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  • LivingReiki Academy - The Home of Spiritual Teaching & Healing Support

    About Us LivingReiki Academy opened its doors in 2001 to provide spiritual seekers and healers with a unique environment to help them connect with their true spiritual selves. Through our distant attunements, spiritual guidance, tarot readings and healing sessions you will be guided on a journey of self-discovery where you will gain knowledge and tools to help promote mental, physical, spiritual and emotional well-being. The philosophy and intention of the Academy will always be to make energy healing affordable and available to everyone while also providing each person with a path to wellness through professional teaching, divine healing and spiritual guidance. Read More WELCOME TO LIVINGREIKI ACADEMY The Home of Spiritual Teaching and Healing Support for Individual and Worldwide Ascension Your Journey Have you ever felt a hunger for something you can’t put words to? ​ What if you are actually on a journey - a quest - that has spanned the ages and many lifetimes? It has survived victories, tragedies, wealth and poverty, unimaginable gains and losses. Death and rebirth, time and again. The story you are living now is worth everything because you are the hero and it never ends. There is always something new to learn and something great to discover so start your new spiritual journey today with LivingReiki Academy Attunements by Jay Burrell Since the beginning of my spiritual journey over 23 years ago, I have been blessed with the gift of channelling. This has resulted in me channelling more than 200 attunements with many more to come. The main areas I specialise in are celestial connections, starseed alignment, lightcode awakening, angelic contact, and advanced energies. These energies have been channelled to propel each person on their spiritual path towards personal awakening and enlightenment. Quick View The Void - Eradicate The Void To Become The Void Price £15.00 New Quick View The Celestial LightBody Activation Level 2 - Unified LightBody Ascension Reiki Price £50.00 Coming Soon Quick View Holy Spirit Healing Reiki Price £0.00 Quick View The Celestial LightBody Activation Level 1 Price £50.00 Quick View Dark Night of the Soul Healing Flush Empowerment - Deeper Memories & Emotions Price £25.00 Quick View The Abundance Magnet Empowerment - Become a Magnet for Abundance Price £30.00 Quick View Pick-n-Mix Special #1 - Choose 5 Attunements Price £55.00 Quick View Pick-n-Mix Special #2 - Choose 10 Attunements Price £150.00 Quick View New Life Energy Functions 1st Degree - Accelerated Spiritual Progression Price £25.00 Quick View New Life Energy Functions 2nd Degree - Continued Spiritual Ascension Price £15.00 New Manual Quick View Phoenix Rising Reiki - Burn Away Negativity & Rise Above Life's Challenges Price £15.00 Quick View Christian Blessings Energy Package {Plus Spirit Release Healing 1-3} Regular Price £400.00 Sale Price £250.00 Quick View Saint Joseph Spiritual Empowerment - Protection/Guidance Through Difficult Times Price £15.00 Quick View The Blessings of the Holy Scapular - Healing, Blessings & Graces from God Price £15.00 Quick View The Earth Star Chakra Empowerment - Grounding & Mother Earth Connections Price £20.00 Quick View The Mermaid-Glass Spiritual Empowerment - Transformation & Growth Price £15.00 Quick View The Stellar Atom Crystal Empowerment - Quick & Simple Psychic Awakening Price £15.00 Quick View The Phenacite Crystal Empowerment - Spiritual Healing & Psychic Deve Price £15.00 Quick View The Ethereal Moldavite Crystal Empowerment - Expand & Enhance Your Psychic Gifts Price £15.00 Quick View Universal Orb Empowerment - Create Healing, Abundance, Angelic & Crystal Orbs Price £15.00 Attunements by Jay

  • Spirit Release Healing | LivingReiki Academy

    Spirit Release Healing Services Spirit Release Healing is a new form of healing that I have channelled with the help of the Celestial Hierarchy who are an advanced group of light beings that work with me through a unique crystal called the "Energy Point of Light". Through this connection with the Celestial Hierarchy and the Energy Point of Light, I am able to shift my consciousness into an altered state of reality which helps me to access your spirit body to pick up and detect any adverse energies, implants, attachments etc. Introduction * Are you unable to sleep for long periods of time * Do you find you cannot get a decent rest when you do sleep? * Do you have thoughts constantly running around in your head and find it a struggle to snap out of it. * Do you experience pain in your head? * Are you constantly tired? * Do you have unexpected health problems? * Do you suffer from mood swings? * Do you find yourself overreacting to things in life? * Do you have a low mood? * Do you feel that there is no point in living? * Do you suffer from addictions? * Do you suffer from trauma but have not had counselling for healing from this * Do you feel that there is another person or being inside of you or attached to you? If you have answered yes to some or all of the above then you could be suffering from a form of energy attachment in and around your auric field and/or a chakra attachment. Most people will have an attachment during their lifetime, without even knowing it. It is very common. Aura attachments and malfunctioning Chakras limit your personal growth and manifestation capabilities. They can also cause severe limitations in the evolution of your personal, spiritual and physical growth. You can spend years reading books and seeking help from outside of yourself however you will quite often find that you are not able to break free from the cycles of feeling trapped or experiencing the same circle of events that keep happening time and time again. Aura attachments can also manifest as physical diseases. There are many types of auric attachment that lower your energies and fracture your frequencies. This causes you to continuously experience difficulty in manifesting a much more desirable reality. Why Clear Your Aura and Chakras? It is important to clear the aura and chakras in order to break free from these negative influences and repetitive cycles. One must work to transform the negative attachments from all levels of awareness. This includes the neural networks that are associated with them so the repeated patterns can stop becoming solidified as more emotion is put into them. One must then clear out the negativity, undesired attachments, demonic/negative influences, negative thought forms, soul fragmentations, and spirit personalities {seen & unseen} so they can be cleared once and for all. The Chakras - Dimensions of Consciousness As a rule, we have 7 main chakras within the body plus several additional chakras that are located outside of the body. However, there are many more chakras than just these. This was discovered through my channelling work to bring forth the Celestial Chakra Activations which clears, aligns and activates 40 chakras. The Chakras that I will work on through this healing session are as follows: ​ Root Chakra Sacral Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra Heart Chakra Throat Chakra 3rd Eye Chakra Zeal Chakra Crown Chakra Transpersonal Point I will also address additional chakras that extend up and beyond the Crown Chakra and several Sub Chakras that extend below the soles of the feet if I feel that they need healing and re-alignment. The Chakra and Auric Field Clearing Healing Session This new healing service will clear out all attachments, imprints, cords, and implants as well as all forms of chakra attachments, implants, imprints and cords that might exist in the energetic fields. Clearing these will open, align and fully activate the Chakras. Through this session, the chakras will be kept open for healing and divine manifestation. It is essential to keep the chakras aligned and open to allow for the body to perform the natural mechanism in which it was designed to do which is TO HEAL ITSELF ! When you are experiencing these various distortions in your energy field and chakras you can experience a level of suffering that you should not have to bare. Everything that is felt in life is experienced on an energetic level before it manifests in the physical reality and your overall health. ​ The layers of the Aura that I will scan, clear, heal and align will include: ​ The Etheric Body The Astral {Emotional Body} The Mental Body The Spiritual Body The Etheric Template Body The Celestial Body The Ketheric Template Body The Memory Body The Integrative Body The Eternal Body The Universal Body Important Note : On occasions, I will not sense anything being attached or imprinted onto your spiritual body. This occurs when the physical self creates a thought that they are under the influence of external forces but in reality, the forces are coming from within and from their own subconscious mind. These are what I call Self Imposed Psychic Attacks and they occur more often than actual spiritual attachments. When I detect this, I will inform you so you can receive a traditional Spiritual Healing session which includes Mental and Emotional Healing to help clear away these unconscious self-imposed thought patterns. What will happen in the Healing Session? Your healing session will last for between 1 and 1.5 hours where you will be asked to lay down with your eyes closed. Wearing comfortable clothing with no jewellery including watches being worn. During the healing session, you might experience a flow of energy through the body which will feel as though you are laying on a vibration plate. You might also feel waves of energy flowing through you. There could be heat or coolness flowing through your body as well. Altered states of consciousness, visions and/or etheric voices may also be heard. It is however important that you must remember that these experiences are actually rare experiences during a healing session. It is important to remember that the majority of the time, nothing will be felt apart from a deep state of relaxation. One must remember that the focus on the external sensations will distract you from the positive eneriges being received so if nothing happens during the healing, this is actually a better sign than if something is seen and/or felt. How is the Healing Given? I do offer in-person healing using this service but to make it more accessible to clients all around the world I am now offering it via distance healing. In-person treatments are available for clients who are in the South Wales area but my preferred method to offer these healings is via distance. This allows for a more in-depth healing to be given as well as a greater healing to be received by the client. During your healing, you are encouraged to relax. There is nothing else that you need to do. You can play music in the background, you can listen to guided meditations, binaural beats, and solfeggio tones. If you are going to use incense or candles, these must be used with care. Candles must never be left unattended or burnt near flammable objects or materials. The Academy and Jay Burrell will not be held responsible if you choose to use candles or incense during your healing session. To share the healing with you, I can offer the energies using 1 of 2 ways. The first method is where we arrange for a set time and day when we can both enter into a meditative state for the transference of healing energy to be sent {I am based in the United Kingdom where I work from 9am - 5pm BST} so this must be taken into account when booking your healing session via my online booking system. The alternative method is a technique that I developed several years ago called the " Etheric Background Technique " My Way to Send Healing Using the Etheric Background Technique This method allows you to continue with your daily life, work, school, shopping etc while the healing is given. This is extremely helpful for people who live internationally or have jobs or children to care for during the day. With the Etheric Background Technique, I will connect with your higher self {Monad} for your energy system to be treated as well as clearing the Auric Field and your personal space. Using this method, you might experience lightheadedness, fluctuations in body heat or heart palpitations so please be aware of any changes and if you need to sit down for several minutes until the sensations ease, please do this with care. After the healing has been given, it is not uncommon for someone to experience a post-healing crisis which is where the body releases adverse energy patterns, cords, attachments, spirits etc. Some will feel instantly better. Whatever occurs, you must give yourself several weeks for the energies to be fully integrated into your etheric body. During this process, you might experience sudden changes in your mood as old energies and attachments, and implants are removed. There will also be a process where old thought forms are released so new programs can be encoded into your energy field. During this time, it is recommended that you try to stay away from socialising or strenuous activities until the full 4 weeks has passed. This is a major healing and clearing of your whole spiritual body so be gentle with yourself during this time. Feedback Unlike many other healers, I find that focusing on the feedback can take away the focus on the spirit healing being performed so the way I report back to you about my findings and what was given will be different. Instead of a long email, I will report back with bullet points which will give you insight into what was found, who was discovered and what was done to help you. I understand that this method is different to others but it is the way that I find to be of most benefit when performing spirit release healing. Maintaining your Energies to Stop Future Attachments It will now be your responsibility to maintain your energy body. The best way to do this is through daily self-healing using Usui Reiki and making sure you are grounded when you wake and grounded before you go to bed at night. I also encourage clients to work with Angel LightCode Healing Reiki and Celestial Chakras 1-5 to help with this process. The Usui method of healing will give you the ability to self-heal on a daily basis which will keep up the work that I have done through your main healing session/sessions. I am also here to help at any time you need post-healing support and/or guidance. If you require additional healings after your main session has been given, these are offered and I will usually recommend a minimum of 2 sessions to address, clear and remove adverse energies before smoothing out any imbalance that these have caused. Items I Need For Your Healing Session In order to provide the best possible healing that I can, I will require a picture of the individual who is receiving the healing. This picture must be a full body image {head to feet} where they are standing on their own with no one else around them. Ideally, the individual should be standing in front of a plain background but if this is not possible that is ok. I will also need your location {country}. Thank you for taking the time to read about this new service that I am offering and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me and I will help as much as I can. You can contact me by CLICKING HERE ​ All sales are final! The Spirit Release Healing sessions are for 1 person only. It is not possible to perform the healing on more than 1 person at a time. If you need healing to be sent to multiple people {3+} please email me for a group discount. Thank you Spirit Release Healing Session x 1 - £50 Spirit Release Healing & 4 Reiki Healing Sessions - £100.00 {One session every 2 weeks totalling 10 weeks of healing} Spirit Release Healing Sessions x 4 - £175.00 {One session will be sent every 2 weeks for 8 weeks or once a month for 4 months} Important Notice: Mr Jay Burrell and the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies cannot be held responsible for any ill effects that may arise during or after a healing session has been given. As a Spiritual Healer, all I offer is a way for your body to heal itself. This can at times result in adverse reactions within the body as the old stale energies are released so the body can self-heal. If these reactions continue for several days after the healing has been given, you are encouraged to seek medical assistance to check for any underlying condition that is causing these symptoms.

  • Terms & Conditions | LivingReiki Academy

    TERMS & CONDITIONS ACADEMY OPEN HOURS Monday - Friday {9 am - 5 pm} Saturday - Sunday (The Academy is Closed) The Academy is also closed during every UK Holiday including Bank Holidays. ​ LOYALTY PROGRAM INFORMATION The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies Loyalty Program is a new way for you to earn discounts on future purchases. For every £10 that you spend on attunements, you will receive 1 coin. Each coin is the equivalent to £1.00 in digital money. At this time, the Loyalty Program is only available when an attunement is purchased using a Credit Card. Paypal purchases are not covered by the Loyalty Program. Please click on the widget that can be found on the bottom left of the Academy homepage. If you have any questions about the Loyalty Program please contact me directly at ​ THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES TO ATTUNEMENTS, PACKAGES AND/OR LISTINGS ​ LivingReiki Academy and Jay Burrell have the right to make changes to attunements, listings and packages without prior notice being given. This also includes the addition or removal of attunements and/or manuals if needed or requested by the founders of each attunement. HOW DO I PAY FOR MY ATTUNEMENTS At this moment in time, the Academy is only accepting payments via PayPal and Stripe. You do not need a PayPal account to purchase your attunements, all you need is a valid credit or debit card then you can follow the onscreen instructions to check out as a guest. I am working hard to bring ApplePay to the Academy this year. You can also use a PayPal payment plan to pay for your attunements over 3 payments, making it more affordable to access more advanced systems and larger packages. The Lifetime Member packages are also available to purchase using PayPal payment plans. ​ WHEN WILL I RECEIVE MY MANUALS All manuals are sent by automated download links which will be sent to the email address that you used during the checkout process. Some manuals are not available via digital download so these will be sent via email after your purchase and payment has cleared. You will also receive a "Thank You" email from me when you purchase any attunement from the Academy. Digital downloads of your manuals are valid for 30 days. Once the 30 days have passed the downloadable link will no longer be valid. All e-Manuals are in English but if you need a manual in another language please contact me at to ask if we have a document in your chosen language. If we do then this will be sent to you via email after your payment has been made. ​ WHEN WILL I RECEIVE A REPLY TO MY EMAIL ​ I will always try to reply to emails the same day that they are sent but on occasions, it can take 2-3 days, especially during busy periods when I am teaching over 40-50 students at one time. If you have not received a reply within 4-5 days {Maximum}, please re-send your email with the word RE-SEND within the subject bar of your email. I kindly ask that repeat emails are not sent a few hours after the original if you have not received a reply. This will not speed up the reply process. Email correspondence must be kept within the subject of the teaching being given. This is so I can give each student the same level of support and replies to their emails. This also prevents any confusion or lack of replies to specific questions or queries. If these guidelines are not honoured, I hold the right to withdraw all teaching and refuse to reply to emails. CORRESPONDENCE AND EMAIL SUPPORT PLEASE READ At the Academy, we offer full email support to all students before, during and after the spiritual training and distance attunements have been given. We do not offer online video {Skype/Zoom} or telephone correspondence! This is a guideline that has been in place since the academy was created in 2002 and remains intact to this day. All correspondence is given via email or live chat via the Academy chat window. I do not have a work telephone number and I will not give out my personal/private number to anyone other than friends and family so please honour this guideline and do not request telephone or live video chat support. If you suffer from any disability of which I am working with quite a few students who have emotional disabilities as well as physical disabilities such as blindness or deafness, I will always do my best to support you. There are many applications that you can download onto an Apple computer or Windows program which will read the manuals to you if you suffer from full or partial blindness. You can also use programs to dictate to your computer when writing an email. This will give you the ability to send questions or ask for guidance when it is needed. Please understand that I will always do my best to help ALL students at the academy but I also must draw a line when too much is asked of me to do something which is out of my control. If you need help to find programs or applications to help with reading emails/manuals or sending emails please do not hesitate to get in touch and I will help as much as I can. ​ REFUNDS AND/OR ATTUNEMENT EXCHANGES { PLEASE READ CAREFULLY } Due to the nature of online spiritual teaching and with all manuals being delivered straight away via downloadable links, WeTransfer or via my Google Drive account, refunds and swaps are not offered. The Consume r Rights Act of 2015 is the official legislation in the UK which dictates a mandatory 14-day period in which the seller (LivingReiki Academy ) must offer a refund to a customer {student} if the downloadable links and/or documents are faulty and will not open. Proof of the faulty link or a screenshot of the manual, not opening must be sent to Jay Burrell at LivingReiki Academy at to request a resend of your e-manual or download link. A replacement e-manual will be offered first if the content of your original document/documents is deemed "faulty". Digital goods must be "of satisfactory quality, "fit for purpose" and "as described," according to the act's legalese. If a payment error has occurred, you will receive the relevant refund in the form of a Gift Voucher to use against any future purchase from the Academy. LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP REFUNDS For students who sign up to become Lifetime Members of the Academy, refunds are not offered. When correspondence has begun and access to my Google Drive account has been given, refunds are not possible and the purchase is deemed as final! ​ DISTANT ATTUNEMENTS Distant Attunements are sent using the Chi Ball {Call In} method or at an appointed time and day. We do not offer Skype or Live One to One attunements. I also ask for all students to leave a minimum of 24 hours before they request for their attunement to be sent. I will then proceed to book your attunement into my diary for a day when I am free. I do not believe in giving the attunements as soon as payment is sent. I strongly believe in the old school method where the teacher and student build a connection during this time as it helps with the attunement process. To reiterate, I will not send attunements the same day as they are purchased unless otherwise specified in the attunement listed or newsletter. If multiple attunements are sent for you to call in at your convenience, these must be accepted with a gap of 2-3 days between each chi ball. Failure to do this, will result in a request for you to call them in again by following this guideline before your certificates and lineages will be issued. The Academy is not a re-selling website. We are a genuine Spiritual Teaching Academy where we hold your Spiritual Welfare at the forefront of our services! Distant Attunements are only offered to suddens 18 years and older. ​ RE-ATTUNEMENTS ​ If a re-attunement is required, a 50% fee of the original purchased price will be required before the re-attunement can be booked. A re-attunement is also one that you ask for after the original chi ball/attunement has been sent. For example, if your purchased attunement was purchased at £10, you will be asked to pay a re-attunement fee of £5 ​ CERTIFICATES {NEW GUIDELINES FOR 2024} Requests for multiple certificates are no longer permitted. You must request your certificate after each attunement has been received. This also applies to students who have booked multiple chi balls at one time. If multiple certificates are requested, there will be an administration fee of £1 per certificate. If requests for multiple certificates continue, I will not issue a certificate, you will only receive a lineage. ​ WHAT WILL YOU EXPERIENCE DURING MY DISTANT ATTUNEMENT Attunements are a unique event for every person so no one will ever experience the same thing. Some people will sense energy more than others. Some students will be given visuals of colourful lights, spirit guides, animal guides, loved ones who have crossed over, ascended masters or visions of beautiful landscapes. There are however times when nothing is seen or felt. This will quite often worry the recipient of the attunement resulting in a deep inner concern that they have not been attuned. I would like to promise you now that if this occurs it never means that you have not been attuned or that the energies were not received. At times, an attunement will enter into your consciousness with a whisper of energy due to personal situations you might be experiencing at that time which needs to be cleared and resolved before the energies will manifest within your life. At other times, the energies will simply flow into your Etheric background so that they can slowly filter through your consciousness over a period of days, weeks or even months after the main attunement is accepted. Always remember that energy is an intelligent force and simply intending for the Energetic Vibrations to enter into your life is all that is needed. If re-attunement is requested, these can be sent but there is an administration fee of 25% of the original price that you paid for the re-attunement to be sent. This is asked to cover my time to re-book the attunement for a 2nd time into my diary. Attunements work, whether you feel them or not so please make sure that the re-attunement is needed before requesting one to be sent! ​ AFTER EFFECTS OF ATTUNEMENTS ​ Distant Attunements can bring forward a whole hose of positive effects but they can also manifest themselves with feelings of being separated from all that you once knew. This occurs when the energies you receive lead you down the path of a Dark Night of the Soul. When this occurs, you are taken on a journey of inner discovery and releasement from all energies that no longer serve your highest good. The Dark Night will last for anything from a few days to a couple of weeks, during which time you can feel a total disconnection from everything you once knew. ​ DISTANT HEALING ​ Distant healing is given to try to help the body to heal itself. Mr Jay Burrell and LivingReiki Academy will never make a promise to perform a cure or to bring forth miracles for you or a loved one if the healings have been purchased for another person. Healings are given for entertainment purposes and are given in the hope that through the use of energy work, the body will ultimately heal itself. If however after several healings, we find that what we are doing is not bringing about the desired blessings you are looking for or if we feel that continued healing sessions will not bring about any change in your circumstances either because of self-inflicted illness, mental disorders where you purposely make yourself ill or if anything that we do falls on deaf ears and never makes a change, we have the right to withdraw from the healing. Due to the ongoing support, correspondences and guidance that is given before, during and after all healing sessions, refunds are not offered and all sales are final! ​ THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO TEACH SOMEONE ​ Under UK law, the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies has the right to refuse teaching to any individual if I do not feel that they are going to honour, respect and follow the guidelines of the attunement in question or the teachings that are given by the Academy . It is entirely up to the founder of the Academy - Mr Jay Burrell to make these decisions based on his understanding and belief about how services provided will be used. If we feel that the services provided will be taken out of context or used to either cause physical harm to the individual or others. By this, it is stated that if an individual will use the services or try to cure or heal a chronic condition such as cancer and refuse treatment then refusal to work with the individual is justified. The same law applies to the refusal to offer services to individuals if they are known to cause trouble or to abuse their legal status as a customer to receive paid services only to then file for a refund after service and documentation has been given. The academy is justified to refuse teaching and to send a full refund if we are harassed or have our character defamed in any way. If continued harassment or defamation occurs, we will escalate the situation further to start criminal charges against the individual{s} who are responsible for the harassment. ​ ATTUNEMENT RECORDS AND STUDENT FILES ​ Due to the number of students who are being attuned by the Academy, It is the student's responsibility to keep track of the attunements that they have purchased and the dates that the attunements were received. I will keep track of items for a limited time but as soon as the attunements have been given, this information will be deleted as part of data protection. If you have lost your information, please re-log into your account where you will be able to view all of the items you have purchased. The certificates that you will have received will also be sent and must be saved by you {the student} ​ TAROT READING DISCLAIMER It is a legal requirement that I include a disclaimer with regard to Tarot Readings. In accordance with the law in several countries, we must point out that all tarot readings given here are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. We are not qualified to give legal, financial, medical or any other advice, and we do not give advice. If you require advice of any kind you should seek a suitable licensed professional. By using this service you confirm that you are over 18 and that you understand and agree with these terms. If you are under 18 and/or you do not agree with these terms then you are not permitted to use this website. I do not collect any personal data on this site. This service is for over 18s only. Both I and the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies also hold the right to refuse to perform a reading if we feel that it will not be in your best interest or if the messages that are given may cause you to experience negative reactions to the messages which on occasions can cause sudden shifts in awareness and a need for life changes. Please also be aware that we set a cookie each time a reading is given; we do not store any personal details. ​ HEALING SERVICES AND REFUNDS ​ You can claim a full refund up to 24 hours after payment has been made. If you have booked your healing within this time frame, a 50% refund will be given. After 24 hours, no refund is offered. If your heading sessions begin straight away, refunds are not offered. When choosing the 1 year of healing service, you can claim a full refund up to 7 days after the payment has been made but there will be a deduction of £150 to cover the costs of 7 days of healing being given. If several weeks have passed since your first healing, no refunds are given so please make sure this service is the right one for you. IS THE ACADEMY OF LIVINGREIKI THERAPIES ACCREDITED At the Academy, we do not believe that being accredited by a company makes us any better than someone who is not accredited. Therefore you will never see links, badges or logos listed on the website. The need for recognition comes from the human ego which is something that I have freed myself from. The only company that I have been registered with to show that the teachings that I offer are genuine is the World Metaphysical Association. I have been a member of this accreditation provider for over a decade and am honoured that they allowed both myself and the Academy to join. * The World Metaphysical Association (W.M.A) - ​ COOKIE COLLECTION POLICY AND DISCLAIMER The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies is committed to safeguarding your privacy. This is in compliance with the new General Data Protection regulation that came into force as of 25th May 2018. By using this site or/and our services, you consent to the Processing of your Personal Data as described in this Privacy Privacy. WHAT INFORMATION DOES THE ACADEMY COLLECT The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies collects and safely stores the information you enter on our website or provide us in any other way. In addition, we collect the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet; login; e-mail address; password; computer and connection information and any purchase history that is made through the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies. We may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times and the length of visits to certain pages. We also collect personally identifiable information (including name, email address and communications); payment details (including credit card information but we do not hold your credit card numbers or security codes). We will also hold on record any comments, feedback, product reviews, recommendations, and personal profile if one has been created. HOW DOES THE ACADEMY OF LIVINGREIKI THERAPIES COLLECTION YOUR INFORMATION When you conduct a transaction on our website, as part of the process, we collect the personal information that you give to us such as your name, address and email address. Your personal information will only be used for the reasons stated above. It will only be used for your transaction. Your details will never be given to any third-party organisations apart from our website platform ( As an extra safeguard, your information is always encrypted and is kept strictly confidential. WHY DO WE COLLECT THIS INFORMATION We collect such non-personal and personal information for the following purposes: * To provide and operate the Services; * To provide our users with ongoing customer assistance and technical support; * To be able to contact our visitors and users with general or personalized service-related notices and promotional messages; * To create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred non-personal Information, which we may use to provide and improve our respective services; * To comply with any applicable laws and regulations. HOW DOES THE ACADEMY STORE, USE, SHARE AND DISCLOSE INFORMATION AND VISITOR PERSONAL INFORMATION The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies is hosted on the platform. provides us with an online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through’s data storage, databases and the general applications. will always store your data on secure servers behind a protected firewall. All direct payment gateways offered by the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies and adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and PayPal. PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers. HOW DO WE COMMUNICATE WITH SITE VISITORS We may contact you to notify you regarding your account, to troubleshoot problems with your account, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or monies owed, to poll your opinions through surveys or questionnaires, to send updates about our company, or as otherwise necessary to contact you to enforce our User Agreement, applicable national laws, and any agreement we may have with you. For these purposes , we may contact you via email or through Newsletters which are sent via (shoutout) and MailChimp . You always have the option of unsubscribing from these services which can be done by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the relevant newsletters. THE RIGHT TO BE FORGOTTEN If you wish to have your details removed and deleted from the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies, you need only ask. If you send this request to the Academy and wish to have the right to be forgotten we will remove your details and contact information from our files. In these circumstances , we will comply with any request, unless we need to retain certain information as a matter of law, such as transaction details. We will always remove as much information as we can, and you will not be contacted again. LEGAL DISCLAIMER For legal reasons, I am stating that all items for sale as CURIO and are strictly for entertainment purposes only. When you purchase your attunement and/or healing sessions, you are agreeing to indemnify me from all liabilities & any expenses including lawyer’s fees arising from such claims based on your purchases. The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies makes no claim as to the effectiveness of any item, or product purchased from this website. All services offered through the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies are not meant to replace medical advice. If you suffer from any medical conditions, you must always seek professional assistance prior to receiving any distant attunement or healing session. The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies will not take any responsibility for recommendations made and no guarantees issued towards the validity of information exchanged. Any distant attunement or healing session should only be used alongside traditional medical treatment and should not be viewed as a replacement. By receiving healing sessions empowerments or attunements, you are agreeing to indemnify the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies and Jay Burrell from and against any and all claims of libel, defamation, and violation of rights of privacy or publicity and infringement of intellectual property or other rights. You are also agreeing to indemnify Jay Burrell and the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies from any after effects that you feel are not on alignment with what you expected to receive/experience. By accessing our web site, you agree not to redistribute the information found therein. The Academy of LivingReiki Therapies and Jay Burrell is not liable for any damages or costs of any type arising out of or in any way connected with your use of our services and the attunements that we offer. These services will not cause any adverse effects in your life.

  • Free Attunements | LivingReiki Academy

    Free Attunements Introducing a new set of FREE Self Attuning Attunements. There is no need to book an attunement with me when receiving these energies. All you need to do is download your manual/manuals and then call them in as directed by the information from the founders. If no acceptance speech is within the manual, you can use the intention method to ask for the energies to be received by your higher self to flow within your etheric background. ​ To download your manual/manuals please click on the name of the attunement then save the file to your computer. Archangel Zadkiel Amethyst Ray Abundantia's Blessings Image Reiki Universal Hug

  • Spiritual Healing | LivingReiki Academy

    Spiritual Healing with LivingReiki Reiki is a form of energy work that originated in Japan in the early 20th century by a gentleman called Dr Mikao Usui. This simple and non-invasive form of spiritual healing is based on the idea that we all have an unseen "life force" that flows through and flows around the body which is often referred to as the "aura". A Definition of Healing {Spiritual & Reiki} ​ A treatment that involves the transfer of energy from the healer to the recipient. It promotes self-healing by relaxing the body, releasing tensions and strengthening the body’s own immune system. Healing is natural and non-invasive to bring the recipient into a state of balance and well-being on all levels. Spiritual healing is not linked to a particular religion. The word ‘spiritual’ originates from the Latin word ‘spiritus’ meaning ‘breath of life’. The spiritual aspect refers to spiritual energy working at a deep level on our spiritual being. The healing involves the transfer of energy; in other words, it is not from the healer him or herself, but the healer links with ‘Universal’ or Divine energy to channel healing for the mind, body and spirit. As a Reiki healer/master and teacher of over 23 years, I have worked with many clients both in person and distantly to help bring them to a state of deep relaxation so that they can take advantage of the energies to bring healing to the trinity of mind, body & spirit. As your healer, I work with clients by channelling the energies through my hands which are held just above the body, helping to promote healing by encouraging a healthy flow of energy. While many will think that Reiki is nothing more than pseudo-science a recent survey conducted by the National Institute of Health found that Reiki is now used by a growing number of institutes, hospitals, hospice centres and practitioners to help with relaxation, anxiety, pain management and depression. Components of Healing Universal energy or spiritual force {non-religious} can be directed by intention ​ When focused on the human body, via the aura {human energy field}, it raises the ‘spiritual vibrations’ of that person ​ This improves health and allows one’s highest nature to unfold ​ For optimum healing, repeated treatments needed to overcome the body’s inertia ​ When people are ill, it is common for them to say that they are ‘low in energy’; conversely when people are healthy, we talk about them bursting with energy. Often 3-4 sessions are required to bring about improvement, especially for those with long-term conditions but just 1 session will bring relief and healing to a whole host of conditions/situations. Who can be helped? The simplest answer is ANYONE. Everyone can benefit from Reiki due to the amount of unhelpful energetic burdens that each person will attract within their lifetime {such as anger or fear) which can be alleviated by healing . Usually people with long-term mental and physical health conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar states, backache, arthritis, cancer, ME, those ‘low in energy’ or generally feeling ‘out of sorts’ What do People Experience During Healing? Many sensations, best described as ‘flow of energy’: * Warmth * Coolness * Tingling * Other sensations {e.g. of movement, touch, pain coming to the surface} Effects of Healing: Not always specific but often very important to the life of the patient. e.g. * Reduced pain * Deepening inner peace / lightening of burden * Alleviation of physical symptoms * Sense of connectedness with the Universe * Increased vitality Who Should Try Healing? And Should Anyone Not Try This Method of Alternative Medicine? ​ There are no dangers in receiving Spiritual Healing. It can do no harm and has no side effects. Healing is also a noninvasive treatment where you are in full control of the healing session. It is also important to remind everyone that Spiritual Healing is performed while you are fully clothed. It is very different to massage therapy and can be performed with the hands resting a few inches above the body. ​ What to Expect During a Distant Healing Session ​ I offer in-person and distant healing. While in-person healing will always be the best way to receive healing, distant healing helps me to reach more people and for you to relax and unwind in your own environment. In-Person Healing Treatment For in-person treatments, you will spend the entire session laying on my therapy couch, fully clothed with a soft blanket placed over you. If you are pregnant or otherwise unable to lie flat, you will be seated in a chair. It is recommended that you were comfortable closing for your session, avoiding anything tight or restrictive. Although I will supply blankets and pillows you might want to dress in layers in case you get too warm or cool during the Spiritual Healing session. If you receive a full Spiritual Healing session, you will be asked to roll onto your stomach during the middle part of the healing session so make are you remove all belts or other bulky items so you can relax and unwind. During your healing session, I will place my hands gently on or just over your body in a series of hand positions, including around the head, face, neck, stomach, knees, feet, thighs and arms. These hand positions will vary depending on your needs at the time of your healing session. Each hand position is held for roughly 2-3 minutes but this can be extended if I feel that the area being treated needs more healing to bring about balance and alignment. During the healing session, you can expect to feel deeply relaxed and you may fall asleep during the healing. This is perfectly ok. You are in a safe place! As the healing progresses, you may sense heat or coolness in the areas being treated. It is also not uncommon for you to sense additional hands-on or near your body in areas where I am not treating. This is nothing to worry about and is perfectly normal. This is a sign that spirit helpers are joining us for the healing session. All of this and much more will be explained to you during your initial consultation. ​ Distant Reiki Healing Treatment ​ In the same way, as an in-person healing session is given, you will be asked to make yourself comfortable either by sitting in the lotus position, laying in bed or sitting in a comfortable straight-backed chair. At the time of your healing session, you will be asked to take several deep breaths and then relax. You can say a short intention statement to ask for the energies to flow through you or you can simply lay there to let everything unfold as it is supposed to. During your healing session, you might feel cooler than normal so having a blanket over your lap is recommended so you are not distracted by the cold feelings. During your distant healing session, I will be performing what is called "Psychic Surgery" where I will use my intuitive gifts to tap into your energy field to give the healing. The healing will follow the same protocol as an in-person treatment but instead of being there in person, your healing will be ethically performed. During this form of healing, you may feel sensations of hands being placed on or over the Chakras of the body as well as heat, coolness, tingling, flushing or waves that flow over your body. You might not feel anything and that is ok too. The important thing to remember is that just by relaxing the mind and body, you are encouraging your body to begin healing itself. ​ Disclaimer Mr Jay Burrell and the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies cannot be held responsible for any ill effects that may arise during or after a healing session has been given. As a Spiritual Healer, all I offer is a way for your body to heal itself. This can at times result in adverse reactions within the body as the old stale energies are released so the body can self-heal. If these reactions continue for several days after the healing has been given, you are encouraged to seek medical assistance to check for any underlying condition that is causing these symptoms. ​ All sales are final! All healing sessions are for 1 person only. Group/Family discounts are available In Person & Distant Healing - 1 Session - £35 PURCHASE In Person & Distant Healing - 2 Sessions - £65 {1 Healing Session Every 2 Weeks} PURCHASE In Person & Distant Healing - 4 Sessions - £125 {1 Healing Session Every 2 Weeks, Totalling 8 Weeks Of Healing PURCHASE 1-Year of Distant Healing With The Energy Point Of Light 1 Year of Distant Healing {New Clients} - £500.00 PURCHASE 1 Year of Renewed Distant Healing {Existing Clients Only} - £250 PURCHASE 1 Year of Distant Healing for Family of 4 {New Clients} - £600.00 Purchas 1 Year of Renewed Family of 4 Healing {Existing Clients Only} - £300 PURCHASE This service is BRAND NEW to the Academy! The Yearly healing journey is a service that I have created to give the recipient a full 12 months of ongoing healing. This healing is given every day using the Energy Point of Light can be extreme to the spiritual body which can cause deep internal clearings to manifest so offering the healing using the every-other-day method will give your body enough time to heal, realign and balance itself. By doing this, your body will be in a constant state of energetic flux to help remove adverse energy patterns so the physical and spiritual body can re-align itself with the higher self and your soul's contract. The yearly healing will focus on bringing balance and alignment to the trinity of mind, body & spirit through distance blessings and prayers using the power of Reiki, the Rosary and my deep faith in God, the Archangels, Saints and the Celestial Hierarchy who are an advanced group of light beings that I work with via an energy tool called the " Energy Point of Light " { see image to the left of page }. The Energy Point of Light has been created through channelling sessions with light Pleiadian, Atlantian, Lemurian and Sirian energies to bring forth a powerful and transforming energy that works within the etheric background of the psyche until the final healing on the last day when everything accumulates into a time of transformation and ascension. There is a slight difference with the yearly healing service in that I am not able to send healing reports after every session. This would just not be possible due to the number of healings and the number of people who have signed up for this service which currently stands at 17. I will however send out quarterly emails to check in with everyone and to see if you need me to adjust the healing to work on a specific area of concern. Thank you for taking the time to read more about this service and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me and I will help as much as I can. ​ All sales are final!

  • e-Gift Cards | LivingReiki Academy

    e-Gift Card £10 Are you stuck with knowing what to buy the spiritual person in your life? If you are then why not buy an attunement e-gift card. e-Gift Cards are valid for 6 months from the purchase date ... Read more Amount £10 £15 £25 £30 £40 £50 £100 £150 £200 £250 £500 Quantity Buy Now

  • Tarot Readings | LivingReiki Academy

    Mobile Phone Web Browsers - If you would like to purchase a Tarot or Oracle reading, please email me at with the name of the reading and your PayPal email address so I can you send you an invoice. Alternatively, you can send payment directly to me by using my email address { } I have been reading the cards for over a decade but mostly focused on personal readings and readings for family and friends. I have however recently completed a course in Tarot and Advanced Tarot Readings which have given me new tools in which I now use to perform readings for clients and customers. All readings are given with love and light and your information is never shared with anyone else. So what is Tarot and and what are Oracle Readings? ​ The tarot is an ancient system of self-knowledge that uses symbols and colours in order to help us access information that is hidden within the subconscious mind. The images, in sequence, track a pathway through the journey of the soul from the trust and innocence of The Fool to the wisdom, joy, and spiritual liberation of The World. The cards reveal the tests, trials, and triumphs along the way, which we as human beings encounter in our development of the knowledge of who we are. Tarot cards are divided into two parts. The 22 Major Arcana cards reveal the experiences of life and the archetypes which bring their energy to those experiences. The 56 Minor Arcana cards show how we react to those experiences, and how they manifest in our lives. The Minor Arcana is divided into a further 4 sections, one for each element: Fire (Staffs), Water (Chalices), Air (Swords), and Earth (Vesicas). Fire relates to action, inspiration and the use of the will. Water relates to the emotions and the intuitive aspect of ourselves. Air relates to the mind, to the processes of thought and intellect, which can be divisive or unifying. Earth relates to the ‘grounding’ or manifestation of our energy, and to material considerations. Oracle card readings are very different to Tarot. Where Tarot is highly structured in how the cards are ready, Oracle readings are more free flowing and can have a multitude of meanings for each person. Oracle readings are also much shorter in length compared to Tarot readings and for this reason, they are often easier to read for beginners. I have been reading the cards {Tarot & Oracle} for many years so I like to think that I am able to give good advice and spiritual insights into the meanings of each card which I hope will help answer any questions that you have. How Tarot Works ​Your subconscious mind already holds the answers to your questions. However, this deep inner knowing isn’t easily accessible to your conscious mind, because the language of the subconscious mind uses symbols instead of words. The tarot is one of several systems that use imagery and symbols to draw the answers you seek up to the surface, thereby making it possible for your conscious mind to understand the meaning. The images within the tarot may appear simple but they are rich in symbolism. Each picture contains colours and symbols that can be recognised and understood as messages from your subconscious. When I choose your cards for your reading, I will also be connecting with the vibrations of your higher self to gain the messages that I will need to perform your reading. This is where your soul will hold the messages and answers that will be most useful to you for furthering your understanding of your current situation. It is important that if any questions are asked that these will only be a guide for me to perform your reading. 9 times out of 10, the answers given will be completely different from the answers that you are seeking. When this occurs, it is indicative that you need to address other aspects of your life in order for the answers you seek to manifest within your life. It is also best to avoid asking “Should I do this, or that” if you need insight into a decision you are making. That may result in a muddled answer. Instead, you could ask “If I do this, what will the outcome be?” When I connect with each card and their interpretations, I Will gain a psychic connection with the meaning for each question I will observe how the meaning of one card is further expanded by the next card in the sequence. This will allow me to think about the tale within each card as well as the symbolism and message it holds for you. I will then be able to see each subsequent card as being another strand in the unfolding narrative of your life. What People Are Saying * I really enjoyed my tarot reading by Jay. It was clear, highly insightful, of superior quality, and delivered in a professional layout that included images of each card. It drew my awareness to some of the larger themes in my life that needed attention and was very honest. His reading also gave insight into future events requiring my focus, so I was grateful for the foresight. True to Jay’s nature, my reading was professional, thoughtful, and caring. I highly recommend his readings to anyone looking for a reading that is clear, honest, and insightful. I know I will be back for future readings. 5/5 Stars - Lisa ​ * Jay did a Tarot card reading for me. I had only had this done once before a long time ago. I had the 3 card reading done, and it was very intentional, and informative, and Jay gave a wonderful summary. It was also very accurate for where I was at that time. I highly recommend having Tarot readings done by Jay who constantly displays integrity, professionalism, and compassion and has a deep breadth of experience." - Tara ​ * Jay did a tarot card reading a bit ago. I felt he connected to the heart of the message and have supportive and an accurate description for my life at that time - David ​ * I have been purchasing Jays 12-month Tarot Reading packages for a few years as well as the occasional 3-card reading through the year when I need more guidance into what to do with my life and where my life is going at a particular time. Not only are his readings highly supportive but I have not yet had a reading which wasn't accurate. I do not know how Jay does it and all he tells me is that he uses the knowledge of what each card means and allows his spirit guide who he calls Rakesh to guide him in the report that is written. Jay also sends a colourful and comprehensive 3-4 page PDF file with pictures of each card which brings a new element to the readings that he gives and is unlike readings that I have received from other tarot readers. 5* - Anthony ​ * I have received readings from Jay for several years and keep coming back. This is because his readings are always spot on and give me insights into things that I have been thinking about but have not shared with anyone. This is why I like the readings from Jay because he does not ask for me to give him questions before the reading. He just gives me the reading and they will always answer my questions. I never go anywhere else to get my readings and Jay knows that he has me as a customer for life. 5* - Prandah Available Readings 3 Card Tarot Reading - £15.00 Three-card tarot spreads are one of the most common readings that customers ask for. A 3 card spread is also the perfect way to gain insight into your life including the past, present and future. The readings that I give are designed to be open-ended. By this, I prefer not to have a question from you before I perform the reading. I let the cards speak for themselves by giving you the message that your higher self wishes for you to hear. There are also times when the reading you get will address another question that needs to be heard before the main question is answered. All readings are now performed using my new Gold Leaf Universal Waite Tarot Deck. 12-Month Tarot Reading - £150 Spring 2024 Offer - £75.00 The yearly Tarot Reading is used, as the name suggests, to predict the coming 12 months. While most readers will give you the full 12-month reading in one go, I work slightly differently where I give 1 x 3 card reading every month for 12 months which will be performed on the 1st day of each month. This reading will give you insights into what each month holds for you {Generally, Spiritually, and Financially}. As with all other readings, your reading will be open-ended which means the answers you seek will reveal themselves to you as shifts occur within your personal and spiritual life. All readings are now performed using my new Gold Leaf Universal Waite Tarot Deck. 1 Card Tarot Reading - £7.50 The 1 card quick reading is a great way to discover what the cards have to say about your current situation or your current energy levels. This option is also perfect if you need a card reading on the same day. The readings that I give are designed to be open-ended. By this, I prefer not to have a question from you before I perform the reading. I let the cards speak for themselves by giving you the message that your higher self wishes for you to hear. There are also times when the reading you get will address another question that needs to be heard before the main question is answered. All readings are now performed using my new Gold Leaf Universal Waite Tarot Deck. Relationship Tarot Reading {10-Card Spread} - £TBC Coming Soon Mental Healing Tarot Reading - {5-Card Spread} - £TBC Coming Soon Astrological Tarot Reading {12-Card Spread} - £TBC Coming Soon

  • Links | LivingReiki Academy

    Recommended Links The links on this page are recommended by Jay Burrell and the Academy of LivingReiki Therapies as being genuine and true in the services and products that they provide. Creative Crafts Your one stop shop for Handmade Soy Wax Candles and Hand Bound Journals, Diaries, Notebooks and more ​ The Acrylic Pour Jewellery Store Handmade acrylic pour jewellery, inspired by the natural world, reminiscent of the sea, the moon, the elements, the earth, the cosmos, and the sky.

  • CLBA Teachers | LivingReiki Academy

    Celestial LightBody Activation Levels 1&2 Teachers & Practitioners Important Notice: It has been brought to my attention that a lady named Melody Costa is teaching this attunement without being attuned and registered. If you have been attuned by Melody please can you contact me as soon as you can because you will not be energetically aligned to offer this energy to others or to use it on your spiritual and life path. LivingReiki Academy intends to preserve the work of this distant attunement so that everyone who receives the spiritual training and attunement will be receiving genuine work with a consistency of principles, energies, information, and methods. After you have received your training and final Master/Teacher attunement you must be registered with the Academy. This process seals your working relationship with the Academy and the training you have received. By confirming your commitment to abide by the principles and practices outlined within the given manual, and by abiding by the teaching guidelines you will start the process of becoming a fully registered Master/Teacher. Your registration will also enable the LivingReiki Academy to properly support you on your spiritual and life path as well as share any future updates to the attunement which includes new revised manuals. It is always the teacher's responsibility to register ALL students when they are attuned. Failure to register someone will result in a fracture within the energy meaning that the student will not be energetically aligned to pass on the energies or to use the energies to their fullest potential. If you are receiving this attunement from any teacher whose name does not appear below or if a teacher is passing on the attunement before their authorised teaching date, please contact me so I can investigate further. Failure to inform me will mean that you have not received the correct teaching and energies of this system including any new manual of which there is not a new copyrighted manual and as such will not be energetically prepared to pass on the energies to others. This will result in you needing to be re-attuned at an additional cost and your teacher being removed from the registered list. ​ United Kingdom & Northern Ireland * Jay Burrell ( Founder of the Celestial Lightbody Activation 1&2 ) Email: Website: w * Adea K. Love Level 1 - (1/7/2014]) Email: ​ * Andrew Khabaza Level 1 - (2/6/2018) Email: * Angela Griffiths Level 1 - (20/3/23) Email: * Catherine Robson Level 1 - (13/3/2011) Email: * Howard Lowe Level 1 - (25/2/2020) Email: ​ * Jayantee Arti Crosby Level 1 - (3/1/18) Email: * Karen Tritton Level 1 - (14/3/2011) Email: * Karmen Nicolas Level 1 - (18/10/2014) Email: * Kate Parfrement Level 1 - (26/4/2022) Email: * Kerry Bavin Level 1 - (27/10/2020) Email: ​ * Kim Gutteridge Level 1 - (9/5/2022) Email: * Linda Samuelson Level 1 - (30/4/2014) Email: * Lisa Kelly Mulhern Level 1 - (2/4/2014) Email: * Louise Reason Level 1 - (12/3/2011) Email: * Martin Andrew Mulkeen Level 1 - (9/11/2020) Email: * Michael F Thomas Level 1 - (23/12/2020) Email: * Peter Byrne Level 1 - (13/3/2017) Email: * Pragati Raval Level 1 - (5/5/2021) Email: * Raine Hilton Level 1 - (12/9/2013) Email: * Rhys Evans Level 1 - (1/2/2018) Email: * Rose Luna Jarvis Level 1 - (28/4/20) Email: ​ * Susan Evans Level 1 - (5/12/2011) Email: * Tina Harvey Level 1 - (5/12/2022) Email: * Toni Steel Level 1 - (10/11/2011) Email: ​ * Tracey Jenkins Level 1 - (14/2/2018) Email: * Wendy Elizabeth Norton Level 1 - (28/3/2011) Email: ​ Austria * Yanyan Qiu Level 1 - (23/3/2024) Email: N/A Australia * Gerald James Cowan Level 1 - (30/1/2014) Email: ​ * Trung Duong Level 1 - (26/11/2021) Email: Brazil * Rafael Azzolin Pacheco Level 1 - (11/4/2023) Email: * Jonas de Brito Miranda Level 1 - (23/4/2019) Email: ​ * Lucy Moreno Level 1 - (17/12/2019) Email: ​ * Paulo Jose Winter Level 1 - (2/7/2023) Email: ​ Canada * Lisa Smith Level 1 - (30/8/2016) Email: ​ * Violet Vopni Level 1 - (20/2/2022) Email: China * Linjing Zhang Level 1 - (10/1/2024) Email: ​ Croatia * Goranka Juras Level 1 - (14/5/2016) Email: Cyprus * Natalia Tarasova Level 1 - (20/3/2019) Email: * Tina Theodorou Level 1 - (6/12/2011) Email: Czech Republic * Marketa Celbova Level 1 - (23/3/2020) Email: ​ * Zdenek Svoboda Level 1 - (3/7/2011) Email: N/A ​ Finland * Oskari Raulamo Level 1 - (6/7/2019) Email: France * Nicole Zavattero Level 1 - (2/8/2011) Email: * Tomoko Lebas Level 1 - (29/4/2014) Email: Georgia - (Eurasia) * Elisabeth Lilly Level 1 - (20/8/2012) Email: ​ Germany * Simona Elena Iacob Level 1 - (7/8/2023) Email: Hong Kong * Ng Siu San - Level 1 - (26/12/2020) Email: ​ * Ho Tak Wing - Level 1 - (2/6/2023) Email: ​ * Wan Ching Tim Level 1 - (28/4/2022) Email: * Wu Chi Fai Level 1 - (22/1/2018) Email: Hungary * Katalin Fehér Level 1 - (5/11/2023) Email: ​ India * Amey Shetye Level 1 - {31/8/2021} Email: * Nikhil Anil Deotarse Level 1 - {31/7/2021} Email: * Parineeta Singh Level 1 - (17/7/2012) Email: ​ * Pradeep Patil B Level 1 - (21/7/2021) Email: ​ * Sijo Jose Level 1 - {14/1/2023} Email: ​ Iraq * Fatina Rami AbdulQader Wali Level 1 - (5/3/2018) Email: Italy * Aldo Nardini Level 1 - (25/4/2023) Level 2 - (23/3/2024) Email: Andreina Buccione Level 1 - (25/9/2012) Email: * Angela Conto Level 1 - (6/7/2012) Email: * Claudio Piazzetta Level 1 - (5/10/2013) Email: * Constantina Cali Level 1 - (15/5/2012) Email: * Deborah Nappi Level 1 - (23/1/2012) Email: ​ * Denis Collina Level 1 - (1/2/2024) Email: * Elena Mattea Level 1 - (8/5/2012) Email: * Eleonara Ruggiero Level 1 - (11/12/2012) Email: ​ * Mariagrazia Prignoli Level 1 - (21/2/2011) Email: * Nadia Rosso Level 1 - (12/1/2014) Email: * Raffaella Belluzzo Level 1 - (18/3/2018) Email: * Rosella Bravi Level 1 - (13/3/2013) Email: * Salvator Rino Piscitelli Level 1 - (8/8/2012) Email: * Stella Drago Level 1 - (8/5/2012) Email: * Wanda Barni Level 1 - (18/5/2012) Email: Japan * Yoshiko Matsuda Level 1 - (30/7/2022) Email: Kuwait * Hawraa Husain Sh Level 1 - (28/4/2020) Email: Malaysia * Janice Suan Chein Lim Level 1 - (9/11/2023) Email: ​ * Yong Thiem Hing (David) Level 1 - (24/10/2017) Email: Netherlands * Alexander Bussink Level 1 - (1/1/2012) Email: ​ * Anita van Dijk-Kulker Level 1 - (14/7/20) Email: Norway * Asma Batool Level 1 - (31/10/2018) Email: ​ Portugal * Gabriela Vila Boas Level 1 - (31/1/2017) Email: ​ * Nádia Sofia Palma Cristino Level 1 - (27/4/2022) Email: Romania * Mrs Silvy Maddalena De Carolis Level 1 - (4/6/20) Email: ​ Qatar * Sujith Kumar Level 1 - (10/1/2016) Email: Singapore * Ch'ng Wee Kong Level 1 - (11/5/2011) Email: ​ * Jerein Sandrasageran Level 1 - (4/12/2019) ​ South Africa * Aneska Kent Level 1 - (15/1/2017) Email: ​ * Andrea Rocha Level 1 - (28/12/2020) Email: * Anton Jordaan Level 1 - (15/6/2014) Email: * Ann Woolley Level 1 - (12/6/2015) Email: * Belinda Van Pyp Level 1 - (17/7/2021) Email: * Carli Clark Level 1 - (13/5/2020) Email: ​ * Dominique Hill Level 1 - (21/3/2020) Email: ​ * Dr Emma Roberts Level 1 - (17/3/2014) Email: * Eben De Klerk Level 1 - (18/4/2018) Email: * Emma Bisschoff Level 1 - (28/11/2013) Email: * Fiona M Khan Level 1 - (21/1/2022) Email: * Gaynor De Klerk Level 1 - (24/2/2014) Email: ​ * Jacqueline Beresford Level 1 - (2/6/2014) Email: * Jenny Symons Level 1 - (9/4/2018) Email: * Janita Pradipkumar Bhikha Level 1 - (2/11/2021) Email: ​ * Jessica Kramlall Level 1 - (23/6/2022) Email: * Karin Sattlegger Level 1 - (14/1/21) Email: * Komal Darji Level 1 - (22/9/2020) Email: ​ * Larisha Laloo Level 1 - (12/10/2021) Email: ​ * Leilani Jones Level 1 - (22/9/2017) Email: * Lindie Kok Level 1 - (30/9/2019) Email: ​ * Lynette Blessings Upfold Level 1 - (7/2/2019) Email: ​ * Marise Vivier Level 1 - (20/11/2017) Email: * Nikita D. Madhav Level 1 - (7/9/2020) Email: ​ * Primeshah Paul Level 1 - (24/10/2020) Email: * Saajida Kader Level 1 - (28/12/2016) Email: * Sandoshni Pillay Level 1 - (19/11/2021) Email: ​ * Sharon Schwartz Level 1 - (6/3/2021) Email: * Shireen Pamela Roberts Level 1 - (30/9/2015) Email: * Thirusha Pillay Level 1 - (28/5/2019) Email: ​ * Timothy van Minnen Level 1 - (20/4/2014) Email: * Trishalya Purmasir Level 1 - (12/10/2022) Email: * Vijay Sewduth Level 1 - (21/3/2014) Email: ​ * Zainobiya Beg Level 1 - (24/10/2020) Email: South Korea * Reina Soyoung Park Level 1 - (29/7/2021) Email: ​ Swed en * Christian Jim Sterneborn Level 1 - (8/11/2018) Email: Taiwan * Yipin Huang {Gador} Level 1 - (12/11/2021) Email: Thailand * Kasarin Chivatxaranukul Level 1 - (2/3/2021) ​ * Parichart Phootirat Level 1 - (23/4/2022) Email: * Theera Piroonratana Level 1 - (29/5/2019) Email: Turkey * Baris Kutlu Level 1 - (7/8/2020) Email: ​ * Bengi Engin Oral Level 1 - (4/6/2018) Email: ​ * Emre Kuratmer Level 1 - (19/3/2021) Email: ​ * Mareechi Asu Level 1 - (6/11/2018) Email: ​ * Özgen Dülgergil Level 1 - (4/6/2018) Email: * Selda Sahin Level 1 - (6/4/2019) Email: ​ * Serpil Sert Coskun Level 1 - (29/8/2019) Email: ​ * Sevgi Endeş Level 1 - (28/4/2018) Email: * Zafer Altintas Level 1 - (27/3/2018) Email: United States of America (USA) * Aaron David Goldberg Level 1 - (2/1/2020) Email: ​ * Anna Marie Martin Level 1 - (26/10/2018) Email: * Brandi Pennell Level 1 - (31/1/2010) Email: ​ * David Painter Level 1 - (14/10/2020) Email: * Delbert Shaw Level 1 - (19/5/2011) Email: * Diamond Driscoll Level 1 - (1/5/2021) Email: * Eben De Klerk Level 1 - (18/4/2018) Email: * Eileen Pressier Level 1 - (4/7/2020) Email: ​ * Gail Schumann Level 1 - (20/7/2012) Email: * Glenda Dawson Level 1 - (3/4/2023) Email: ​ *Jean Myrner Level 1 - (1/10/2011) Email: ​ *Kavita Sahadeo Singh Level 1 - (2/6/2018) Email: * KiMiko (Miko) Level 1 - (31/1/2012) Email: * Linda Colibert aka Daelyn Wolf Level 1 - (27/6/2011) Email: * Marcy Shulman Level 1 - (6/11/2011) Email: * Miriam Bautista Level 1 - (17/6/2022) Email: * Molly L. Parks Level 1 - (17/9/2011) Email: * Nancy Pedersen Level 1 - (6/3/2011) Email: * Sherwood Freeman Level 1 - (27/6/2018) Email: * Stephanie Mason Level 1 - (18/3/2018) Email: * Tashala Morris Level 1 - Level 1 - (11/5/2021) Email: ​ * Thomas S. Kinney Level 1 - (14/5/2011) Email: * Tu Nguyen Level 1 - (26/6/2011) Email: * Tracy Loper Level 1 - (31/5/2011) Email: * Victoria Fowler Level 1 - (22/9/2019) Email: * Victor Glanckopf Level 1 - (13/4/2013) Email: ​ Vietnam * Van Vo Quoc Cuong Level 1 - (12/8/2021) Email:

  • Contact Me | LivingReiki Academy

    Please Feel Free To Contact Me Submit Thank you for your message, I will get back to you within the next 24-48 hours

  • Old School Attunements | LivingReiki Academy

    Old School Attunements & Attunement Focus When I first started to work with energy and receive distant attunements over 21 years ago, the selection of attunements was very limited. I would hazard a guess that there were not more than 15-20 attunements available but over the years this has grown to where there are now thousands of energy systems that you can choose to work with. While this is a very positive thing, I have found that a lot of the older attunements have disappeared to the vaults of many spiritual teachers' websites or have fallen our of fashion which is a shame so I have decided to bring some of these older attunements back to the forefront of the academy through this new "Old School" webpage. Some of these attunements were channelled over 20 years ago but they are still relevant today and hold incredible power so why not treat yourself by tapping into these unique energy signatures to add an extra dimension of healing to your spiritual practices. Old School Attunement Focus I have been asked on many occasions to recommend an Old School attunement. One that I have worked with for many years and have found to be beneficial to my spiritual practice of self-healing and healing others. Today, I can confirm that you can now discover the attunements that I will focus on during my in-person and distant training sessions. The first 2 systems that I want to focus on are Bear Reiki and Tiger Reiki. These attunements were channelled by Stephanie Brail and have been created to advance inner strength, self-confidence and personal power. ​ To learn more about these attunements, please click on the links below: ​ * Tiger Reiki {Increase Inner Strength, Confidence & Personal Power } ​ * Bear Reiki {Inner Strength, Personal Power, Intuition & Sacred Grounding } Pick-n-Mix Special #1 - Choose 5 Attunements Price £55.00 Pick-n-Mix Special #2 - Choose 10 Attunements Price £150.00 The Healing Flush Empowerment 1&2 - Healing Colds, Flu & Viruses Price £10.00 The Healing Flush Empowerment 5&6 - Connect with the Divine Universal Mind Price £10.00 The Healing Flush Empowerment 3&4 - Heal & Strengthen the Emotional Mind/Body Price £10.00 The Stellar Atom Crystal Empowerment - Quick & Simple Psychic Awakening Price £15.00 The Phenacite Crystal Empowerment - Spiritual Healing & Psychic Deve Price £15.00 The Ethereal Moldavite Crystal Empowerment - Expand & Enhance Your Psychic Gifts Price £15.00 Universal Orb Empowerment - Create Healing, Abundance, Angelic & Crystal Orbs Price £15.00 The Sapphires of Angels - Truth, Intuition, Protection & Love Price £15.00 Zapharels Love & Peace Alignment - Neutralise Negativity, Hate & Anger Price £15.00 The Silver Platinum Ray of Zapharel - Completeness and Oneness Price £15.00 The Star of Zapharel - Spiritual Balance, Alignment and Identity Integration Price £15.00 The Diamond of Zapharel - Spiritual Guidance, Purity & Balance with Zapharel Price £15.00 The Light of Zapharel - Seraphic Connections for Healing, Joy, Love & Price £30.00 New Pick-n-Mix Special #1 - Choose 5 Attunements Price £55.00 1 2 3 ... 7

  • Loyalty Program | LivingReiki Academy

    Welcome to the LivingReiki Academy Loyalty Program. ​ The new loyalty program gives you the chance to earn coins with every purchase. To start earning coins, please click on the widget at the bottom left of the screen to create an account. All information gathered is kept secure and will not be shared with any 3rd party. Your payment details will be processed using STRIPE credit card services. This information is encrypted and is also kept secure. For students in the USA, you can download the Twism app (Android & Apple) on your cell phone. The Twism app will be introduced to the UK and the rest of the world in the near future. ​ To prevent any misunderstanding or confusion, please read the Questions and Answers section below. This will explain everything in easy-to-understand wording. Can I also please ask for you to add the word TWISM COIN in the notes section during checkout if you use your coins so I know that your purchase has been made using your coins and not a current discount offer. ​ Loyalty Program Q&A ​ Q} Can I receive my coins after purchase if I forget to activate my account? A} Unfortunately not, you must sign up for an account before you purchase to receive your reward coins. Q} Are there any excluded items? A} Yes there are. The following items are not available to purchase using reward coins: ​ ​ Sale Items New Additions Tarot Readings Healing Sessions Lifetime Packages Coming Soon Items Attunements by Amanda Hadley Attunements by Jay Burrell {Priced at £50 and above } Coins cannot be used in full or as part payment for any of the listed items that are excluded. All other attunements and packages are available. If your coins and coupon codes are used to purchase an excluded item, you will be sent an invoice to cover the cost of the attunement in question. Coins are non-refundable. ​ Q} Will I still receive gifts or prize draw entries if I use my coins? A} G ift attunements and prize draw entry is only offered when attunements are purchased at full price or otherwise stated. ​ Q} Can I use past orders to earn coins? ​ A} Unfortunately not. Coins can only be saved when an attunement is purchased using the loyalty app seen at the bottom left of the academy homepage. The company that I use for the Reward Scheme is a 3rd party company. I am simply using their services and app. Q} Can I pay for my attunements using PayPal? ​ A} Yes you can use PayPal to purchase your attunements. ​ Q} Will I receive coins if I pay by PayPal? ​ A} Unfortunately not. Reward coins are only awarded if you pay for your attunements using a valid credit or debit card via STRIPE. The option to pay for your attunements using PayPal or STRIPE will be given at checkout. If you pay for your attunements using PayPal, I cannot move payments over to STRIPE or give coins. Q} How long will the Loyalty Program stay active? A} The Loyalty Program is here to stay but the Academy and Jay Burrell hold the rights to add to, review and cancel the Loyalty Program. A 30-day notice will be given to give you time to use your saved coins. ​ Q } How long will it take for my coins to arrive in my account ​ A } Coins are added to your account within 7 days of your purchase Q} Do I have to use my coins straight away? A} No. You can use your coins whenever you have saved enough to be able to use them against a purchase. Q} Can I use several discount codes at the same time? A} Not at this time. You can only use 1 code per purchase. The reward scheme codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount offer that might be available. They are also non-refundable so please make sure you use them only with available items. Q} Why are you offering the Loyalty Program? A} Over the past 23 years, I have received many blessings from the spirit and the etheric realms that have not only blessed my spiritual life but have also enabled me to do this work. Whenever someone chooses me to attune them, I will always thank the universe for the chance to share these energies and to give something back to people. ​ COINS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. ONCE THEY HAVE BEEN USED, THEY CAN NOT BE REFUNDED SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR PURCHASE IS FOR AN ITEM THAT YOU REALLY WANT TO RECEIVE!

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