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Appreciation & Kindness

Whatever comes next is entirely up to you and whatever you choose to create. This is how our Quantum Reality works. There are many who at this time are bemoaning the fuel, energy, food etc prices that are supporting the "cost of living" crisis and aiding the speculation of what will happen this winter. Whilst their thoughts, words and deeds are most definitely understandable, it is also more definitely worth remembering the one overriding fact that we live in a Quantum Universe, and therefore we create our own reality. I know of someone who is an amazing teacher and healer who has gifted the world with their presence and blessings but they also love to watch videos of this or that unjust thing that the government has just done or is about to perpetrate. When I talk to them about Quantum Reality, they fully agree with me that we are the creators of our lives, however, they cannot move past their own sense of injustice about what they believe to be happening. I get that completely, however... if they stopped putting their energy into what they do not want and focused on what they do want their world would be a much better place. This is how Quantum Reality works - energy goes where intention {and attention} flows and grows it, whether it is what we want or not. So, how can you positively energise what for many is a challenging time in our human evolution? There are undoubtedly many possibilities, however, I was reminded the other day about the concept of "paying it forward". I think I probably first heard about this a dozen or so years ago, though it has slipped through my attention lately. The concept of "paying it forward” apparently began in ancient Greece and is essentially the act of paying kindness in advance by being kind or generous now so that it benefits someone else at some point in the future. This is done without any expectation of reward or benefit to yourself as the giver, though there are "hidden" benefits... The idea is to generate waves of kindness that ripple through groups and communities and also through time. What if more and more people in the world started being "deliberately" and anonymously kind to others without any expectation of benefit or reward? The world where people are doing that would be the kind of world that many of us would like to create and most of us would like to live in!! Paying it forward doesn't have to be a big gesture, and it doesn't have to be someone you know {probably be better if it isn't}. Several years ago when I first discovered this concept, I used to constantly give away free attunements, and healing sessions and would even pay for someone else's attunements, most of whom I didn't know. Although one does not expect anything in return, there is something called a "helper's high" that is created when you carry out kind acts, whereby the brain releases all sorts of positive chemicals:-) If you like the sound of that then here's my challenge to you {and myself} for September. Pay it forward once {or more if you like} to someone you don't know so they can benefit from your kindness. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture, just something that someone else will appreciate! Help make the world a kinder place. This kind of positive energy can change the world if more people align to it. Pay it forward without expectation. Do it spontaneously, without any forethought and if possible without having to take any credit for it. The world needs people like you to do random acts of kindness for other people. If you’re doing this kind of thing already, do one more for September With Love & Kindness

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