Celestial LightBody Activation Levels 1&2 Teachers & Practitioners

Important Notice: It has been brought to my attention that a lady named Melody Costa is teaching this attunement without being attuned and registered. If you have been attuned by Melody please can you contact me as soon as you can because you will not be energetically aligned to offer this energy to others or to use it on your spiritual and life path.
LivingReiki Academy intends to preserve the work of this distant attunement so that everyone who receives the spiritual training and attunement will be receiving genuine work with a consistency of principles, energies, information, and methods. After you have received your training and final Master/Teacher attunement you must be registered with the Academy. This process seals your working relationship with the Academy and the training you have received. By confirming your commitment to abide by the principles and practices outlined within the given manual, and by abiding by the teaching guidelines you will start the process of becoming a fully registered Master/Teacher.
Your registration will also enable the LivingReiki Academy to properly support you on your spiritual and life path as well as share any future updates to the attunement which includes new revised manuals. It is always the teacher's responsibility to register ALL students when they are attuned. Failure to register someone will result in a fracture within the energy meaning that the student will not be energetically aligned to pass on the energies or to use the energies to their fullest potential.
If you are receiving this attunement from any teacher whose name does not appear below or if a teacher is passing on the attunement before their authorised teaching date, please contact me so I can investigate further. Failure to inform me will mean that you have not received the correct teaching and energies of this system including any new manual of which there is not a new copyrighted manual and as such will not be energetically prepared to pass on the energies to others. This will result in you needing to be re-attuned at an additional cost and your teacher being removed from the registered list.
United Kingdom & Northern Ireland
* Jay Burrell (Founder of the Celestial Lightbody Activation 1&2)
Email: livingreikitherapies@hotmail.co.uk
Website: www.livingreikiacademy.co.uk
* Adea K. Love
Level 1 - (1/7/2014])
Email: dea.k.love@gmail.com
* Andrew Khabaza
Level 1 - (2/6/2018)
Email: ajak@khbusiness.co.uk
* Angela Griffiths
Level 1 - (20/3/23)
Email: angie7of9@gmail.com
Caroline Todd
Level 1 - (26/2/2024)
Email: rainbowbabies@hotmail.co.uk
* Catherine Robson
Level 1 - (13/3/2011)
Email: angelic.light@btinternet.com
* Howard Lowe
Level 1 - (25/2/2020)
Email: mrhslowe@gmail.com
* Jayantee Arti Crosby
Level 1 - (3/1/18)
Email: articrosby@me.com
* Karen Tritton
Level 1 - (14/3/2011)
Email: CrystalMoonStar@aol.com
* Karmen Nicolas
Level 1 - (18/10/2014)
Email: info@reiki-teacher.co.uk
* Kate Parfrement
Level 1 - (26/4/2022)
Email: thehealingmessage@yahoo.com
* Kathleen Anne Deakin
Level 1 - (2/10/2024)
Level 2 - (23/10/2024)
Email: kathleenanne943@gmail.com
* Kerry Bavin
Level 1 - (27/10/2020)
Email: soultriagespiritualteachings@hotmail.com
* Kim Gutteridge
Level 1 - (9/5/2022)
Email: kgutteridgeuk@aol.com
* Linda Samuelson
Level 1 - (30/4/2014)
Email: lindasamuelson92@yahoo.co.uk
* Lisa Kelly Mulhern
Level 1 - (2/4/2014)
Email: lk.kelly@live.com
* Louise Reason
Level 1 - (12/3/2011)
Email: loulou987@btinternet.com
* Martin Andrew Mulkeen
Level 1 - (9/11/2020)
Email: pepeduvell@aol.com
* Michael F Thomas
Level 1 - (23/12/2020)
Email: mft4765@yahoo.co.uk
* Peter Byrne
Level 1 - (13/3/2017)
Email: peter.byrne39@googlemail.com
* Pragati Raval
Level 1 - (5/5/2021)
Email: pragatiraval@hotmail.com
* Raine Hilton
Level 1 - (12/9/2013)
Email: goodvibesgirl@live.com
* Rhys Evans
Level 1 - (1/2/2018)
Email: rhys.evans371a@gmail.com
* Richard Bryan
Level 1 - (7/5/2024)
Level 2 - (14/6/2024)
Email: richard.bryan38j@btinternet.com
* Rose Luna Jarvis
Level 1 - (28/4/20)
Email: rosej4rvis@gmail.com
* Susan Evans
Level 1 - (5/12/2011)
Email: indigolighttherapies@yahoo.co.uk
* Tina Harvey
Level 1 - (5/12/2022)
Email: tinaharvey@Hotmail.co.uk
* Toni Steel
Level 1 - (10/11/2011)
Email: toni.willow@live.co.uk
* Tracey Jenkins
Level 1 - (14/2/2018)
Email: westwalesreikihealing@gmail.com
* Wendy Elizabeth Norton
Level 1 - (28/3/2011)
Email: wenordon@yahoo.co.uk
* Yanyan Qiu
Level 1 - (23/3/2024)
Email: N/A
* Gerald James Cowan
Level 1 - (30/1/2014)
Email: gjcowan@gmail.com
* Jasmine Lu
Level 1 - (9/12/2024)
Email: hvrfios@proton.me
* Trung Duong
Level 1 - (26/11/2021)
Level 2 - (14/12/2024)
Email: trung.pd@hotmail.com
* Rafael Azzolin Pacheco
Level 1 - (11/4/2023)
Email: rafaelazzolinpacheco@gmail.com
* Jonas de Brito Miranda
Level 1 - (23/4/2019)
Email: jbritomiranda@gmail.com
Email: liunyenelya@gmail.com
* Paulo Jose Winter
Level 1 - (2/7/2023)
Email: paulocesarwinter@gmail.com
* Lisa Smith
Level 1 - (30/8/2016)
Email: linkstersmith@gmail.com
* Sujata Ghosh
Level 1 - (1/7/2024)
Level 2 - (22/7/2024)
Email: sujaghosh@gmail.com
* Violet Vopni
Level 1 - (20/2/2022)
Email: violetvopni@gmail.com
* Linjing Zhang
Level 1 - (10/1/2024)
Email: zlinjinglinz@gmail.com
* Goranka Juras
Level 1 - (14/5/2016)
Email: gorankajuras@gmail.com
* Natalia Tarasova
Level 1 - (20/3/2019)
* Tina Theodorou
Level 1 - (6/12/2011)
Email: thehealingessence@hotmail.com
Czech Republic
* Marketa Celbova
Level 1 - (23/3/2020)
Email: MCelbova@seznam.cz
* Zdenek Svoboda
Level 1 - (3/7/2011)
Email: N/A
* Oskari Raulamo
Level 1 - (6/7/2019)
Email: lovingenergy5@gmail.com
* Nicole Zavattero
Level 1 - (2/8/2011)
Email: nicolalice@live.fr
* Tomoko Lebas
Level 1 - (29/4/2014)
Email: bonvoyage104@gmail.com
Georgia - (Eurasia)
* Elisabeth Lilly
Level 1 - (20/8/2012)
Email: waterlilly2121@gmail.com
* Simona Elena Iacob
Level 1 - (7/8/2023)
Level 2 - (3/7/2024)
Email: simonne.elle2021@gmail.com
Hong Kong
* Au Yeung Wing Yan
Level 1 - (13/9/2024)
Level 2 - (10/10/2024)
Email: auyeung1498@yahoo.com.hk
* Ho Tak Wing -
Level 1 - (2/6/2023)
LEVEL 2 - (31/7/2023)
Email: ho.ringo@gmail.com
* Jess Chung
Level 1 - (6/7/2024)
Level 2 - (28/7/2024)
Email: chungjess@gmail.com
* Ng Siu San -
Level 1 - (26/12/2020)
Email: kasanfull@gmail.com
* Wan Ching Tim
Level 1 - (28/4/2022)
Email: soulfreeworld@gmail.com
* Wu Chi Fai
Level 1 - (22/1/2018)
Email: keithwu81@gmail.com
* Katalin Fehér
Level 1 - (5/11/2023)
Email: feher.katalin77@gmail.com
* Amey Shetye
Level 1 - {31/8/2021}
Email: luckrideramey92@gmail.com
* Nikhil Anil Deotarse
Level 1 - {31/7/2021}
Email: ndeotarse@gmail.com
* Parineeta Singh
Level 1 - (17/7/2012)
Email: parineetajaisingh@rediffmail.com
* Pradeep Patil B
Level 1 - (21/7/2021)
Email: pradeeppatilb@gmail.com
* Sijo Jose
Level 1 - {14/1/2023}
Email: rmpsijojose@gmail.com
* Fatina Rami AbdulQader Wali
Level 1 - (5/3/2018)
Email: Fatina.r.waly39@gmail.com
* Aldo Nardini
Level 1 - (25/4/2023)
Level 2 - (23/3/2024)
Email: anardini@email.it
Andreina Buccione
Level 1 - (25/9/2012)
Email: helasys@yahoo.it
* Angela Conto
Level 1 - (6/7/2012)
Email: angelacmiriam@gmail.com
* Claudio Piazzetta
Level 1 - (5/10/2013)
Email: cpiazzetta@gmail.com
* Constantina Cali
Level 1 - (15/5/2012)
Email: cicaly@fastwebnet.it
* Deborah Nappi
Level 1 - (23/1/2012)
Email: info@laruotadimedicina.com
* Denis Collina
Level 1 - (1/2/2024)
Email: collina.denis@gmail.com
* Elena Mattea
Level 1 - (8/5/2012)
Email: ellen.69m@gmail.com
* Eleonara Ruggiero
Level 1 - (11/12/2012)
Email: releonora.ruggiero22@gmail.com
* Mariagrazia Prignoli
Level 1 - (21/2/2011)
Email: gra965@libero.it
* Nadia Rosso
Level 1 - (12/1/2014)
Email: rossonadia@libero.it
* Raffaella Belluzzo
Level 1 - (18/3/2018)
Email: raffaella.belluzzo@gmail.com
* Rosella Bravi
Level 1 - (13/3/2013)
Email: bravi.rossella@gmail.com
* Salvator Rino Piscitelli
Level 1 - (8/8/2012)
Email: rino.piscitelli@gmail.com
* Stella Drago
Level 1 - (8/5/2012)
Email: stella.drago2007@libero.it
* Wanda Barni
Level 1 - (18/5/2012)
Email: wanda@ilgermano.it
* Yoshiko Matsuda
Level 1 - (30/7/2022)
Email: airplane115@gmail.com
* Hawraa Husain Sh
Level 1 - (28/4/2020)
Email: sprtstudy222@gmail.com
* Janice Suan Chein Lim
Level 1 - (9/11/2023)
Email: janice.sclim@gmail.com
* Yong Thiem Hing (David)
Level 1 - (24/10/2017)
Email: dyth@hotmail.com
* Alexander Bussink
Level 1 - (1/1/2012)
Email: superzuignap@hotmail.com
* Anita van Dijk-Kulker
Level 1 - (14/7/20)
Email: anita@reikionline.info
* Simone Rutgers
Level 1 - 30/1/2025
Email: info@nefertum.nl
* Asma Batool
Level 1 - (31/10/2018)
Email: asma_b786@hotmail.com
* Cezary Wieczorek
Level 1 - (26/7/2024)
Email: contact@effexora.com
* Gabriela Vila Boas
Level 1 - (31/1/2017)
Email: GabrielaVilas-Boas@hotmail.com
* Nádia Sofia Palma Cristino
Level 1 - (27/4/2022)
Email: ndpcrst@gmail.com
* Mrs Silvy Maddalena De Carolis
Level 1 - (4/6/20)
Email: Silvy.decarolis@gmail.com
* Sujith Kumar
Level 1 - (10/1/2016)
Email: thehomeofdivineenergies@gmail.com
* Ch'ng Wee Kong
Level 1 - (11/5/2011)
Email: ma01master@yahoo.com.sg
* Jerein Sandrasageran
Level 1 - (4/12/2019)
South Africa
* Aneska Kent
Level 1 - (15/1/2017)
Email: kent.kent.mail@gmail.com
* Andrea Rocha
Level 1 - (28/12/2020)
Email: argrocha1@gmail.com
* Anton Jordaan
Level 1 - (15/6/2014)
Email: antonjordaan@gmail.com
* Ann Woolley
Level 1 - (12/6/2015)
Email: ann@ridge.co.za
* Belinda Van Pyp
Level 1 - (17/7/2021)
Email: vanpype@gmail.com
* Carli Clark
Level 1 - (13/5/2020)
Email: carliclark2018@gmail.com
* Dominique Hill
Level 1 - (21/3/2020)
Email: Dominique.Michelle2018@outlook.com
* Dr Emma Roberts
Level 1 - (17/3/2014)
Email: bonedocem@mweb.co.za
* Eben De Klerk
Level 1 - (18/4/2018)
Email: homebakedza@gmail.com
* Emma Bisschoff
Level 1 - (28/11/2013)
Level 2 - (16/10/2024)
Email: esmebisschoff@gmail.com
* Fiona M Khan
Level 1 - (21/1/2022)
Email: author.fionakhan@gmail.com
* Gaynor De Klerk
Level 1 - (24/2/2014)
Email: gaynor@sunshinemetaphysics.com
* Jacqueline Beresford
Level 1 - (2/6/2014)
Email: crystalmoon@mweb.co.za
* Jenny Symons
Level 1 - (9/4/2018)
Email: soulfulliving11@gmail.com
* Janita Pradipkumar Bhikha
Level 1 - (2/11/2021)
Email: janzzy5@gmail.com
* Jessica Kramlall
Level 1 - (23/6/2022)
Email: Kramlalljessica@gmail.com
* Karin Sattlegger
Level 1 - (14/1/21)
Email: smasher4karin@gmail.com
* Komal Darji
Level 1 - (22/9/2020)
Email: kmldarji@gmail.com
* Larisha Laloo
Level 1 - (12/10/2021)
Email: Larisha.laloo@gmail.com
* Leilani Jones
Level 1 - (22/9/2017)
Email: laladybug45@gmail.com
* Lindie Kok
Level 1 - (30/9/2019)
Email: lindie@unidel.co.za
* Lynette Blessings Upfold
Level 1 - (7/2/2019)
Email: lynnie@blessingshealings.co.za
* Marise Vivier
Level 1 - (20/11/2017)
Email: marisev24@hotmail.com
* Nikita D. Madhav
Level 1 - (7/9/2020)
Email: nikita.nagin@gmail.com
* Primeshah Paul
Level 1 - (24/10/2020)
Email: primeshahp@gmail.com
* Saajida Kader
Level 1 - (28/12/2016)
Email: healinghaven.kzn@gmail.com
* Sandoshni Pillay
Level 1 - (19/11/2021)
Email: sandoshnipillay8@gmail.com
* Sharon Schwartz
Level 1 - (6/3/2021)
Email: sharonsbcg@gmail.com
* Shireen Pamela Roberts
Level 1 - (30/9/2015)
Email: shireenroberts@hotmail.com
* Thirusha Pillay
Level 1 - (28/5/2019)
Email: Thirushapillay4@gmail.com
* Timothy van Minnen
Level 1 - (20/4/2014)
Email: tvanminnen@yahoo.com
* Trishalya Purmasir
Level 1 - (12/10/2022)
Email: Tpurmasir07@gmail.com
* Vijay Sewduth
Level 1 - (21/3/2014)
Email: juss@mplanet.co.za
* Zainobiya Beg
Level 1 - (24/10/2020)
Email: zainobiyab@icloud.com
South Korea
* Reina Soyoung Park
Level 1 - (29/7/2021)
Level 2 - (29/5/2024)
Email: reinayoung389@gmail.com
* Christian Jim Sterneborn
Level 1 - (8/11/2018)
* Lafutiti Yang
Level 1 - (8/8/2024)
Level 2 - (20/9/2024)
Email: amigo_ysi@yahoo.com.tw
* Yipin Huang {Gador}
Level 1 - (12/11/2021)
Email: cetacea1030@yahoo.com.tw
* Kasarin Chivatxaranukul
Level 1 - (2/3/2021)
* Parichart Phootirat
Level 1 - (23/4/2022)
Email: phootirat@gmail.com
* Theera Piroonratana
Level 1 - (29/5/2019)
* Baris Kutlu
Level 1 - (7/8/2020)
Email: universereikienergy@gmail.com
* Bengi Engin Oral
Level 1 - (4/6/2018)
Email: engingursu@yahoo.com
* Emre Kuratmer
Level 1 - (19/3/2021)
Email: emrekuratmer@gmail.com
* Mareechi Asu
Level 1 - (6/11/2018)
Email: oshojoymeditation@gmail.com
* Özgen Dülgergil
Level 1 - (4/6/2018)
Email: ozdulgergil.34@gmail.com
* Selda Sahin
Level 1 - (6/4/2019)
Email: seldacengiz83@gmail.com
* Serpil Sert Coskun
Level 1 - (29/8/2019)
Email: serpil-sert50@hotmail.com
* Sevgi Endeş
Level 1 - (28/4/2018)
Email: seendees@outlook.live
* Zafer Altintas
Level 1 - (27/3/2018)
Email: refaz-22@hotmail.com
United States of America (USA)
* Aaron David Goldberg
Level 1 - (2/1/2020)
Email: agoldberd52@cox.net
* Andrea Philips
Level 1 - (3/1/2025)
Level 2 - (10/1/2025)
Email: activationsbyandrea@gmail.com
* Anna Marie Martin
Level 1 - (26/10/2018)
Email: reflectiveruby@yahoo.com
* Brandi Pennell
Level 1 - (31/1/2010)
Email: lovedbeyondmeasure75@gmail.com
* David Painter
Level 1 - (14/10/2020)
Level 2 - (17/5/2024)
Email: davidpainter892@gmail.com
* Delbert Shaw
Level 1 - (19/5/2011)
Email: delbertshaw@rocketmail.com
* Diamond Driscoll
Level 1 - (1/5/2021)
Email: mylevtov@gmail.com
* Eben De Klerk
Level 1 - (18/4/2018)
Email: homebakedza@gmail.com
* Eileen Pressier
Level 1 - (4/7/2020)
Email: profsnapeswand@gmail.com
* Gail Schumann
Level 1 - (20/7/2012)
Email: minis2@myfairpoint.com
* Glenda Dawson
Level 1 - (3/4/2023)
Email: glendathewitch@aol.com
*Jean Myrner
Level 1 - (1/10/2011)
Email: jmyrner@gmail.com
*Kavita Sahadeo Singh
Level 1 - (2/6/2018)
Email: kavita_guy@yahoo.com
* KiMiko (Miko)
Level 1 - (31/1/2012)
Email: healingenergy@gmail.com
* Lauren Sawyer
Level 1 - (15/1/2025)
Email: lsawyer76@gmail.com
* Linda Colibert aka Daelyn Wolf
Level 1 - (27/6/2011)
Email: lcolibert@cfl.rr.com
* Marcy Shulman
Level 1 - (6/11/2011)
Email: marcy@motherearthreiki.com
* Miriam Bautista
Level 1 - (17/6/2022)
* Molly L. Parks
Level 1 - (17/9/2011)
Email: mollyparks@gmil.com
* Nancy Pedersen
Level 1 - (6/3/2011)
Email: Nancy@PedersenDigital.com
* Sherwood Freeman
Level 1 - (27/6/2018)
Email: sherwood_freeman@yahoo.com
* Stephanie Mason
Level 1 - (18/3/2018)
Email: sel1616@gmail.com
* Tashala Morris
Level 1 - Level 1 - (11/5/2021)
Email: mommasunshine84@gmail.com
* Thomas S. Kinney
Level 1 - (14/5/2011)
Email: TomSKinney@aol.com
* Tu Nguyen
Level 1 - (26/6/2011)
Email: subgyro2@hotmail.com
* Tracy Loper
Level 1 - (31/5/2011)
Email: yecart68@yahoo.com
* Victoria Elledge
Level 1 - (19/2/2025)
Email: superbeing26@gmail.com
* Victoria Fowler
Level 1 - (22/9/2019)
Email: victoriafowleryoga@gmail.com
* Victor Glanckopf
Level 1 - (13/4/2013)
Email: shantivictor@gmail.com
* Van Vo Quoc Cuong
Level 1 - (12/8/2021)
Email: van.vo.quoc.cuong@gmail.com