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  • How To Send Healing To Someone

    Sending distant energy healing to someone is one of the most beautiful things you can do for them. This post is all about the rules for sending healing energy to someone, sending healing energy to a loved one and how sending healing energy works. Our thoughts are powerful. So powerful in fact that often just thinking about someone can send a small stream of energy their way. This is something that many clients have discovered when they have chosen me to send them healing. The same has also manifested through distant attunements. After all, we are all energetic beings and we all have energy that flows in and around us. When we start to become aware of this energy and its potential, we can use it to send healing, good thoughts and wishes to people we care about all over the world. We all have the ability to do this as long as we are open and confident in whom we want to send loving, healing energy to. In this blog post, I will show you how to send distant healing energy to another person, animal, situation or plant. How to Send Distant Energy Healing to Anyone Set Up Your Space Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Try to make sure the space has been cleansed and is free from clutter and other distractions. You can clear the space using a Tibetan Singing Bowl, Crystal Singing Bowl, Chanting the Sacred Mantra “OM”, Using Tingsha Bells or drawing Cho Ku Rei in the air over the 4 walls of the room while chanting the symbol's name. Practice and play with 1 or more of these to find which one works for you. Quiet Your Mind Still your mind by taking a few deep breaths and then set your intention for the healing you are going to be sending. You may even want to state clearly whom you are sending the healing energy to. Build Up Your Energy To send a positive ray of healing energy start rubbing your hands together in a circular motion until you can feel heat building between them. You might also feel the energy pulsing from your hands as you slowly separate them. Make an Energy Ball Once you can feel the energy pulsing through your hands imagine the energy taking on the shape of a ball. You can also give the energy ball its own colour based on the type of healing you are wishing to send: Blue - Emotional Healing Orange - Physical Healing White - Spiritual Healing/Generalised Healing Green - Heart Healing Purple - Psychic Protection Keep focusing your attention on this energy ball, making it bigger and stronger and more powerful with every breath. Send the Energy When you feel your ball of energy is buzzing and strong, visualise sending it to your chosen person/animal/place. plant/situation. You may even want to picture the person you are sending it to receiving the energy and feeling the beautiful healing effects of what you have sent. Recharge Your Batteries Once the healing energy has been sent, it is important to recharge your batteries by grounding your energy. This could include taking a walk in nature, meditating, having a relaxing bath or simply nourishing your body with some healthy food. Sending energy healing to another is a very powerful tool and is a great way to help others when you can’t be there for them physically. There are just a few things to remember about sending healing energy: 1. The quality of your healing energy begins with you, so avoid sending healing energy when you are physically ill or feeling emotionally drained. 2. It is important to tell the person you are sending the healing to BUT if you are not able to do this, please do not worry. The old belief that permission must be given does not really apply now due to the higher self in each individual being more advanced in its awakening. Sending healing without permission will only be received by the higher self if it is meant to be. If not, it will not enter into their consciousness. 3. Healing energy has to be sent with love. If you find yourself feeling any negative emotions towards the person you are sending this energy to, stop. 4. Whatever you send out comes back to you three times. This means whatever energy you send out into the world will come back to you three times as strong. Learning how to send distant energy healing is a valuable and special tool that you can all learn to do. So if someone you know could use a dose of healing energy, why not give it a try and f you want to learn more about how to do this, I highly encourage you to study the Usui method of Natural Healing where you will be given the ability to heal others and yourself. To find out more about Reiki and becoming a Reiki Healer please CLICK HERE

  • Seeing Reiki

    How to See Reiki It sounds interesting, doesn't it? Being given the method that will allow you to see the Reiki energies we channel. through ourselves when performing healing on oneself or others. While some people might think that this isn't possible. I can promise you that with practice and patience, you will be able to see this energy as clearly as you can see the computer screen you are looking at right now. I was actually performing this technique myself yesterday in my craft room while creating a new Crystal Journal for my new Creative Crafts business and website. Seeing Reiki Method For this method to work, all you need is a clear blue sky. That's it. Nothing more and nothing less. To start the journey, get yourself into a comfortable position, either laying down on the grass in your garden or sitting in a chair which you can recline on so you can easily look up into the sky. If you have a large window in your house, you can sit in front of it, looking up at the sky. Whatever is most comfortable for you will be perfectly ok. Look up at the sky and take several deep breaths. Breathe in for a count of 4 and breath out for a count of 5. Breathe in for a count of 4 and breath out for a count of 5. Continue to do this until you feel your body entering into a state of relaxation. Keeping your eyes trained on one spot in the sky, allow your eyes to relax. As you continue to look at the sky, you will start to see small pinpricks of golden light darting around like tadpoles in the water. As soon as you see them, they will probably vanish and that's okay. This happens to everyone when they first try this technique. In time, you will learn how to continue looking at these lights without them vanishing. Keep doing this for several days until you can look at the lights without them vanishing. When you have this part of the technique mastered, you can move on to the next... When you see these golden pinpricks of light, continue to allow your eyes to relax. If you are able to see the Magic Eye pictures, you will be able to do this easily. If you cannot do these pictures, simply allow your eyes to go cross-eyed. This can take time but when you have mastered this next part, you will start to see the golden pinpricks of light as a 3D matrix where if you walked around in a circle, you will be able to see the lights from every direction. Once again, this part can take time so please continue to practice and you will master the technique. The final technique is to move your hands through the energy. This part takes time but it can be achieved through patience and practice. When you can see the energy, start to move your hands through the air in front of you. Very slowly move your hands back and forth, up and down and see the golden light slowly shifting around your hand. This will look similar to when a stone is thrown into a pond. ripple effects will flow out from where your hands are passing through the energy. Well, that's it. It really is that simple and I promise that when you first see this energy, you will be hooked and will start to see Reiki with a whole new perspective. This will also prove that Reiki is all around you and is not something out there that we try to connect with. Reiki is Universal Energy! If you have not been attuned to Reiki, you can still perform this method. Hopefully, when you start to see the golden lights, you will be called to work with Reiki. If you would like to learn more about Reiki and how to become a Reiki Healer, please CLICK HERE Please feel free to like and comment on this post if guided.

  • Crystals To Help You Sleep

    Although restful sleep is arguably one of the most important aspects of our health, spirituality and well-being, it is also one of the most difficult to achieve. Whether you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or feeling rested when you wake up, most of us face some sort of sleep issue. When you’re ready to take matters into your own hands, the energy of crystals can help you get some rest. While there are tons of crystals out there, in over 2 decades of working with crystals, I have gathered a list of my favourite crystals for sleep down to just a handful. Each of these crystals can help you achieve deeper sleep in a variety of ways, so it’s important to first identify what the main obstacle to sound sleep is for you. From there, you can find the ideal crystal to help you overcome that obstacle and get a good night’s rest. Agate - {Place Agate underneath your pillow} Agate has grounding energy that helps you find stability and balance. When you feel pulled in all different directions, or feel like you haven’t had a moment to pause all day, Agate roots you in the present moment and encourages you to give yourself permission to slow down in time for sleep. Amethyst {Place Amethyst on your nightstand} Amethyst brings peace to the trinity of mind, body & spirit. It helps you release tension in all aspects of your body before bed. It also brings about the feeling of pure relaxation and serenity that you experience after a trip to the spa, allowing you to find rest when your head hits the pillow. Celestite {Place Celestite on the windowsill} Celestite is known for protecting against nightmares or other worrying thoughts that can keep you up at night. It calms your mind and helps you put your to-do list and any future tripping on the back burner until tomorrow. Labradorite {Place Labradorite on your nightstand} Labradorite expands your mind and connects you to your dream state. When you dream, you can tap into your subconscious mind and uncover answers and experience realisations that can help resolve unanswered questions in your daily life. Selenite {Place Selenite underneath your bed but Keep away from children and pets} Selenite is one of the highest-vibrational crystals that I have worked with. Due to its high frequency, it can help to purify and cleanse your spirit and your space. It eliminates any energetic grime in your bedroom, in your mind and in your body, allowing you to settle in without holding onto any heavier energies from the day. Lepidolite {Place Lepidolite on your nightstand} Lepidolite naturally contains mica and lithium, which are known to help manage anxiety and stress. By helping you find relief from anxiety and stress, you can experience deeper sleep and give your mind a break from feeling overwhelmed. Combining Crystal Placement I recommend starting out with just one crystal to see what kind of an effect it has on your sleep. If, however, you’re interested in working with a combination of crystals, you can place your crystals in the following way: Amethyst and Labradorite on your nightstand plus Selenite under your bed. If you try this combination and notice that you feel alert or energized, remove some or all of the crystals from your bedroom. Crystals are amplifiers, which means they can amplify and magnify the energy in your room. Too many crystals can actually keep you up at night, which is the opposite of what you’re looking for if you are using crystals for better sleep! You can try slowly adding the crystals back in, one at a time, until you find the right number and combination of crystals for you. Good Luck, God Bless and Sweet Dreams

  • Salt Lamp Meditation

    Soft lighting is a beneficial part of home decor because the environment will always affect your state of mind. Soft lighting will also create a warm ambience that helps to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and worry. Due to my love of salt lamps, I decided to incorporate these into my meditation sessions. Not only is the a lamp a helpful focal point for meditation, but its warm glow also encourages the brain to switch onto 'night mode' - something the blue light of our phones and computer screed muddle with. So if you need help putting the day to bed, give this nighttime ritual a try. Salt Lamp Meditation 1. Create a comfortable atmosphere around your salt lamp where you won't be disturbed. Remove your devices from the space and limit distractions as much as possible. Play nature-inspired music, yoga or meditation tracks, "pink noise" or whatever helps you relax. 2. Find a comfortable seated position in front of your lamp on a blanket or pillow, one leg crossed in front of the other, or in a chair or bed with feet flat on the floor. 3. Imagine yourself rooted into the earth's core. Consciously lengthen your spine a little more with each breath. Roll your shoulders front to back, back to front, and let them drop away from your ears. Soften the muscles of your jaw, eyes, and forehead. Let your breathing be natural. 4. Begin acquainting yourself with your salt lamp. Touch and notice its texture and shape, its hues and gentle heat. Focus on the subtleties, the dips and edges, with open curiosity. Let all other thoughts fall away as you bask in the slow energy of the moment. 5. Remove your hands from the lamp and rest them on your thighs for a few breaths. Feel the warmth of your hands and the softness of your thighs. Your hands are light. Your spine is long. Your shoulders are soft and low. You can gently move your hips, spine, shoulders, and head to release any lingering tension. 6. On a long inhale, bring your hands to your sides, palms up, and slowly raise your arms overhead from the sides as if you were scooping all the energy of the earth up into the sky. Exhaling, bring your hands back down in front of you, palms facing you as if you were showering yourself in the earth's healing energy. 7. Continue synchronizing your breathing to movement for 3–11 minutes. Gaze at the lamp—eyes open or closed, seeing its warm glow and shape in your mind’s eye. Each inhale gathers warm positive energy from your salt lamp, melting thoughts and tension. Each exhale showers you in a healing light. Inhale to receive. Exhale to bathe. 8. When you feel you are finished, inhale deeply and stretch your arms up over your head. Bring your palms together. 9. On your exhale, bring your palms together, down in front of your heart. Press your thumbs into your chest, fingers spreading. Soften your shoulders. 10. Close your eyes or let your gaze drop to the floor with a soft gaze. Whisper "thank you" to yourself for allowing this moment of stillness. Rest here for a few deep breaths and open your eyes when you're ready. 11. Imagine the quiet glow of the lamp—which represents the peace you felt in this moment, shining from your heart for the rest of the night.

  • Goddess Ritual To Fall In Love With Yourself {For Men & Women}

    Are you in need of empowerment? If you are, why not try this ritual to call upon the Great Devi to help you to see yourself through the eyes of love? Devi is the Sanskrit word for the goddess. In the Hindu tradition, Devi is known by many names and faces. She manifests as many individual goddesses, each with unique powers and gifts, from slaying the ego to helping you find love. Lakshmi, Parvati, Saraswati, Durga, Gauri, and Kali are among her venerated forms. She is also known as the Great Devi and Ma, as well as the sacred and supreme mother of all that is. She is seen by many as a loving, divine parent who only wants the best for her children. She embraces us in her divinity and shows us that we also have her celestial spark within. Devi in her most expansive form is like a bright jewel with many facets, and she represents aspects of all goddesses and womanhood. A mother’s love is a powerful force in fostering self-esteem. Not all of us had this growing up. Devi is a wonderful spiritual ally in helping us connect to the power of motherly love, and to help us tap into our own divinity and true worth. This ritual is meant to help you open your heart to yourself. Self-Love Ritual Equipment A designated mirror for the ritual One white candle and a lighter or matches Music that makes you feel happy and loved A space and time when you can be completely present and undistracted Note cards with the prayers featured below Preparing for Your Ritual Reflect on how you see yourself at this very moment in time. Many of us due to the influence of our families, media, peers, and culture have gotten into the habit of looking into a mirror with critical, judgmental, and self-deflating eyes. We may develop a distorted view of ourselves that makes us believe we are not worthy of self-love and love from another person. Consider a new view. There is a special mirror that comes from the state of Kerala in India which is known as Aranmula Kannadi. Made in metal by artisans who have been practicing this craft for centuries, it is said that it will never distort your reflection. It helps you always see your true self. You can buy one online or designate another mirror to use as your Devi self-love mirror. Bless your mirror. Take a moment to bless your sacred mirror with the intention that it helps you connect with the goddess and see yourself through the eyes of love. Conduct Your Ritual To Fall In Love With Yourself Take a moment of silence Place your mirror and candle on a nearby surface and cue up your music. Then gently breathe and center yourself, feet firmly on the ground. Call in the Goddess. Light your candle, which represents the Hindu sacred fire and the divine light of Devi. Offer a prayer: "Beloved Devi, loving Mother, please fill this place with your holy presence. Thank you for your support and protection". Play Music That Inspires You. Open your heart is a beautiful piece by Ruth Cunningham and Ana Hernandez. Use this music or any song of your choice and relax into a meditative state. Surrender to the sound and let the song open your heart. Feel the Presence of Devi. Close your eyes and imagine that Devi is there with you, gazing at you with loving and admiring glances. She sees your holiness and worthiness. She sees all the potential with which you were born. She knows your true beauty and brilliance. She vibrates the energy of love and grace so powerfully that you can feel it opening your heart. She sends you ray after ray of appreciation, encouraging you to also appreciate yourself. She loves you just as you are. Honour your Heart: Put your hand on the center of your chest and imagine that the Devi is blessing your heart with all the love in the universe. With your other hand, take hold of your mirror and lift it to your face. As your heart continues to open, keep your hand on your chest and open your eyes, then look into the mirror. Whisper these words, “I am a child of Devi, and I am filled with divine love.” Say it over and over, until you feel the words settling into your heart and soul and know them as true. Imagine Devi is transferring her love to you through this mirror. Allow her magical energies to fill your being. Ask for her Blessing. Read these words or something similar: “Divine Mother, please bless my heart so that I may fall in love with myself. Please bless my eyes so that I may see myself as you see me, through loving, divine eyes. Help me walk your holy path of healing so that I may bask in self-love and self-respect. Please help me to develop a sacred relationship with myself that helps me embrace all that I am. Please help my heart feel safe and protected. Thank you, Mother, for these gifts”. Declare your Intentions for Loving Yourself. When you are ready, while still gazing into your mirror, declare your path of self-love: “I am holy. I am sacred. I am love. I bless my own beating heart and fill it with love every day. I claim all the power and strength that is mine. I open my arms to the magic that is my birthright. My heart is big enough to love others, but I am my own beloved first. And so it is”. Thank the Goddess. When you are ready, put down the mirror and gaze at the sacred light of the candle. Express your thanks to Devi in your own way. Begin to ground yourself, and come back to the present moment by stretching and moving around. Enact This Ritual as Needed Whenever you feel doubt or distress and those old negative beliefs pop up, counter them with the language of self-appreciation and self-admiration. Give yourself a compliment. Pick up your mirror and connect to the energy of Devi through the power of your own spiritual eyes. Let this mirror be a portal to the loving energy of the Divine Mother and to the love you have for yourself.

  • Spiritual Healing with Chakra Flowers

    Each flower has a unique colour and essence that vibrationally corresponds with one or more of the seven chakras in our body. Today you will discover how to use chakra flowers for spiritual healing. As you walk through a garden or florist shop, which flowers catch your eye? The red roses? The white lilies? The soft lavender? With their simple presence, flowers have a mystical way of raising our spirits as well as the vibrational energy of any room. Subconsciously, we are drawn toward the flowers that most closely match our desired state of being. Each flower has a unique colour and essence that vibrationally corresponds with one or more of the seven chakras in our body. Meditating upon a particular flower, therefore, can help us open and align any chakras that may need healing. How to Use Chakra Flowers for Spiritual Healing According to the philosophy of yoga, there are seven main chakras or vortexes that move life force energy {prana} through the bodies. They are the meeting points of consciousness and matter. Each chakra is vibrating at a different frequency and responds to similar vibrations of light {colour}. In fact, chakras are often visualized as lotuses or flowers. If you are feeling a block in your emotions, plant or buy some beautiful flowers that match the vibration of the corresponding chakra. Place the flowers in a pot or vase where you can see them often. You can also use a photo or painting of that flower. As you gaze upon the flower, ponder the qualities you’d like to develop. For example, if you’re lacking in willpower, you may have solar plexus {yellow} chakra blockages. Bring in black-eyed Susans and focus on the quality of mental strength. Root Chakra Also known as muladhara, the root chakra is located at the base of the spine. It includes the first three vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon. Essentially, it is the “survival” chakra that carries the energies of stability, security, groundedness, and your deepest emotions regarding your physical body. It is represented by the colour red, the slowest of all wavelengths in the visible spectrum, but also the most physically stimulating. If your root chakra is feeling blocked - if you are feeling unstable, insecure, or fearful, you may want to plant or buy Red Roses, Hibiscus or Poinsettias Sacral Chakra The sacral chakra or svadhisthana is located between the pubic bone and navel and encompasses the genital and urinary systems. It is responsible for creative expression, manifestation, and issues of control and sex. It matches the vibrational frequency of orange and is represented by the Tiger Lily, Hibiscus, Marigold and Bird of Paradise. Writer’s block? Having control issues? Meditate on one of these flowers and dwell on the qualities of creativity. Solar Plexus Chakra The solar plexus chakra or manipura, is located between the navel and the breastbone. It is associated with intellect, self-esteem, self-confidence, and willpower. It is linked to the colour yellow and is symbolized by Black-Eyed Susan, Dandelions, Daffodils, Honeysuckle, and Chamomile. When you are lacking in willpower or confidence, meditate on one of these flowers and focus on the qualities of assertiveness and confidence. Heart Chakra The heart chakra or anahata, is the fourth and central chakra, it is the bridge between the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit, the meeting point of body and spirit. It includes the entire circulatory and immune systems. As its name suggests, it is the chakra of love, compassion, and generosity. This includes love for others, ourselves, and God. This chakra is associated with the deep green that is found in grass and stems and leaves of all types. As love is also linked to the colour red, many flowers associated with the heart chakra display red, or pink, as well. Flowers associated with the heart chakra of love include Roses, Carnations, Azaleas, Hibiscus, and Orchids. Throat Chakra The throat chakra or vishuddha, includes the neck, thyroid, jaw, mouth, and tongue. It carries the energies of verbal expression and speaking our highest truth. It vibrates at the colour blue and is represented by Hyacinths, Bluebells, and Morning Glories. If you are feeling a block in communication with a partner or feel that you are not being heard, bring one of these beautiful blue flowers into your home and meditate on the value of expressing your highest truth. Third Eye Chakra The sixth chakra is the third eye, or ajna chakra. The center of intuition, the third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and is associated with deep indigo. Do you need to open your intuition? Plant or bring in some Hydrangea, Lilac, Lavender, Sweet Pea, Violets, or Petunias. Crown Chakra The crown chakra or sahasrara, represents enlightenment and spiritual connection to our higher selves, others and God. It is located at the crown of the head and expresses itself in the colour violet or white. As you work on your higher spiritual connections, surround yourself with White Lilies, Jasmine, Periwinkle, or Geraniums. If this has captured your imagination and you would like to learn more about specific flower essences that you can incorporate into healing sessions for yourself and others, please CLICK HERE

  • De-Attuning

    De-attuning from an attunement is a controversial subject because it is believed that once you are attuned, you are attuned for life and to some degree, this is true because attunements are basically energy and energy is everywhere so some will say that you cannot cut yourself off from something that always has and always will exist BUT I discovered that if you create the right intention to de-attune in a similar way that you intend to be attuned, this places a cap on the energy signature that you no longer wish to be part of your life or the things that you do. As a spiritual teacher who has worked with energy for 22 years, I have received my fair share of attunements. While I would say that over 95% of them I am happy with, there are some that I wish I had never touched so back in 2020 I discovered that there was a set of attunements that I wanted to remove from my life. I didn't have anyone to turn to to help me with this or to explain how to do it, I only had myself and my guide Rakesh so I spent several weeks in meditation with Rakesh to see what could be done and I came up with a simple yet highly effective method to cap the energies that I no longer wanted to be attuned to and all I can say is WOW!!! it really worked. Since de-attuning from the energies, my life has dramatically improved. Where in the past, I felt bogged down as if I was walking through thick treacle. I felt light and free. I no longer felt the constraints of etheric cords around me and I no longer felt manipulated by the founders. I felt a great sense of release as if a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders and for me, the main change that I found was my psychic abilities shot through the roof and my channelling work went from a 1 or 2 to 100 in the space of a few days. I have channelled attunements for close to 20 years but I had never felt so open, free and connected as I do now. The de-attunement released me and expanded my abilities where I am now constantly channelling manuals or channelling messages to students. The De-Attunement Statement of Intent If you intend to use the following De-Attunement statement, please do so with care because once you have activated it and de-attuned to the attunements you no longer want in your life, you will have to be re-attuned if you later decide that you made a mistake or you want to reconnect with them. Statement of Intent: "I intend with all of my being, heart and soul that I will be de-attuned from {state name/names of the attunements}. I ask for all energies, attachments, cords and bindings that have been placed onto me with this energy either intentionally or unconsciously to be severed, removed and banished so that they no longer play part in my healing or anything that I do, say, think or feel. So Be It!" That's all you have to do, you are now de-attuned to the attunements you mentioned. Go forth and be free with the knowledge that the things that you felt were holding you back or were preventing you from living your life to its full potential have been released. Notice The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies holds no responsibility for the use of this statement or information. It is given with a pure heart and in the hope that you will gain the freedom that I have felt since I discovered this method of release from energies that were not serving my highest good. Any results that you experience are yours and are not connected with Jay Burrell or the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies. If you need to be re-attuned to a system at a later date, no charge or payment can be requested from Jay Burrell or the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies for you to be re-attuned by another teacher. If you have de-attuned from one of my own systems, I would like to ask you to please contact me so we can chat about why you felt you needed to de-attune from the energies. This is asked so I can check the attunement to see if it has been corrupted by another person, entity or attachment. This is rare but it can happen. If anyone tries to use this statement to de-attune someone without their permission, it will not work because you will be going against their higher self and divine blueprint. You will also incur karmic repercussions for your actions. Remember, the universe does not care if you are good or bad or what you intend, it will simply respond to what you have done and you will reap what you have sown. This is the basic law of the universe! Last but no means least, please do not ask what attunements I de-attuned from. This is information that I will not share publicly with anyone other than my very close friends and a few fellow teachers. My experiences with the attunements that I de-attuned from does not mean you will experience or feel the same things so please always follow your own inner guidance and your feelings as to what the attunements have or haven't given to you.

  • Sit Back & Relax With The Crystal Singing Bowls

    Introducing my Crystal Singing Bowls. Each bowl is made from 100% Quartz and has been toned to resonate at the frequencies of the Chakras. Simply listening to the sound of each bowl will bring instant release and balance to the Chakra System. In the next few months, I will also create videos of my Crystal Singing Chalices and later this year, I will make a longer 10-15 minute Sound Bath video/audio file. What are the Chakras A chakra is an energetic center within the auric and physical body of every human. Chakras are also referred to as discs or wheels of energy and serve as the nonphysical highway through which cosmic energy travels, connecting this energy with the physical body. This cosmic energy is what we call Life Force or Prana. In the human energy body, there are technically 114 chakras but we will be focusing on the 8 main chakras which run alongside the spine. They start at the perineum (the space between the genitals and anus) and run up in a straight line to the top of the head. The topmost chakra is just outside of the body above the top of the head. What Does A Chakra Do? The word chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “disc”. These energy centers are depicted as spinning discs of light that govern our psychological experience as affected by both mental and emotional stimuli. Depending on whether a chakra is open or closed, aligned or misaligned, underactive or overactive, each spinning disc can drastically alter one’s energetic, physical, or spiritual state of being. Achieving a balance among the chakras and working to release blockages within these energetic points allows Prana to flow through easily, for a healthy, balanced, and enlightened existence. When the chakra system is in balance, we are balanced. Chakra imbalances can manifest in behavioural, emotional, spiritual, and physical illnesses and issues. What is the History of Chakras? Some people believe the chakras to be religious symbols and to some degree they are part of several world religions but the truth is they don’t belong to any particular religion. The first writings about the chakras are dated at approximately 1000 B.C., and their origins are based strongly within Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism, but the concepts of chakras and energy centers are also fundamental within the Ayurvedic concepts of prana and the Chinese practice of qi. So sit back, take a deep breath and relax into the soothing sounds of the Crystal Singing Bowls. Base Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl The official name of this chakra, Muladhara, comes from the words Mula, which means root and Dhara, which means support. This is considered the first chakra, located at the base of the spine. Its colour correspondences are red and brown. The Root Chakra resonates with groundedness, stability, and security. This is the chakra to focus on in meditation if you are feeling afraid or unsafe. If you are too stuck in your ways, or unwilling to accept change or transition, your Root Chakra may be overactive. This chakra influences the male reproductive system, rectum, elimination, kidneys, adrenals, and lower spine. Colour: Red and Brown Location: Base of the Spine/Tail Bone Mantra: "I can't grow from an unsteady foundation." Element: Earth Gland: Adrenal Sound: Lam Musical Note: C Gemstones: Any red or red/brown coloured stones (e.g. ruby, garnet and red jasper) Essential Oils: Sandalwood, labdanum, olibanum, copal, styrax, white ceremonial sage, frankincense, myrrh Herbs: Burdock, clove, dandelion, rosemary, paprika, cayenne, allspice, nutmeg Physical Body: Blood, immune system, bone marrow, the base of the spine, legs, feet Emotional Body: Connected with our survival instincts and primal needs (food, shelter, safety) Spiritual Body: This is the center from which we ground ourselves and connect with Mother Earth Sacral Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl The Sacral Chakra, or Svadhishana, translates to “the place of the self.” This is considered the second chakra, located in the pelvic area, between the hips. Its color correspondence is orange. The Sacral Chakra resonates with sexuality, passion, and creativity. This is the chakra to focus on if you are feeling emotionally rigid, apathetic, creatively stumped, or closed off to intimacy. And if you tend to be hypersexual or get emotionally attached easily, your Sacral Chakra may be overactive. This chakra influences the female reproductive system, kidneys, bladder, and large intestine. Colour: Orange Location: Lower Stomach/Pelvis Mantra: "I always honour others but not before myself." Element: Water Gland: Gonads Sound: Vam Musical Note: D Gemstones: Any orange-coloured stones (e.g. carnelian, orange sapphire and imperial topaz) Essential Oils: Vetiver, black pepper, rosemary, cedarwood, angelica, clove Herbs: Coriander, calendula, fennel, liquorice, cinnamon, vanilla Physical Body: Sexual organs, lymphatic system, kidneys, pelvis, hips, bladder, prostate, large intestine, pancreas, appendix Emotional Body: Connected with our sexual desires and creativity Spiritual Body: This is the center from which we create and give birth to new life and new ideas Solar Plexus Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl The Solar Plexus, or Manipura, translates to “lustrous gem.” This chakra is where your self-confidence, identity, and personal power are born. This is considered the third chakra, located above the belly button. Its colour correspondence is yellow, or gold. The Solar Plexus Chakra resonates with personal power, self-confidence, and force of will. This is the chakra to focus on if you are feeling powerless or timid. And if you tend to be domineering, bordering on aggressive behaviour, your Solar Plexus Chakra may be overactive. Self-esteem issues often arise here. This chakra influences the liver, upper spine, pancreas, gallbladder, stomach, and small intestine, and helps with metabolism. Colour: Yellow Location: Belly Button Mantra: "Self-love starts when I accept all parts of myself." Element: Fire Gland: Pancreas Sound: Ram Musical Note: E Gemstones: Any yellow-coloured stones (e.g. citrine, yellow sapphire and amber) Essential Oils: Lily of the valley, lemon, helichrysum, juniper, grapefruit, neroli, tea tree Herbs: Anise, celery, cinnamon, lily of the valley, marshmallow, mint, melissa, turmeric, cumin Physical Body: Small intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen Emotional Body: Confidence/self-esteem, determination, willpower/self-control Spiritual Body: This is the center from which our self-power and inner strength come from Heart Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl The Heart Chakra, or Anahata chakra, translates to “unhurt.” This is considered the fourth chakra, located at the heart. Its colour correspondences are green and pink. The Heart Chakra is where your love, compassion, and kindness are empowered. This is the chakra to focus on if you are feeling closed off, cold, and lacking kindness towards yourself and/or others. And if you tend to smother people with your affection, your Heart Chakra may be overactive. This chakra influences the thymus, heart, and lungs. Colour: Green and Pink Location: Center of chest Mantra: "When I love myself, loving others comes easily." Element: Air Gland: Thymus Sound: Yam Musical Note: F Gemstones: Any green or light pink coloured stones (e.g. jade, rose quartz and emerald) Essential Oils: Rose, jasmine, cacao, cardamom, palmarosa, bergamot, black spruce Herbs: Cayenne, hawthorn berries, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, rose, thyme, cilantro, parsley Physical Body: Heart, lungs, ribs, cardiovascular system, pulmonary system Emotional Body: Compassion, love, self-love, joy, forgiveness Spiritual Body: This is the center from which we integrate our earthly needs (connected with the lower three chakras) with our spiritual endeavours (connected to the upper 3 chakras). It is with an open heart that we are able to connect with a higher power. Throat Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl The Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha, translates to “very pure.” This is considered the fifth chakra, located in the throat. Its color correspondence is blue. The Throat Chakra resonates with self-expression and honest communication. This is the chakra to focus on if you are feeling withdrawn and aren’t able to speak from a place of truth. If you tend to speak too freely and openly, bordering on dictatorial or offensive, or if you tend to be a poor listener, your Throat Chakra may be overactive. This chakra influences the thyroid, neck, jaw, upper lungs, mouth, and throat. Colour: Azure Blue Location: Throat Mantra: "I speak my truth, always." Element: Sound/Music Gland: Thyroid Sound: Ham Musical Note: G Gemstones: Any bright or light blue coloured stones (e.g. turquoise. aquamarine and blue topaz) Essential Oils: Petitgrain, blue chamomile, bay laurel, blue yarrow, Peru balsam, fir balsam Herbs: Coltsfoot, blackberry, elderberry, common sage, salt, lemongrass, bay laurel, chamomile, eucalyptus, geranium Physical Body: Throat, tongue, teeth, mouth, tongue, tonsils, glands, voice, oesophagus, thyroid, ears, bronchial tubes, neck, shoulders, jaw Emotional Body: Speaking one’s truth, authenticity, self-expression, feeling heard, verbal and non-verbal communication Spiritual Body: Connected with intuition (especially claircognizance and clairaudience). It’s also the bridge between thinking with your heart and thinking with your brain. Ajna/3rd Eye Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl The Third Eye Chakra, Ajna, translates to “beyond wisdom.” This is considered the sixth chakra, located at the forehead, between the eyes. Its colour correspondence is indigo. This chakra opens up your mind to information beyond the material world and the 5 senses. Extrasensory perception, intuition, and psychic vision, all come from the third eye. This is the chakra to focus on if you are feeling out of touch with your instincts. If you tend to carry a sense of paranoia about what your gut tells you, or overanalyze ordinary experiences, your Third Eye Chakra may be overactive. This chakra influences the pituitary gland, hormones, eyes, and brain. Colour: Indigo Location: Center of the forehead, at the brow level Mantra: "I am open to exploring what cannot be seen." Element: Light/Darkness Gland: Pineal Sound: Om Musical Note: A Gemstones: Any dark blue or indigo-coloured stones (e.g. lapis lazuli, sapphire and tanzanite) Essential Oils: Mugwort, blue lotus, juniper, cypress, yarrow, opoponax Herbs: Eyebright, juniper, mugwort, poppy, mandrake root, blue lotus, cypress Physical Body: Eyes, nose, sinuses, face, pineal gland, brain Emotional Body: The Third Eye allows one to look within and examine his/her own thoughts and limiting belief systems. It is located where the left and right hemispheres of the brain connect so it is connected with balancing our creative mind and analytical mind. Spiritual Body: This is the mind’s eye. It’s through this chakra that clairvoyance (clear seeing) occurs. The Third Eye is sometimes called, “the seed of the soul”. It’s where our ability to see within ourselves and others is combined with a greater universal understanding. The Third Eye allows us to see the truth and the meaning behind it. Crown Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl The Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara, translates to “thousand petaled.” This is considered the seventh chakra, located at the top of the head. Its colour correspondence is purple. The Crown Chakra resonates with wisdom, connection to the spiritual realm, and attunement with the Universe. This chakra is pure consciousness energy. Focus on this chakra if you are feeling spiritually disconnected or making foolish decisions. If you tend to be “in the clouds” all the time, your Crown Chakra may be overactive and you may need grounding in your lower chakras. This chakra influences the pineal gland, brain stem, spinal cord, and biological cycles – including sleep. Colour: Violet and White Location: Centered at the top of the head Mantra: "I am a vessel for love and light." Element: Time & Space, Divine Consciousness Gland: Pituitary Sound: None Musical Note: B Gemstones: Any purple or clear coloured stones (e.g. amethyst, quartz and diamond) Essential Oils: Gotu kola, lavender, pink lotus, palo santo, spikenard, frangipani Herbs: Gotu kola, lavender, pink lotus, St. John’s wort Physical Body: Central Nervous System, Brain, Head, Skin Emotional Body: Feeling of life purpose, sense of self, connection to a higher power, source of dream activity Spiritual Body: The center from which we connect to Star energy and divine source How Do You Open/Clear/Unblock Your Chakras? You don't just have to use sound therapy to clear and unblock the Charkas, there are many ways in which you can do this. Some of them have been given below. Chakras can get clogged and cause numerous problems in your everyday life. So, in order to regain your energetic balance, here are a few things you can do to open your chakras. Meditation Meditation is perhaps the most powerful tool for opening the chakras. Chakra meditation is calming and can improve the overall quality of your life. One meditation technique includes breathing energy into your chakras, starting at the base, seeing the colours vividly and visualizing your beautiful energy centers spinning in a healthy way, filling your body with health, wisdom, and light. When starting out, guided meditation tracks are very helpful. They consist of a visualization + music and it’s very easy to follow because all the mental work is done for you. Visualisations There are so many of these you can try. My favourite one is called the chakra shower. While in the shower, imagine that the water is not clear but is in the colour of the corresponding chakra. Imagine it flowing inside you and washing away any dirt in the area of the chakra. So you start with red, then orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and finish with violet. Using Mudras and Mantras Mudras are specific hand positions that help open the chakras. These are a perfect addition to meditation, so be sure to try them out. Mantras are a sound, words, or phrases that you can chant during meditation. Each chakra has its own set of mudras and mantras so don’t be afraid to experiment with them and see how you feel. Chakra Stones/Crystals/Gemstones Crystals are a powerful tool for opening chakras. When we interact with them, our energy and the energy of crystals combine and so they affect our mental and physical health. Meditating with crystals that represent the colour of a specific chakra is thought to strengthen and balance that chakra. For instance, the Throat Chakra is associated with the colour blue. Blue crystals like blue lace agate are thought to help balance communication and bring harmony to the Throat Chakra. Colour Therapy Each chakra is related to a colour in the rainbow. Therefore, if you are deficient in one chakra you can help to balance it by surrounding yourself with the corresponding colour. Aromatherapy Massage, reflection, meditation, and energy work using essential oils are thought to help restore specific balance to each of the chakras. We can use essential oils to help balance the chakras by treating any of the issues of the physical body, emotions, mood, and spiritual connection that throw us out of balance. To support your chakras with essential oils, diffuse any or several oils in your home. You can also dilute the oils and wear them as scents. Yoga In yoga, there are certain asanas that you can do that help to balance your chakras. We recommend researching this for yourself and finding a program that resonates with you. Chakra Meditation for Beginners: You can use the following chakra meditation while listening to the Crystal Singing Bowls. First, start by making sure you’re in a quiet space. Sit quietly for a moment and take a few deep breaths. Let tension and stress slide away for a moment. Just be in the moment, with your body. Now, bring your attention to the base of your spine, your tailbone, and imagine a bright spinning red light. Feel it pulsing and rotating with your breath. Sit with that for a moment. Next, move your attention up your spine to the area a couple of inches below your belly button. Feel the warmth of a bright, orange spinning light. Again, notice how it moves with your breath. Now, guide your attention to a couple of inches above your belly button. You’re probably familiar with this area because when you feel strong emotions like love or fear, you likely feel it here. Notice how you can sense the intense yellow light rotating in that spot. Bring your attention further up to the center of your chest where your heart is. This area harnesses a bright green light. When you’re touched or moved, you might instinctively place your hand over this spot. Connect with that area now. Then, bring your attention to your throat, the dip in between your collarbones. Imagine a bright blue light spinning in that area. You may feel the urge to swallow or clear your throat. Next, move your attention up to the space between your eyebrows, your third eye. This area holds a deep indigo light. Imagine it spinning and becoming brighter. Finally, shift your attention to the very top of your head. Imagine a vibrant, spinning violet light that shines right out of the top of your body. This light connects you to the universe. Feel the peace that comes with noticing this light. What Chakra Stones Do I Recommend? The Root Chakra - Hematite, Black Onyx and Smokey Quartz The Sacral Chakra - Tigers Eye and Goldstone The Solar Plexus Chakra - Citrine, Pyrite and Red Creek Jasper The Heart Chakra - Rose Quartz and Green Aventurine The Throat Chakra - Aquamarine and Sodalite The Third Eye Chakra - Amethyst, Fluorite and Lapis Lazuli The Crown Chakra - Quartz, Amethyst and Moonstone So, there you have it. You should have a better understanding of the chakras, where they’re located, and how to balance them. Now that you have a general overview, you can start to unblock and balance each of your chakras!

  • Pu-Erh Tea - The Health Benefits

    While I have focused a lot of my blogging on spiritual matters, I wanted to bring something new and fresh to the posts by focusing on Healthy Eating and Healthy Living. As I get older, I am increasingly aware of the importance of looking after the body. While the mind has always been my focus, I have on occasion neglected the body aspect of living. This is now changing and I want to bring my experiences, interests and discoveries to the Academy so I can share them with you. The first blog post will be about a new tea that I have quite literally fallen in love with. This tea is called Pu-Erh. It not only tastes amazing but it has some very interesting health benefits too. What is Pu-Erh Tea? You've probably heard of the true teas such as green, white and oolong teas that are made from the Camellia sinensis plant, but you may not have heard of pu-erh tea. Pu-erh tea, pronounced poo-air, also comes from the same plant and boasts numerous health benefits. Pu-erh tea is cultivated exclusively in the Yunnan province of China and derives its name from the Pu-Erh County in which it is grown. Want to reap the health benefits of this delicious tea? Taste Pu-erh tea comes in green and black varieties and has a smooth taste. The leaves offer a mildly sweet flavour and brewed leaves emit the aroma of autumn leaves. These teas can also appear darker than black teas and have a more full-bodied flavour and aroma. Pu-erh tea is caffeinated and is often consumed in the morning or early afternoon to increase energy levels. Fermentation This type of tea is aged and naturally fermented and has been revered in traditional tea societies in Asia for centuries thanks to its high concentration of polyphenols, catechins and flavonoids. Pu-erh tea is the most oxidized type of tea and just like fine wine, this tea leaf gets better with time and results in a mellow flavour the longer it's aged. Some of the most rare and expensive pu-erh teas are aged more than 50 years. My favourite is an aged 30-year-old Pu-Erh tea but this is only purchased every once in a while due to the cost. It can be quite expensive for genuine quality Pu-Erh. My supplier charges £38 for 150g of the master tea. The tea leaves undergo a two-part fermentation process using Yunnan green tea leaves and a humid environment. This fermentation process allows beneficial bacteria and fungal bacteria to develop, resulting in the tea's health benefits. After the tea leaves are aged and fermented, they are packed into bricks or sold as loose-leaf teas. 8 Health Benefits of Pu-Erh Tea 1. Increases Energy Thanks to the caffeine in pu-erh tea, drinking a cup a day can help to increase your energy levels and focus. Every 8-ounce cup of pu-erh tea contains about 60 to 70 milligrams of caffeine compared to the 105 milligrams in a standard cup of coffee. This makes pu-erh tea a good choice for people who find themselves too jittery after just one cup of coffee. Caffeine can help to improve mental focus and give you that extra boost you need to get through tough afternoons. Drinking pu-erh tea can help you focus better and settle in to your day. Setting aside a few moments to drink a cup of pu-erh tea can help you relax and refocus before getting back to work energized. 2. Promotes a Healthy Heart By drinking one cup of pu-erh tea a day, you can help to lower your risk of heart disease while enjoying a delicious, soothing beverage. Pu-erh tea aids in preventing heart disease because it helps produce lovastatin. This natural statin is commonly used to treat high cholesterol. A Chinese study shows that pu-erh tea can help to reduce bad cholesterol, also known as LDL cholesterol, and prevent obesity-related diseases. At the same time, pu-erh tea increased good cholesterol known as HDL cholesterol. Higher HDL cholesterol levels have been associated with a lower risk of heart disease (1). 3. Cleanses Toxins and Free Radicals Pu-erh tea uses its oxidative properties to deliver increased levels of oxygen, which enhances circulation and blood flow. By delivering more oxygen to the brain, pu-erh tea can help combat headaches and migraines and reduces free radicals that can cause serious illnesses. In traditional Chinese medicine, pu-erh tea has been used to aid the spleen and stomach in filtering toxins throughout the body. Pu-erh tea contains simple sugars and microorganisms that help the spleen cleanse the blood and eliminate free radicals. You can consume pu-erh tea daily to enjoy consistent effects or use it periodically as a cleanse to restore your body's essential functions. 4. Prevents Cancer Studies have shown that consistent consumption of pu-erh tea can combat cancer and prevent the growth of new cancer cells. One study by the University of Kunming Science and Technology demonstrated the ability of pu-erh tea ingredients to target specific tumour cells with minimal side effects. A second study showed that pu-erh tea has the ability to prevent the growth of cancer cells by inhibiting cell proliferation. Scientists believe the oxidized tea polyphenols are the reason behind pu-erh tea's potential use in preventing or treating certain types of cancer. These polyphenols work to eliminate free radicals and help to stop the production of irregular cells. As with any new treatment, it's important to discuss your options with a doctor before committing to any plan. 5. Protects Bone Health It's no secret that bones lose density and become weaker as you age. The risk of serious bone conditions such as osteoporosis increases as you get older and can result in hospitalizations in severe cases. Many things can contribute to the weakening of bones including inactivity and a lack of important vitamins and minerals. Smoking and drinking can also be contributing factors to developing bone diseases as you age. Studies on animals have shown that the polyphenols in tea can help to develop higher bone mass and greater bone strength. These polyphenols also contain antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties that help to minimise pain and discomfort. 6. Aids in Weight Loss Pu-erh tea improves digestion and can help relieve symptoms of constipation thanks to the existence of lovastatin in these tea leaves. The antioxidants and polyphenols in pu-erh teas also aid in digestion and fat breakdown. Studies have shown that pu-erh tea can help you lose weight when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. Pu-erh tea suppresses the synthesis of fatty acids, which can help your body stop producing higher levels of fat. That doesn't simply mean you can eat a high-fat diet, drink pu-erh tea and lose weight. To achieve any weight loss, you'll still need to exercise regularly and eat healthy foods. Pu-erh tea also encourages your body to produce the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which work to reduce stores of fatty acids. Drink one cup of pu-erh tea after a meal once or twice a day to reap the health benefits that aid in weight loss. 7. Reduces Stress While pu-erh tea contains caffeine, that doesn't mean it'll make you wired or jittery. In fact, pu-erh tea can help to reduce stress and its inflammatory properties aid in relaxation when experiencing minor aches and pains. Pu-erh tea contains the phytochemicals GABA and theanine, which have been attributed to lower stress levels. These phytochemicals increase the production of melatonin, which can aid in better sleep and a calmer demeanour throughout the day. 8. Prevents Illness Since pu-erh tea is high in antioxidants and vitamin C, drinking a cup of this brew every day can help prevent illnesses such as the common cold and flu. Pu-erh tea is fermented, meaning it has higher concentrations of these antioxidants than non-fermented teas. Since pu-erh tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, it also has more antioxidants and disease-fighting catechins than herbal teas. Important Notice Remember that pu-erh tea is not a guaranteed cure for any of these ailments and that studies are ongoing. While modern medicine has only just begun its studies into the benefits of teas like pu-erh, traditional Chinese medicine has used these true teas to treat a variety of ailments for centuries. So brew a tasty cup of pu-erh tea, bask in the full-bodied flavours and reap positive health benefits.

  • A Reiki Bath

    Feeling stressed? This simple-to-use technique could help you relax and ultimately reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. Thoughts, fears, stress and anxiety can all affect your physical, mental and emotional health. But by practising reiki and connecting to the universal energy, you can become your own healer. One of the easiest ways to achieve this inner state of peace is through a reiki bath. This practice involves performing a full reiki self-treatment based on the seven main chakras: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root. But instead of finding a comfortable space, you lie in a bath of warm water. Performing the self-healing in a bath is a great way to divert the negative energies as well as remove toxins to encourage fresh energy to circulate clarity, balance, positivity and most importantly love. It can also help you sleep better at night, reduce anxiety, and heighten a deeper sense of relaxation. Technique First, fill your bathtub with warm water. To enhance the experience, play soothing music, fill the space with candles and crystals, or add essential oils and flower petals to the water. As you enter the bath and are comfortable, close your eyes and place the palms of your hands together. As you allow your breath to flow naturally, you should feel your mind and body become calm and clear of distractions. Now, starting at your crown, follow the hand positions of the full reiki self-treatment, spending around three minutes on each of your chakras.” To indicate when to move on to the next chakra, it is suggested that you play reiki music with singing sound bowls every three minutes. Then, when you’re ready, repeat the five reiki principles (gokai): Just for today, do not anger. Just for today, be grateful. Just for today, work with diligence. Just for today, be kind to yourself and others. Just for today, do not worry. Repeating this in the bath as well as every morning and night requires patience, but will encourage you to live in the moment. For example, by reciting ‘just for today, do not anger’, you’re allowing your anger to surface, forcing yourself to observe your feelings. By letting these feelings pass you’ll create more positive outcomes for yourself. In this way, you can understand that it’s only the ego that wants us to hold onto things that don’t serve your true self. Intentionally closing the healing that’s taken place with gratitude is important as it shows your commitment to honouring the best version of yourself. Take 3 deep breaths into your abdomen, then exhale with an 'Ahhhh" sound. When you’re ready, let the water drain from the bath as you place your hands together and thank reiki. If you are reading this and you would like to learn how to become your very own Reiki healer or if you are already attuned to Reiki but wish to expand on your existing knowledge by being re-attuned which will permanently clear the channel for you to channel a finer frequency of energy, please CLICK HERE. You will also now receive manuals for the Usui method of healing that have been written by me.

  • The Spiritual Meaning of Candles

    As part of my new business {OmSoma-Candles}, I aim to create candles with spirituality in mind. Candles have been used since time immemorial for a variety of reasons from practical, religious and ceremonial, to decorative and romantic. In your prayers, spiritual healing and meditations—particularly in working with the Divine Light - candles play a powerful, supportive role. Candles have their own force field unequalled for conducting and redirecting spiritual energy that has gone astray. There is a spiritual meaning of candle burning. On a practical level, candles help to set up a lovely, quiescent atmosphere most conducive for prayer, meditation, healing, and other activities of contemplation or communion. No doubt, you have already experienced the power of candles to elevate a mundane moment to the hushed sublime of the sacred. What is the spiritual meaning of candle colours? Candles represent different spiritual energies depending on the coloured candle you use. Lighting candles during meditation is a wonderful way to support the meditative process. For example, in the auric field, the spiritual energy of love comes through in a beautiful deep rose-pink light. Lighting a pink candle and meditating with the deep rose-pink light can call in that spiritual power of love in your aura. Or if you are looking to build more prosperity in your life, lighting a turquoise candle and meditating with the turquoise ray of abundance can help increase the spiritual power of prosperity in your aura. It’s a good idea to have a collection of various coloured candles as part of your meditation practice. Some of the candle colours and their meanings include: GOLD – Strength, confidence, faith, and wisdom. (If gold-folded candles cannot be found, yellow can be used.) PINK – Love, forgiveness, and compassion. POWDER BLUE – Creative inspiration. BRIGHT ORANGE – Motivation and enthusiasm. SAPPHIRE BLUE – Healing. PURPLE – Peace, serenity. YELLOW – Concentration, focus, wonderful to light when studying and learning new things. EMERALD GREEN – Balance and harmony. Wonderful to us when there is friction and discord. ORANGE & BLUE – In this combination, orange can be used for purification and sapphire blue to regenerate and bring in a new life force. A white candle can always be used if you cannot find the coloured candle you need. In addition to lighting candles during meditation, you can work with candles on their own. For example, if you feel enveloped by a strong fear or feel anxious, burning candles can help. First, reflect on what is causing your anxiety. Then burn three candles at the same time—powder blue, gold and bright orange candles to help disperse these emotions. When you first begin, burn the candles for two hours {in a safe place!}. After the initial burning, relight the candles for ten minutes intermittently throughout the day or until you feel a lifting. If there is still difficulty, burn a powder blue candle for inspiration minutes before going to bed. Lighting these candles with spiritual intentions alerts the divine that you are asking for help. It will create an atmosphere of energetic support. When one is worried, that energy is not only expressed in the auric field, it can permeate the surrounding environment which can inadvertently be picked up again, even after a meditation. Finally, burning candles can help you sustain the benefits of your meditation and keeps you from unintentionally reigniting internal patterns of worry all over again. Safety first. Don’t leave candles unattended. Sometimes it’s good to burn them in a tray, sink or something that is nonflammable. If your work schedule does not allow you to light a candle for extended periods of time, do the candle exercise at a time when you are not so busy. Vacations, weekends, mornings or evenings are good times to work with candles. It is great fun using candles and discovering their power in helping to transform situations in your life. You will find that adding candle work is a wonderful support system for mind, body & spirit. At OmSoma-Candles, we currently only offer pure white candles but in time, I will start to make coloured candles for these situations.

  • Signs You Are Shifting To Higher Dimensions

    When you begin a journey of moving your awareness into higher dimensions, it doesn’t mean that one day you wake up and everything is perfect. It doesn’t take away your challenges. On the contrary, you use your soul’s lessons as the entry points to higher states of consciousness. Moving into the higher dimensions is like our reality but it functions on a higher frequency. It’s not about being in a different place physically {not yet}, but embodying a new and higher level of spirituality. Your body, mind and emotions will begin to vibrate at a higher rate, therefore your being will begin to accommodate more divine light. In the higher dimensions, you are still you but you move into a body of higher frequencies, often called a "Body of Light". Along the way, you will clear the dense energies within the physical and spiritual bodies and your thinking will completely shift. As shifting to the higher dimensions happens at the vibratory level, do not stop living your "normal" life. In fact, being fully human will help you to shift to the higher dimension faster. Our Earth has been shifting to these higher dimensions for some time {although it does not always feel that way} due to the increase in natural disasters and man-made wars, disease and disasters but know that these things must come to pass in order for humankind and Mother Earth to move into the higher dimensions. These things must be experienced to understand that they are of the old ways and once mastered, they will no longer be part of our existence. As God has always told us, we have free will to transition with Mother Earth or we can remain fully in the 3D world. It is up to us what we do. I work a lot with the higher dimensions and the consciousness of the higher self during my meditations and healing sessions as well as the channelling work that I do. I know that every soul always chooses the best “teaching plan.” What many might perceive as wrong or backward from our human consciousness might not be seen in this light by the higher self at all. I’ve also noticed that some people are attuning their consciousness to dimensions that are higher than the 5th dimension. These are usually people who are the frontiers for the new era on this planet. Therefore, their upgrades and transformations are more profound and they will experience things in their life that may never occur in others or will take lifetimes for other people to experience. Signs of Higher Dimensions In this next chapter, I will share with you the signs of moving into higher dimensions so you can see if you are aligning with these higher dimensions of reality. If you are moving into higher dimensions than those of the 5D, there are even more intense signs that are taking place. 1. Restructuring Energy Body As you move to the higher dimensions, one of the signs is that your energy body will completely restructure itself. I know that this may be more challenging to spot, but you’ll definitely feel it as the restructuring will be coming to completion. This is something that I so enjoy doing as a soul healer. I work to clear out cellular memories and remove old energy templates that no longer serve each person. It is similar to receiving an upgrade to your energy system. Many of you will first notice that you need to clear out stress from your system and also address the stress that you’ve carried for such a long time. You’ll also notice many old patterns being more obvious so you can start releasing them from your system. 2. Your Vibration Another higher dimensional sign is that you become more sensitive to vibrations. You can read people’s true feelings better, and you also prefer staying in environments with lighter energy. You realise that your energy is your most valuable currency and that it’s not optional anymore to take care of yourself. Energy hygiene will become your priority. 3. Relationships As you’re shifting to the higher dimensions, you experience more soul-based connections with people. You meet more people who are part of your soul’s family, and there will be instant mutual recognition. Your relationships will become equal and also more honest as you’ll feel like you don’t want to be hiding your true self anymore. 4. Inner Truth It becomes harder to act out of alignment with your inner truth. As your consciousness expands, you become {sometimes more than you wish} aware of what your heart is guiding you to do. 5. Inner Peace As you’re healing your subconscious beliefs, you experience greater states of inner peace. What’s more, your inner peace will become your new norm and also your priority. As the emotional body slowly heals old wounds, it becomes more stable and your moods together with it. 6. Mutual Help The next higher-dimensional sign is that you realise that you can’t save everyone. You’ll learn to respect the decisions of others even though you may feel like you have the tools to help them. This comes back to respecting free will – one of the building blocks of this universe. The only help that works is the one where the energy is exchanged equally. If the other person resists your energy {your help}, it doesn’t serve them. And it only drains you. 7. Trusting Others The next related higher-dimensional sign is that you learn to trust others and their decisions. As you are better connected with your higher self, you’ll realise that other people choose their lessons at the soul level. Instead of being worried about them, you send them love and hold a space for them and trust their own timing. 8. Your Own Energy As you’re transitioning to the higher dimensions, you experience greater states of energy cleansing. This is conducted in the union with your lower and higher self. Clearing out your own energy will help you step into your inner power. You’ll be able to think clearly, and ultimately you will feel lighter. 9. Stop Being Sweet You, the being shifting into the higher dimensions, carry within yourself powerful light. It’s time for you to stop dimming your light and instead realise how positively you can use it in your life. It’s time to stop being sweet and insecure – it’s time to step into your inner power. 10. Shine With Ease A big part of the shift to the higher dimensions has to do with your frequency, energy, inner light, and true essence. You, as a being who has chosen to make this transition at this point, will feel like you need to carry others with you. You know that you have the light within you, but sometimes it feels like you have to shine. This will change as you embody more of your soul's energy. You’ll want to shine because when you do, you’re in your true frequency. So there won’t be so much of a must, but rather you’ll experience joy while allowing yourself to be your true self. 11. Observer A very profound sign of shifting into the higher dimensions is becoming an observer of your life. This will create a distance between you and your circumstances that will allow your higher consciousness to come in and guide you to better choices. Being an observer is also one of the greatest ways how NOT TO get stuck in 3D. 12. Adjusting Yourself As your emotional and mental bodies cleanse, you realise the importance of being proactive and working on your energy BEFORE it gets out of balance. Your inner guidance will guide you to the best ways to get yourself in the flow and adjust your energy without going to extremes. 13. Strengthen Your Energy Body As we’re coming out of 3D, we need to heal, restructure, and then strengthen our energy bodies. This is one of the essential steps while transitioning to the higher dimensions. You’ll become more mindful of what energy you allow into your environment. This will result in many changes in your relationships and possibly even in your work. 14. Integration and Embodiment The next higher-dimensional sign is integration and embodiment. With all the changes happening at the emotional, energy, and mental levels, the denser energies will become lighter and you’ll feel more whole. After a few deep rounds of inner cleansing are done, you feel attracted to embodying the new higher-dimensional energy in your life. You’ll feel the call to walk your talk more and more, and eventually, there will be no separation between your human and spiritual self. 15. Student of Life At some point in transitioning to the higher dimensions, you’ll be less interested in reading spiritual books, and more interested in deriving the lessons from your own experience. Your higher self will guide you to honour and listen to your own inner voice over what anyone else is saying. 16. Multidimensional Self As you move to the higher dimensions you’ll work more consciously with your multidimensional self. This will allow you to become a conscious creator of your reality and speak your words into existence with the perfect knowledge that it will be done. 17. Inner power The next higher-dimensional sign is that you step into your inner power. Your authentic power has NOTHING to do with ego. Your power originates in your higher self, and you’ll feel more connected to it. You’ll be less likely to give your power away over to certain ideas, theories, sensations, or people. You’ll realize that you already have everything within yourself. 18. Higher Consciousness One of the clear signs of stepping into the higher-dimensions and higher is that your way of thinking shifts. You may not even recognise your old self anymore. Your mind becomes clearer and you can see through the ego illusions. Eventually, you’ll experience more lightness and space within your consciousness, and your mind will become more stable and calmer. 19. Acceptance The more you shift to the higher-dimensional frequency, the more you’re rooted in the present moment. You’re more accepting of your circumstances and your past. You see your life from a higher – more expanded – consciousness that will help you to accept yourself and others. NOTE All the above higher-dimensional signs will happen gradually depending on your soul’s chosen program of ascension. At this point, you may resonate with some of the signs while not with others. Just by being attracted to this Blog post, you are transitioning to the fifth dimension. In this blog post, I want to outline what you’ll be experiencing along the way. Although not everything will be happening in the beginning.

  • Reactions After Attunements

    While the majority of the time you will be overcome with a sense of peace, sleepiness, lightness etc there are times when you may experience extreme reactions to an attunement or after a healing session. These may be in the form of headaches, rashes, sleeplessness, stomach upsets and tingling sensations in your hands and fingertips. This is bound to cause doubt in their mind and many will panic and get turned away from Reiki. Often I come across people who have adverse symptoms which makes them sceptical as they start wondering if Reiki or any energy healing is positive and good for them. In reality, it is a good sign when you feel that the symptoms have initially increased but it is also the duty of the Reiki Master to give the information about possible side effects beforehand and the possibility of such extreme reactions after Reiki Healing and Attunements so that it doesn’t come as a surprise later. Why do reactions like this occur after a healing or attunement session? This phenomenon is very common not only for Reiki but also for other kinds of treatments including allopathic treatment and is defined as the Herxheimer Reaction. What is the Herxheimer Reaction? The Herxheimer reaction is an immune system response to the toxins that are released when pathogens are in the process of being killed, and your body cannot eliminate them quickly enough. It is this an indication that fungi, parasites, viruses, bacteria and other pathogens are being effectively eliminated. The released toxins either exacerbate the symptoms being treated or create their symptoms. Healing Crisis You will come across symptoms that include flu, headaches, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea, Itches, rashes, hot flushes to name just a few which can last from a few days to 1-2 weeks after an attunement has been received. These are all signs that deep inner healing is taking place. The severity and type of reactions will vary, depending on many factors such as the general health, the pre-existing degree of toxicity, and the rate of eliminating the toxins. Often, it is an indicator of the effectiveness of the treatment and should be seen as a positive sign. What You Can Do The first thing to do is to accept that this reaction is perfectly normal and it is part of the healing/assimilating process. In the case of a mild reaction, it is best to continue self-healing but if the reaction is severe, you should cut back on everything and contact your Reiki teacher to ask for additional distant healing to be sent. During this process, self-healing is advised with an intention to your higher self for the assimilation of the energies to be eased to a level that is more comfortable for you and your body. This will normally shorten the process by a few days. Overcoming Reactions After Reiki Healing and Attunements Drink plenty of water {mineral water in a glass bottle is preferred over tap water} Being outdoors in nature with plenty of sunshine. Consuming a light and healthy diet. Drinking fruit juices and organic unprocessed soups. Taking salt baths, steam baths or saunas to help release the toxins from the body. Discontinue Reiki sessions for a few days {if treating others} Conclusion It is important to have a positive outlook. The reactions usually vanish after a few days or a week and are a sign that the energies you have received are working. Warning Do not stop regular medication without consulting your doctor. Serious cardiac and other issues like breathing problems, epilepsy, etc should be given immediate medical attention. They are often unrelated to Reiki and as a result of some other serious pre-existing medical condition.

  • Nature Spirits and Working With Them

    Deep in the forest or even in your own garden exists a world of fairies, elves and gnomes. This is nothing of a storybook, but rather the world of the Nature Spirits or Elementals. It can be hard to wrap your head around the fact that these beings really do exist. In fact, the average person would deny the fact that fairies and goblins exist. But for those who are open, for those who are curious, it is possible to see these beings as they tend to their work amongst the trees. Nature Spirits or Elementals are the guardians of Mother Earth. Just like we have guardian angels and spirit guides looking out for us, Mother Earth has elementals who tend to her and help protect her. These include fairies, gnomes, goblins, mermaids, pixies, elves and others who are in charge of different elements in nature. Nature Spirits are believed to exist on a different dimension than the one we live on however, they can travel freely into our dimension as and when they choose to. This usually occurs around Spring or Fall when Mother Earth is in a stage of transition. The famous physician and alchemist, Paracelsus was one of the first people to make the idea of Elementals well known. He stated: “The Elementals are not properly spirits, because they have flesh, blood and bones; they live and propagate offspring; they eat, talk, act and sleep. They are beings occupying a space between men and spirits, resembling men and women in their organisation and form and resembling spirits in the rapidity of their locomotion.” Along with protecting the Earth, Nature Spirits bring joy, creation and laughter into the physical world. They love to celebrate and play and can often be mischievous. How to See Elementals/Nature Spirits Have you ever seen a glimmer of a flicker out of the corner of your eye? Have you ever seen twinkling lights dance across the room? Have you ever felt a giddy calmness when you go outside? These are all signs of nature spirits or elementals. Often you will see them moving quickly, either low to the ground or in the air or water. Of course, elementals love to hang outside in the forest and in other areas of nature. To see them, simply sit outside in a quiet place where you can't be disturbed. Ask them to come forward and then sit and wait patiently, keeping your gaze soft as you observe. Elementals are usually pretty hesitant to show themselves to humans, so remain patient and calm and know that if they want you to see them, they will appear. How to Welcome Elementals/Nature Spirits into your Garden There are a few ways you can welcome Nature Spirits into your living environment such as: Building a fairy house or fairy oasis Hanging crystals or prisms in the garden so they can catch the light Planting lots of colourful flowers and plants, especially ferns Openly welcoming Nature Spirits into your garden/space Creating a safe space for Nature Spirits to dwell Performing a nature worship ritual (best done in the Spring or Summer) Working with Nature Spirits/Elemental Magic While Nature Spirits are gentle beings their presence should definitely not be taken lightly. They can also be quite mischievous and are not afraid to show you they are upset if you mistreat them. It is also recommended to avoid asking Nature Spirits for specific guidance or help. Rather, simply invite them into your garden or safe space and then let them know that they can dwell there in peace. You may also want to be mindful of what Nature Spirits you are inviting in and ensure that you have the proper habitat for them. For Example: Pixies love being in a place where hummingbirds and dragonflies dwell Fairies love being around flowers Gnomes love being in earthy spots, around trees or near water Over time, the Nature Spirits will warm up to you and bring a sense of joy, laughter and play into your home. They can also make your garden a place of high vibration and inspiration, making it a perfect place to do creative work, manifestation rituals, exercise or meditation. Will you invite Nature Spirits into your life?

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