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  • Sekhem Heka - Ancient Egyptian Magic for Healing and Empowerment

    The picture of the Sekhem Heka book is being used with full permission from Storm and was given when the book was originally published in 2012. Sekhem Heka, where do I start.... I think the first place to start is to thank Storm Constantine for connecting me with Sekhem Heka. Storm and I worked closely when Sekhem Heka was being written and it was an honour to have been asked to write a short message for her that was added to the book which can be bought on Amazon. Here is the message that I wrote for the book: Everything we see, hear, smell and taste is also said to come from this universal energy. Sekhem, Seichim and Reiki work very well together as a unified trinity of sacred healing energies to completely balance and harmonise your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, bringing balance and harmony to your life. They help you expand your capacity to carry more light and love, which anchors and grounds the essential life force within your energy system. Many people all over the world feel a calling to Egypt and Egyptian energies. Learning to work with these energies can transform your life. Sekhem Heka introduces the searcher to this practice through seven degrees of spiritual and personal self-exploration and self-development.” Jay Burrell, Founder of The School of LivingReiki Therapies {Yes, the Academy was a simple school back when the system was created} Storm passed away a few years ago but I want to say that it was an honour to be part of the Sekhem Heka journey and this will be a system that I will always treasure as being part of my ongoing connection with the Egyptian Deities and Sacred Energies. In Ancient Egypt, Sekhem literally meant ‘power’ or ‘might’. The term applied to gods and goddesses and was often part of the titles of pharaohs and queens. The Sekhem scepter carried by rulers and important officials was a physical representation of their earthly power. In recent years, the word Sekhem has been reinterpreted to mean the energy of a healing system named after it, but that meaning is of modern not ancient origin. Sekhem, in its modern sense, is a form of healing that derives from a system called Seichim, which itself is partly a derivative of Reiki. Originally, the word Heka meant ‘magic’ or ‘magical power’, and it was also the name of a god who presided over magic. This system of healing and self-development derives from Storm's experience in the healing systems Reiki and Seichim and also in magical practices inspired by Ancient Egypt. Sekhem Heka is a system that incorporates energy healing as well as a structured series of rituals and path workings, focusing upon the energy centers of the body and associated Egyptian god forms. Storm formulated the system for a number of reasons. Primarily, she has a great interest in the goddess Sekhmet as do I and other Egyptian god forms, and have worked with their energy for many years. Once Storm became a Reiki Teacher and discovered Seichim/Sekhem, she was pleased to discover that some Teachers had combined energy healing with Egyptian symbolism, and was keen to go down that path herself. Secondly, as Reiki initiation paves the way for self-development, Storm wanted to provide a system for her magical students whereby they could combine their studies. You do not have to be attuned to Reiki or Seichim to be able to use most of the Sekhem Heka system but for those unfamiliar with the term, an attunement is a short procedure, performed by a Teacher who has taken the highest, often called Master Degree of an energy healing system. Attunements are the core of the majority of healing models based on Reiki and its derivatives, during which a person becomes enabled to channel universal life energy (chi or ki) through their body. Thus, the energy they utilise is not their own; it is universal energy channelled through them. It neither exhausts nor depletes you as you work with it. Anybody, whether they’ve been attuned to an energy healing system or not, can perform the meditations and rituals of this system and acquire the benefits from them. The Origins of Seichim/Sekhem In the early 1980's an American gentleman named Patrick Zeigler underwent a spontaneous attunement while in Egypt which occurred within the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was an experience similar to that of Master Mikao Usui when he first acquired the ability to channel Reiki. Eventually, and sometime later after having taken his Reiki training, Patrick formulated a method in which he was able to pass on the same energies that he himself had received. Over the years, as Reiki initiates learned how to work with Seichim, the two systems became fused, and now there are many crossovers between them, not least that Seichim attunement involves the use of Reiki symbols. (This is presumably because Patrick Zeigler used adapted Reiki attunements when formulating his initial Seichim system). Although Seichim and Reiki are mostly regarded as separate systems, channelling different energy ‘rays’, Storm does not think the two can be separated, for the simple reason of the shared symbols. If Seichim attunements were performed without any recourse to Reiki methods, then that might not be the case, but they are, and this cannot be overlooked. As with Reiki, many different branches of Seichim sprang up, and one of these was Sekhem. Although this was a term originally used by Patrick Zeigler, who has experimented with various different names for his system, it has been adopted by other Teachers, some of whom have greatly added to or changed the system. Sekhem, typically, incorporates the Egyptian goddess, Sekhmet, who was a ferocious lioness deity in ancient times, but who also had a healing aspect. Sekhmet’s priests were also physicians, so it’s easy to see how this goddess fits neatly into the Sekhem healing system. It is Storm's strong belief that any experienced practitioner can connect to Sekhem Heka, through regular meditation and openness to its manifestation. If you already regularly meditate or perform spiritual rituals, it should come easily. If you have taken a Teacher's degree in Reiki or Seichim, the practices will undoubtedly feel more familiar to you, but to get positive results you simply need to want to experience them. If you are intrigued by Sekhem Heka and this blog post resonates with you, please CLICK HERE to learn more about SHEF {The energy centers of the body} and each of the Sekhem Heka Degree's.

  • Healing with Seashells

    I have always had a fascination for Seashells and would regularly go for walks as a child where I would pick up shells from the beach or hold one up to my ear to hear the sound of the ocean. Decades later, I was blessed with being able to channel a unique distant attunement that connects the initiate to the etheric energies of Seashells called "Seashell Healing Reiki". * Why do Seashells call to us? * Why do they ask us to hold them? * Why do they ask us to bring them to our ears to hear the sound of the ocean within them? * Why do they ask us to bring them into our homes? I am sure you have experienced this calling from the SeaShells and that is what led you to this blog post about healing with Seashells. Many of us will have looked at the beautiful patination of SeaShells, wondering what it would be like to live inside of their spiral rings, encoded to their harmonic resonance, captivated as if by a beautiful magical spell. On some level, we know deep within our souls that SeaShells are magical. They comfort us, they centre us, they help us to feel a sense of calmness and peace which floods both the physical and spiritual body. How many of you have walked along the beach to find SeaShells? The SeaShells are begging to be noticed once again and they are eagerly waiting for us to connect with them so they can bestow their healing powers upon us. SeaShells are amazing tools that can exponentially empower, enhance and deepen our healing and personal empowerment practices. SeaShells can also be used to attune those of you who are new to energy healing and working with SeaShells. In doing so, you will awaken your true divine self to the empowering energies that lay dormant within you. Shells of all shapes and sizes want you to know that they do so much more than what we realise. SheShells are ready to join the crystalline kingdom to become known for their unique healing properties. Just as we will use crystals such as amethyst for one purpose and clear quartz for another, we can select the correct SeaShell to bring through the specific energy that we desire and also the energy that is encoded into the etheric structure of the shell. As much as I love to work with crystals and I have a large collection of them including some very high vibrational items, I find SeaShells to be far faster at shifting energies and clearing blockages. Seashell Healing Reiki can help with the following and so much more: 🐚 SeaShells can help to shift physical, behavioural, emotional, mental and spiritual energies. 🐚 SeaShells can help to activate new ways of being within the core of our being. 🐚 SeaShells act as enhancement tools to expand awareness and our abilities to achieve certain goals in life. 🐚 We can then choose a SeaShell to help us feel more love for ourselves and others. 🐚 We can choose a SeaShell to help us be more courageous. 🐚 We can choose a SeaShell to help us forgive ourselves and others. 🐚 We can choose a SeaShell to build confidence. 🐚 When we want to experience more energy within our lives, there is a shell that can help with this. 🐚 SeaShells can help to balance the spiritual trinity of mind, body and spirit. 🐚 For more complex situations you can choose a combination of different shells, all of which will work on specific situations, bringing an overall re-alignment of mind, body and soul. Seashell Healing Reiki will grant you the blessings of the following and so much more: 🐚 Spiritual Abundance 🐚 Enhanced Balance {Mental & Emotional} 🐚 Spiritual Healing 🐚 Healthy Boundaries 🐚 Increased Joy 🐚 New Beginnings 🐚 Physical Clearing 🐚 Relaxation 🐚 Self Love 🐚 Self Worth 🐚 Vow Clearing 🐚 Karmic Re-Alignment 🐚 Past Life Recall 🐚 Increased Psychic Awakening 🐚 Lemurian & Atlantian Connections Would you like to learn more about Seashells and how to incorporate them into your daily healing sessions please CLICK HERE

  • Invite Peace Into Your Home This Christmas

    Set yourself up for a meaningful, peaceful holiday by creating a spiritual space. Many of us are so overwhelmed by holiday pressures that we miss out on the special moments that give meaning to this time of year. Whatever your religious beliefs, set yourself up for a more meaningful, peaceful holiday season by creating a spiritual space within your home. Make Way & Declutter Are you feeling oppressed by the holiday paraphernalia that can make day-to-day clutter even more intolerable than usual - and it can distract you from the deeper significance of all those decorations in the first place? Why do perform a major declutter of your spaces before you start decorating? Relocate or store redundant furniture {an extra chair that’s just for show, a side table that gets in the way}, and consider donating unwanted items to places in need. Put some collectables away to create more tabletop space, encourage more flow for conversation, and put more focus on the holiday items that are most significant to you. A leaner, less cluttered home is the energetic balance to the holiday chaos that’s about to descend. Clear the Air Burning sage to cleanse a home is an effective ritual that has been used through the ages to consecrate energies and allow the best future to unfold. After cleaning your home, light the sage and imagine negative energy leaving. Then fill up the space with visualizations of the authentic exchanges and heartfelt moments you will share with your loved ones. State your intentions out loud, such as, “This home is a place of divine peace and love that enables us to feel the true essence of the season.” Or, “This home enhances our family heritage and growing traditions and brings us all closer to one another.” A method that I like to use is to open all of the windows for 20-30 minutes to let the fresh air in. Yes, it might be cold but even that can create a feeling of clearing and freshness that fills the home and well as the spirit. Bring Nature In A recent study found that just being able to see elements of nature can induce relaxation and lower your heart rate. “Interaction with the natural world is calming and will make you feel subconsciously more at ease,” says Kate Hanley, author of The Anytime, Anywhere Chill Guide. “Get a real tree, hang clove-studded oranges as ornaments, and put pinecones in a glass vase for centrepieces.” Use a bowl of snow to chill party drinks, decorate with real holly and poinsettias, and don’t forget the mistletoe - kissing under the mistletoe reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Decorate with Intention As you bring out the decorations you’ve collected over the years, take a minute to think about their true meaning. That wreath is a symbol of eternal life. Hanukkah candles symbolize the light of the creator in our lives. A decorated tree represents growth and new beginnings. And don’t forget angels. “You can connect more deeply to symbols of angels by becoming aware of which ones really take your breath away and make you pause and reflect,”. Ask your angels to fill your home with their love and guidance. Honour Your Space Whether you take a quiet moment by yourself or join your family to give thanks before a holiday meal at home, try to include the environment itself in your prayers and declarations of gratitude. Look at your home as its own living entity, providing a setting for your memories and serving as the steadfast protector that shelters you and your family. By honouring your space you encourage goodwill and gratitude within your home, inviting a deeper experience of the holidays.

  • Karmic Fire Cleansing - A Personal Story

    I am not the sort of person who shies away from speaking the truth and sharing personal journeys that I have been on and today, is another one of those days... For several weeks, I have felt that something wasn't quite right within my etheric background. I kept feeling that there was a block preventing me from moving forward with my personal life and spiritual teaching work. It felt like I was walking through thick mud, struggling with every step I took. Sillily I allowed this to continue because my mind was also being blocked from discovering the truth about why I was feeling this way. Well, yesterday {9th November}, I was able to break down some of this energy so I could connect with Rakesh and it was then that he told me what had been going on. I was under. yet another Psychic Attack and this time, it was a powerful one. I have dealt with attacks in the past but they were simple to remove and did not cause too much harm to my spiritual life but this one was being sent by someone who knew what they were doing and knew how to hit me where it hurt. This person had also been in contact with me several weeks prior where they threatened me with legal action if I did not remove their attunements from my website {yes it was another teacher and they have been attacking me on and off for over a decade}. Thankfully Rakesh helped me to see that it was this person so It was then that I went into BATTLE mode in order to counteract their negativity. To do this, I tapped into the Karmic Fire Cleansing attunement that I channelled in 2021. This is an attunement that I have used on many occasions as I know many students have too and with amazing success. I worked with the energy, I addressed the person doing this by name and I banished them from my life, my mind, my energy and my work. I bound them within the laws of grace and I asked that the universe deal with them the best way that it saw fit which included sending back the energies to them with the power of 10. I know some people do not agree with banishing and sending energy back but over the 21 years of being a spiritual teacher, healer and practitioner of energy work, I have come to realise that there are times when this is needed and it is the only way to counteract someone's negative intentions. All the time while doing this, I addressed the person by name and I felt empowered because I was taking back control of my life and I was doing what was RIGHT! By the end of the day, I was exhausted but I knew that I had done all that I could do and I now had to leave it up to the universe and my heart-felt intentions. I had faith that this would work. That evening, something had shifted. My path became clear, I no longer felt bogged down and I did not feel as though I was walking through thick mud. I felt FREE! Things continue to improve and today {10th November}, I have seen several changes that all prove to me that I was right to use this energy and I was right in addressing the individual who was causing these problems. Does this sound like something that you have experienced in your life or are currently experiencing? If it does, I want to tell you that you have the power within you to counteract this attack and you have the power to be free. You deserve to be free and you deserve to take back control of your life. No one has the authority to do this to you and if they do then they are in the wrong, not you. You just need to find the inner strength to battle this negativity and when you do, you will be free. You can use any existing knowledge that you have to do this or you can work with the Karmic Fire Cleansing Attunement. If you have already been attuned then please pick up the manual, re-read the messages that I have given and use them with the knowledge that you can fight back with love and light in your heart. If you have not been attuned by you would like to learn more, please Click Here to be taken to the listing page. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I wish you and all your loved ones a safe and positive outcome.

  • Advanced Healing with LivingReiki

    Advanced Healing is a brand new distant attunement that I channelled in 2023 with the help of the Celestial Hierarchy and my guide Rakesh. This brand new attunement was created with the intention of moving forward from the teachings of Usui Reiki by introducing a new set of symbols to help balance the frequencies and incorporate the symbols of Usui Reiki. Introduction I am humbled to bring forward this brand new distant attunement to the energies of Advanced Healing Reiki. For several years, I have been working with the Celestial Hierarchy to understand more about the energies that they wish to bring forth for all humankind to work with. Through this ongoing connection, the Celestial Hierarchy informed me that although this system is new in that it is being brought through to our current reality via channelling, it is also not new because it involves working with energies that have been in existence for millennia. Until the channelling of this attunement, the Celestial Hierarchy have been silently guiding energy to all healers, spiritual teachers and seekers for many years as the earth moves through her own vibrational ascension through several stages of spiritual ascension, evolution, dimensional clarity and worldwide purging of old vibrations and adverse energy patterns. So who are the Celestial Hierarchy? The Celestial Hierarchy are a group of light beings whom I have worked with for close to 20 years by using a special crystal tool called the “Energy Point of Light” {See image in listing}. This tool gives me the ability to shift my awareness into an altered state of consciousness where I am able to connect with these higher beings to learn from them and to bring forth new channelled information and energy formations. They have also brought forth several new symbols that are encoded into each level of this brand-new system which are to be used for personal and professional healing sessions, meditations etc. I am therefore submitting my healing work to all Lightworkers, Spiritual Seekers and Healers so we can all work with the energies to fully realise our true potential as teachers, seekers of the light and spiritual healers. I pray that you will enjoy working with the energies of Advanced Healing Reiki and that the beautiful and uplifting entries will help you connect with love, light and joy in your life. Advanced Healing Reiki Degrees and Integration Timeframe * Advanced Healing Reiki 1st Degree {Practitioner} - The 1st Degree has 3 separate initiations {1a, 1b, 1c}. These must be booked and received separately with a gap of 2-3 days between each initiation. 2-week assimilation for self-practice and meditation before the 2nd degree is received. * Advanced Healing Reiki 2nd degree {Master} - The 2nd Degree has 2 attunements {Rainbow Thunder & Rainbow Dome} - Each initiation must be received separately with a gap of 2-3 days between each one. 2-week assimilation for self-practice and meditation before the 3rd degree is received * Advanced Healing Reiki 3rd Degree {Grand Master} - This degree has 1 attunement. By the time you reach the 3rd degree, you will be channelling energies with a force of up to 100,000 times that of traditional Usui Reiki. This does not mean that Advanced Healing Reiki is better than traditional Reiki, it simply means that your energy body has expanded to such a degree that you are now able to channel energy from all directions and not just through the crown chakra. While I understand that this might be a lot of information for some of you to absorb straight away, please do not worry about it too much. The process of assimilation will become clear as you move through each of the degrees. I also understand that many people will want to ascend to higher levels of conscious awareness as quickly as they can BUT you must remember that taking time and assimilating the energies in a spiritually mature way will bring you the best possible outcome with little to no adverse side effects. If this attunement interests you and you would like to take the next step forward on your Reiki journey, please CLICK HERE where you can purchase this new advanced attunement.

  • Chakra Affirmations

    Chakras are the unseen force that influences our reality. A blocked chakra can present itself in various forms, like physical pain and disease. It can also manifest in our financial stability, emotional body, relationships, and every other area of life that you can imagine. There are 7 major chakras in the body that correspond to a particular colour vibration frequency. By using affirmations, one can use intention with the power of the word to change the way you live and move in the world. Thoughts create reality, so the more you use these affirmations, the more you start to believe them, and the more they begin to transform into reality. Affirmations for the 7 Chakras To use affirmations for the Chakras, you can repeat each affirmation clearly while self healing or you can use them during meditation. As you say these, imagine the colour of the Chakra in its corresponding area of the body {listed below}. Really feel the affirmations and words in your body. Root/Base Chakra Colour: Red Area: Pelvic Floor Affirmation: "I AM GROUNDED, SAFE AND PROSPEROUS" Sacral Chakra Colour: Orange Area: Below Navel and Lower Abdominal Area Affirmation: "I AM CREATIVE, LOVING AND PASSIONATE ABOUT LIFE" Solar Plexus Chakra Colour: Yellow Area: Solar Plexus Affirmation: “I AM DRIVEN AND SUCCESSFUL" Heart Chakra Colour: Green Area: Center of the Chest Affirmation: “I AM COMPASSIONATE AND EXUDE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE” Throat Chakra Colour: Blue Area: Throat Affirmation: “I LIVE IN THE TRUTH AND CLEARLY COMMUNICATE WITH OTHERS" Third Eye/Ajna Chakra Colour: Indigo Area: The center of the Forehead Affirmation: “I ALWAYS SEE THE REALIT IN EVER SITUATION THROUGH UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS". Crown Chakra Colour: Violet Area: Top of the Head Affirmation: “I AM ONE WITH THE DIVINE”

  • Day of the Dead

    For millions of families in Mexico and those of Mexican heritage abroad, the Day of the Dead – Día de los Muertos – is the time when the wall between our world and the spirit world dissolves, and the spirits of the dead can rejoin their families for 24 hours. With elaborately decorated altars, intricate makeup, and an offering of the deceased’s favourite food and drink, revellers welcome back their family members as honoured guests with an elaborate celebration, before the soul of the dead must return to the spirit realm. The Day of the Dead is a unique holiday to the Mexican people, a time in which life is celebrated and death is recognized as a quintessential part of being human. What is the Day of the Dead in Spanish? Day of the Dead translates to Día de los Muertos in Spanish, and that's what you'll commonly hear the holiday called. Día de los Muertos is a two-day celebration starting at midnight on November 1st. According to folklore, the gates of heaven open, and dead children can join their families for 24 hours. On November 2nd, the spirits of adults can follow suit. Before the Day of the Dead, the living creates ofrendas, or offerings, in honour of the visiting spirits. These are elaborately decorated altars, often adorned with marigold flowers, candles, brightly coloured sugar skulls, and photos of the departed. These ofrendas are highly personalized so that the dead can find their families. For children, called angelitos (little angels), they might include important items like favourite toys and treats. And for adults, ofrendas will be decorated with traditional Mexican dishes like tamales, mole, and even tequila, as well as items specific to the deceased’s particular tastes, such as their favourite food and drink. These are not solemn holidays. Rather, the nights are filled with laughter and amusing stories about the dead, in what is often a raucous celebration in their honor. With the ofrenda guiding the deceased home to their family from the realm of the spirits, they can enjoy one last meal with loved ones, as they did when they were alive. How are Halloween and Day of the Dead Similar? Some people mistake Day of the Dead for a sort of Mexican Halloween, probably due to the "spooky" name and close proximity on the calendar. As it turns out, although their origins are totally different, the two holidays do have some elements in common. Halloween has its roots in the ancient pagan traditions of pre-Christian Europe and traces back to a festival known as Samhain, which was held at the end of October. During this time, it was believed the veil between the realm of the living and the dead was at its thinnest. Sound familiar? Like the Day of the Dead, Halloween also incorporates images associated with death – skulls, skeletons, etc. Finally, sugar is an important component of both holidays (albeit, in different forms). Halloween is anticipated by children for the sweet, sweet candy haul that comes with it. Those celebrating Day of the Dead, on the other hand, use sugar to make skulls – usually representing deceased family members – which are then decorated and displayed. But while there are plenty of similarities, Halloween and Day of the Dead are entirely separate holidays. And although Halloween growing in popularity in Mexico, it is primarily viewed as a children’s holiday and is typically overshadowed by the Day of the Dead. What are the Origins of Day of the Dead? The origins of the Day of the Dead, on the other hand, go back 3,000 years to the Aztecs who once lived in central Mexico. Believing that life was cyclical, the Aztecs made offerings of food, water, and tools for the dead to assist them on their years long journey through the Chicunamictlán, the land of the dead, their final destination being Mictlán, the Aztec underworld. It is this tradition that the modern Día de los Muertos took great inspiration from. Day of the Dead is one of the most revered and celebrated holidays in Mexico, but its reach extends far beyond the borders of Mexico. It is also celebrated in the Philippines, and many countries in South America, as well as communities in the United States with large Mexican populations, including Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona. Wherever you are, celebrating the Day of the Dead is a great way to honour the life of your departed loved ones with the people that matter most to them. It is a spiritual and uniquely Mexican celebration of life – and death.

  • Reiki Symbols - Do You Really Need To Be Attuned To Them?

    The Reiki symbols were experienced by only four students of Master Usui. They were introduced in maybe 1923 and taught to the three naval officers and one of Usui‟s surviving students. They do not turn up in the connection rituals, of course, because Usui had been teaching his system since at least 1915; his system was established, up and running, without them. So the symbols are a bit of an afterthought, introduced jointly by him and his senior student, Eguchi, for the benefit of a few of his students who could not get to grips with the more traditional meditation approach that Usui used with his Buddhist and Shinto students. So with Usui you were not attuned to the symbols in order to be connected to Reiki. You were connected to Reiki using Reiju, which doesn‟t use symbols. You were not attuned to the symbols by Usui at all. His students were simply given them and they were used to represent different energies/states. These few students would have to have learned to become the energies using symbols rather than using meditations or chanting, it would have still been a long process, and the energies would have been worked individually, not mixed together. I have been using Reiju in my Reiki courses for over a decade and they work brilliantly. Despite the fact that one is not 'attuned to the symbols' by this process, I have found that symbols given to such students work in the same way as if they had been 'attuned' to them, as we do in the Western tradition. In fact, they even work at First Degree level using 'plain' Reiju, with no meditation and no symbols entering into the process. It seems that the widely held Western view that the symbols are useless unless you are specifically attuned to them is now incorrect. If you are attuned to Reiki then the symbols represent the energy in much the same way that the Kotodama represent the energy, but Reiki is the energy, not the symbols. You can use symbols to direct the energy, you can use chanting to direct the energy, and you can use intent to direct the energy. I believe that once you are connected to the energy then *any* symbol will push the energy in a particular direction. But in Usui's system, you use the energies once you have become thoroughly familiar with them. That was the first stage. You would spend months meditating on each energy in turn, experiencing it, becoming‟ it, and then you might work with it when treating others. There were no shortcuts. The chanting of the symbols are training wheels, and the symbols themselves are training wheels: they connect you to an energy that would have been thoroughly familiar to you already, through your meditations, through your long chanting of the symbols, through again and again experiencing the characteristic energies of each individual symbol. And with time and experience, you could dispense with the "training wheel‟, to work with the energies direct. You could dispense with symbols and you could dispense with the chanting and meditations if through long practice you "become the energies and the energies become you". If you would like to learn more about Reiki and in particular the teachings of Usui Teate Reiki from which this information has been taken, please CLICK HERE ALWAYS REMEMBER - YOU ARE REIKI!

  • Lavender - A Resounding YES

    In scents, oils, and creams it’s a resounding “yes!” for lavender as a safe and effective oil to relieve anxiety. Interest in its benefits as an oral supplement is also growing fast. Although we cannot run away from feeling anxious or eliminate it completely, there are small ways we can create more calm in our day-to-day lives. The appeal of natural or plant-based anxiety-relieving solutions is not hard to fathom. As well as dodging nasty synthetic chemicals, plant-based essential oils are a relatively cheap and accessible way to indulge in some self-care and soothe a stressed-out nervous system. Lavender for Anxiety Lavender is one of the more heavily researched and natural anxiety-reducing remedies. Picked straight from Mother Nature’s pharmacy, this modest herb is well-known for its sleep-enhancing properties and has been manufactured into oils, candles, and topical creams for years. Lavender belongs to the Lamiaceae species and is a cousin of other flowering herbs like sage and mint. Lavender has been celebrated for its medicinal qualities for thousands of years, long before we discovered its mysterious calming effects. There are over 40 different types of lavender, all with a slightly different chemical make-up. The key active ingredients are linalool and linalyl acetate, which provide anxiety-reducing effects. You can take lavender essential oil orally, breathe it in through aromatherapy, soak it up in a bath, or apply lavender gels and creams onto the skin. What Does Science Say about Lavender for Anxiety? Overall, it’s a resounding “yes!” for lavender as a safe and effective way to take the edge off anxiety. Sense of smell is often underrated as a gateway to anxiety relief, but inhaling lavender could be a simple way to reap the rewards of this perfumed relaxant. A large review study concluded lavender oil aromatherapy has encouraging anxiety-relieving benefits, which may be valuable to help ease peoples’ anxiety in healthcare settings. The idea of using lavender to create a more calming ambience in clinical environments is not to be sniffed at. Another study found that wafting a lavender aroma in a dentist's waiting room using just a candle and some essential oil reduced patients’ anxiety levels. In 2019 a weighty review study combining data from over 13,000 people in more than 120 studies, found oral consumption of lavender oil showed the most promise as an effective treatment for anxiety. Aromatherapy and massage with lavender oil also showed benefits for reducing anxiety, but the available evidence was less strong. A Lavender Pill? Although lavender has shown promising anxiety-relieving effects, it is classed as a dietary supplement, not a medication, and cannot replace standard psychological or psychiatric treatments. That said, there are several types of lavender tablets that have shown to be highly beneficial in calming the nervous system in times of worry and stress. I know from personal experience when I got married, I was a nervous wreck right up until the day when I took 1 Kalms Lavender tablet. For the whole day, I did not have any worry or anxiety. A review published which combined data from five clinical trials, found lavender successfully reduced anxiety for people who took it daily for longer than two months. Some adverse side effects have been reported from taking the lavender oil capsules, such as nausea and an upset stomach. However, a wonderful advantage of Silexan is that, so far, it has shown no substance abuse risks, unlike other anti-anxiety medications that are often prescribed for short-term use for this very reason. Lean Into Lavender for Anxiety If you’re spending money on lavender products, it’s important to examine what’s actually in it and how it was made. As with all essential oils, the growing conditions of lavender plants and the processes used to extract the essential oil will impact the quality. Lavender research is growing, and there is still much to learn about this enchanting herb. It remains to be seen whether high-potency oral capsules will reach medication status in more countries. In the meantime, lavender provides a natural and highly popular essential oil that shows much anxiety-relieving promise. Although we may not find the solutions to our stresses in a calming lavender candle, aromatic bath bomb, a lavender pill or pot of lavender tea, this relaxing herb could help us capitalise on those precious moments of calm in an unpredictable, post-pandemic world. What If I Cannot Use Lavender? If for some reason you cannot use Lavender in its physical form, you can still benefit from its soothing properties by incorporating the Etheric Lavender Essence Empowerment into your healing practices. This unique distant attunement channelled by Amanda Hadley has helped me on many occasions when I was not able to get hold of Lavender either because I was out of the house or I just did not have any at home. Activating this attunement brought a soothing energy that flowed over me like a wave upon a sandy beach. While not everyone will experience the same thing, I am more than sure that if you activate this essence, you will receive a blessing from Mother Lavender. If you would like to read more about the Etheric Lavender Essence, please click on the button below.

  • Reiki For A New Generation

    I am often asked, "Why are there so many forms of Reiki when Master Usui only mentions one". To be honest, I have asked myself this same question on more than one occasion... While there is indeed just Reiki which is the universal life force energy that surrounds all of us, there are many ways that you can access this energy and it is through this energy that you can gain access to the universal energy for healing and self development. While there are the more traditional forms of Reiki that you can study which are called Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho and Usui Tate Reiki there is also another form called REIKI RYOHO. This form has become the main focus of my work this year and it is the new energy that I find myself teaching more and more through my in-person workshops. The ability to learn Reiki is not dependent on intellectual capacity, nor does one have to be able to Meditate! It does not take years of practice as some websites will tell you. It is quite simply the easiest and simplest form of healing that is available to us at this time. Reiki is passed on from the teacher to the student via in-person or distant training. Yes, that is right. Whatever you have heard from online sources, the Reiki Attunements can be passed distantly and they were given this way by Dr Usui himself which is another reason why through the Reiki level 2 attunement you are taught how to use a symbol that allows you to send healing via distance. As soon as the attunement process ends, you will be a channel for the reiki energies. Because of this, it is easily learned by anyone. Reiki is a pure form of healing, not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability. Because of this, the personality of the healer is less likely to cloud the significance of the healing experience. The feeling of being connected directly to God's healing love and protection is something that must be felt to be believed. ​ Growing with Reiki! Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for deepening awareness of the universal energies. In general, Reiki complements all forms of healing as well as traditional orthodox medicine. There are no hard and fast rules about how to approach starting to learn Reiki but you will know within yourself when the time is right. You must always also listen to your heart and you will be guided in choosing the right experiences and teacher for you. When you have been attuned and you start the process of learning more about Reiki, the real work begins. To develop your understanding of, and sensitivity to Reiki it is a good idea to devote time to regular practice. Reiki is not something to be rushed. It is a process of self-development, self-mastery, and spiritual awakening. By keeping your eyes on the goals, your mind in your heart, and taking things one step at a time you will receive the best possible results from your reiki training. Think of it this way, you wouldn't rush from one birthday to another so why would you want to rush working with something that is going to drastically change your life in a profound way. Take your time and enjoy the blessings that will come from working with this beautiful form of Healing. ​ My Journey with Reiki Over the years, I have worked with many forms of Reiki from Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho, Usui Teate Reiki, and Threshold Reiki to name just a few. I have however been blessed with being able to work with a form of Reiki that was brought forth by the founders of Ascension Reiki which is simply called Reiki Ryoho. During this time of working with the many forms of Reiki, I have discovered that although the symbols of Reiki are an integral part of working with the energies, Dr Usui himself did not use the symbols for the attunement procedure. He instead worked with Reiju Empowerments which are taught in Usui Teate Reiki. These empowerments are designed to give the practitioner the opportunity to discover what Reiki means for them as well as allow the Reiki energies time to work within their etheric background to bring about advanced healing and spiritual progression within their daily life. I have therefore been guided to now offer the attunements and manuals for Reiki Ryoho. These manuals are vibrant, colourful, and full of new information that is simple to understand. The attunements are also very different but this allows me to bring a breath of fresh air into the Reiki training that I offer through the Academy. ​ Reiki Ryoho Degree's/Training Within Reiki Ryoho, there are 4 attunements, one for each degree. The 4 degrees are as follows: 1. Shoden - Reiki 1 {1st Degree Reiki Practitioner - Cho Ku Rei Symbol}. 2. Okuden - Reiki 2 {2nd Degree Reiki Practitioner - Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol}. 3. Shinpiden - Reiki 3 {3rd Degree Reiki Master/Practitioner/Advanced Reiki Training - Sei Hei Ki Symbol}. 4. Shihan - Reiki 4 {4th Degree Master/Teacher - Dai Ko Myo Symbol}. The attunement procedure of Reiki Ryoho is one of the simplest that I have experienced but at the same time, it is one of the most profound versions that I have had the opportunity to share with students over the past few years. A simple "Prayer of Faith" is said and the attunements are given to the student by the One Creator {God}. All that is needed from the student is to have faith and intention. The use of symbols is optional in this method because Dr Usui himself never used symbols when he attuned his students. The symbols were brought to the attunement procedure by Takata at a later stage. The energies of our One Creator will honour your intent and your faith to be attuned. The attunements for Reiki Ryoho are also given in one attunement session by giving the 4 attunements consecutively, one after the other until all 4 levels are given. This will be controversial for some of you but I can promise you that this method works and there never had been any need for years to pass between each attunement like so many other teachers around the world till insist upon. Again, Dr Usui never asked for years to pass between the attunements, this was again brought forth by Takata at a later stage. The only thing that you must agree upon is to use Reiki to self-heal as often as you can. To simply receive the attunements and then do nothing to heal yourself, will not allow you to be a pure channel for the Reiki energies. We all have old baggage and energetic junk that we need to clear in order to be a clear channel for Reiki so by self-healing, you will peel back the layers of this old energetic baggage, allowing you to channel a higher and more refined frequency of energy to yourself and others. ​ The 4 Degrees of Usui Reiki Ryoho ​ * Reiki 1st Degree - Shoden {Hands on Healing and the 1st Noble Truth of Innocence - Cho Ku Rei} - The 1st-degree attunement of Reiki Ryoho works to open you to the flow of Reiki in and through the "Acting Body" commonly known as the Physical Body which is composed of 7 Systems and 5 Senses. ​ * Reiki 2nd Degree - Okuden {Distant Healing and the 2nd Noble Truth of Purity - Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen} - The 2nd-degree attunement of Reiki Ryoho opens you to the flow of Reiki in and through the "Thinking Body" which is composed of the 7 Auric Layers and the 5 Pranas within the body. ​ * Reiki 3rd Degree - Shinpiden {Emotional Healing and the 3rd Noble Truth of Love - Sei Hei Ki} - The 3rd-degree attunement of Reiki Ryoho opens you to the flow of Reiki in and through the "Feeling Body" which is composed of the Chakra System from the Crown down to the Root/Base. The Chakra system from the Crown down is composed of 7 Chakras on the back and 5 Chakras on the front of the body. ​ * Reiki 4th Degree - Shihan {Karmic Healing and the 4th Noble Truth of Wisdom - Dai Ko Myo} - The 4th-degree attunement of Reiki Ryoho opens you to the flow of Reiki in and through the "Karmic Body" which is composed of the Meridian System. The Meridian System is made up of the Governing Vessel on the spine, the Conceptual Vessel on the front, and the 12 pairs of Organ Meridians. A New Insight Into Reiki Lineage ​ Reiki lineage is something that many find is of the utmost importance when they learn Reiki but we have forgotten the principles of Dr. Usui's teachings. All Reiki attunements come from the same source, Our One Creator! This is how Dr. Usui was attuned, by Our One Creator! Due to this, we all have the same lineage because no human being actually attunes another person. We are simply helpers and facilitators in the process of attunement that is extended to us by the One Creator who bestows the gift of Reiki upon the receiver. This is about the Grace of God. Dr. Usui said that it wasn't through his works or efforts that he received the gift of Reiki. It was a gift that was bestowed upon him by the Creator and this gift was available for all who wish to connect with it. With this information, you will receive 2 lineages. The first will be the One Creator Lineage and the second is a teacher-based lineage that I received when I was attuned to Reiki in 2004. Both lineages are true and honest, I simply want to offer students 2 versions that you can use as a practitioner and also a master. My Reiki Lineage My Reiki Lineages are Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho, Usui Teate, Threshold Reiki, and now Reiki Ryoho. The latter lineage is very different where there is no formal lineage due to the attunement working in the technique to Dr Usui who was attuned directly from the One Creator and not a physical person but for students who still need to work with a lineage, I offer 2 with this attunement {One Creator Lineage {Creator - You} and Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho}. "Reiki is about Spiritual Progression, Self Development, Healing and Awareness. Everything else is simply for the human mind to make sense of this process" ​ A Final Note As you will have seen from the above information, Reiki Ryoho is a quantum leap away from what you have probably learned through many books, teachings, and information that you may have read on other websites. This is not to say that all other information is wrong. As a Reiki Teacher, it is my job to offer you the best possible training that I can and I have found that the method of Reiki Ryoho is for me, one of the most up-to-date and profound versions of Reiki training that I have come across with there being no fracture within the teaching or lineage. This method also incorporates the blessings of the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Light Beings which for me is something that I find comforting and a true blessing to my Reiki practice. Reiki Ryoho allows the energies to unfold naturally within you as well as guiding you as you progress through each degree that you will receive daily from hands-on healing work which is fundamental to the practice of Reiki. After 20+ years, I am still learning new things about Reiki and how to tap into this divinely guided energy to help myself and the clients that I work with. If you would like to learn how to channel Reiki to yourself and others as well as expand your consciousness to new levels of understanding please CLICK HERE to take your next step towards Ascension & Spiritual Awakening.

  • Attuning Objects

    Can you attune an object to Reiki? This is a question that I have thought about for a long time. It is a controversial theory/belief/idea and It is also a question that several students have asked me recently which is why I have decided to write this blog post. How many of you have seen items being marketed as "Reiki Charged"? In fact, I have advertised my handmade Reiki Candles this way too. The methods that I used would consist of using hands-on Reiki, creating an intention and drawing symbols over the item. As time went on, I become more familiar with the energy so I began to wonder what this charging was actually doing to the item. What I felt was that I was not actually "charging" the object with Reiki, but I was instead I was cleansing it to restore it to its natural balance. Often that was not my actual intention because what I wanted to do was allow a personal using the object to receive the benefits of Reiki through it. I wanted them to hold the item to receive Reiki for their highest good. I believe that intention counts for a lot when doing any kind of spiritual or energy work, I also believe the system of Reiki works in a certain way. So, the question came to me, can an object be attuned to Reiki?? What would happen if you gave an object an attunement in the same way that you would give a Reiki attunement to a student? Would that even be ethical? I tried to look this up online but I could not find anything where it has been experimented with before so to my knowledge this whole process is NEW. Before I experimented with this, I wanted to examine the ethics of it. Ethics are important to me and my teaching work plus I believe they are also important to the practice of Reiki. Two thoughts came to my mind. I believe a person should be trained in the system of Reiki before the attunements are given and obviously, an object is not trained. Neither can an object set an intention or consciously treat with Reiki Which I also found to be an important aspect of Reiki. I decided that as my objects were not going to go around trying to practice Reiki on their own, the issue of training did not pose an ethical problem. As for the issue of intention, I concluded that I could set the intention for the healing and the highest good of all those that used the object for the purpose of receiving Reiki while performing the attunement. And when it came to consciousness, I determined that since Reiki is spiritually guided energy, and is not guided by the healer, the consciousness of spirit should suffice. I have a habit of cleansing and balancing my shower head with Reiki before each shower and then visualising golden healing light pouring over me with the water. As many of you know, I strongly believe that a teacher should work with energies before they share them with others through direct attunement or using a charged object. I decided that I would use the shower head as my first non-human Reiki Attunement recipient. I gave the attunement in the same way I would for a student with the exception that during a part of the ritual that is normally performed at the heart and palm Chakras of the student, I performed it at the back of the shower head and the centre of its face. I set the intention that the shower be tuned into Reiki and be able to channel it for the highest good of all those wishing to receive Reiki. I feel that the attunement was successful. I felt the benefit of Reiki after each shower in which I consciously intend to receive it in the same way I do after a self-healing. I have found that if I do not set the intention to receive and open myself up the energy, I do not notice the same benefit. I have also attuned crystals to Reiki and feel that has been successful also to the point where I will ask for students to hold the crystals while they are receiving the attunement through a personal initiation. So how do you attune an object? If you feel that this is something you want to do, you can use the following protocol to safely and powerfully attune any object to Reiki. If the item is small enough, you can hold it in your hands but if it is a larger object, you can set it onto a table. If the object is similar to the shower head experiment I performed, you will have to move yourself to the object. Now you need to use your imagination because you are going to attune the object in a similar way you would attune a person to the Reiki energies. You will need to picture where the 7 Chakras would be situated on the object if it were a person. Using the set protocol that you learn in Usui Reiki 3rd Degree, you can create an intention to attune the object to the Reiki energies. When the item has been charged and attuned to Reiki, you are free to use the object wherever you are or for whatever purpose you feel the need to incorporate it into your existing healing work. If this idea resonates with you, I encourage you to try it for yourself and see how it goes. I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on attuning objects with Reiki and any experiences anyone has with it. If you are not attuned to Reiki but would like to learn more, you can do so by CLICKING HERE. An added bonus for the new Usui Reiki attunements is that I have channelled and written my own manuals which are jam-packed with information to help you on your Reiki journey of personal healing, enlightenment and progression to a new level of consciousness.

  • Mayan Reiki - Inner Peace, Honesty, Intent & Happiness

    I have been wanting to bring Mayan Reiki to the Academy for over a year but I needed to receive the teaching from someone I trusted and from someone who had a Lineage that resonated with me. I can now confirm that I have been attuned to Mayan Reiki and you can be attuned to. Receiving and working with Mayan Reiki has been a real eye-opener for me. The energies are pure and honest and every time I re-connect, I am blown away by the visuals that I receive. So what is Mayan Reiki? There are many schools of thought on the correct method of teaching Reiki. There is the traditional Reiki which adheres strictly to a methodology that was developed by the Reiki Alliance which can cost thousands of dollars. This system was developed by Mrs Takata, who brought Reiki to the USA in the 1930s with the thought in mind that Americans do not value things which they do not pay for dearly. The current Grand Master is Mrs Takatas, granddaughter who says that there is no right or better system. What she teaches is Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho and the students must choose their own path. Is not humanity evolving? Are we not achieving enlightenment through acceptance of the Higher Good of Humanity and this Planet? Different methods of teaching may be more appropriate for some people in our present time. CHANGE IS GOOD - THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG WAY. THERE IS ONLY REIKI! Traditional Mayan healing was and is performed by a Shaman, with the use of hands-on healing and herbs. A thousand years ago the herbalist was highly respected and the school of thought, highly developed. Shamans or priests of shamanism are able to commune with spirits so they can then be called upon for help in curing illness, remedying ill fortune, influencing weather or foretelling the future, and so on. Shamanism is possibly the oldest world religion. The Shaman's link with nature provides a more ecological spirituality and worldview. There are many paths up the mountain of Enlightenment. This is good, otherwise, there would be quite a bottleneck making the ascent. Live your own Truth. This is the key to inner peace and happiness. Seek Harmony, Honesty, Intent and Happiness. Most of all Be Yourself Let us now delve into the 3 levels of Mayan Reiki Mayan Reiki Level 1 Welcome to Reiki. What you are here to learn about is in reality your birthright. Each of us is born bearing the double helix of RNA/DNA molecules. These molecules are representations of the Ascending and Descending Universal Life Force. We work in our Sacred Spot, here, which is a Circle. At the entrance of this Circle which we work in and begin each class in, stands a large stone. Upon that Obelisk is the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, developed by the Mayans over three thousand years ago. It represents the human RNA/DNA. The left side of the Tzolkin represents the Ascending DNA strand, or the Ascending Universal Life Force from our Earth, the source of Ki. The right side of the Tzolkin represents the Descending DNA strand, the Universal Life Force from the Center of the Universe, Reiki. Both of these gifts from the Prime Creator form the Double wrapped RNA/DNA Helix which is the conduit through which the power of Rei and Ki flow. We become the conduit for the flow of this energy when we call upon the Universal Life Force through our Guides or directly call upon the Prime Creator. Our purpose here is to help you to understand the proper way to access this wonderful power and to properly direct it to heal others, and to heal ourselves. Mayan Reiki Level 2 All that has gone before in Reiki I is now with you. In Mayan Reiki II you will be connected with even greater levels of healing abilities. Your ability to channel the Universal Life Force will grow exponentially. You will be taught how to beam the Mayan Reiki energy and perform absentee healing. There is no limitation regarding distance with beaming healing. Not in this physical world or the ethereal plane. In fact, you will be able to beam Reiki energy into past, present and future lives. As we lift the veil and understanding becomes apparent, you will learn that present life traumas can be reprogrammed so that they literally change the future. Past life patterns can be uncovered and released, and karmic debts resolved. All human limitation is mind-created. There are no limitations, only will. Mayan Reiki Level 3 Congratulations on your decision to become a Mayan Reiki Master. You have made a commitment to yourself, your family, your friends and to humankind to take this final step on your journey. By taking this step you make a bold statement of your serious intent, for you will soon be fully attuned to the Universal Life Force and invested with the power to pass on this wonderful healing gift to others. In your decision to achieve Reiki Masterhood, you have acknowledged your understanding of its sacredness and your obligation to hold it so. Should you decide that you wish to teach Reiki and pass this gift on to others, please do so with this understanding. We have given you a great deal of information in a very short period of time. Although you MAY go right out and teach, it is most advisable that you give yourself time to practice your new craft and absorb that which you have learned. Study, practice, practice, practice. You have been overwhelmed with information. Use your ability to become comfortable with your channelling ability. The more you practice Reiki the more attuned with the Universal Life Force you shall become. Once you feel ready you will be ready to teach. Each individual is different. You will know. There is no right or wrong here, only what each individual person needs. Finally, you must fully understand the material. Then and only then should you teach Reiki, once you master the material, you will have the right to be called a Mayan Reiki Master Teacher. Does this new way of working with Reiki resonate with you? If it does, please CLICK HERE to be one of the first to receive these energies from the Academy as early as next week. Mayan Reiki is a BRAND NEW attunement so it cannot be received using any current discount code BUT I am going to offer it with a 15% discount until 11:59pm on the 31st of July. Simply quote July15 at checkout to receive your discount.

  • Cleansing Your Tarot Cards & Times When You Need To

    Who doesn't love a good Tarot Reading? Pulling cards gives you the opportunity to peer into your past, present and future. But with every reading, your Tarot Deck accumulates more and more psychic debris {physical and emotional}, so you'll want to be sure to cleanse your cards after every reading and also before the next. In this blog post, I will explain how to do this. Why You Should Cleanse Your Deck First things first: Do you actually need to cleanse your tarot deck? The answer is YES. By clearing your Tarot Deck you will open yourself up to clearer and more accurate readings. If you think of the Tarot as a tool or channel for your intuition and spirit team to communicate to you, it makes sense that sometimes it might need a little refresh that acts as a reset for both the deck and its reader. As a Tarot Reader, I have learnt that cleansing the cards before and after every reading will always clear the previous energy and intention. If you were using a deck yesterday and were feeling sad, for example, you would not want that energy to hang around in your cards. Even if you are only doing readings for yourself, your energy is constantly changing so when you do a reading with a cleared deck it will better reflect your current circumstances. The same principle will apply to when you perform readings for others. Ways To Cleanse Tarot Decks Now we will look at the various ways you can cleanse the cards. You can use 1, several or all of these methods. Use the one that resonates with you. Crystals - Using certain crystals can be a great way to cleanse Tarot Cards. You can either sit your deck on top of crystals or you can place a small crystal on top of your deck to charge them. Crystals that I have used and always find helps are Selenite which is a great crystal for connecting to spirit guides as well as keeping the energy of the deck both clear and connected. You can also use Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz. Both of these will cleanse the cards within a few minutes but they will also infuse the cards with loving energies which is beneficial if you are performing a relationship reading. Smoke - Simply hold your deck near the smoke of incense or a smudge stick, allowing the smoke to waft over and around the cards to cleanse them. If you can use herbs such as Lavender this will help to bring through a clear message or Mugwort for it has cleansing and intuitive properties {Take care when using Mugwort}. Salt - Salt is such a powerful and accessible tool for clearing As such, when your cards are in need of a real RESET, you can place your cards into a bowl of salt overnight. Sunlight - There's something refreshing about being out in the sunshine and getting some fresh air, and tarot cards feel it, too. Taking your cards outside and fanning them in the fresh air can work wonders especially if you are feeling stuck or stagnant with your readings. If using the sunlight method, take care as to not accidentally bleach your cards in the sun. Moonlight - The moon and night are my favourite times of the day. These are also very good times to charge your cards under the light of the moon. Placing the cards on a windowsill so it can soak up the rays of the full moon will work wonders for your readings. An example is if you are performing a relationship reading, charge your cards on a Friday night, as Friday is ruled by Venus Shuffling - Shuffling is standard practice when reading the cards. It is also a way for you to get acquainted with your cards. If you are getting to know a new deck of cards or simply feeling disconnected from the, you can lay the cards out in order {starting with the Major Arcana and moving through the suits} and then just mix the whole thing up in a chaotic way - like a child playing in the mud or you can simply do an extra thorough regular shuffle for a quick reboot. Knocking - Have you ever heard that you should knock your deck three times before a reading? This is one of the quickest and easiest ways to physically knock old energy out of a Tarot Deck. The first knock clears the energy or the previous readings. The second knock introduces you to the deck and the third knock represents your intention for the reading. Breath - Your breath is a powerful tool, and incorporating it into your cleansing process will help you clear your deck and drop into a reading faster. Simply blowing a deep breath over your deck essentially brushes any old energy off of it. Visualisation - If you're into visualisations, why not try one for clearing your deck. You could try holding your deck between your hands, closing your eyes, and visualising a white light or whatever colour feels cleansing to you. Picture this light surrounding your deck and pulling old energy out of them. Sound - Last but not least, sound is another wonderful tool for cleansing your deck. Bells are a very popular way to cleanse the cards but you can also use Crystal Singing Bowls, Tibetan Singing Bowls or even your own voice by chanting OM over the cards. Times You Should Cleanse Your Cards Here are a handful of times you'll definitely want to clean your deck. {Though for what it's worth, it's never a bad idea to cleanse your deck, especially before starting a reading.} When You First Get Them You should always cleanse your deck when you first get them. This is because the cards have likely been touched by many hands on their way to you, through packing, stocked on shelving units, handled by cashiers or delivery drivers and more. You want to make sure to cleanse your deck of all other energies that have handled them. When Someone Else Uses Them Personally, I never let anyone touch my cards but if someone does hold your cards you should always cleanse the deck afterwards to remove their energies and emotions. Each Time You Pick It Up For A Reading That's right! To ensure the most accurate of readings, It is recommended that you cleanse your deck every time you perform a reading. Whether it's for someone else, or yourself it is always best to start with a cleansed deck. If You Have Travelled With Them If you've gone on a trip and taken your deck with you, it is good to cleanse them. After all, who knows what kind of energy you could pick up on in foreign places. If The Connection Feels Off Last but not least, you can cleanse a deck anytime your connection to your cards feels a little off or you just feel that you need to cleanse them. The cards respond to your energy, as well as the energy around you so the more you tune into them, the more you will be able to tell when they need to be cleansed. Programming Your Deck With Intention When a deck is freshly cleansed and ready for a reading it is time to program it with intention. Take a few minutes to light a candle or create an intentional space, and holding the deck in your hands, state your intention out loud. I am also a fan of setting intentions with a verbal declaration. Before each reading, I will state the intention of the reading and what I will be pulling the cards for. I will then hold the cards on my 3rd eye Chakra. For example, as I shuffle my cards I will say out loud “I am doing a career reading for myself and will be pulling three cards that represent my career past, present and future”. You can even do a spread to help you expand on your intention. Asking your deck questions like, How am I meant to work with this deck in this season? How can I best support my intention for this deck? What approach would be helpful? How To Care For The Cards Treating your deck with the utmost care will help it stay clear and cleansed for longer. For this reason, it is a good idea to keep the deck in a specific place, be it on an altar or a well-maintained shelf. You can wrap it in a piece of fabric, place it in a box or put a crystal over it. I think putting it away intentionally after each use or at the end of the day is a nice way to care for it both energetically and physically. And if you have a collection of decks definitely designate a space to store them like a shelf, basket or decorative box. If you've had a particular deck for a while, be sure to take it out from time to time. Keeping your decks in dark corners of bookshelves or drawers can lead to stagnant energy. Final Thoughts Much like a favourite crystal can hold onto stagnant energy, so too can a deck of Tarot Cards. If you want a clear reading free from stuck energy, be sure to cleanse your deck frequently be it with a knock, a shuffle, or a dip in the moonlight.

  • Different Types of Spiritual People - What One Are You

    What does it mean to be a spiritual person? We may have various concepts of the term, but what binds different types of spiritual people together is their faith in a higher power and love for the world! In a world where people seek deeper meaning and connection, spirituality plays a significant role in many individuals’ lives. Spirituality can be defined as a personal journey that encompasses beliefs, practices, and experiences that transcend the material realm. While spirituality is a broad and multifaceted concept, it manifests in various ways, giving rise to different types of spiritual people. Spiritual personality, meaning, spiritual people are those individuals who deeply believe in the spiritual way of life and are driven by a deep faith in the presence of a higher power. In this blog post I will be exploring some of these spiritual personality types and delve into their unique characteristics and perspectives. Do you often wonder “What type of spiritual person am I?” Then read up and see with which spiritual personality example you resonate the most. 10 Types Of Spiritual People Here’re the ten types of spiritual people and their unique traits: The Seeker of Wisdom The seeker of wisdom is a perpetual student of spirituality and quite often they will have the star sign of being a Gemini. They are driven by a profound desire to explore and understand the mysteries of the universe and human life. These individuals avidly read spiritual texts, attend workshops, and engage in deep conversations to expand their knowledge and gain insights. Seekers of wisdom often embrace a wide range of spiritual teachings, drawing inspiration from different philosophies and traditions to develop a comprehensive understanding of the universe and their place within it. The Devotee Devotees are individuals who cultivate a deep sense of reverence and devotion towards a particular spiritual path or deity. They find solace and meaning in rituals, prayers, and acts of worship. Devotion is the cornerstone of their spiritual practice, as they strive to establish a profound connection with the divine. Devotees may follow a specific religious tradition or venerate a particular spiritual figure, centering their lives around expressing their love and dedication through their chosen practices. The Mindful Practitioner The Mindful practitioner is another one of the spiritual personality types. Mindful practitioners embody spirituality through the practice of mindfulness and present-moment awareness. They believe in the power of being fully present in each moment, cultivating a heightened sense of awareness and appreciation for life’s experiences. Mindful practitioners often engage in meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness techniques to anchor themselves in the present, promoting self-reflection, stress reduction, and a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them. The Mystic Mystics are spiritual individuals who seek direct experiences of the divine and transcendent states of consciousness. They explore the realms beyond ordinary perception, focusing on intuitive knowing, mystical visions, and deep spiritual experiences. Mystics often emphasise the importance of solitude, silence, and introspection to access profound spiritual insights. Their spiritual path revolves around connecting with the inner divine, exploring the depths of consciousness, and unravelling the mysteries of existence. The Social Activist The social activist embodies spirituality through active engagement in social causes and the pursuit of justice and equality. These individuals recognise the interconnectedness of all beings and believe in the spiritual imperative to alleviate suffering and promote positive change in the world. Social activists channel their spiritual values into practical action, advocating for human rights, environmental sustainability, and social transformation. Their spirituality becomes a driving force for making a tangible difference in society. The Eclectic Spirit An Eclectic spirit is another spiritual personality example. They are individuals who draw inspiration from multiple spiritual traditions and philosophies, creating a unique blend that resonates with their personal beliefs and experiences. They are not bound by the confines of a single doctrine or practice but rather embrace a fluid and open-minded approach to spirituality. Eclectic spirits may incorporate elements from different religions, spiritual teachings, or indigenous practices into their personal spiritual path. Their journey is characterised by exploration, experimentation, and a willingness to adapt and evolve based on their own inner guidance. The Nature Lover Nature lovers find their spiritual connection and fulfilment through a deep bond with the natural world. They perceive divinity in the beauty and harmony of nature, recognising that the natural environment holds sacred wisdom and profound teachings. Nature lovers often seek solitude in natural settings, whether it be hiking in the mountains, meditating by the ocean, or simply spending time in a lush forest. They engage in practices such as nature-based rituals, eco-conscious living, and environmental stewardship, fostering a deep reverence for the Earth and its interconnected web of life. The Creative Soul The creative soul finds their spiritual expression through various forms of artistic and creative endeavours. They believe that creativity is a powerful tool for self-expression, healing, and connecting with the divine. These individuals may be artists, writers, musicians, dancers, or any other form of creative practitioners. Through their chosen medium, they channel their emotions, thoughts, and spiritual insights, creating works that inspire and uplift others. The creative soul sees art as a sacred process, an avenue for exploring the depths of their inner being and sharing their unique perspective on spirituality with the world. The Community Builder The community builder is driven by a deep sense of spirituality that revolves around creating and nurturing a supportive and inclusive spiritual community. These individuals recognise the importance of coming together with like-minded individuals to share experiences, wisdom, and growth. They may initiate and lead spiritual gatherings, workshops, or retreats, fostering an environment where people can connect, learn, and support each other on their spiritual journeys. The community builder embodies the values of unity, compassion, and cooperation, believing that collective spiritual growth can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation and positive change in the world. The Healer The healer is deeply attuned to the spiritual dimension of healing and seeks to bring balance and wholeness to individuals and communities. These individuals recognise that true healing goes beyond the physical body and addresses the spiritual, emotional, and energetic aspects of a person’s well-being. Healers may practice various modalities such as energy healing, Reiki, acupuncture, sound therapy, or other holistic approaches. They channel divine energy, intuition, and compassion to facilitate healing and transformation in others. The healer’s spirituality is grounded in the belief that we are all interconnected, and by supporting the healing of others, they contribute to the collective healing of humanity. All Path Leads To The One Those were the ten primary types of spiritual people. The realm of spirituality encompasses a rich tapestry of beliefs, practices, and perspectives, making room for a diverse range of spiritual people. Whether they are seekers of wisdom, devoted practitioners, mindful individuals, mystics, or social activists, each type brings a unique approach to the spiritual journey. It is important to embrace and respect this diversity, recognising that various paths can lead to spiritual growth and fulfilment. By understanding and appreciating the multifaceted nature of spirituality, we can cultivate a more inclusive and compassionate world for all Now that you know all about spiritual personality meaning, I hope you have found the answer to your question “What type of spiritual person am I?” Please share your thoughts by commenting down below!

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