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A Reiki Bath

Feeling stressed?

This simple-to-use technique could help you relax and ultimately reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.

Thoughts, fears, stress and anxiety can all affect your physical, mental and emotional health. But by practising reiki and connecting to the universal energy, you can become your own healer. One of the easiest ways to achieve this inner state of peace is through a reiki bath. This practice involves performing a full reiki self-treatment based on the seven main chakras: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root. But instead of finding a comfortable space, you lie in a bath of warm water. Performing the self-healing in a bath is a great way to divert the negative energies as well as remove toxins to encourage fresh energy to circulate clarity, balance, positivity and most importantly love. It can also help you sleep better at night, reduce anxiety, and heighten a deeper sense of relaxation.


First, fill your bathtub with warm water. To enhance the experience, play soothing music, fill the space with candles and crystals, or add essential oils and flower petals to the water. As you enter the bath and are comfortable, close your eyes and place the palms of your hands together. As you allow your breath to flow naturally, you should feel your mind and body become calm and clear of distractions. Now, starting at your crown, follow the hand positions of the full reiki self-treatment, spending around three minutes on each of your chakras.” To indicate when to move on to the next chakra, it is suggested that you play reiki music with singing sound bowls every three minutes. Then, when you’re ready, repeat the five reiki principles (gokai):

Just for today, do not anger.

Just for today, be grateful.

Just for today, work with diligence.

Just for today, be kind to yourself and others.

Just for today, do not worry.

Repeating this in the bath as well as every morning and night requires patience, but will encourage you to live in the moment. For example, by reciting ‘just for today, do not anger’, you’re allowing your anger to surface, forcing yourself to observe your feelings. By letting these feelings pass you’ll create more positive outcomes for yourself. In this way, you can understand that it’s only the ego that wants us to hold onto things that don’t serve your true self. Intentionally closing the healing that’s taken place with gratitude is important as it shows your commitment to honouring the best version of yourself. Take 3 deep breaths into your abdomen, then exhale with an 'Ahhhh" sound. When you’re ready, let the water drain from the bath as you place your hands together and thank reiki.

If you are reading this and you would like to learn how to become your very own Reiki healer or if you are already attuned to Reiki but wish to expand on your existing knowledge by being re-attuned which will permanently clear the channel for you to channel a finer frequency of energy, please CLICK HERE. You will also now receive manuals for the Usui method of healing that have been written by me.

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