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Flower Power!

They may look pretty and smell lovely, but it seems the power of flowers goes even further than this and they have also been creeping their way into the realms of distant attunements through the use of etheric flowers.

A recent research into the deeper psychological impacts of plants as part of Mental Health Awareness Week and with the study of "flower power" scientists have discovered that the energies of flowers can create a feeling of happiness which helps to alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety, while also boosting productivity and creativity. The ‘Flower Power’ test found some interesting results for how it helped boost people’s moods:

They have found that by focusing on something creative while being in the company of flowers will help to reduce stress levels by up to 90%.

It has been found that flowers have an overall calming effect on the mind, body, spirit trinity by up to 84%.

Up to 53% of people find that they feel more relaxed or at ease when they are arranging flower.

The percentage could be even higher for those of us who work with flowers in a healing setting by either utilising physical flowers, flower remedies or activating the etheric qualities of flowers. It has also been shown that flowers have a long lasting impact on our immediate environment with over 80% of people saying they felt some reduction in their stress levels after working with flowers in their workspace and 50 per cent said they felt more productive after having flowers in their workspace.

“There are many psychological theories about self-actualising, which is about becoming your true self and being a whole person. It’s about connecting to where you came from and nature is where we came from. When we’re with nature we automatically feel more at home. It is good to see science catching up with what we as spiritual healers and empaths have known for a very long time.

If you are interested in the spiritual interactions of flowers on the human trinity of mind, body & spirit, you can check out the following distant attunements which have all been tried and tested over many months to ensure that the energies are pure and are guaranteed to help you to access the "Power of Flowers"

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