likely feel very relaxed, so it can be a good idea to take some time for yourself. Perhaps you wish to do something that you enjoy doing. Just allow yourself the freedom to enjoy this time and to enjoy your new vibration. I offer most of the attunements by distance in accordance with divine guidance. This is something which helps me to send these energies to whoever is in need of these and is something that we feel is important for this earth at this time What Should I Do If I Fall Asleep During My Attunement? When receiving any kind of healing energy, it is quite common to feel a deep relaxation and peacefulness throughout. It is also quite common to even fall asleep or doze off somewhat during an energy-based healing session or during an attunement. So a common question from this then is - does an attunement still work if you fall asleep? To start with, let me explain here again that it is actually very common for people to doze off or fall asleep when receiving attunements by distance and especially so for those who choose to lie down or receive their attunement at night before sleeping. All attunements are received in accordance with your intention. For all of the attunements that I offer, I always suggest that your intention is firmly set in the preparatory steps of the attunement process. As such, once you have set this intention to open up and receive ‘xyz attunement’ - so it will be. In this way, if you do end up dozing off or sleeping halfway through your attunement, the energies will still be received effectively even in your sleeping state i.e. in line with your original intention set at the start of the attunement. What Happens After An Attunement? In most cases, after you have received an attunement, you will now be able to start calling on the divinely guided healing frequencies of the energy-based healing practice that you are learning. As we melt and merge with the loving and purifying energies of these beautiful healing systems, we can start to re-learn who we truly are, and what we are truly made up of. And by practising, we are allowing ourselves to become more purified, more cleansed and more balanced - thus we heal, grow and nurture. With each attunement we receive, we are being 'healed' at a deeper layer. As we receive each attunement, we are often required to release or let go of much of our old, unwanted or stagnant energies from within. And this can be a challenging process at times! You may feel some slight flu symptoms, a headache, or maybe you feel some emotional debris being cleared - anger, grief or a trauma of some sort. These are all as a result of past experiences that are now being brought to the surface for healing. It is normally necessary to re-experience these feelings or ailments as they are finally released from our energy system. This is the process of any kind of energy-based healing. So in the days following the attunement, there can be some clearing and some healing being done during days or weeks following. And again, this is a great sign that the attunement is bringing about much healing from within you! It may sound a little strange but if you are feeling tired, exhausted, maybe going to the toilet more than normal; if you are feeling some weird pains, aches, or other physical/emotional ailments - this is a really great sign that you are on the right track! Any type of symptoms will likely only last for a few days and should be viewed as part of the energetic healing process. It is also a sign that your energy field has been raised to a new, higher vibration than that which you existed previously. Your body is needing to adjust to the new vibration and as a result, will need to clear away the old - this is often referred to as a healing crisis. Of course, where symptoms persist, please seek proper medical attention. The Attunement Is A Deeply Sacred Process. Is This True? Yes. All attunements work with divinely sacred energies which are then placed into your energy field. Depending on the type of attunement you are receiving, you are then able to access these healing energies for yourself in order to bring in more love, light and purity into your life. Although you may not be able to see what is happening during these attunements, let me reassure you that there really is a lot of love and light being transferred energetically during each attunement. And whilst there are different frequencies being transferred at each level of learning, these energies always come from a very pure place of love, light, truth, compassion, purity and understanding and will always work in line with your own highest good. It is also important to remind yourself that due to attunements being sacred and special, they must be treated as such. Too often people will take multiple attunements per day without giving much thought or practice to them. Seeing them as a quick fix to life's problems or accepting them quickly so they can start selling them to others. Not only is this disrespectful to the energies, it is also disrespecting to your own spiritual life. Learning to honour the attunements as sacred events and working with them in a spiritually mature way will always being more to your life than if you continued to rush through the process. What Are The Steps For Receiving An Attunement Successfully? Whenever someone learns an energy-based healing attunement or received an attunement is a super important part of the overall learning experience and spiritual growth. And whilst the instructions for each attunement are always described in the manuals you receive, I wanted to give you a more general overview of what a successful attunement process might look like overall. The steps that are shown below will therefore be offering you a step-by-step guide to receiving an attunement and can be helpful for those who are interested to learn about how to receive an attunement successfully and for those who may feel some doubt about whether their attunement was received successfully. In simple terms, if you have followed along with the steps outlined below, your attunement will have been successful. Of course, the below information should always be read and interpreted in alignment with your divine intuition & divine guidance. We hope that this information can help you on your journey and may every single attunement you receive help to bring you a beautiful new feeling of love, light & unity. Download your Manual - All of the manuals from Living Reiki Therapies are offered online via automated download links. Therefore the first step in receiving an attunement successfully is to download the applicable manuals. Check the Prerequisites - The second step is to ensure that you have completed the necessary prerequisites for the course. The prerequisites for each ebook are found right at the beginning of each manual and on the attunement listing. By prescribing the prerequisites for each manual, Higher Consciousness wishes to ensure that each recipient will be ready to receive the energies of that course by making sure that they have reached a necessary level of energetic vibration. In other words, the prerequisites help to ensure that you are ready to receive the energies in a professional and spiritually mature way. The prerequisites will also help to ensure that you get the most out of the energies received in the course as well. If a person chooses to enter a course without doing the prerequisites, it is likely that they will not be 'energetically ready to receive the energies of that attunement. In this scenario, the energies/attunements will either not activate within them or will only partially activate, meaning that this person will miss out on the maximum energetic benefit that is being offered to them through the course. In this way, the divinely designed prerequisites help to lovingly guide each recipient through the attunements so that they {and all beings} can benefit in the highest possible way. We therefore lovingly recommend that each person completes the required prerequisites before commencing an attunement with the Academy. Schedule the Attunement - Make a date and time that you are going to receive the attunement and ensure that you have completed any necessary resting periods or practices from the previous attunement or level. This is very important to ensure that you are energetically and vibrationally ready to receive the next layer of energy. Allocate Yourself the Required Time & Sacred Space To Receive The Attunement - The attunement is a divinely sacred experience and as such, it is best to be well prepared in advance. It is important to plan to have plenty of time available, {for example not right before you have to run out the door} as sometimes the attunement can take longer than expected, or sometimes you may simply want to sit in the energies of the attunement for longer than expected. It is also beneficial for your relaxation state to not be anxiously thinking about the time - or that you have to hurry in order to pick the kids up from school! So give yourself plenty of time so that you can be fully relaxed, ready and open to receive the energies. Additionally, you may wish to allocate some time immediately before the attunement to unwind and mentally prepare. This could include going for a walk, doing some yoga, re-reading the instructions for the attunement and/or simply sitting in quiet meditation for some time. When you are relaxed, centred and peaceful, the energies will flow more easily. This is also a good time to think about your intention for the attunement & upcoming energies.​​ Also important is to ensure that you are in a space where you will not be disturbed for the entire duration of the attunement. You may wish to create an ambience for your attunement by lighting a candle or incense, dimming the lights, or finding a beautiful tree to sit under in the forest. Make the space as peaceful and relaxing as possible! Receive the Attunement - The attunement process is a very sacred and divinely enriching experience and essentially, what is happening here is that you are receiving a beautiful array of Higher Consciousness energies into your consciousness in a way that is both relaxing, peaceful and uplifting. These attuning energies will be helping you to heal & transform and in most cases, the attunement ensures that you will be able to connect with the beautiful Higher Consciousness energies through self-healing practices. ​​The attunement process is essentially like a key unlocking a door, through which many new energies can flow. Therefore it is helpful to be relaxed and open in order for the attunement to take place. Some attunements offer specific affirmations to say, however in general, focusing on opening, surrendering and receiving for the benefit of all will be of help. Some affirmations that may help are:​ ​ ​ ​“I open myself up to love and light.” “I open up to receive.” “I open up to universal love.” “I open up to receive the XXX attunement.” “I open up to divine love & light.” Or you may simply repeat your intention over and over. ​Overall, during your attunement, remember to follow your intuition at all times. If you feel that you need to pause in between steps to sit quietly for a few minutes, or to light a candle, or to lie down, or if you get the feeling that now is not quite the right time to receive the attunement, then listen and follow your heart. The instructions provided are a base guideline for receiving the energies, however as everyone is unique, so too is the attunement process and so if you feel something, then trust your intuition! Another common experience some people worry about when receiving an attunement is that they didn’t feel like they weren’t really ‘in the moment because their mind may have been overly occupied with something during the attunement process and they felt like they weren’t very ‘present' during an attunement. Let us just say here that even if your mind was not overly present during an attunement, the process will still work correctly. Again, if you have followed along with the instructions in the steps above you will always receive these attuning energies from Higher Consciousness will much love, light & divine grace. Take Time After the Attunement to Assimilate the Energies - After receiving your attunement, you may like to take some time to just sit quietly, give thanks for what you have received, or go for a gentle walk, or light a candle or some incense. Or other times, it may feel perfectly ok to simply end the attunement and go on about your day. Often the energies will still be moving within you after the attunement, so remember to be gentle and loving to yourself. Can I Repeat An Attunement? Yes, absolutely. However normally, if you have received an attunement successfully, there is no need to re-attune yourself to the same energies. Instead, it is more beneficial to continue moving forwards into higher & higher levels so that you can be attuned to more and more frequencies that will be widening your healing channel and allow you to move into higher and higher vibrations of love & light. Having said this, however, there may be times when you feel that you wish to repeat an attunement and this is totally fine. For example, if you were not entirely happy with how your attunement went {perhaps you fell asleep, were interrupted or were lost in your own thoughts and not entirely present. In any of these cases, repeating an attunement may help you to feel more reassured that you have gained the most out of the attunement experience. Above all, we loving recommend that you follow your own intuition and walk forwards on this pathway in a way that feels right for you. Another example where you may feel more comfortable with re-attuning yourself is when you have taken an extended break from your practices. For example, if you have received a Master Level Symbols attunement several months ago but you didn’t really get the opportunity to finish the entire manual or the practices that were prescribed within, then it is very natural that you might like to re-attune yourself to these energies and start from where you left off. As a general rule of thumb, however, we would lovingly point out here that receiving an attunement once is sufficient, even if it has been some time since you worked with the energies. After receiving the original attunement, provided that you followed along with the instructions carefully, these energies will still be accessible to you and you will still be able to successfully connect with them through the practices. However again, for those who wish to re-attune themselves, this is absolutely fine. Even in cases where several months or even years have passed, the original attunement you received will always remain with you and it is not necessary or compulsory to repeat any of the attunements once you have received them. However, in the interests of helping people to feel more confident or more comfortable, there will never be any harm if you receive an attunement more than once. For those who may have received an attunement from somewhere outside of the Academy and would like to receive the same attunement with the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies {for example Usui Reiki Level 1, 2 or 3} then you are also most welcome to do this {however it is not a necessity}. If you would like to re-attune yourself in this way, simply repurchase the relevant manual, and read through the applicable material before booking your attunement. I hope that this has helped you to gain some additional clarity about the idea of re-attuning to an attunement and above all, may you continue to move forwards into higher and higher levels so that you can feel a deepened sense of love, light & unity in your life.

  • The Rays of the Ascended Masters

    Each time we incarnate, the soul incarnates on one of the Rays of Incarnation. The soul has a colour and this colour is also the same as the Rays of Ascension and Rays of the Masters. For example, the 7th Ray souls have a violet soul colour. During my work as a Spiritual Teacher, I have realised that the Rays have variations according to the master of each person. I have found that not only can we identify the Ascended Master Teacher with each person by seeing and knowing the Master, but we can also identify their soul colour and their ascension ray colour. The soul colour varies only slightly between each person, i.e. brightness, depth, luminescence, etc., and this is due to their level of Ascension. Some Masters are linked with more than one ray colour; for example, Hilarion has two ray colours he is linked to within the Fifth Ray - green and orange. So, if Hilarion walks with you, you will have one of these colours. Each colour has a different meaning. Important Notice: The colours are the Ascension Rays/Soul Rays of the Masters, they are not the Aura Colours of the Masters. The 1st Ray - The Blue Ray of Gods' Will & Power El Morya Melchizedek Metatron Moses St John the Baptist The 2nd Ray - The Yellow Ray of Wisdom Jesus Krishna Kuthumi Master Lanto Lao Tze The 3rd Ray - The Pink Ray of Unconditional Love Kuan Yin Mary Magdalene Mother Mary The 4th Ray - The White Ray of Harmony Serapis Bey Inanna The 5th Ray - The Green/Orange Ray of Healing, Knowledge & Truth Amaryllis Ganesh Hilarion Ptah The 6th Ray - The Ruby, Gold & Purple Ray of Devotion and the Goddess Hathor Isis Lady Nada Pallas Athena Lady Portia The 7th Ray - the Violet Ray of Transmutation St Germain The 8th Ray - The Rainbow Rays of Integration and Transformation White Tara

  • Rituals

    In this blog post, you will discover several short rituals that you can incorporate into your spiritual practices on a daily or monthly basis * Full Moon Ritual * This is the time to take an honest look at what has been hiding in the darkness and to release what holds us back from aligning with our higher selves. Enter a space of power and clarity by harnessing the healing power of sacred moonlight with our full moon ritual. For this ritual, please gather a notebook and a pen. Prepare to meditate. A beautiful mild sonic Solfeggio frequency is great for background music or simply meditating in complete and total silence. Lie on your back, place your hands gently on your sacral chakra or womb {for women} and simply breathe. Get comfortable here and focus on connecting to the rhythm of your breath allowing yourself to fall into the space just before sleep. After 15-30 minutes, slowly bring yourself back into your body, becoming aware of the environment around you. Take some time to reflect on that which is no longer serving your highest self. When you think of the various areas of your life whether it’s work, family, relationships, friendships or health, pay attention to any tension of the body. Pay attention to what makes you feel out of alignment to the energy you just experienced in meditation. Once you have allowed time for this energetic scan, write down what came up for you. Write down all things you are releasing on this full moon. Write it down with sincerity and intention. After you have written everything down, take the paper to a flame and burn the paper under the full moon. Gaze up at the moon and know in your heart that the fire is taking all that was written up and away into the nothingness from which it came. Take a bath to cleanse away what you have released. Infuse the water with your favourite essential oils or flower petals. I love to use Rose Petals when I perform this ritual. Allow the warm bathwater to swarm around your body. Soak in the essence of surrender and rejuvenation. Know that to bring in the new, we must first cleanse and release the old. Say Aloud … I release the thoughts that no longer serve me in connecting to my highest self. I call in abundance for the new lunar cycle ahead. I honour the divine connection between my body and the moon. I am now cleansing my spirit from all that doesn’t serve my greatest good. I welcome the light of love to fill in the darkness. I allow the sacred light of the moon to heal and restore my soul. I release my past, welcome the present and accept the future with gratitude. * Sunset Ritual * Our beloved sun, the giver of life – an energising, mood-boosting and regenerative being. Whatever comes into the presence of the sun is illuminated and warmed. What a gift to be connected to such a potent, radiant energy every day! The following ritual can be practised during sunrise or sunset. Use this ritual to tap into the brilliant energy of our great sun, connect with its life-affirming power and feel thoroughly energised. Find a comfortable seated position and focus on your breath by slowly inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth with awareness. Visualise a golden light surrounding your being. Now … imagine this golden light penetrating your being through your third eye. Direct this light to slowly flow towards your heart chakra. The centre of your heart is now filled with golden sunlight. Allow your heart to fuse with this golden sunlight. Imagine the rays of this golden light radiating into your body and soul. You are gold. Speak the sacred sound “OM”. Imagine the sacredness of this sound originating from your sacral chakra and let it resonate throughout all of you. Incorporate this ritual into your sunsets or sunrises to recharge and remind yourself of the light being you truly are. * Nature Ritual * Become one with nature and express gratitude for Mother Earth. Though simple, the Nature Ritual is one of the most grounding and powerful rituals you can add to your life. Take off your shoes and socks with the intention of connecting with the Earth. Stand on the earth. Close your eyes and feel your feet touching the ground. What does the earth feel like? Does it feel cold, warm, or hot? Does it feel rough, smooth, or soft? Feel the energy of the Earth. Feel into your feet and body. What do you feel? Is your body relaxing? Tensing? Take a few steps. Feel the earth supporting your body as it walks. Connect with your breath and feel Mother Earth bringing you the stability and support that you need. Say Aloud … I am rooted in the Earth and the Earth is rooted in me. The Earth is my mother, and I am divinely guided and protected. The Earth calms and centres my soul. I am safe. Womb Ritual A woman is a creative force. From the space that brings human life into the world, she also creates her life. Her womb, aligned with the sacral charka known as the chakra of creativity and sexuality, manifests her desires. Take this time to connect with your womb, your seat of creation. Plant a seed of intention into that most powerful space of creation. Find a comfortable place to lie down. Next to this place, create an altar filled with a few objects that are special to you: some that represent what you’d like to manifest, others that bring you delight when you see them. Maybe bring together your favourite crystal, your favourite flowers, or your favourite piece of jewellery next to your intention written on a piece of paper. Lie down and make yourself comfortable. Gently place your hands on your womb, the area just beneath your navel. Breathe in and out slowly, with attention. Think back to those experiences that you have created in your life, those desires that you manifested. Can you remember the time before it was real and when the thought first came to mind that you wanted to manifest this for yourself? Think back to how you mixed this thought with desire. The simple desire to make this real for you. Now bring your left hand to your heart and keep your right hand on your womb. The heart is connected to your heart chakra, or Anahata, the center of love of compassion. Check-in with your heart. Is your desire aligned with compassion for yourself? Is it a loving decision for your life, for you? Infuse your intention with love by imagining a sparkling lavender light moving down towards your womb in a spiral. Let the light fill your womb and imagine your intention coming to life. Say Aloud … I am a creative force. I have the power to manifest. I bring life and love into my world.

  • Incorporating Holistic Healing Into Your Life

    IS MODERN MEDICINE THE BEST WAY TO HEAL MIND, BODY & SPIRIT Since the introduction of modern medicine, there has been a large push to adopt western medicine as the golden standard for healing. Although this has helped many individuals in their healing journey, is it always the answer? Many modern health practitioners say No. Although modern-day medicine has come leaps and bounds and is responsible for the survival of many illnesses and diseases, there are a few loopholes it doesn't seem to fill quite well. This leaves many individuals left without the full scope of care they are searching for! So how do we fill in these gaps? That's where a Holistic Health Approach comes in handy. WHAT IS HOLISTIC HEALING/HEALTH? According to an article by Dr. James s. Gordon, Holistic medicine is an attitudinal approach to health care rather than a particular set of techniques. It addresses all the following dimensions of health and illness Psychological Familial Societal Ethical Spiritual Biological Holistic Healing provides an approach that is inclusive of the full scope of health and not just the biological factors. It also takes a community approach rather than an individualistic approach to healing as it addresses societal, cultural, and environmental factors that can impact individual and collective health as a whole. Sounds practical right? Maybe even underrated? Why hasn’t this approach been widely accepted yet? And how can we adopt this type of mentality to our current healing journeys? HERE ARE 3 WAYS YOU CAN BEGIN TO HEAL HOLISTICALLY 1. DO YOUR RESEARCH Take the time to seek out medical practitioners and professionals who also adopt this practice. One of the best ways to excel in something is to surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Take the time to do this before your next doctor visit and see if this opens up your healing option 2. SUPPORT HOLISTIC BUSINESSES Ever heard the phrase “Put your money where your mouth is?” It has some validity. As a capitalist society, we place a lot of value on money. What you spend your money on has a rippling effect on your community. Try swapping out some of your name-brand products for smaller companies that take a holistic approach and give back to the community! 3. TAKE STOCK IN SPIRITUAL AND CULTURAL HEALING PRACTICES Don’t be afraid to lean into your culture or religious healing practices, in addition to modern medicine. According to the Mayo Clinic, there have been 18 studies in the last 3 decades that have shown that religiously involved people live longer lives. DON’T WORRY, YOU’VE GOT THIS! So, if you've hit a speed bump in your healing process, you may want to consider incorporating a more Holistic Health approach to your journey. After all, you are a little more complicated than a few tests, a diagnosis, and a bottle of pills.

  • Colour Healing with Candles

    Many of you will know that I am also a Chandler {Candle Maker} where I create premium soy candles that are handmade in my craft room in the Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, UK. I am also a qualified Colour Therapist. Combining both areas of expertise, I will be creating Colour Therapy Candles that will soon be for sale on my Candle website. Please feel free to sign up to my new website to be first in line to receive information about People have been using candles for thousands of years, being used by nearly all religions, cultures and individuals. Candles are symbols of celebration, mourning, spirituality and the soul. Their power combined with your thoughts and desires can have a profound influence on your life as well as assist you in balancing and maintaining a healthy mind, body and spirit. Candles also create a meditative and hypnotic mood. The flame offers a good focal point for reflection and meditation, as it sends out its own energies. Candle colour therapy can be used in many ways; meditation, Reiki, energy healing, chakra balancing and self-improvement. It can also be used for cleansing, healing and strengthening the mind, body and spirit. In any way you choose to use them, the most important goal is to develop higher awareness and consciousness. Colour choice is of the utmost importance when burning candles because different colours vibrate at varying frequencies. These vibrations converge with your own energies and can assist you in manifesting your desires, balancing your auras and chakras and protecting you from negative energies. Listed below are candle colours and their corresponding therapeutic uses. If you use colour candle therapy it is preferred that you use a candle snuffer to extinguish the flame because the energy of your breath can conflict with the energy of the flame which can interrupt and affect the outcome of the candle burning session. This is not however set in stone so please use a snuffer only if you are guided to do so. White Candles - The colour white represents unity. It works to purify the mind, body & spirit, cleaning, protecting, and giving peace and comfort while also enhancing spirituality. The smoke from a white candle signifies the clearing of negativity. When the candle is no longer smoking, the negative energy has evaporated. Black Candles - Black is one of the most powerful colours in colour therapy. Black absorbs and disrupts negative energies and thought patterns. Used for deep meditation, it brings peace and silence to the mind, body & spirit. Black candles are useful when you are experiencing difficult times in relationships and life in general. It is even more powerful when burned along with a white candle. Use caution when working with Black Candles because it can also manifest depression. Offset this by burning a yellow candle. Red Candles - Red brings forth a feeling of strength, love, passion, grounding, protection, healing and balance by cleansing and re-aligning the Root Chakra. Burning a red candle along with one of our Root Chakra candles works very well. Yellow Candles - Yellow works to enhance communication, meditation, clairvoyance, healing, mental stimulation, and happiness and drives away negative energies. Yellow candles also balance and cleanse the Solar Plexus chakra so using a yellow candle along with one of our Solar Plexus aromatherapy candles will bring deeper healing and clearing of the mind, body & spirit. Green Candles - The colour green promotes healing, growth, luck, balance, calmness, protection, confidence and abundance. Using a green candle with one of our Heart Chakra aromatherapy candles will bring deeper healing and clearing of the Heart Chakra as well as the trinity of mind, body & spirit. Orange Candles - The colour orange represents success, attraction, creativity, friendship and vitality. The orange candle soothes shattered nerves and it can be used to help you seek out a career or healing treatments to balance, cleanse and align the Sacral Chakra. Using an orange candle with one of our Sacral Chakra aromatherapy candles will bring deeper healing and clearing of the Sacral Chakra. Blue Candles - Blue brings forth a greater ability to communicate your thoughts and feelings with others. The colour blue also works on forgiveness, healing {especially in children}, meditation, calming, peace, resolving spiritual issues and can help with immediate financial needs by balancing the Throat Chakra. Using a blue candle with one of our Throat Chakra aromatherapy candles will bring deeper healing and clearing of this Chakra as well as the trinity of mind, body & spirit. Purple Candles - Purple takes away all forms of negativity and helps you to overcome obstacles. It heightens psychic awareness and helps in contacting the spirit world. This makes our purple candles a perfect spiritual tool for anyone who conducts spiritual meetings or are trying to develop their psychic abilities. Lavender Candles - Lavender brings about healing, and freedom, and helps with dream interpretation {never leave a candle unattended and never fall asleep with a candle burning}. Using a lavender candle with one of our 3rd eye {Ajna} Chakra aromatherapy candles will bring deeper healing and clearing of the psyche and 3rd Eye Chakra. Pink Candles - Pink brings about fulfilment, love, affection, joy, pleasure, soul mate attractions and forgiveness of the self and others. This is the ideal candle to use if you are on a date or are enjoying a romantic evening with your husband/wife/girlfriend or boyfriend. Using a pink candle with one of our Heart Chakra aromatherapy candles will bring deeper healing and clearing of the Heart Chakra as well as the trinity of mind, body & spirit. Indigo Candles - Indigo enhances spirituality, intuition, psychic awareness, spiritual healing and communication with loved ones who have crossed over. When burned with a white candle it will balance and cleanse the 3rd Eye and Crown Chakras. Using an indigo candle with one of our 3rd Eye or Crown Chakra aromatherapy candles will bring deeper healing and increased psychic awareness. Brown Candles - Brown removed bad omens, brings about financial success, and grounds you to the earth. Meditate with a brown candle to locate lost items and balance/cleanse the Earth Star Chakra which is located 1 hand width below the soles of your feet. Darker shaded candles bring forth a greater sense of protection than a black candle illuminates. Lighter-shaded candles enhance the purification powers that the white candle illuminates and helps avoid dishonesty. You can also burn a black and white candle next to another colour candle to achieve the same effect. Candle Placement You can burn more than one candle at a time. There are various placement configurations when using multiple candles. Always light multiple candles in a clockwise direction so that the energy flow is uninterrupted and in a continued pattern. Each configuration can bring about specific results and changes. Listed below are examples of some of the more common candle configurations. * Triangle - To overcome inner conflict, enhance creativity and good luck. * Square - Grounds and stabilises and helps to enhance compassion, unconditional love and nonjudgmental behaviour. * Circle - The ultimate protection, symbolizes the cycle of life, unity, infinity and deep friendships. * Cross - To align and balance chakra energies. * Diamond - Helpful in meditation, and harmony in the family and home and can be used to manifest all desires. * 5-point Star - Strengthens and heightens spiritual awareness. * 6-point Star - Protects and balances, heals, and reconnects the heart chakra to the mind * 7-point Star - Chakra alignment, healing, self-protection and creates a greater sense of personal energy, harmony and optimism How to use Candles in your Meditations and Daily Life Candles are a great focus tool for any type of healing. If you are working on a specific area of concern or even a chakra you can use a coloured candle that matches that area of concern or chakra. The coloured candle will provide you with an excellent focal point while you work on clearing the energies and situations to bring healing and balance to your mind and body. State Your Intention When you work with candles you want to be very clear about your intention. You don't want to give a mixed message. For example, if you've determined that you need to be more open with your emotions, you will be working with the throat chakra. A blocked throat can be the reason you constantly have throat infections or you feel a large lump in your throat/constantly clear your throat when you try to express your feelings to others. Next, you want to make a statement of your intention or purpose. A possible statement of intention might be: "My throat chakra is now opening as I focus on this blue candle." "I focus on the blue candle flame and see it melting the blockage in my throat chakra." "My throat chakra is spinning back into balance as the blue candle lights the path to finding my voice once more." How to Use Your Statement of Intent The burning of candles whether it be a normal coloured candle or a chakra candle provides you with a new layer of energy for your quiet time and meditation. To take full advantage of this tool you can use it as a mantra. You may recite your new mantra or record yourself repeating it and then play it on a loop while you meditate. You may decide to get creative and have meditation music playing in the background. You can personalize your meditation using the chakra candle however much or little you want. If none of this resonates with you or if you are not open to the spiritual nature of coloured candle healing, you can simply burn the candle in your home, enjoy the beautiful fragrance and then let whatever happens to happen but I am sure you will find after a few days of use, there will be subtle changes in your background that are a result of the candle affecting your chakra system. If you would like to learn more about our Chakra Aromatherapy Candles, please CLICK HERE

  • Signs You Are Shifting To The 5th Dimension

    When you’re moving to the fifth dimension, it doesn’t mean that one day you wake up and everything is perfect. It doesn’t take away your challenges. On the contrary, you use your soul’s lessons as the entry points to higher consciousness. The fifth dimension is like our reality, but it functions on a higher frequency. It’s not about being in a different place physically {not yet}, but embodying a new level of frequency. Your body, mind and emotions start to vibrate at a higher velocity. Thus your being can accommodate more light In the fifth dimension, it’s still you, but you become lighter. Along the way, you clear some denser energies out of your system, and your thinking will completely shift. As shifting to the fifth dimension happens at the vibratory level, do not stop living your "normal" life. In fact, being fully human will help you to shift to the 5th dimension faster. Our Earth has been shifting to the fifth dimension for some time. And we, humans, have a free choice to transition with Gaia or remain fully in 3D. There is no judgment in making a free choice. As I closely work with the higher selves during my meditation and healing sessions, I know that every soul always chooses the best “teaching plan.” What may perceive as wrong or backward from our human consciousness might not be seen in this light by the higher self at all. I’ve also noticed that some people are attuning their consciousness to higher than the fifth dimension. These are usually people who are the frontiers for the new era on this planet. Therefore, their upgrades and transformations are more profound and happen faster. The Fifth Dimension Signs I’ll share with you the fifth dimension signs, and if you’re aligning your consciousness to even higher dimensions, these will still fit for you. Although with the higher dimensions than 5D, there are even more intense signs taking place. 1. Restructuring Energy Body As you move to the fifth dimension, one of the signs is that your energy body will restructure itself. Completely. I know that this may be more challenging to spot, but you’ll definitely feel it as the restructuring will be coming to completion. This is something that I so enjoy doing as a soul healer. I work to clear out cellular memories and remove old energy templates that no longer serve each person. It’s like getting an upgrade to your energy system. Many of you will first notice that you need to clear out stress from your system and also address the stress that you’ve carried since childhood. You’ll also notice many old patterns being more obvious so you can start releasing them from your system. 2. Your Vibration Another fifth dimension sign is that you become more sensitive to vibrations. You can read people’s true feelings better, and you also prefer staying in environments with lighter energy. You also realise that your energy is your most valuable currency and that it’s not optional anymore to take care of yourself. Energy hygiene will become your priority. 3. Relationships As you’re shifting to the fifth dimension, you experience more soul based connections with people. You meet more people who are part of your soul’s family, and there will be instant mutual recognition. Your relationships will become equal and also more honest as you’ll feel like you don’t want to be hiding your true self anymore. 4. Inner Truth It becomes harder to act out of alignment with your inner truth. As your consciousness expands, you become {sometimes more than you wish} aware of what your heart is guiding you to do. 5. Inner Peace As you’re healing your subconscious beliefs, you experience more inner peace. What’s more, your inner peace will become your new norm and also your priority. As the emotional body slowly heals old wounds, it becomes more stable and your moods together with it. 6. Mutual Help The next fifth dimension sign is that you realize that you can’t save everyone. You’ll learn to respect the decisions of others even though you may feel like you have the tools to help them. This comes back to respecting free will – one of the building blocks of this universe. The only help that works is the one where the energy is exchanged equally. If the other person resists your energy (your help), it doesn’t serve them. And it only drains you. 7. Trusting Others The next related fifth dimension sign is that you learn to trust others and their decisions. As you become more connected with your higher self, you’ll realise that other people choose their lessons at the soul level. Instead of being worried about them, you send them love and hold a space for them and trust their own timing. 8. Your Own Energy As you’re transitioning to the fifth dimension, you experience a lot of energy cleansing. This is conducted in the union with your lower and higher self. Clearing out your own energy will help you step into your inner power. You’ll be able to think clearly, and you’ll feel lighter. 9. Stop Being Sweet You, the being shifting into the fifth dimension, carry within yourself powerful light. It’s time for you to stop dimming your light and instead realise how positively you can use it in your life. It’s time to stop being sweet and insecure – it’s time to step into your inner power. 10. Shine With Ease A big part of the shift to the fifth dimension has to do with your frequency, energy, inner light, and true essence. You, as a being who has chosen to make this transition at this point, will feel like you need to carry others with you. You know that you have the light within you, but sometimes it feels like you HAVE TO shine. This will change as you embody more of your soul's energy. You’ll want to shine because when you do, you’re in your true frequency. So there won’t be so much of a must, but rather you’ll experience joy while allowing yourself to be your true self. 11. Observer A very profound sign of shifting into the fifth dimension is becoming an observer of your life. This will create a distance between you and your circumstances that will allow your higher consciousness to come in and guide you to better choices. Being an observer is also one of the greatest ways how NOT TO get stuck in 3D. 12. Adjusting Yourself As your emotional and mental bodies cleanse, you realize the importance of being proactive and working on your energy BEFORE it gets out of balance. Your inner guidance will guide you to the best ways to get yourself in the flow and adjust your energy without going to extremes. 13. Strengthen Your Energy Body As we’re coming out of 3D, we need to heal, restructure, and then strengthen our energy bodies. This is one of the essential steps while transitioning to the fifth dimension. You’ll become more mindful of what energy you allow into your environment. This will result in many changes in your relationships and possibly even in your work. 14. Integration and Embodiment The next fifth dimension signs are integration and embodiment. With all the changes happening at the emotional, energy, and mental levels, the denser energies will become lighter and you’ll feel more whole. After a few deep rounds of inner cleansing are done, you feel attracted to embodying the new 5th dimension energy in your life. You’ll feel the call to walk your talk more and more, and eventually, there will be no separation between your human and spiritual self. 15. Student of Life At some point in transitioning to the fifth dimension, you’ll be less interested in reading spiritual books, and more interested in deriving the lessons from your own experience. Your higher self will guide you to honour and listen to your own inner voice over what anyone else is saying. 16. Multidimensional Self As you move to the fifth dimension and from there to higher dimensions, you’ll work more consciously with your multidimensional self. This will allow you to become a conscious creator of your reality and speak your words into existence with the perfect knowing that it will be done. 17. Inner power The next fifth dimension sign is that you step into your inner power. Your authentic power has NOTHING to do with ego. Your power originates in your higher self, and you’ll feel more connected to it. You’ll be less likely to give your power away over to certain ideas, theories, sensations, or people. You’ll realize that you already have everything within yourself. 18. Higher Consciousness One of the clear signs of stepping into the fifth dimension and higher is that your way of thinking shifts. You may not even recognize your old self anymore. Your mind becomes clearer and you can see through the ego illusions. Eventually, you’ll experience more lightness and space within your consciousness, and your mind will become more stable and calmer. 19. Acceptance The more you shift to the fifth dimension frequency, the more you’re rooted in the present moment. You’re more accepting of your circumstances and your past. You see your life from a higher – more expanded – consciousness that will help you to accept yourself and others. NOTE All the above fifth dimension signs will happen gradually depending on your soul’s chosen program of ascension. At this point, you may resonate with some of the signs while not with others. Just by being attracted to this Blog post, you are transitioning to the fifth dimension. In this blog post, I want to outline what you’ll be experiencing along the way. Although not everything will be happening in the beginning.

  • The 5th Dimension & How To Reach It

    The 5th Dimension is not a physical place but a state of being where the vibrations of Divine Love are found. Within this state, you will learn how to hold energy, in other words, you no longer perceive the world as taking something {love, energy, security} away from you. This is because you are spiritually awake, open and in tune with the forces around you. As a result, you feel safe, loved, whole and free. Individuals who have touched base with the 5th-dimensional frequencies naturally become more curious. While it may seem like the 5th dimension is something new, your soul is very familiar with this frequency. Therefore, it is not a matter of getting or even reaching higher dimensions but more so harnessing the power of elevating your own inner frequency. How to Reach the 5th Dimension Reaching the 5th dimension - or becoming a 5th dimension human is not based on your experience, level of ascension or age. In fact, children have a natural way of accessing the 5th dimension through their imagination. The key is to teach children how to discipline their imagination in a way where it serves them. Adults who are creative or enjoy activities such as listening to music may also find themselves enjoying the inner experience of the 5th-dimensional state. Once adults learn how 5th-dimensional energies support and ultimately shift their experience here on earth, they naturally want to learn more about living in 5D Choosing 5D The first step for reaching {accessing} the 5th dimension is to choose it. This happens on both a subconscious and conscious level. To consciously choose 5D means to purposely surround yourself and partake in activities which elevate your vibration. Things like meditation, chanting, prayer, nature walks, sound healing and more. Since many of these practices give you the means to access the subconscious mind you will naturally begin to train your energy to relax. Like anything else in life, the key is to be open and consistent with your practice. Process your Emotions Another key component is processing your emotions. Without taking time to process your emotions, you may find some of the tools and techniques fall short. This is because your emotions are energy. Without processing {which is not rehashing, talking about, or reacting} you will create energy blockages making it more challenging for you to fully integrate these higher frequencies. Several months ago, I was working with a client who was looking for a new Spiritual Teacher after experiencing a negative situation with another teacher. The client wanted to know how a spiritual person could respond in such a cold and harmful way. My response was that person was simply choosing to remain hurt or angry. Most people {even some spiritual teachers} have not learned how to process what they feel. Through an Emotional Detox or Cleanse people learn how to process what they feel, mindfully in just a few minutes. The bottom line is holding a grudge hurts you {and your vibration} more than anyone else. It is important to learn how to forgive and that is where the problems start. Chanting Chanting is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries. Chanting has proven to decrease depression while increasing a positive mood and attitude. The repetition of vocal chanting calms your nervous system while circulating mood-boosting neurotransmitters. Studies have shown that repeating a mantra {a word, phrase or syllable} for just ten minutes can alleviate ruminating thoughts. As your thoughts dissipate you gain an overall sense of oneness. It is in this state we are no longer separate from one another. This unity and oneness are what the 5th-dimensional experiences feel like. One such example of chanting is the HUM Mantra {HUM meaning enlightenment} is a simple meditation chant to begin with. Higher Vibrational Music A second practice is to listen to high vibrational music that incorporates the 528hz frequencies. the 528hz is often referred to as the frequency of love, spiritual DNA repair and miracles. You can find some of these frequencies available on YouTube for free but you must be careful to what you listen to. Some of these videos do not contain the frequency that they promote and I have also heard about some videos having subliminal messages embedded into the music which can cause spirit attachments and entity possession. If something doesn't feel right, walk away. If however, you begin to see and feel benefits then continue to use the audio track and others from the same uploader. I will often use Higher Vibe Music when I go to bed in order for the frequencies to work through my subconscious mind as I sleep. The key is to know that as your body begins to relax and your blood pressure reduces, you will begin to sense subtle shifts into the 5 Dimension and notice any signs of 5th-dimensional shifts. New Perspectives & Insights As you integrate 5th-dimensional frequencies into your life don’t be surprised if you begin to have a new outlook on life. Things that bothered you in the past will no longer impact you in the same way. Rather than becoming triggered by past events and old emotions instead you will be able to embrace them with curiosity and ease. A Sense of Inner Strength & Grounding As you begin to release and transform past events you are able to step into your true power more freely. True power doesn’t come from money, fame or popularity. It arrives from inner strength. The 5th-dimensional frequencies can help you cultivate that inner strength so you can begin to enjoy your life here on earth with a sense of purpose and presence. Connections to Higher Energies The 5th-dimensional frequencies connect you to something greater and as a result, you no longer feel alone. Instead, you move through life feeling divinely supported and guided each step of the way. Friends and family members are likely to notice shifts in you. They may begin to ask you questions, like what kind of practices you are doing. See this as a sign you are shifting to 5D. Physical Ascension Symptoms Ascension is about becoming spiritually awake, but can also cause physical or bodily symptoms. As more people become invested in their energy on the planet the likelihood of 5D ascension symptoms increases. Needing Rest As vibration increases there may be times when you feel tired. Ascension into a higher realm can cause an overall sense that you need to rest. I find the best thing is not to push yourself through let yourself have a day or two to move at a slower, gentler pace. Nurture yourself with nature, healthy foods and a good night’s rest. Note, it is always a good idea to let your doctor know what is going on especially if you feel anxious or depressed. Reduction in Inflammation Many of my clients and members have reported physical changes in their bodies. For example, if they formally had pain or discomfort, they may notice it has decreased significantly. 5th-dimensional practices build a sense of inner trust. Rather than try to control, manage or get rid of your symptoms instead you become more open to listening and responding in a way that feels right for you. With that said, it is essential for you to take full responsibility for your health and always keep your doctor in the loop about what you are experiencing. I know many individuals that felt incorporating 5th-dimensional frequencies into their daily life helped them get clear on what they needed to support themselves. Bodily Intuition For many years I have struggled with my weight, which even led to me suffering from Anorexia for several years but as soon as I started 5th-dimensional practices {along with emotional processing} I was able to intuitive ask and receive bodily guidance. When I applied these insights to my daily life within weeks I started to see results. Applying my own intuitive guidance seemed to be the missing piece and what my body and spirit needed. Individuals experiencing 5th-dimensional shifts often describe internal shifts inside their body. For example, they may notice a tingly sensation, a little shiver or quiver zip through them. These shifts help them detach and process condensed emotions with more ease. You will also learn to ask, listen and communicate with your body in new ways. Keep an open mind and stick with the practices. The 5th dimension is a state of being it is here to assist the planet into a New Earth, one where you can experience unconditional love, and peace.

  • What Is A True Empath

    Being a True Empath As an Empath and Hypersensitive, I wanted to write this blog post in the hope that my insights and awareness will help you to understand if you too are an Empath. Empathic people's hearts go out to others. True Empaths feel the happiness or sadness of others in their own body, which can lead to emotional overload. I know that I can instantly tell if someone is in a good or bad mood simply by standing next to them or feeling their energies as soon as they enter the room. Quite often, I would tell my partner to go out and come back in when they had cleared their energies from the day at work. Empathyis a word you hear a lot, often in terms of what the world needs more of. It’s hard to argue with it—the idea that the world needs more empathy. But what does the word really mean? How is it different from sympathy, compassion, or even pity? And, while we tend to think of empathy as a positive quality, is it really always a good thing for the person who feels it? What about for those deemed “true empaths” like I am, do we feel empathy at an entirely different level? The definition of empathy has become so jumbled over the last few decades that many of us use the word in different ways without even realizing it. That can be a problem in cases where understanding your capacity for empathy can help you protect yourself from emotional burnout. The Evolution of Empathy Linguistically speaking, the roots of the word empathy can be traced back to the ancient Greekempatheia, but psychologists trace our modern use to the nineteenth-century German word Einfuhlung. Philosophers used it to refer more to aesthetics than emotions, however - to communing with a piece of art rather than a person. Translating from German into English, psychologist Edward Titchener used the term empathy to refer to at least three different phenomena, only one of which involved interpersonal understanding or the “feelings of relation” that comes close to matching our current understanding. In other words, it’s not a surprise that empathy isn’t a straightforward term. Perhaps it’s helpful to distinguish empathy from related terms. Sympathyis the ability to sit with, care about, and accept someone’s feelings, while empathy is the ability to embody the feelings of another. Then there compassion, which is the desire to alleviate someone's feelings of pain or suffering. Ideally, empathy leads to compassion. Empathetic vs. True Empath Judith Orloff, MD, a psychiatrist, empath, and author of "The Empaths Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People have further divided empathy into two separate categories: being empathetic (“when your heart goes out to someone else”) and being an Empath(“you can actually feel another person’s happiness or sadness in your own body”). “Empathy is our ability to attune with another’s experience of life, their sadness, and joy,” Orloff says. “It is an open-hearted state that lets us resonate with our fellow humans, animal friends, nature, and the earth.”There are people who are capable of empathy- that’s most of us - and there are empaths. Not everyone who can feel empathy in certain situations is a true empath. Spirituality & Empathy While the wordempathwas first coined in the science fiction sphere, we now use it in psychology and neurology as well, but we don’t often use it in a way that implies things like telepathy or precognition. It can, however, have a spiritual component. Some believe that the kind of intuition that empaths exhibit is indicative of their ability to tap into greater universal consciousness.“Empaths and Hyper Sensitives like myself are emotional sponges who tend to take on the stress of other people and the world. I do not have the same filters that others have, so I will feel intimate with what's going on in others and this can also be sensed over the computer via email and telephone conversations. I never like using the word Psychic to describe myself or to equate being an empath to anything supernatural. Instead, I use the word “intuition,” which is another word that’s hard to define, even if we all use it as if we know precisely what it means.“There are intuitive empaths who have highly developed intuition and are very good at reading people. This is a very positive attribute of being an empath and is not ‘science fiction. “Intuition is a trait that needs to be developed more to get people out of their heads and into their hearts.” It has taken me nearly 2 decades of development to get to where I am now and I am still learning each and every day. Of course, being sensitive to other people’s feelings to the point where you feel them too isn’t always healthy. It doesn’t even necessarily lead to a person being kind - you can be empathetic without being compassionate, for example. If you’re often in a high-stress, overstimulating environment, your empathy can also lead to burnout. So Are You a True Empath? Here are a few questions you can ask to find out if you’re a true empathEmpath Self 1. Have I been labelled as “overly sensitive,” shy, or introverted? 2. Do I frequently get overwhelmed or anxious? 3. Do arguments or yelling makes me ill? 4. Do I often feel like I don’t fit in? 5. Am I drained by crowds and need alone time to revive myself? 6. Am I overstimulated by noise, odours, or non-stop talkers? 7. Do I have chemical sensitivities or can’t tolerate scratchy clothes? 8. Do I prefer taking my own car places so I can leave early if I need to? 9. Do I overeat to cope with stress? 10. Am I afraid of becoming suffocated by intimate relationships? 11. Do I startle easily? 12. Do I react strongly to caffeine or medications? 13. Do I have a low pain threshold? 14. Do I tend to be socially isolated? 15. Do I absorb other people’s stress, emotions, or symptoms? 16. Am I overwhelmed by multitasking and prefer doing one thing at a time? 17. Do I replenish myself in nature? 18. Do I need a long time to recuperate after being with difficult people or energy vampires? 19. Do I feel better in small cities or the country than in large cities? 20. Do I prefer one-to-one interactions or small groups rather than large gatherings? To calculate your results: If you answered yes to one to five questions, you’re at least partially an empath. Responding yes to six to ten questions means you have moderate empathic tendencies. Responding yes to eleven to fifteen means you have strong empathic tendencies. Answering yes to more than fifteen questions means that you are a full-blown empath. I performed this test as I wrote it here and I got 19 out of 20 I already knew that I was a full-blown Empath but this just showed me that the test is accurate so it should tell you if you are an Empath. Protecting Yourself as an Empath Being open to the feelings of others and the energy surrounding you can be invigorating and rewarding, but empaths can be easily exhausted as well. The potential for emotional overload means that empaths need to take special care of themselves in order to keep functioning. Self-care can include using mindfulness to stop and gauge your stress levels, breathwork to reduce overstimulation, and learning to create and maintain boundaries in order to keep toxic people fromsucking up emotional energy. We live in a world with so much bad energy that it can easily seep in and deplete an empath of their strength, even leading to depression and anxiety. Most importantly, true empaths should recognise and appreciate their gift and learn to appreciate their connection to others so that they can understand why they feel so deeply and how to care for themselves while they’re absorbing the energy from the world around them.

  • Appreciation & Kindness

    Whatever comes next is entirely up to you and whatever you choose to create. This is how our Quantum Reality works. There are many who at this time are bemoaning the fuel, energy, food etc prices that are supporting the "cost of living" crisis and aiding the speculation of what will happen this winter. Whilst their thoughts, words and deeds are most definitely understandable, it is also more definitely worth remembering the one overriding fact that we live in a Quantum Universe, and therefore we create our own reality. I know of someone who is an amazing teacher and healer who has gifted the world with their presence and blessings but they also love to watch videos of this or that unjust thing that the government has just done or is about to perpetrate. When I talk to them about Quantum Reality, they fully agree with me that we are the creators of our lives, however, they cannot move past their own sense of injustice about what they believe to be happening. I get that completely, however... if they stopped putting their energy into what they do not want and focused on what they do want their world would be a much better place. This is how Quantum Reality works - energy goes where intention {and attention} flows and grows it, whether it is what we want or not. So, how can you positively energise what for many is a challenging time in our human evolution? There are undoubtedly many possibilities, however, I was reminded the other day about the concept of "paying it forward". I think I probably first heard about this a dozen or so years ago, though it has slipped through my attention lately. The concept of "paying it forward” apparently began in ancient Greece and is essentially the act of paying kindness in advance by being kind or generous now so that it benefits someone else at some point in the future. This is done without any expectation of reward or benefit to yourself as the giver, though there are "hidden" benefits... The idea is to generate waves of kindness that ripple through groups and communities and also through time. What if more and more people in the world started being "deliberately" and anonymously kind to others without any expectation of benefit or reward? The world where people are doing that would be the kind of world that many of us would like to create and most of us would like to live in!! Paying it forward doesn't have to be a big gesture, and it doesn't have to be someone you know {probably be better if it isn't}. Several years ago when I first discovered this concept, I used to constantly give away free attunements, and healing sessions and would even pay for someone else's attunements, most of whom I didn't know. Although one does not expect anything in return, there is something called a "helper's high" that is created when you carry out kind acts, whereby the brain releases all sorts of positive chemicals:-) If you like the sound of that then here's my challenge to you {and myself} for September. Pay it forward once {or more if you like} to someone you don't know so they can benefit from your kindness. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture, just something that someone else will appreciate! Help make the world a kinder place. This kind of positive energy can change the world if more people align to it. Pay it forward without expectation. Do it spontaneously, without any forethought and if possible without having to take any credit for it. The world needs people like you to do random acts of kindness for other people. If you’re doing this kind of thing already, do one more for September With Love & Kindness

  • Self Love & Reiki

    Nurturing self-love is a compassionate practice. Why does the concept of self-love feel so vague and why is practicing self-love often difficult to do? Self-love can often feel like a hazy idea in part because it is such a deeply personal concept. One person's night in on the couch may be self-compassion but another's leaving the house to see friends may be an act of nourishing self-love. For some, setting a boundary may be radical self-love and for someone else, breaking down a barrier may be a revolutionary act of self-love. Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that rows from the actions that support physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Self-love means not settling for anything less than you deserve. If we think of self-love as a harmony of: Being kind to yourself Prioritising yourself Being compassionate towards yourself Forgiving yourself honouring what you need physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually Then this statement is true: Reiki is an act of self-love If we understand that Reiki calms and rebalances the mind, body & spirit to promote an environment for healing, then Reiki is a powerful catalyst for everyone to Brin or deepen the act of self-love practices Reflection on the bullet point list above. Reiki, like self-love is all of the things listed {and more}. Sounds simple right? So why is a self-love practice like Reiki, Meditation or Breathwork often so difficult? We do not accept ourselves the way we are.... We do not love ourselves in totality. We have been conditioned by society, our peers, families, capitalism, even the wellness industry to feel "less than" and incomplete, always searching for the next practice, purchase, app, or influencer to help complete us. Take a breath. It is not easy to be reminded of anything or anyone that has ever made you doubt your self-worth or robbed you of self-compassion. REIKI CAN HELP "Love, pure love, is love with no attachment, love with kindness, humility, mindfulness and openness. It is all very simple: Reiki is Love" and when we first nourish ourselves with kindness, humility, mindfulness and openness, we then have more love, compassion, empathy and kindness to offer in our relationships with ourselves and others. You are worthy of self-love. And while a Reiki session and self-Reiki are ways to connect to your innate worth, they’re not the only ways. A cup of tea without screens; writing a love letter to yourself, a ritual bath, a walk in nature, dancing around your home, a meditation, buying yourself flowers, putting your palms over your heart and taking several breaths into the heart-space - all small acts of powerful self-love. Reflection - Offer yourself 1 compassionate thought that you believe may be true. Examples - I am worthy of love; I am capable; I am whole. Alignment - Place your left hand over your heart, then place your right hand on top of your left. Take at least 5 slow rounds of breaths, repeating your compassionate phrase with each inhale. Feel the palms soften into the heart on the exhale. Remember that you are loved and you are deserving of being loved. You just need to love yourself. While many will not need any extra help with self-love, there are times when people will benefit from a boost of energy to help them bring love into their hearts. I do not push attunements onto people but I want to recommend several that I have worked with myself when I spent many months learning to love myself {it was not an easy practice but I won in the end}. The Heart of Aphrodite The Self Love Flush Empowerment Rose Quartz Self Love Flush The Wheel of Love Quan Yins Orb of Love and Compassion Zapharel Love & Peace Alignment

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