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Signs You Are Shifting To Higher Dimensions

When you begin a journey of moving your awareness into higher dimensions, it doesn’t mean that one day you wake up and everything is perfect. It doesn’t take away your challenges. On the contrary, you use your soul’s lessons as the entry points to higher states of consciousness. Moving into the higher dimensions is like our reality but it functions on a higher frequency. It’s not about being in a different place physically {not yet}, but embodying a new and higher level of spirituality. Your body, mind and emotions will begin to vibrate at a higher rate, therefore your being will begin to accommodate more divine light. In the higher dimensions, you are still you but you move into a body of higher frequencies, often called a "Body of Light". Along the way, you will clear the dense energies within the physical and spiritual bodies and your thinking will completely shift. As shifting to the higher dimensions happens at the vibratory level, do not stop living your "normal" life. In fact, being fully human will help you to shift to the higher dimension faster. Our Earth has been shifting to these higher dimensions for some time {although it does not always feel that way} due to the increase in natural disasters and man-made wars, disease and disasters but know that these things must come to pass in order for humankind and Mother Earth to move into the higher dimensions. These things must be experienced to understand that they are of the old ways and once mastered, they will no longer be part of our existence. As God has always told us, we have free will to transition with Mother Earth or we can remain fully in the 3D world. It is up to us what we do.

I work a lot with the higher dimensions and the consciousness of the higher self during my meditations and healing sessions as well as the channelling work that I do. I know that every soul always chooses the best “teaching plan.” What many might perceive as wrong or backward from our human consciousness might not be seen in this light by the higher self at all. I’ve also noticed that some people are attuning their consciousness to dimensions that are higher than the 5th dimension. These are usually people who are the frontiers for the new era on this planet. Therefore, their upgrades and transformations are more profound and they will experience things in their life that may never occur in others or will take lifetimes for other people to experience.

Signs of Higher Dimensions

In this next chapter, I will share with you the signs of moving into higher dimensions so you can see if you are aligning with these higher dimensions of reality. If you are moving into higher dimensions than those of the 5D, there are even more intense signs that are taking place.

1. Restructuring Energy Body

As you move to the higher dimensions, one of the signs is that your energy body will completely restructure itself. I know that this may be more challenging to spot, but you’ll definitely feel it as the restructuring will be coming to completion. This is something that I so enjoy doing as a soul healer. I work to clear out cellular memories and remove old energy templates that no longer serve each person. It is similar to receiving an upgrade to your energy system. Many of you will first notice that you need to clear out stress from your system and also address the stress that you’ve carried for such a long time. You’ll also notice many old patterns being more obvious so you can start releasing them from your system.

2. Your Vibration

Another higher dimensional sign is that you become more sensitive to vibrations. You can read people’s true feelings better, and you also prefer staying in environments with lighter energy. You realise that your energy is your most valuable currency and that it’s not optional anymore to take care of yourself. Energy hygiene will become your priority.

3. Relationships

As you’re shifting to the higher dimensions, you experience more soul-based connections with people. You meet more people who are part of your soul’s family, and there will be instant mutual recognition. Your relationships will become equal and also more honest as you’ll feel like you don’t want to be hiding your true self anymore.

4. Inner Truth

It becomes harder to act out of alignment with your inner truth. As your consciousness expands, you become {sometimes more than you wish} aware of what your heart is guiding you to do.

5. Inner Peace

As you’re healing your subconscious beliefs, you experience greater states of inner peace. What’s more, your inner peace will become your new norm and also your priority. As the emotional body slowly heals old wounds, it becomes more stable and your moods together with it.

6. Mutual Help

The next higher-dimensional sign is that you realise that you can’t save everyone. You’ll learn to respect the decisions of others even though you may feel like you have the tools to help them. This comes back to respecting free will – one of the building blocks of this universe. The only help that works is the one where the energy is exchanged equally. If the other person resists your energy {your help}, it doesn’t serve them. And it only drains you.

7. Trusting Others

The next related higher-dimensional sign is that you learn to trust others and their decisions. As you are better connected with your higher self, you’ll realise that other people choose their lessons at the soul level. Instead of being worried about them, you send them love and hold a space for them and trust their own timing.

8. Your Own Energy

As you’re transitioning to the higher dimensions, you experience greater states of energy cleansing. This is conducted in the union with your lower and higher self. Clearing out your own energy will help you step into your inner power. You’ll be able to think clearly, and ultimately you will feel lighter.

9. Stop Being Sweet

You, the being shifting into the higher dimensions, carry within yourself powerful light. It’s time for you to stop dimming your light and instead realise how positively you can use it in your life. It’s time to stop being sweet and insecure – it’s time to step into your inner power.

10. Shine With Ease

A big part of the shift to the higher dimensions has to do with your frequency, energy, inner light, and true essence. You, as a being who has chosen to make this transition at this point, will feel like you need to carry others with you. You know that you have the light within you, but sometimes it feels like you have to shine. This will change as you embody more of your soul's energy. You’ll want to shine because when you do, you’re in your true frequency. So there won’t be so much of a must, but rather you’ll experience joy while allowing yourself to be your true self.

11. Observer

A very profound sign of shifting into the higher dimensions is becoming an observer of your life. This will create a distance between you and your circumstances that will allow your higher consciousness to come in and guide you to better choices. Being an observer is also one of the greatest ways how NOT TO get stuck in 3D.

12. Adjusting Yourself

As your emotional and mental bodies cleanse, you realise the importance of being proactive and working on your energy BEFORE it gets out of balance. Your inner guidance will guide you to the best ways to get yourself in the flow and adjust your energy without going to extremes.

13. Strengthen Your Energy Body

As we’re coming out of 3D, we need to heal, restructure, and then strengthen our energy bodies. This is one of the essential steps while transitioning to the higher dimensions. You’ll become more mindful of what energy you allow into your environment. This will result in many changes in your relationships and possibly even in your work.

14. Integration and Embodiment

The next higher-dimensional sign is integration and embodiment. With all the changes happening at the emotional, energy, and mental levels, the denser energies will become lighter and you’ll feel more whole. After a few deep rounds of inner cleansing are done, you feel attracted to embodying the new higher-dimensional energy in your life. You’ll feel the call to walk your talk more and more, and eventually, there will be no separation between your human and spiritual self.

15. Student of Life

At some point in transitioning to the higher dimensions, you’ll be less interested in reading spiritual books, and more interested in deriving the lessons from your own experience. Your higher self will guide you to honour and listen to your own inner voice over what anyone else is saying.

16. Multidimensional Self

As you move to the higher dimensions you’ll work more consciously with your multidimensional self. This will allow you to become a conscious creator of your reality and speak your words into existence with the perfect knowledge that it will be done.

17. Inner power

The next higher-dimensional sign is that you step into your inner power. Your authentic power has NOTHING to do with ego. Your power originates in your higher self, and you’ll feel more connected to it. You’ll be less likely to give your power away over to certain ideas, theories, sensations, or people. You’ll realize that you already have everything within yourself.

18. Higher Consciousness

One of the clear signs of stepping into the higher-dimensions and higher is that your way of thinking shifts. You may not even recognise your old self anymore. Your mind becomes clearer and you can see through the ego illusions. Eventually, you’ll experience more lightness and space within your consciousness, and your mind will become more stable and calmer.

19. Acceptance

The more you shift to the higher-dimensional frequency, the more you’re rooted in the present moment. You’re more accepting of your circumstances and your past. You see your life from a higher – more expanded – consciousness that will help you to accept yourself and others.


All the above higher-dimensional signs will happen gradually depending on your soul’s chosen program of ascension. At this point, you may resonate with some of the signs while not with others. Just by being attracted to this Blog post, you are transitioning to the fifth dimension. In this blog post, I want to outline what you’ll be experiencing along the way. Although not everything will be happening in the beginning.

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