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Seeing Reiki

How to See Reiki

It sounds interesting, doesn't it? Being given the method that will allow you to see the Reiki energies we channel. through ourselves when performing healing on oneself or others. While some people might think that this isn't possible. I can promise you that with practice and patience, you will be able to see this energy as clearly as you can see the computer screen you are looking at right now. I was actually performing this technique myself yesterday in my craft room while creating a new Crystal Journal for my new Creative Crafts business and website.

Seeing Reiki Method

For this method to work, all you need is a clear blue sky. That's it. Nothing more and nothing less.

To start the journey, get yourself into a comfortable position, either laying down on the grass in your garden or sitting in a chair which you can recline on so you can easily look up into the sky. If you have a large window in your house, you can sit in front of it, looking up at the sky. Whatever is most comfortable for you will be perfectly ok.

Look up at the sky and take several deep breaths. Breathe in for a count of 4 and breath out for a count of 5. Breathe in for a count of 4 and breath out for a count of 5. Continue to do this until you feel your body entering into a state of relaxation. Keeping your eyes trained on one spot in the sky, allow your eyes to relax. As you continue to look at the sky, you will start to see small pinpricks of golden light darting around like tadpoles in the water. As soon as you see them, they will probably vanish and that's okay. This happens to everyone when they first try this technique. In time, you will learn how to continue looking at these lights without them vanishing. Keep doing this for several days until you can look at the lights without them vanishing.

When you have this part of the technique mastered, you can move on to the next...

When you see these golden pinpricks of light, continue to allow your eyes to relax. If you are able to see the Magic Eye pictures, you will be able to do this easily. If you cannot do these pictures, simply allow your eyes to go cross-eyed. This can take time but when you have mastered this next part, you will start to see the golden pinpricks of light as a 3D matrix where if you walked around in a circle, you will be able to see the lights from every direction. Once again, this part can take time so please continue to practice and you will master the technique.

The final technique is to move your hands through the energy. This part takes time but it can be achieved through patience and practice. When you can see the energy, start to move your hands through the air in front of you. Very slowly move your hands back and forth, up and down and see the golden light slowly shifting around your hand. This will look similar to when a stone is thrown into a pond. ripple effects will flow out from where your hands are passing through the energy.

Well, that's it. It really is that simple and I promise that when you first see this energy, you will be hooked and will start to see Reiki with a whole new perspective. This will also prove that Reiki is all around you and is not something out there that we try to connect with.

Reiki is Universal Energy!

If you have not been attuned to Reiki, you can still perform this method. Hopefully, when you start to see the golden lights, you will be called to work with Reiki. If you would like to learn more about Reiki and how to become a Reiki Healer, please CLICK HERE

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