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  • The Stages of Spiritual Development

    You are a spiritual being and have the potential to fully embrace your spirituality. However, like everything in life, embarking on your spiritual path is a choice. In life you are presented with several choices leading to new stages of development. Initially, most progress along the same path but, at certain points, you have choices—whether to stay immersed in the status quo world or to explore the splendors of your spiritual journey. These choices can appear at any time during your life; the key is to stay alert and listen to the wisdom of your heart. Stage 1: Innocence You are born into a material world, where your life is dominated by your lower three chakras. You enter the world in a state of innocence and as long as you are healthy and have a loving family, you live in a world of joy and bliss. You still have a strong connection to the Divine and the field of the Absolute from which your consciousness just emerged. The spiritual being is still very much awake. However, for most this memory begins to fade as you are taught how to “fit in” and you become distracted by the world around you. A rare few manage to maintain their Divine connection and enjoy spiritual greatness. Stage 2: Fear, Ego As you grow, the ego emerges and soon you realise that you are completely at the mercy of all around you. The pure love you have experienced up until now begins to be overshadowed by fear and its corresponding emotions. You find that to get what you want, you have to please those in charge. You develop your personality and begin creating all the stories that will shape and define your life. Stage 3 PowerIn your desire to overcome fear, you create success in your life. You become educated, start your careers and family. You want to have control to eliminate fear. You accumulate things to give you a sense of security. First Choice For many people, further growth and spiritual development ends here. You choose to continue to be consumed with material desires, you seek more and more power and control. Your life becomes self-centered and you remain at Stage 3. For others, a feeling that there is more to life begins to dawn. Rather than just accumulating possessions and power, you look for a deeper meaning to life. You start to awaken spiritually and continue to Stage 4. Stage 4: Giving In this stage, you begin to realize that there is more to life than personal power and material gain. You ask yourself how you can help others, how can you serve the world around you. You become comfortable with giving as well as receiving. However, giving can also create a sense of power. At this stage, giving can often still be ego driven. You give because you expect some form of recognition or because it makes you feel good about yourself. Second Choice You can continue to give from the level of ego, always expecting something in return for your giving. This obviously can have a lot of merit, and you can do many good things in the world. However, it leaves a constriction to your full spiritual growth. The opportunity of your second choice is when you begin to give from the level of love and compassion without any concern for recognition or reward. Your giving becomes selfless and your true spiritual journey begins. Stage 5: The Seeker Now you begin your regular spiritual practices. The longing for enlightenment grows within you. Your decisions now come mostly from the fourth chakra, the heart center. You begin to look for the deeper meaning of things. You try to understand why you are here and how you can make your life more meaningful. You may study with teachers and gurus. You read books and practice techniques. You have glimpses of the goal that encourages you to remain on the path. The throat chakra opens as you express the qualities of the heart in your life. Stage 6: The Sage Cosmic Consciousness dawns. Your mind fully awakens. You become the witness of your actions and realize that you are the role player in the multitude of roles you play. The fear of death dissolves as you realize that life is just another role. Simple yogic powers become available to us. However, there is still a separation between the giver and the recipient. Third Choice You have now reached another critical junction point in your journey. Your mind is fully awake but some ego is still present. The choice or mistake here is to believe that you are something special. You mistakenly think you have reached the goal and may promote yourself as such. The end is in sight but you have allowed the ego to hide it from view and you remain stuck in a false sense of spiritual attainment. The alternative choice is to recognize the ego but not succumb to it, to allow it to find its place harmoniously within the whole. You continue your journey with humility and devotion. Giving is done purely for the sake of giving. “What’s in it for me” becomes “How can I serve?” Insight and spiritual inspiration begin to grow, you hear the voice of the inner guru as the sixth chakra opens. Stage 7: Spirit Your heart now fully awakens. You experience Divine and Unity Consciousness. There is no longer any separation. No giver, given, or giving. No sense of “I” or “me,” just an awareness of Oneness. You still live “in the world,” but are no longer “of the world.” Your spiritual practice is Pure Joy. All the chakras are open, spiritual energy flows freely. Choicelessness When you reach the seventh stage there are no longer choices. You function totally in harmony with nature. Everything is provided exactly as needed, at exactly the right moment. You are the Totality. As you progress though these stages, the material world seems very attractive at first while the spiritual might seem empty and hard but, if followed, it eventually leads to the experience of the True Self and eternal bliss. There is nothing lacking in the life of a great yogi. He or she doesn’t feel that anything has been given up. In fact, it’s the reverse—great yogis feel that by not following a spiritual path, eternal bliss has been renounced for the sake of a few passing moments of happiness. The material world is like a dry garden waiting for knowledge of the Divine to make it bloom. In the material world you only have the energy of the body, on the spiritual path you tap into Divine Consciousness, Cosmic Energy. The material world is a prison, the spiritual path leads to unbounded freedom. You are always at a junction in your path, Truth or illusion, material or eternal. The ego will constantly try to keep its limiting hold on you. Choose wisely. Everything you do is a spiritual act if you do it with awareness. Find your path and inner peace. Be regular and disciplined with your spiritual practice. Don’t be disheartened if you wander off. Ultimately your spiritual journey becomes your way of life, like a lush oasis in the desert of mundane living.

  • What is a Poverty Mindset and How to Get out of the Poverty Mentality

    Don't let yourself fall victim to a poverty mindset. Keep reading to learn what a poverty mindset is and how you can overcome it for longterm success. Most people know their mindsets play a major role in their life and overall successes. They may not realise, however, that perceptions of money and wealth could also influence their decisions, whether in the scope of their enterprises or personal lives. Some people have a poverty or poor mindset, while others uphold an abundance or rich mindset. Here’s a look at how to tell the difference, plus tips for breaking free from a poor/poverty based mental structure. What Is the Poverty Mindset, and How Could It Hinder You! The first thing to clarify regarding the poverty mindset definition is that it’s not about how much money a person has in their bank accounts. It’s entirely due to thoughts and perceptions, which, in turn, shape someone’s decisions and beliefs. Someone with a poverty mindset sees a surplus in resources as an opportunity for increased consumption, and they often center their efforts on making immediate positive changes. In contrast, a person with a rich mentality focuses on using the excess to create momentum that causes future gains.Similarly, the rich vs. poor mentality causes a difference in priorities. The rich mindset prizes options that keep paying off long after the initial investment. Someone with a poverty mentality, though, primarily seeks investments that speedily reward them but may not continue generating profits over longer periods. Those are just some of the many characteristics of these two mental frameworks, and there will be more covered later. Even knowing the basics should get someone thinking about these mindsets and what they mean for business growth. Since someone with a rich mindset stays committed over time, they’re more likely to persist through temporary downturns. In contrast, someone with a poverty mindset may give up easily. The poverty mindset may also discourage someone from forming enduring relationships or attending events that facilitate networking. Thus, such a person could have more difficulty finding other business professionals to rely upon for help getting out of tough situations. A Persistent Lack of Wealth Over Generations Could Exacerbate the Poverty Mindset Another characteristic associated with the poverty mindset is the belief that the way things are now is how they will remain. It’s easy to understand why thinking that way could make it difficult for a person to rise above their current circumstances. Generational poverty occurs when being poor seems to run in a person’s family, and it might make someone more likely to have a poverty mentality. The exponential growth of generational poverty means three families could create more than 700 other households throughout five generations. Some analysts see the poverty mindset and generational poverty as intrinsically linked. However, they think the way forward starts with altering the brain with repetitive and alternative messaging. For example, if the attitude in a person’s household, as well as the content they see in the media, repeatedly reflects things like self-confidence and planning, that individual may be better equipped to beat the poverty mindset. That could prove true even if they grew up poor, as their parents’ and grandparents’ generations did before them. If a poverty mindset partially originates because of a lack of generational wealth, that situation could carry over into a person’s company by making them feel overly fearful any success achieved might disappear without warning. They may also think good things are not for them because of their past circumstances. Investments Are Both Personal and Business-Related Some people who write about the rich mentality vs. poor mentality also describe the first type as a “millionaire mindset.” They explore how especially rich people behave compared to those who don’t have such abundant financial resources. One difference relates to views on investing, which wealthy people often do. Those with a poor mindset may not — but they could and they should! Breaking free of the poor mentality also means spending time on personal enrichment. Thus, a person who wants to display the rich mentality rather than the poor one must continually consider how their actions could pay off — even if not immediately. They realise that any investments in their personal and spiritual life will take time to reach its full potential but it is always worth the wait. A person demonstrating the poverty mindset may have difficulty agreeing to any long-term investment. This doesn’t mean they are lazy, but the tendency to balk at investments that may not become fruitful for months or years connects to perceptions of money. This same principle applies to the spiritual poverty mindset where someone will look at the instant vs long term benefits of spiritual training whether this be through distant attunements or course studies. The instant benefits will be enriching to ones life but the long term benefits will be many. Several of the characteristics of the poverty mindset relate to fear. Thus, being scared of undesirable possibilities curbs the desire for investments — personal or spiritual-related. Someone showing the poor mentality is often afraid of taking risks, especially if doing so involves finances. The ongoing preoccupation with money causes a person to be frightened of not having enough and unwilling to use money in ways that could help their life {personal and spiritual}. Moreover, they often fall into a pattern of small thinking rather than embracing big dreams. That trait, too, can impact a person’s willingness to use resources to help themselves move forward on their spiritual path. Changing the Poverty Mindset Once people know the poverty mindset definition, they often understandably screen themselves for the traits discussed above, as well as some of the other aspects with this way of thinking. The good news is that anyone can use persistence and dedication to shift out of the poverty mindset and start thinking differently about money and wealth. A straightforward starting point is to spend more time around people who have positive and uplifting views about finances. Doing that enables an easier recognition of the contrast between rich mentality vs. poor mentality. Those struggling with a poor mentality can also ask those close to them to listen for negative sentiments about money and then gently reminding them to broaden their perception. Another option, is to think of money as a tool to experience something. I know myself that if I had not invested the thousands of pounds that I have put into my own spiritual training, I would not be where I am today and I would not have the Academy as my tool to bring these teachings to those who wish to listen.Next, a person should call to mind limiting beliefs that further their unhealthy opinions about money and their origins. For example, we are always told that “Money doesn’t grow on trees”. This is said as a way to encourage saving cash as a youngster. Perhaps that familiar phrase now gives the individual a tendency to hoard rather than spend to advance their lives both personally and spiritually. A person can also investigate whether an outside influence could aid them in improving their thought processes about money. Hearing feedback from someone not caught up in the situation every day could allow that individual to finally grasp how their poor mindset restricts the prospects. Getting Over the Poverty Mentality Is a Worthwhile Aim Conditioning causes people to reflect on their past experiences and use them to shape their future expectations. Thus, someone who primarily knows or fears impoverished circumstances may take months or years to start showcasing the rich mentality most often. However, making progress could let them reap the rewards for the rest of their life while seeing their spiritual and personal lives thrive due to their efforts.

  • Forgiving Others Who Have Hurt You

    Many of you reading this will have been a victim of a spiritual attack or you might have experienced being hurt either emotionally or physically by someone who you thought was a friend or even a family member. I know from personal experience that since becoming a spiritual teacher in 2002, I have had my fair share of spiritual attacks, people who I thought were friends, using me for what they could get fro me then throwing me to the curb side. I have also been at the receiving end of negative words and lies from so called "Spiritual individuals" who should know better than to lie and create karmic debt that will only affect them in the long run. If you have experienced something that has caused you to feel depressed, sad, lonely or even angry then please continue to read on to learn about the tips to help you see your situation from a wider perspective when you find it difficult to forgive another person. 1} Know That It Is Never Personal Understanding where the other person is coming from and how their behaviour has nothing to do with you makes forgiving them a natural response. When someone says or does something that hurts you, they are not reacting directly to you, they are reacting to their own thinking, lower vibration and negativity. They are not reacting to the reality as it is, but rather to their own perception of the situation that they have created. When you are able to see this at a deeper level, you can become less reactive. If the other person does something that deeply hurts you, instead of taking it personally, try to become curious. As yourself, what happened to them to make them them act like that in the first place? 2} Know That You Are Always Doing Your Best You, like everyone else, are always doing the best you can with the tools and knowledge you have in the moment. What looks reasonable to you when you feel the anger burning inside often looks like a mistake afterwards. If you had known this in the middle of the storm of your emotions, you would not have acted from that place. But you didn’t know. This is why you may sometimes do things that you regret later. The more you understand this, the more innocence you can see in every act of unkindness, yours and others’. 3} Remember That Anger Clouds Thinking When you feel stressed, upset, or angry, you lose your ability to see the moment clearly and objectively. Your perspective narrows, your negative emotions blind you momentarily, and you see everything in a more negative light than usual. Your feelings of hurt are overshadowing your experience. When you see this and take a moment to allow your mind to calm down, your understanding of the situation becomes deeper. In the heat of the moment, you might do or say things that you will later regret. You might be in the middle of an argument and say something that really hurts the other person. Deep down you know that you don’t really mean what you are saying, but your heated emotions override your ability to think clearly. Every act that comes from a place of unkindness is coming from a mind that is struggling. Whenever you do things that hurt other people, you are suffering inside. Understanding this allows you to forgive others more effortlessly and gives you an opportunity to see your situation from a wider perspective. Not only will you realise that you don’t need to hold onto your negative emotions, but you can also recognise the humanity in every single person. Everything resolves, one way or another, with the understanding that comes when your mind is calm. What all this means is that you can forgive and choose to continue your life without the weight of your past, regardless of whether you still want to have the other person in your life, or not. It also teaches you to let go of any wrong doing, hurtful words or defamation of your name and character. The problem does not lay with you, the problem is with the person who has hurt you and it is ultimately their path to learn from their own mistakes so they can advance on their spiritual and life's path. If they cannot move on from this event then they will continue to live a life of hared, anger, negativity which will slowly eat away at their soul resulting in it becoming harder for them to move forward while you will be living your life with happiness and love because you forgave their actions and you chose to move on to live a life of happiness and forgiveness. If you would like to learn more about incorporating the use of distant attunement in the process of learning how to forgive others as well as forgiving yourself, you must check out the attunements to The Forgiveness Flush Empowerment and The Light of Forgiveness. These 2 unique attunements have been channeled to help with situations like this as well as much more.

  • Flower Power!

    They may look pretty and smell lovely, but it seems the power of flowers goes even further than this and they have also been creeping their way into the realms of distant attunements through the use of etheric flowers. A recent research into the deeper psychological impacts of plants as part of Mental Health Awareness Week and with the study of "flower power" scientists have discovered that the energies of flowers can create a feeling of happiness which helps to alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety, while also boosting productivity and creativity. The ‘Flower Power’ test found some interesting results for how it helped boost people’s moods: They have found that by focusing on something creative while being in the company of flowers will help to reduce stress levels by up to 90%. It has been found that flowers have an overall calming effect on the mind, body, spirit trinity by up to 84%. Up to 53% of people find that they feel more relaxed or at ease when they are arranging flower. The percentage could be even higher for those of us who work with flowers in a healing setting by either utilising physical flowers, flower remedies or activating the etheric qualities of flowers. It has also been shown that flowers have a long lasting impact on our immediate environment with over 80% of people saying they felt some reduction in their stress levels after working with flowers in their workspace and 50 per cent said they felt more productive after having flowers in their workspace. “There are many psychological theories about self-actualising, which is about becoming your true self and being a whole person. It’s about connecting to where you came from and nature is where we came from. When we’re with nature we automatically feel more at home. It is good to see science catching up with what we as spiritual healers and empaths have known for a very long time. If you are interested in the spiritual interactions of flowers on the human trinity of mind, body & spirit, you can check out the following distant attunements which have all been tried and tested over many months to ensure that the energies are pure and are guaranteed to help you to access the "Power of Flowers" The Chakra Flower Essence Flower Essence Reiki The Queen of the Flowers - The Rose Essence Flush Empowerment Etheric Rose Essence

  • Crystal Singing Bowls, Crystal Singing Chalices & Crystal Singing Pyramids

    The images within this blog post are of my personal collection of Crystal Singing Bowls, Chalices & Pyramids. No unauthorised use of these images are permitted without written consent being given from Jay Burrell and the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies. Introduction Sound healing, which is also known as sound therapy, has been practiced since ancient times. The concept of sound therapy is based on the idea that every part of your body creates a vibration which resonates in a certain way. Put another way, vibrational healing is based on the idea that everything in the universe, including our bodies is in a state of vibration. When your body is out of balance, diseases can result. That is, illness is caused by blockage which stops the organ in question from vibrating at its healthy frequency. Sound healing works by sending sound waves throughout your body, which brings harmony through oscillation and resonance. This helps restore your body’s balance which in turn helps you heal. Singing bowls are often utilized in the course of sound therapy. One type of bowl commonly used in this regard are known as a crystal singing bowl, which are also known as quartz singing bowls or glass singing bowls. Various alternative health practitioners believe that the use of these bowls can have a significant beneficial effect on the healing of your mind and body, especially when combined with positive affirmations in the form of mantras and chants. One of the reasons for the use of crystal singing bowls is the belief that our bodies are made of crystalline structures. For this reason, it is believed that crystal singing bowls significantly affect all the organs and cells of your body. In addition, some alternative health practitioners believe that your brainwave frequency and state of consciousness can be positively charged by the vibrations that are created during sound bowl mediation. In this blog post, I discuss crystal singing bowls along with their history and origin. I also discuss how crystal singing bowls are made, what makes them special and explain in detail how to use a crystal singing bowl. I will then discuss the healing properties of crystal singing bowls, how sound bowl healing can help with your physical and mental health, and things to keep in mind when considering the purchase of a crystal singing bowl. I then conclude by comparing crystal singing bowls to tibetan singing bowls, which are another popular type of singing bowl made from an ancient blend of metals. What is a Crystal Singing Bowl Crystal singing bowls are made of pure quartz (essentially 99.8% - 99.9% quartz) and sand in a spinning mold, in a process that heats the mixture to about 4000 degrees. Crystal singing bowls are clear or frosted and are made in a variety of sizes ranging from 5 to 24 inches. The seizes that I use are 9 inch chakra bowls plus 2 x 14 inch bowls for the pineal chakra, OM chakra and a larger 18 inch higher heart bowl. Clear crystal bowls are generally lighter, smaller and can be played while being held in hand. During the manufacturing process, crystal bowls can be “programmed” to create specific sounds using digital technology, depending on individual needs. When played simultaneously, some bowls will harmonise with each other. The body has a natural affinity to quartz. On a molecular level, our cells contains silica, which balances our electromagnetic energies. Crystal acts as an oscillator, magnifying and transmitting pure tone. As the sound affects brainwave activity one can enter into an altered state of consciousness. As different parts of the brain are affected, it is probable that they release different hormones and neuro-chemicals. It is believed that crystal singing bowls produce a vibrational sound that resonates with the chakra of your body. A series of pure crystal bowl therapy treatments are believed to rebalance your body to optimal health. This therapy is believed to transmit energy to your aura and directly affect your brain wave activity, supporting an improved state of consciousness. Various alternative health practitioners believe that crystal singing bowls are powerful tools that can help heal mental and physical ailments. History and Origin of Crystal Singing Bowls Singing bowls began their journey in the ancient time of Buddhism. It is believed that singing bowls were an integral part of practicing Buddhism. Not withstanding these origins, sound therapy has traveled across many religions and cultures through their history. The significance of sound, and its important role in supporting human spirit and our physical, mental and emotional health, has been well known through the generations. Our ancestors practiced sound and vibration therapy to resonate with the body’s energy centers or chakras and support optimal health. At the outset of their history, singing bowls were crafted using different metals. In accordance with an ancient Tibetan formula, many singing bowls were made of “panchaloga”, which is a Sanskrit word meaning a five-metal alloy that includes copper, zinc, iron and traces of gold and silver. These bowls are commonly known as Tibetan singing bowls. While metal bowls are still very common, modern technology has permitted the invention of crystal singing bowls, which require complex manufacturing processes and the ability to heat crystal and sand to extreme temperatures. Today, many alternative health practitioners believe that pure quartz crystals greatly promote the overall health of our body. How Crystal Singing Bowls are Made Singing crystal bowls are mostly made of a natural element: pure quartz. These crystals are molded to shape at 4000 degrees, which is a temperature at which most impurities are burned away. Different methods of manufacturing are used for different kinds of quartz singing bowls. For example, to make frosted bowls, the mold is spun into shape, whereas to make clear bowls, quartz tubing is used. Singing bowls may also be manufactured using different kinds of quartz. For example, rose quartz singing bowls are a popular variation. I also have a unique fusion bowl which was made using a combination of emerald crystals and clear quartz. This special fusion bowl was created to balance and align the zeal chakra. During the manufacturing process, it is very important to consider the tone of the sound that will be produced by the end product. Frosted bowls have a octave higher tone when compared to clear quartz singing bowls. Each quartz singing bowl is digitally matched to the musical scale C&C# / D&D# / E / F&F# / G&G# / A&A# / B which relates to different chakras of your body. Bigger bowls produce deeper sounds which have a more grounding effect and resonate more strongly with the physical aspect. Smaller bowls have a higher pitch which stimulates higher chakras and resonates more with the spiritual aspect. What Makes Quartz Singing Bowls Special Every cell in the human body has a geometric crystalline structure. This helps your body resonate with the frequencies of quartz crystals. Because quartz crystal bowls have the ability to align with your chakra, they are widely used and considered to be effective singing bowls. They can also produce the purest sounds, which can be ideal for meditation and singing bowl healing. Clear quartz singing bowls contain seven rainbow colors which stimulate seven energy centers or chakras of your body. This helps heal the listener by transferring pure light into the human aura. Some alternative health practitioners believe that this process expands your awareness and brings a positive shift in your consciousness, helping align yourself with your true, original self. It is also believed that quartz crystals have the ability to balance your electromagnetic field during singing bowl meditation. Some energy health practitioners also claim that crystal singing bowls are most effective relative to other metal bowls on the theory that metal is foreign to the human body. Further, it is believed that crystal singing bowls are aligned to match the frequency found in the human body and that this makes them the most dynamic and modern type of tool used for sound bowl therapy. It is also for this reason that many believe that crystal singing bowls are the best singing bowls. The Basics: What is a Sound Bath But having a primer on the history of sound therapy still doesn't tell you what a sound bath is, which was exactly what I wanted to know before I started to walk the path as a sound therapist. Essentially, a sound bath is a form of meditation that aims to guide you into a deep meditative state while your enveloped in ambient sound played by sound therapy teachers. Sometimes participants stay in a seated position on comfortable cushions during sessions, though my personal method is to lay on a soft blanket or a yoga mat. In general, meditation is excellent for managing stress and improving your overall wellbeing. While it sounds easy enough, if you’ve ever actually tried to meditate, you know it can be very difficult. It's hard enough to quiet the distractions in your physical environment, let alone the distractions in your own brain. Personally, I find it very difficult to turn off my thoughts. I have quite a short attention span and am constantly checking my phone or thinking about what I need to do next with work, who I have booked in for a distant attunement or what I need to do with a channeled attunement that I am working on. I could easily spend 45 minutes replying to messages from students through my website. I could spend hours replying to 50-60 emails from students that I receive on a daily basis. It’s a mindless activity that’s not restorative. If you’re like me and have difficulty with meditation, you may find sound baths helpful. What is it like to experience a Sound Bath When I first started to use Crystal Singing Bowls and Crystal Singing Chalices I experienced a total clearing and alignment of my heart chakra and soul self. I sat in a comfortable position, holding the pink heart chakra bowl in my left hand and slowly ran the mallet around the circumference of the bowl, making it sing. The feeling I received from this was breathtaking and whenever I sense my heart chakra starting to block I immediately go to my singing bowls to bring a release from the built up tension. It is important to remember that not every sound bath, nor every person's experience, will be the same. For example, while some will enjoy the sound of the singing bowls others will find the tone uncomfortable. Some will fall into a deep state of relaxation while others will fidget and won’t be able to relax. This is the same for Reiki healing. We are all unique and if it doesn’t resonate with you then this is ok. It isn't meant to be. Not all sound therapists use the same instruments, either. But they should all share the goal of leaving you feeling refreshed and relaxed. It is important that you take time to find the right sound bath for you and treat it the same way you would find your favourite exercise class: through trial and error. The Bottom Line & Small Print Sound baths can be an excellent way to meditate, especially if you're in a rut with your usual self-care routine. While I love my meditation apps, spending 15 minutes listening to my phone really can’t compare to giving myself a sound bath healing session. Sadly, sound baths aren't necessarily accessible to everyone, either because of geographic or economic factors. A group sound bath session can range anywhere from £30 to £65 per person for 1 hour while private sound baths could ring in at a much higher cost, depending on your guide. Plus, the experience is more widely available to those who live in large, urban areas. While other forms of meditation occur nationwide and are often scheduled on a daily basis, the sound bath experience is still gaining steam, and even the most popular events usually occur on a monthly or one-off basis. But if you can spare the cash for a session, then I recommend checking out the calendars of your local yoga studios and event spaces. Further, some people find sound baths challenging, and it isn’t unusual to feel frustrated the first 20 or 30 minutes as you work to clear your mind. But as long as you try to focus on the sounds, your breath, and being present, you will likely experience some level of relaxation, even if you don't reach a meditative state. What I am planning on offering through the Academy is a pay per view sound bath healing session once a month starting in 2021. This will be a live event when for a small fee I will perform an online sound bath healing session for clients who wish to sign up to receive this life changing and completely different form of holistic therapy. I will also be working on creating my very own MP3 files next year which will be available to download for a small fee. More about this will be made available through the Academy website and here on my facebook group. Below I will give you the name of the Chakra, Colour and Note/Tone. 1. The Crown Chakra is positioned at the very top of ones head. Violet in the colour and resonates with the musical note of B 2. The 3rd Eye or Pineal Chakra is located in the centre of the forehead. Darker blue is the colour but Indigo can also be used to balance this chakra. The musical note of A and A# are connected with this Chakra. 3. The Throat Chakra and Zeal Chakras are located at the base of the Throat. It is related to Communication, Phrasing and Speaking the Truth. Lighter Blue is the colour of the Throat Chakra and the note for it is G and G# 4. The Heart and High Heart {Thymus} Chakras are positioned in the centre of the chest. Green is the shade of the Heart Chakra but one can also use Pink Crystal Singing Bowls to bring alignment and healing alongside the musical note of F and F# for relationships and sending love from ones heart. 5. The Solar Plexus Chakra is found midway between the end of the Breastbone and the Navel. Yellow is the Sade of this Chakra and the musical note is E. 6. The Sacral Chakra and the Sexual Chakra are positioned in the area between the Navel and Pubic Bone. The colour associations is Orange and the musical note if D and D# 7. The Root and Om Chakras are found at the base of the Spine. It is connected with problems of Survival, Drive, Aspiration and Grounding ones energies in the Physical body. Its colour is Red and its note is C and C# Healing Properties of Crystal Singing Bowls The ancient civilizations of India, Africa, Europe and the Orient have used sound and music as powerful healers for thousands of years. Our ancestors believed that the sacred vibrational sound can adjust any imbalance affecting our physical or emotional well-being. Based on this concept, crystal sound therapy is believed to balance your chakra and re-energize your auric field. Each crystal singing bowl is tuned to a particular sound that resonates with a specific chakra. These bowls are also pleasing to look at and pleasant to listen to. They are used in sound healing, yoga, crystal cleansing and specially used at the beginning and end of meditation. Some experienced practitioners believe that crystal singing bowls, when played in the right way, can produce the most calming and healing sounds. A famous oncologist, Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, used crystal singing bowl therapy on his patients to minimize and relieve pain without medication. His studies have claimed that sound healing therapy helps to create natural inner harmony in the body. Crystal singing bowls are powerful tools to help enhance your mood and soothe your soul. Some of the healing properties of these bowls include the following: 1. Relaxes your mind - Your mind is constantly processing thoughts, often on perpetual repeat. Crystal singing bowls help stop this thought process, allowing you to relax deeply. Some of the benefits of this relaxing therapy include the following: 1. Effectively reduces stress and anxiety. 2. Relieves physical pain. 3. Improves mental and emotional clarity. 4. Cleanses and balances chakra. 5. Stimulates the immune system. 2. Helps meditation and healing - Crystal singing bowls help you meditate by creating more awareness in your mind. Being aware of your thoughts can help you change your negative thinking patterns and move towards positivity. In particular, positive affirmations create balance and harmony in your mind and soul by activating your physical, emotional and energy centers. By meditating with a crystal singing bowl, you can become immersed in a soothing singing bowl sound which further helps you heal by changing your thinking patterns. All the healing happens naturally while you are enveloped by the overwhelming, magnificent singing bowl sound. 3. Helps improve sleep - Crystal singing bowls have the ability to slow your brain wave patterns, creating more delta waves. These are the dominant waves present during your sleep. In this way, singing bowls can help bring deep sleep by releasing your stress and worries. Crystal Singing Bowl Therapy {Sound Bath Therapy} can help with the following: 1. Attempting to achieve complete relaxation of your mind. 2. In need of enhancement of your meditation and yoga practice. 3. Seeking to balance the chakra or energy centers of your body. Everyone can enjoy these benefits by using singing bowls. Due to the nature of our modern, industrialized lives, many pure, natural healing sounds have disappeared from our lives. We no longer commonly hear the beautiful sounds of nature such as singing birds, rustling leaves or running streams. Because of the high pitched noises surrounding us, our mind tries to shut out sounds from reaching us in an effort to protect us from constant distraction. During this process, even the beneficial sounds are filtered out. It is believed that the pure sonic vibration from crystal singing bowls can help wake up your ability to hear. Vibration from these quartz crystal bowls moves through your body creating a relaxed meditative feeling. Alternative health practitioners believe that they help to bring health and harmony to your life by balancing your chakras.

  • Cleansing Chakras With Crystals

    Keeping one's energy system in check is something that we all need to do at least once a day through using a chakra tune-up. As our energetic organs {chakras} work with our physical, mental and emotional bodies, both influencing and being influences by our experiences, our activity and even the nutrition we absorb into the physical body. We can't shut down our chakras anymore than we can shut off our physical organs but like our physical organs, our chakras can experience stress and fatigue which will cause the energies to become depleted over time. If we were exposed to too many lower vibrational frequencies {traumatic events, poor stress management, lack of self-care}, our chakras can even become blocked causing all sorts of symptoms, such as physical pain or feelings of depression. Thankfully, there are many ways to cleanse and revitalise your chakras. One of the easiest and most efficient ways to do this is by using crystals. Crystals affect our chakras by lifting their vibration, clearing them, and causing them to “spin” at an optimal rate. Crystals possess some of the highest vibrational frequencies on earth, and simply being around crystals and setting your intention to attune to their vibration can have a profound effect on your health and wellbeing. Plus, each crystal has its own unique energetic properties, and can therefore be used strategically to enhance sluggishness or subdue overactivity in the chakras. In this blog post, I am going to show you how to perform a crystal healing session for your chakras. Of course, you can use this template for your clients, or your family and friends as well! Remember, that when it comes to crystal healing, you can get as fancy as you like, but don’t confuse fanciness with effectiveness. The method I am going to present to you is a basic template which I have found to be the best and most convenient way to use crystals for healing purposes. Selecting the Crystals Simply select one crystal or stone for each chakra. For a general chakra balancing session, try to pick a stone whose colour matches that of the chakra’s colour. Examples: 1. Red/Black {Root Chakra} - Red Jasper or Black Tourmaline 2. Orange {Sacral Chakra} - Carnelian or Citrine 3. Yellow {Solar Plexus Chakra} - Yellow Jasper or Citrine 4. Green/Pink {Heart Chakra} - Aventurine or Rose Quartz 5. Blue {Throat Chakra} - Turquoise or Angelite 6. Indigo {3rd Eye Chakra} - Sodalite or Lapis Lazuli 7. Violet/White {Crown Chakra} - Amethyst or Clear Quartz In a pinch, clear quartz is a great substitute for any stone because it contains all of the colours within it, and it’s a fantastic energetic amplifier and master healer. And yes, even if that means the majority of your stones are clear quartz, that will work perfectly if that’s all you have at hand or can afford to buy at this time. Don’t be afraid to get creative and to listen to your intuition. The stones I’ve presented are simply examples because there are far too many to list for each chakra. Placing the Crystals Ideally, you would place the crystal on and around your body, corresponding to the chakra it is going to balance. 1. Off the Body - Between the Inner Thighs, close to the Perineum. 2. Between the Hip Bones - Where the Reproducting Organs are. 3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Between your Lower Ribs and Belly Button. 4. Heart Chakra - At your Sternum {Not to the Left where your Heart is located but directly in the middle of your Chest. 5. Throat Chakra - at the Throat {or off your body beside your Throat, if you find that it falls off}. 6. 3rd Eye Chakra - Between your Eyebrows or in the middle of your Forehead. 7. Crown Chakra - Off the Body, above your Head. You can also place crystals in the palms of your hands, such as Clear Quartz. A lot of energy enters and leaves the body through the palms and if you are a Reiki or Energy Healing Practitioner your palms would love the crystal tune up! Your hands {and throat} are also major manifestors, which is why writing out your goals is so effective to bringing them to fruition. This can be achieved by reading more about my Gratitude Practice Blog Post. Also, please try not to stress about placing the crystal in the perfect spot. Your chakras are large spinning wheels of energy and your intentions are what ultimately causes the crystal to do its work. You really cannot go wrong. Have faith and trust in yourself. Setting the Scene Whether you are performing a healing session on yourself or on someone else, it is of the utmost importance to first allow yourself to move into a state of deep relaxation. There are many ways in which you can achieve this deep state of calmness including: 1. Playing Soothing, Ambient Music. 2. Diffusing Essential Oils. 3. Keeping Warm with appropriate layers such as Socks, Jumpers {loose fitting} or wearing a Blanket {under the crystals}. 4. Dimming the Lights. Bring yourself into a “savasana” state by taking some deep breaths {in through the nose and out through the mouth} to begin. Then, if possible, continuing to breathe deeply in and out through the nose. If you are placing the crystals on yourself, allow yourself to calm down first; you don’t want to feel rushed or clumsy through the process. Don’t worry if the crystals “move” or fall off. Again, you cannot do this wrong! What If a Crystal Falls Off? If it falls off thats ok. You can choose to either replace it or leave it; if you leave it, it doesn’t meant that the healing is going to “stop”, because energetic healing crosses all boundaries of time and space. Just do what suits you at the time. If it falls off your client, you can simply replace it. If it falls off again despite your efforts, then leave it – trust the process, the energy knows what it is doing. How Much Time? Your crystal healing session can last as long as you like. Whether you have 5 minutes or as much as.1 hour, your chakras will be balanced and rejuvenated after your crystal therapy. Don’t force yourself to stay longer than you can manage, as this will only create stress; however, do allow yourself the time and luxury of maintaining a state of deep relaxation and to soak up the healing energy of the crystals. Cleansing the Crystals Be sure to cleanse your crystals before and after the healing session. You can do this simply by running them under cool tap water, or by passing them through incense smoke or sage smoke {also known as smudging}. Performing a crystal chakra healing session is an essential skill for all energy healing practitioners, and for anybody who wishes to have optimal health. It’s simple, easy, and will address any issue you’re dealing with. Regularly balancing your chakras with crystals is a wonderful healing practice, and will definitely enhance your life. Give it a try, you have nothing to loose!

  • Chakras, Aromatherapy, Exercise, Yoga

    What follows is a basic overview of the chakras. The written summaries, exercise recommendations, and recommended Yoga asanas are based on my own research and personal research and knowledge. My experience working with them for both personal healing and client work and the widely accepted beliefs about the modern chakra system. The essential oil, herbal, and crystal recommendations are suggestions only and do not represent an exhaustive list. These recommendations were chosen because they represent a close energetic match to their particular chakras. Always defer to your intuition when working energetically. Only work with herbs and essential oils if it is within your scope of practice, and if it is advised by your doctor. If you are pregnant or suffer from any health conditions or emotional disorders, you must always ensure that you speak to your health care professional before utilising any of the information given. A Healthy Root Chakra When your Root Chakra is balanced, you feel comfortable and safe in your body and in your life. You are aware of the interconnectedness between yourself and Mother Earth. You feel grounded in your place of residence and you feel connected to your local community. You are financially secure, fulfilled in your chosen career, and enjoy your livelihood. You are capable of providing for yourself, your family, and all those in your care. You are able to manifest your material needs easily, and people trust you to deliver on your word. You are generally healthy, have an established fitness and wellness routine, and have good digestion and elimination. Root Chakra Correspondences Colour: Red Mantra: Lam Element: Earth Planet: Saturn Location: Base of the body, pelvic floor, base of the spine, legs, knees, feet. Health: General physical health, immune system, skeletal system, bowels, teeth. Essential Oils and Herbs: Any tree-based oil, such as Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Pine, Frankincense, or Spruce. Herbalism in general is an earth-based practice, so any herbal practice resonates strongly with the Root Chakra. Crystals: Red and Black Stones, Agate, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Jet, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Pyrite, Petrified Wood. Physical Exercise: All physical activity will help to stimulate, balance, and clear the Root Chakra, however movements that focus on building strength and flexibility in the legs, glutes, and lower back will target the Root Chakra directly (e.g., Spin Classes, Walking/Jogging/Running). Seated asanas that allow you to “feel into” your tailbone can also bring awareness and healing to this chakra. The priority should be having a regular fitness routine. Yoga Asanas: Chair, Knees-to-Chest, Standing Forward Fold, Vrksasana (Tree Pose), Hero, Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose), Balasana (Child’s Pose) A Healthy Sacral Chakra When your Sacral Chakra is balanced, you’re able to “go with the flow” of life. You feel happy, as well as deserving of joy and pleasurable experiences. You love your body, are comfortable in your sexuality, and have a deep sense of self-respect and personal boundaries. The Sacral Chakra also relates to money, particularly in your ability to maintain the flow of abundance – that is, your ability to both give and receive. The Sacral Chakra is also related to fluidity and flexibility, in both mind and spirit. When your Sacral Chakra is healthy, life is fun and exciting, and you are grateful to be alive. Sacral Chakra Correspondences Colour: Orange Mantra: Vam Element: Water Planet: Jupiter Location: Sacral region, middle of the lower back, hips, lower part of the abdomen, female reproductive organs, intestines, bladder Health: Lymphatic and circulatory system, kidneys, adrenals, skin, fertility, flexibility in the hips and lower back, overall flexibility. Essential Oils and Herbs: Allspice, Basil, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Geranium, Juniper Berry, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Mandarin, Palmarosa Crystals: Orange or Blue-green Stones, Tiger’s Eye, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Turquoise, Blue-green Fluorite, Moonstone Physical Exercise: Any movement that brings you pleasure and joy will help to clear and balance the Sacral Chakra. Hip-focused movements, such as belly dancing, and asanas exercises that focus on opening and strengthening the hips and lower back, are also helpful. Pelvic floor exercises (if advised by a healthcare professional) may also be beneficial. Yoga Asanas: Pigeon (all variations), Warrior II, Goddess, Reclined Butterfly, Happy Baby, Bound Angle, Lunges (all variations) A Healthy Solar Plexus Chakra When your Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, life is invigorating, you are full of hope, and you look forward to a bright future. You are strong in both mind and body, have clear personal and professional boundaries, and have a strong sense of personal power and autonomy. You are confident, disciplined, and reliable. You have high self-esteem, but are also modest and humble. You instil confidence in others, and people feel good in your presence. You are also connected to your intuition – your “gut instinct” – and are able to trust in the energy that you perceive. Solar Plexus Chakra Correspondences Colour: Yellow Mantra: Ram Element: Fire Planet: Mars Location: Solar Plexus, between the bottom of the rib cage and the navel Health: Digestion, organ health Essential Oils and Herbs: Allspice, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Orange, Mandarin, Ginger, Lemongrass, Helichrysum, Melissa, Ylang Ylang Crystals: Yellow stones, Yellow Jasper, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Clear Quartz Physical Exercise: The focus here is on feeling strong and powerful, so any any activity that builds muscular strength and power will help to create a strong Solar Plexus Chakra. Ideal exercises include Weight Training, Boxing, Kickboxing, Martial Arts, HIIT, and Bootcamp-style Training. Ideal asanas will focus on twisting, exercises that build strength and flexibility in the abdominal area (including the obliques and back). Yoga Asanas: Warrior I, High Lunge, Warrior III, Plank, Twisting Poses, Half Moon Pose A Healthy Heart Chakra A healthy Heart Chakra allows you to live fearlessly. When your Heart Chakra is balanced, you love freely, and you feel loved and supported by others. You have a healthy sense of empathy, and feel compassion for all beings. You accept yourself as you are, which allows you to accept others as they are. Your relationships are healthy, and free of jealousy and codependence. You are generous and trusting, and are therefore able to serve others without any ulterior motive. You understand that forgiveness – letting go – is the key to freedom, and you are gentle with yourself as you slowly forgive yourself and others. Heart Chakra Correspondences Colour: Green or Pink Mantra: Yam Element: Air Planet: Venus Physical Location: Center of the chest Health: Respiratory and circulatory system, breast health. Also responsible for the health and mobility of the ribs, upper back, shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. Essential Oils and Herbs: Jasmine, Lavender, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose, Sweet Marjoram, Peppermint, Eucalyptus Crystals: Pink and Green Stones, Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Green Jade, Moss Agate, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite Physical Exercise: Cardiovascular and endurance-building activity of any kind – running, walking, dancing, HIIT cardio, etc. Asanas and exercises that focus on building strength and flexibility in the chest, arms, upper back, and shoulders. E.g. push-ups, planks, backbends, bicep curls, etc. Yoga Asanas: Cat/Cow, Cobra, Updog, Bow, Chest Expansion, Thread-the-Needle, Melting Heart, Camel A Healthy Throat Chakra When your Throat Chakra is balanced, you express yourself freely, and have a lot of mental and emotional space due to your creative power. You learn quickly, are open-minded, and are able to formulate creative solutions to a variety of problems. You are able to think “outside the box”, and can work well both independently, and as part of a team. You indulge your creative/artistic side, and have hobbies and passions that give you deep fulfilment. You are a great listener, and have excellent communication skills. You are confident in who you are, and you are brave enough to share your authentic self with the world. Throat Chakra Correspondences Colour: Blue Mantra: Ham Element: Ether Planet: Mercury Location: Throat Health: The health of your neck, throat, esophagus, thyroid and parathyroid glands, vocal cords, trachea, cervical spine, mouth, teeth and gums, hypothalamus, tonsils, ears, auditory system (communication organs). Essential Oils and Herbs: Peppermint, Eucalpytus, Tea Tree, Thyme, Oregano, Ravensara Crystals: Blue stones, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Angelite, Celestite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Calcite Physical Exercise: The Throat Chakra can be stimulated by any movement that allows for creative expression, such as freestyle dance, modern dance, ecstatic dance, and freestyle yoga (yoga practiced intuitively, without a predetermined set of asanas). Exercises and asanas that build mobility, strength, and flexibility in the neck are also beneficial. Yoga Asanas: Shoulder stretch, Neck Stretch, Chin Tuck, Bridge, Fish, Shoulder-stand, Plow Pose A Healthy Third Eye Chakra When your Third Eye Chakra is balanced, you are able to think clearly, and are confident in your choices and decisions. You are able to operate from both your logical and intuitive mind, which means that you are able to temper all of your intuitive insights and energetic readings against rational thought. You have good critical thinking skills, a strong memory, and are able to see the “big picture” – all qualities that make you a fast learner, and an ideal student. You are able to focus your concentration at will, and are able to bring yourself in and out of different states of consciousness quickly and without difficulty. You are able to connect with the spirit realm at will, and have strong energetic boundaries. Third Eye Chakra Correspondences Colour: Indigo Mantra: Om Element: Light, All Elements Planet: Moon Location: Above and between the eyebrows Health: Neurological system, eyesight, ears. Mental illness issues, balance, neurological diseases, chronic headaches and migraines can be issues. Essential Oils and Herbs: Frankincense, Lavender, Tea Tree, Juniper Berry, Eucalyptus, Thyme, German Chamomile Crystals: Blue, Purple, White, or Clear Stones; Amethyst, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Clear Quartz, Angelite, Celestite Physical Exercise: The best form of exercise for the Third Eye Chakra is Dance, due to its proven neurological benefits for preventing and decreasing the rate of cognitive degeneration, even in individuals who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s. The research has found that any kind of Dance (including Zumba and dance fitness) where learning choreography is required is particularly helpful, because it requires concentration, memorization, and coordination. In addition, choose exercises and asanas that challenge your balance; cross-body movements; challenging movement that requires your full concentration (such as gymnastics, circus arts, or Acro Yoga); and movement that requires strong spatial awareness and challenges your peripheral vision, such as rock climbing, hiking or walking in nature. Yoga Asanas: All balancing poses, eye exercises A Healthy Crown Chakra Having a healthy Crown Chakra is the ultimate goal of keeping all of our chakras clear and balanced. The state of our Crown Chakra is dependent on the condition of all of the chakras below it, and when all of our chakras are balanced – that is, when we are firmly rooted – we are able to rise up and experience clarity and union in the Crown Chakra. When our Crown Chakra is clear, we have strong morals, values, and ethics. We are hopeful, faithful in our chosen spiritual practice, and we have trust in a loving Universe. We live our lives with a sense of wonder and healthy curiosity, and we are open to new ideas and experiences. Rather than living with our “head in the clouds”, a healthy Crown Chakra enables us to live fully in the physical world, while maintaining a connection to the world of Spirit. Crown Chakra Correspondences Colour: Violet or White Mantra: Om or Silence Element: Thought, All Elements Planet: Sun Location: Top of your head, above the crown Health: Mental health, spiritual health – feeling connected to Source Essential Oils and Herbs: Frankincense, Helichrysum, Lavender, Angelica, Myrrh, Neroli, Jasmine Crystals: Purple or Clear Stones; Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Diamond, Herkimer Diamond, Clear Calcite, Angelite, Celestite Physical Exercise: Meditative movements, such as walking the labyrinth or walking meditation; and any movement that you enjoy so much that you feel connected to Source. These do not necessarily have to be “slow” movements. Any exercise done with intention will benefit the Crown Chakra. Yoga Asanas: Savasana, Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga What follows is a basic overview of the lesser-known Earth Star Chakra. It’s foundational to understanding your personal energy system, however, and should never be overlooked. A Healthy Earth Star Chakra The Earth Star Chakra is located below your feet, about a foot into the Earth. This chakra is also known as the Foot Chakra, and it is responsible for supporting you in standing and living in your truth, as well as realising and following your life purpose. Activating this chakra allows you to have your own unique life experience, and to manifest your desires in a timely manner. This is a little-known chakra, which you may or may not choose to work with. Personally, my life has been transformed by working with this chakra, and I always set the intention to ground my clients after every energy healing session by sending Reiki to their Earth Star Chakras. Colour: None. According to Judy Hall, the Earth Star Chakra is Black, and when activated, it’s Magenta. Element: None Physical Correspondences: None Position: Below the feet To work with the chakras through receiving distant attunements is one of the easiest methods that one can use to help heal align and balance these energy centres. Listed below are the names of some attunements that I personally work with on a daily basis and have found to be the most beneficial to work with the chakra system * The Celestial Chakra Activation Levels 5-30 * The Dimensional Chakra Healing Activations * The Chakra Essence Healing Activation * The New Chakra Healing Activation & Aura Re-Alignment Empowerment Package * The Celestial Gateway Activation * The Zero Point Energy Matrix * The 14 Healing Plexus Activation Codes * The Earth Star Chakra Empowerment * High Heart Chakra Clearing & Activation System * Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System * Higher Heart Chakra Flush * The Diamond Infusion Chakra Flush * The Zeal Chakra Activation

  • Chakra Therapy 101

    When someone works with the chakras, they are practicing a form of energy healing or energetic medicine. Each chakra is responsible for different aspects of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health as well as lifestyle and relationships with others. By working with the chakras, we are able to practice a truly holistic model of wellness, which will benefit every aspect of our lives. Our energetic and physical bodies are inter-connected, and the state of one will affect the other. Practicing energy healing is a subtle and gentle way to slowly guide the body into a state of divine balance, via our energetic layers. Over time, our mental, emotional, and physical bodies will respond to this vibrational shift, and we may even experience changes in our lives and relationships with those around us. Chakra Therapy is best suited to maintaining a person’s general wellness. It is not to be used as a replacement for medical treatment, especially when dealing with physical or mental ailments. When applied mindfully, energy healing techniques, such as chakra therapy can be a powerful adjunct to all forms of treatment, including prescription drugs and medical intervention. For example, chakra therapy and energy attunements that specifically focus on the chakras can be particularly helpful for people who have had surgery, as working with the chakras can help to rebalance the energetic body after the procedure. In addition, since energy healing is typically very relaxing, healing outcomes can improve if only because stress reduction promotes healing and increases immunity. What it Means to Balance the Chakras! The chakras are often referred to as being “balanced”, “overactive”, or “under-active”. When a chakra is “clogged” or “blocked”, it becomes under-active; and if a chakra is over-stimulated, it becomes overactive. While it is quite normal for our chakras to fluctuate as we go about our lives, neither extreme is healthy in the long-term. Therefore, we are always seeking balance, or homeostasis, in much the same way we seek to keep our physical bodies in a state of homeostasis. In this sense, “balance” refers to resilience, and the ability of the chakras to “bounce back” from a state of dis-ease. Also, it’s very important to understand the context in which we use the word “balance”. For example, regular and consistent work with a psychologist or psychiatrist over many years can eventually balance the chakras in the sense that this type of medical therapy can help one find closure from childhood trauma, or cope with mental/emotional disorders. In this context, when we use the word “balance”, we’re talking about a far-reaching effect that occurred as a result of intense work on the client’s part. A reiki, crystal healing or angelic healing is NOT likely to clear long-term trauma, regardless of how many sessions you receive. What they can do is help you to feel more relaxed and at peace in your present moment! which can then improve the efficacy of other adjunct therapies, such as professional counselling or medication. In this sense, the word “balance” refers to a state of feeling, which can bring a deep sense of peace and clarity, which will propel you forward and improve your chances of healing success. The Not So Fine Print Make no mistake, therapy that consists of chakra work, especially when provided as a passive form of energy work (such as reiki or other forms of energy healing), is not a substitute for proper medical care. Can it help? Yes. Can it make a difference? Yes, and sometimes it makes ALL the difference. But chronic energetic patterns (which can manifest as mental/emotional/physical illnesses) take years to form, and therefore I just want to hammer the point home that you shouldn’t expect any single form of energy healing to solve all of your problems. The healing and alignment will not happen over night and it takes weeks, months or even years to see the changes within your life. This also applies to energy attunements. No one attunement will cure all of life’s problems or give healing straight away. It takes time and patience plus a lot of self healing and spiritual work. If someone promises you instant healing or an instant cure through a service that they offer, this is not going to happen. Not only are they offering false hope, they are also giving the wrong information and therefore it is better to stay away from these individuals. A Chakra Guided Life! Working with the chakras, or chakra therapy, can provide a holistic framework from which you can approach your personal wellness routine. A deeper understanding of your energetic body will provide you with tools to help you feel grounded, calm, and confident in your choices. When you start to work with your chakras, your life will respond in kind, and it won’t take long for you to realise that while you may have little control over the world around you, you are in total control of your responses and your perspective on life. This is where true personal power and your freedom ultimately lies.

  • Chakras 101

    The chakras are our energetic organs which form a bridge between our physical and energetic bodies. The word “chakra” is Sanskrit, meaning “wheel”, and the “ch” is pronounced as in the word “chair” or “church”. There are seven main chakras that lie within the physical body, beginning at the base of the spine and culminating at the crown of the head. While most only work with the main 7 chars, there are actually more than this which are situated above the head and below the soles of your feet including your palms. The chakras that extend past the crown of the head, ascending upward; and the “Earth Star” or “Foot” Chakra, which extends into the Earth and is located about 3 feet below our feet. There are many different perspectives on the chakra system, and while its roots are based in ancient Indian Yogic practices, the modern chakra system that the majority of the world works with has been influenced by many different cultures and healing practices; this is also why there seems to be a lot of conflicting information about the chakras. In truth, the way we perceive and describe the chakras today bears little resemblance to how they were originally described. Don’t let this dissuade you, however. The chakras, as we now understand them, still provide us with a practical and effective system from which to operate in our pursuit of health and wellness. If you would like to learn more about the chakras which extend above the crown and below the soles of your feet, I highly recommend that you connect with one of my own channeled attunements called "The Celestial Chakra Activation" which can be found by CLICKING HERE An Overview of the 7 Major Chakras (Plus 1!) The Root Chakra (Red) is located in your perineum, or pelvic floor. It represents life, physical vitality, birth, and creation. It is also associated with your sense of stability and safety, your ability to create financial security and abundance for yourself, as well as all of your eliminatory organs and your body’s overall physical health. It provides energy to the spine, kidneys, bladder, and the suprarenal glands. The Sacral Chakra (Orange) is located in the sacrum, around your reproductive organs and between your hips. It is responsible for sexual energy and reproductive health; perceptions and first impressions of others; your capacity for joy and pleasure; as well as your finances, i.e., your ability to receive financial abundance. It provides energy to the reproductive organs, legs, and the glands. The Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow) is located between your navel and the bottom of your ribcage. This is your seat of personal power, and also a significant source of psychic intuition, which you may know as your “gut instinct”. This chakra is also responsible for all of the major organs in your torso (stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas), including your digestive system. The Heart Chakra (Green or Pink) is located in the centre of your chest, so not exactly where your physical heart is (a little to the left of the centre), but very close. The Heart Chakra is responsible for your heart, lungs, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and circulatory system; as well as your ability to love and be loved, give and receive, and of course your capacity for self-love and self-acceptance. It represents your emotions, love, devotion, spiritual growth, and compassion. The Heart Chakra is also connected to your arms and hands (from which we offer our service to the world, and from which Reiki healers channel Reiki. The Throat Chakra (Blue) is located at the base of the throat, and is associated with the neck, throat, ears, and mouth, as well as the thyroid gland. The Throat Chakra is responsible for your ability to communicate and express yourself clearly and with authenticity. Your ability to be creative and to “walk your talk” also stems from this chakra. The Third Eye Chakra (Indigo) is located in your forehead, between your eyebrows. This chakra intersects with your pineal gland, and is associated with your eyes and head, i.e., your optical and neurological health. It represents psychic perception, telepathy, and ESP. Many people know this chakra as the “psychic centre”, which is certainly true (just don’t forget that your Solar Plexus Chakra also plays a huge role in your psychic sensitivity). When clear, this chakra can help you make wiser decisions because it allows you to see the bigger picture, as well as see into others’ true intentions. This chakra supplies energy to the spine, lower brain, left eye, pituitary gland, nose, ears, and Central Nervous System. The Crown Chakra (Violet) is located at the crown of your head, and rather than running from front to back, this chakra runs from the top of your head, downwards (similar to the Root Chakra, which runs from the base upwards). The Crown Chakra is responsible for the unification of all of your energy centres, self-actualization, and ultimately, enlightenment. This is the seat of spirituality and oneness. This chakra supplies energy to the pineal glands, upper brain, and right eye. What About Chakra 0? The Earth Star Chakra (Black/Grey) is located below your feet, about a foot into the Earth. This chakra is also known as the Foot Chakra, and it is responsible for supporting you in standing and living in your truth, as well as realizing and following your life purpose. Activating this chakra allows you to have your own unique life experience, and to manifest your desires in a timely manner. This is a little-known chakra, which you may or may not choose to work with. Personally, my life has been transformed by working with this chakra, and I always set the intention to ground my clients after every energy healing session by sending Reiki to their Earth Star Chakras. Chakra Therapy There are many ways to work with the chakras, from Yoga asana practices, meditations, visualizations, crystal healing, and even aromatherapy and herbalism. With all of the recommendations available, “chakra work” can get pretty convoluted, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Any practice that you enjoy can be a method for connecting with and balancing your chakras. Simply bringing your awareness to the chakras is enough to stimulate the healing process. To make things simple, I’ve called the work that I do with the chakras (on myself and with my clients) simply, “Chakra Therapy or Sound Therapy", which is obviously a rather unoriginal phrase, but it does get the point across Far from being a medical practice, Chakra Therapy is simply an energetic way of connecting with the chakras and boosting your body’s innate capacity to heal itself. Over the next few months, I will be sharing more information about the Chakras and Chakra Therapy, including pay per view sound bath video sessions both live and recorded. These will be offered through the use of my Crystal Singing Bowls and Crystal Singing Chalices. Each video will focus on a specific Chakra to bring healing and alignment to mind, body and spirit. I will also be introducing you to frequencies that work with the following Chakras {Pineal, Zeal, Sexual, Higher Heart & OM} I will be updating this post as we go along, so please bookmark my blog or sign up for the Academy newsletter so you dont miss out.

  • Creative Ways to Use Reiki!

    Powerful Ways to Use Reiki! Reiki is an effective source of energy that can be used for healing as well as spiritual empowerment and ascension. It can also be used for so much more that this. Within this blog post, I would like to offer you 8 creative and practical ways in which you can apply Reiki to your everyday life. Use Reiki to Empower Your Food and Drink You can channel Reiki into your food while it is cooking or just before consuming the food at the dinner table. Personally, I love to draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol over my food while it is cooking. Even if you are not attuned to Reiki you can simply place your hands over the food to ask for it to be blessed. We are all born with the ability to heal ourselves and others but through the Reiki initiations, this dormant ability is simply awakened so that you can tap into the energies easily and effectively to help yourself and others. You can also do this with food that you buy as well. Although cooking food from scratch with fresh ingredients is healthier for the body, prepared food is a convenient way for busy parents and people who work long hours to give their bodies the sustenance it needs. If you buy food, simply draw the Reiki symbols over it before you cook it and eat it. You can also do this if you have not been attuned to Reiki by placing your hands over the food and asking for positive energies to flow into it. Beverages can also be cleared, aligned and blessed with Reiki. I always empower my morning coffee with Reiki and I love charging water with Reiki as well as crystals. I simply hold the sides of the cup or/and mug where I then channel Reiki into it. If you start to do this with your own food and drinks, you will find over time that everything will taste better. Keep Your Electronics “Healthy” All of your electronics can benefit from Reiki, including your WiFi ? I regularly “charge” my phone with Reiki, especially if I find that it starts to slow down or it keeps freezing. This works for me and I highly encourage you to give this a try too. If you work with computers on a regular basis, you might have noticed that your computer and the WiFi tends to respond to your mood; that is, when you’re stressed and rushed, you’re more likely to lose emails, experience freezing, or lose your connection all together. That’s because your vibrational frequency is affecting the frequency of the computer and WiFi router. If you find yourself in the midst of a tech standstill, try channeling Reiki to the computer, printer, and/or copy machine. You can place your hands on it and channel, or you can draw a symbol over it. Regular Reiki love will help your electronics last as long as possible. Bless and Protect Your Vehicle In the same way that Reiki can benefit your electronics, Reiki can benefit your vehicle as well! Lots of people have reported improved mileage after regularly channeling Reiki to their gas tanks. What have you got to lose? One more thing that I would love to mention is whenever I pass by an accident on the road, I visualise the Cho Ku Rei Symbol and send it to everyone involved, including the emergency response team. It’s a quick and easy way to send love to the situation. Although we are taught that Reiki should only be given to individuals who have asked for healing, sending the Reiki symbol to the situation will work within the higher self aspect which means that it will only connect with the higher self of those who need it. Create Safe and Sacred Space Reiki can energetically cleanse any space and lift the vibrations of any environment. If you have your Level 1 attunement, you can use your hands to “beam” Reiki around the room, after giving it a proper clean and tidy. If you have your Level 2 (and up) you can simply draw the Cho Ku Rei Symbol on all four walls and in the middle of the room. Cho Ku Rei gives a supercharged boost of Reiki energy, and it’s also a very protective symbol which will help to maintain a safe space. Don’t forget your doors! I regularly draw a giant Cho Ku Rei on the front door and all major doorways that receive plenty of traffic. I do this before and after I’ve had visitors in my home, to both bless those who enter and leave, and to protect my home from people who may be harmful in any way. Cleanse and Charge Crystals Reiki is my FAVOURITE way to cleanse and charge my crystals, hands down. If you’re a Level 1 Practitioner, you can hold your crystals in your hands, or you can hover your hands over your crystal collection, and channel Reiki. This will both cleanse the crystals and charge them with Reiki energy. If you’re a Level 2+ Practitioner, you can use the Cho Ku Rei Symbol or the Dai Ko Myo {Master} Symbol {Level 3 only} to quickly cleanse and charge your crystals, as well as activate crystal grids. If you have a large collection of crystals, you can use the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen {Distance} Symbol to simultaneously send Reiki to all of them – saving you tons of time! Level 3 Master Practitioners can also attune their crystals to Reiki, so that they become permanent conduits of Reiki energy. Crystals that have been attuned to Reiki can be incredible healing partners, and can be powerful catalysts for change. Cleanse Your Clothes Do you like to go clothes shopping? Consider the energy of the clothes that you take home. They may still have the residual energy of their previous owner, and you’d be wearing that every day! Use Reiki to energetically cleanse all of your new clothes, especially the second-hand ones. You may also want to consider using Reiki to cleanse clothes that you’ve worn while experiencing a traumatic event or during a very stressful time; as well as clothes that you wear while working with others, such as scrubs, uniforms, lab coats, etc. It’s not a bad idea to regularly channel Reiki to your wardrobe. You can even set the intention for Reiki to help guide you in keeping the clothes that you really need, and releasing the clothes that you don’t to others. Remember to bless the clothes that you donate with Reiki as well, for the benefit of the new owners ? Empower Your Medication Reiki can be an asset to any healing journey. It’s never a question of “This vs. Reiki”, rather, simply allow Reiki to be a part of your healing. If you need to take medication for any reason, channel Reiki to your medication to further boost its healing power and to reduce side effects. Adding Reiki to your medication schedule can also help to make what is usually a burdensome task into a sacred ritual, which can help with compliance, and ultimately, healing ? Send Reiki to Deities or Those Who Have Passed Over This is a practice that I have read about from both Diane Stein {Author and Creator of Essential Reiki} and William Lee Rand {Founder of the International Center for Reiki Training}: Channel Reiki to God, Jesus, Buddha, the Saints or any Deity or Ascended Master that you resonate with! This is a beautiful way to express your gratitude for the blessings in your life, and many people who do this regularly say that they receive tremendous healing and blessings in return. You can also channel Reiki to people who have passed away. Using the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol (Level 2+ Practitioners) is a great way to connect with them in this way but if you’re a Level 1 Practitioner, you can also channel Reiki using your palms to a photo or any object that symbolises them. You can also empower flowers or gifts with Reiki before placing them on memorials, or sending them to family. Reiki can also be used to consecrate and protect memorial sites. When it comes to applying Reiki to your everyday life, you are limited only by your imagination! Reiki is Divinely guided, and there isn’t anything that can’t benefit from some Reiki Love.

  • Spiritual Grounding

    Alignment To be grounded means to be in alignment with your mind, body and soul. You need to develop an ability to listen to your body and honour its wisdom. On the physical level, being grounded allows you to steadily and deliberately design your life the way you would love it to be. You become clear and take conscious steps towards your goals. Even if you are challenged, your belief and confidence is so strong that you keep moving forward fearlessly. As you are creating consciously, you do not force or push for things to happen. You listen to your internal wisdom, but also to the intelligence of the universe and allow things to happen in the perfect way, at the right time. The more connected you are to your body, the more you can listen to your own wisdom and guidance. Your internal navigation system, when awakened, can move you away from working hard towards working smart by assisting you to know where to put your energy and attention, for the best possible results. Connection When people are grounded, they have an increased connection to the earth, its environment and all living things. This means that they can intuitively feel the changes in their environment and have the flexibility to react appropriately to those changes in a timely manner. For instance, if they have a business, they will know when to make changes to the business, take it to the next level or sell it. In relationships they can sense when it’s time to let go of a relationship or a partnership, which has run its course and when it’s time to allow someone new into their lives. They also sense how to communicate with different people in order to gain support and assistance. Health Someone who is grounded will have less health issues as they would know their body well, feel any disturbances as soon as they arise, and promptly deal with the challenge before it escalates. Joy Being grounded and in tune with yourself considerably diminishes your stress levels and allows you to live in accordance with your positive beliefs. As your state becomes more joyous and vibrant you attract more success and happiness into your life. You also honor your body and create a more balanced approach to life, by eating healthily, resting when you are tired, exercising, working and having fun. Influence When people don’t feel grounded and connected to themselves they allow other people to influence their decisions and their lives. This often leads to disappointment, frustration, procrastination in making decisions and lack of trust. Lack of clarity and self-confidence can cause people to seek acknowledgment and approval from others. Often there is an internal battle of not feeling good enough, while desperately wanting to appear otherwise. Lack of confidence and lack of self-knowledge can create an internal avoidance to commitment and a fear of failure. Often there is an internal voice which says that if you have not completed something, you have not really failed, thus the cycle of self-sabotage and fleeting from one thing to another can continue. Fear of Failure Fear of failure and lack of belief in one’s own creative abilities is one of the largest causes of feeling lost, ungrounded, chaotic and stuck. When an individual is confused their vibration can attract a stream, random, time-consuming problems and challenging events. The Law of Attraction The more you recognize your own worth and stand in your own power the faster things become manifest. The more you focus on what you don’t have and all the reasons why you don’t deserve it, or can’t get it, the more you create those experiences. The Law of Attraction always says ‘yes’ to your requests and makes sure that they are fulfilled. It focuses on your vibration and your deepest beliefs about yourself and what you feel you are capable of contributing and deserve to receive, and then gives it to you. These beliefs are often unconscious. Re-focus If you feel like you are in chaos and there is an enormous amount of work to do, then instead of beckoning the law of attraction to create more work, stress and chaos in your life, take a moment to re-equilibrate and re-focus. Give yourself permission to stop, calm down, relax and become aware that things can be done quickly, easily and with little effort. Focus on making yourself feel better, until you feel a sense of relief and re-connection with your own body. You will find that your breathing will deepen and you will calm down and relaxed. What you were feeling chaotic about just minutes before will become clearer and you will find yourself getting things done with a positive attitude.If you re-focus your attention on a daily basis towards feeling present, connected with yourself and listening to your own inner guidance system, then you will find that things simply begin to flow into your life with little or no effort. You will begin to have more time for yourself while having the ability to get a lot done with a sense of joy and enthusiasm. Even when challenges come up, you will find simple ways to resolve them, quickly. The more connected you are to yourself the more comfortable you will feel staying in your body, instead of fantasizing and getting stuck in your mind or in dreams which you don’t believe will come true. Research It is easy to get excited about a project or an idea when you first hear about it. What is really important is to be realistic and understand that there are many potential challenges when you undertake a new project. Thus, before excitedly plunging into a new task, you may need to do extensive research and have clarity on all the steps required. The most important question to ask yourself is if the endeavor that you would like to embark on is in your heart or if it is coming from your mind. Are you doing it because you are passionate about this idea or are you thinking that you can make money out of it? You are more likely to complete a project that you feel strongly about and that comes from your heart, than you are to continue with something that you think you can make money from but that does not inspire you. For instance, write down all the possible things that might go wrong with a project, then write down how you would deal with a potential challenge. By writing down what you would find difficult that could make you give up, you can clearly see in what areas you need help. By knowing yourself and taking the time to prepare, you can avoid a lot of potential setbacks and disappointments. Don’t give up The last thing you want to do is to start something big and important feeling overexcited and underprepared. Don’t rush into things that you don’t know much about. Take your time, talk to people who have done what you want to do. Learn as much as possible, then move forward with a powerful strategy, knowing that if plan A does not work, you have many other options. Don’t give up, just be creative and try something different. And if everything else fails, ask for Divine Intervention.

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