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In this blog post, you will discover several short rituals that you can incorporate into your spiritual practices on a daily or monthly basis

* Full Moon Ritual *

This is the time to take an honest look at what has been hiding in the darkness and to release what holds us back from aligning with our higher selves. Enter a space of power and clarity by harnessing the healing power of sacred moonlight with our full moon ritual.

For this ritual, please gather a notebook and a pen. Prepare to meditate. A beautiful mild sonic Solfeggio frequency is great for background music or simply meditating in complete and total silence. Lie on your back, place your hands gently on your sacral chakra or womb {for women} and simply breathe. Get comfortable here and focus on connecting to the rhythm of your breath allowing yourself to fall into the space just before sleep. After 15-30 minutes, slowly bring yourself back into your body, becoming aware of the environment around you. Take some time to reflect on that which is no longer serving your highest self. When you think of the various areas of your life whether it’s work, family, relationships, friendships or health, pay attention to any tension of the body. Pay attention to what makes you feel out of alignment to the energy you just experienced in meditation.

Once you have allowed time for this energetic scan, write down what came up for you. Write down all things you are releasing on this full moon. Write it down with sincerity and intention. After you have written everything down, take the paper to a flame and burn the paper under the full moon. Gaze up at the moon and know in your heart that the fire is taking all that was written up and away into the nothingness from which it came. Take a bath to cleanse away what you have released. Infuse the water with your favourite essential oils or flower petals. I love to use Rose Petals when I perform this ritual. Allow the warm bathwater to swarm around your body. Soak in the essence of surrender and rejuvenation. Know that to bring in the new, we must first cleanse and release the old.

Say Aloud …

I release the thoughts that no longer serve me in connecting to my highest self.

I call in abundance for the new lunar cycle ahead. I honour the divine connection between my body and the moon. I am now cleansing my spirit from all that doesn’t serve my greatest good. I welcome the light of love to fill in the darkness. I allow the sacred light of the moon to heal and restore my soul. I release my past, welcome the present and accept the future with gratitude.

* Sunset Ritual *

Our beloved sun, the giver of life – an energising, mood-boosting and regenerative being. Whatever comes into the presence of the sun is illuminated and warmed. What a gift to be connected to such a potent, radiant energy every day!

The following ritual can be practised during sunrise or sunset. Use this ritual to tap into the brilliant energy of our great sun, connect with its life-affirming power and feel thoroughly energised.

Find a comfortable seated position and focus on your breath by slowly inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth with awareness. Visualise a golden light surrounding your being. Now … imagine this golden light penetrating your being through your third eye. Direct this light to slowly flow towards your heart chakra. The centre of your heart is now filled with golden sunlight. Allow your heart to fuse with this golden sunlight. Imagine the rays of this golden light radiating into your body and soul. You are gold.

Speak the sacred sound “OM”.

Imagine the sacredness of this sound originating from your sacral chakra and let it resonate throughout all of you. Incorporate this ritual into your sunsets or sunrises to recharge and remind yourself of the light being you truly are.

* Nature Ritual *

Become one with nature and express gratitude for Mother Earth.

Though simple, the Nature Ritual is one of the most grounding and powerful rituals you can add to your life. Take off your shoes and socks with the intention of connecting with the Earth. Stand on the earth. Close your eyes and feel your feet touching the ground. What does the earth feel like? Does it feel cold, warm, or hot? Does it feel rough, smooth, or soft? Feel the energy of the Earth. Feel into your feet and body. What do you feel? Is your body relaxing? Tensing? Take a few steps. Feel the earth supporting your body as it walks. Connect with your breath and feel Mother Earth bringing you the stability and support that you need.

Say Aloud …

I am rooted in the Earth and the Earth is rooted in me.

The Earth is my mother, and I am divinely guided and protected.

The Earth calms and centres my soul.

I am safe.

Womb Ritual

A woman is a creative force. From the space that brings human life into the world, she also creates her life. Her womb, aligned with the sacral charka known as the chakra of creativity and sexuality, manifests her desires.

Take this time to connect with your womb, your seat of creation. Plant a seed of intention into that most powerful space of creation. Find a comfortable place to lie down. Next to this place, create an altar filled with a few objects that are special to you: some that represent what you’d like to manifest, others that bring you delight when you see them. Maybe bring together your favourite crystal, your favourite flowers, or your favourite piece of jewellery next to your intention written on a piece of paper. Lie down and make yourself comfortable. Gently place your hands on your womb, the area just beneath your navel. Breathe in and out slowly, with attention.

Think back to those experiences that you have created in your life, those desires that you manifested. Can you remember the time before it was real and when the thought first came to mind that you wanted to manifest this for yourself? Think back to how you mixed this thought with desire. The simple desire to make this real for you. Now bring your left hand to your heart and keep your right hand on your womb. The heart is connected to your heart chakra, or Anahata, the center of love of compassion. Check-in with your heart. Is your desire aligned with compassion for yourself? Is it a loving decision for your life, for you?

Infuse your intention with love by imagining a sparkling lavender light moving down towards your womb in a spiral. Let the light fill your womb and imagine your intention coming to life.

Say Aloud …

I am a creative force. I have the power to manifest. I bring life and love into my world.

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