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Reactions After Attunements

While the majority of the time you will be overcome with a sense of peace, sleepiness, lightness etc there are times when you may experience extreme reactions to an attunement or after a healing session. These may be in the form of headaches, rashes, sleeplessness, stomach upsets and tingling sensations in your hands and fingertips. This is bound to cause doubt in their mind and many will panic and get turned away from Reiki. Often I come across people who have adverse symptoms which makes them sceptical as they start wondering if Reiki or any energy healing is positive and good for them. In reality, it is a good sign when you feel that the symptoms have initially increased but it is also the duty of the Reiki Master to give the information about possible side effects beforehand and the possibility of such extreme reactions after Reiki Healing and Attunements so that it doesn’t come as a surprise later.

Why do reactions like this occur after a healing or attunement session?

This phenomenon is very common not only for Reiki but also for other kinds of treatments including allopathic treatment and is defined as the Herxheimer Reaction.

What is the Herxheimer Reaction?

The Herxheimer reaction is an immune system response to the toxins that are released when pathogens are in the process of being killed, and your body cannot eliminate them quickly enough. It is this an indication that fungi, parasites, viruses, bacteria and other pathogens are being effectively eliminated. The released toxins either exacerbate the symptoms being treated or create their symptoms.

Healing Crisis

You will come across symptoms that include flu, headaches, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea, Itches, rashes, hot flushes to name just a few which can last from a few days to 1-2 weeks after an attunement has been received. These are all signs that deep inner healing is taking place. The severity and type of reactions will vary, depending on many factors such as the general health, the pre-existing degree of toxicity, and the rate of eliminating the toxins. Often, it is an indicator of the effectiveness of the treatment and should be seen as a positive sign.

What You Can Do

The first thing to do is to accept that this reaction is perfectly normal and it is part of the healing/assimilating process. In the case of a mild reaction, it is best to continue self-healing but if the reaction is severe, you should cut back on everything and contact your Reiki teacher to ask for additional distant healing to be sent. During this process, self-healing is advised with an intention to your higher self for the assimilation of the energies to be eased to a level that is more comfortable for you and your body. This will normally shorten the process by a few days.

Overcoming Reactions After Reiki Healing and Attunements

  • Drink plenty of water {mineral water in a glass bottle is preferred over tap water}

  • Being outdoors in nature with plenty of sunshine.

  • Consuming a light and healthy diet.

  • Drinking fruit juices and organic unprocessed soups.

  • Taking salt baths, steam baths or saunas to help release the toxins from the body.

  • Discontinue Reiki sessions for a few days {if treating others}


It is important to have a positive outlook. The reactions usually vanish after a few days or a week and are a sign that the energies you have received are working.


Do not stop regular medication without consulting your doctor. Serious cardiac and other issues like breathing problems, epilepsy, etc should be given immediate medical attention. They are often unrelated to Reiki and as a result of some other serious pre-existing medical condition.

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