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Healing with Seashells

I have always had a fascination for Seashells and would regularly go for walks as a child where I would pick up shells from the beach or hold one up to my ear to hear the sound of the ocean. Decades later, I was blessed with being able to channel a unique distant attunement that connects the initiate to the etheric energies of Seashells called "Seashell Healing Reiki".

* Why do Seashells call to us?

* Why do they ask us to hold them?

* Why do they ask us to bring them to our ears to hear the sound of the ocean within them?

* Why do they ask us to bring them into our homes?

I am sure you have experienced this calling from the SeaShells and that is what led you to this blog post about healing with Seashells. Many of us will have looked at the beautiful patination of SeaShells, wondering what it would be like to live inside of their spiral rings, encoded to their harmonic resonance, captivated as if by a beautiful magical spell. On some level, we know deep within our souls that SeaShells are magical. They comfort us, they centre us, they help us to feel a sense of calmness and peace which floods both the physical and spiritual body. How many of you have walked along the beach to find SeaShells? The SeaShells are begging to be noticed once again and they are eagerly waiting for us to connect with them so they can bestow their healing powers upon us. SeaShells are amazing tools that can exponentially empower, enhance and deepen our healing and personal empowerment practices. SeaShells can also be used to attune those of you who are new to energy healing and working with SeaShells. In doing so, you will awaken your true divine self to the empowering energies that lay dormant within you. Shells of all shapes and sizes want you to know that they do so much more than what we realise. SheShells are ready to join the crystalline kingdom to become known for their unique healing properties. Just as we will use crystals such as amethyst for one purpose and clear quartz for another, we can select the correct SeaShell to bring through the specific energy that we desire and also the energy that is encoded into the etheric structure of the shell. As much as I love to work with crystals and I have a large collection of them including some very high vibrational items, I find SeaShells to be far faster at shifting energies and clearing blockages.

Seashell Healing Reiki can help with the following and so much more:

🐚 SeaShells can help to shift physical, behavioural, emotional, mental and spiritual energies.

🐚 SeaShells can help to activate new ways of being within the core of our being.

🐚 SeaShells act as enhancement tools to expand awareness and our abilities to achieve certain goals in life.

🐚 We can then choose a SeaShell to help us feel more love for ourselves and others.

🐚 We can choose a SeaShell to help us be more courageous.

🐚 We can choose a SeaShell to help us forgive ourselves and others.

🐚 We can choose a SeaShell to build confidence.

🐚 When we want to experience more energy within our lives, there is a shell that can help with this.

🐚 SeaShells can help to balance the spiritual trinity of mind, body and spirit.

🐚 For more complex situations you can choose a combination of different shells, all of which will work on specific situations, bringing an overall re-alignment of mind, body and soul.

Seashell Healing Reiki will grant you the blessings of the following and so much more:

🐚 Spiritual Abundance

🐚 Enhanced Balance {Mental & Emotional}

🐚 Spiritual Healing

🐚 Healthy Boundaries

🐚 Increased Joy

🐚 New Beginnings

🐚 Physical Clearing

🐚 Relaxation

🐚 Self Love

🐚 Self Worth

🐚 Vow Clearing

🐚 Karmic Re-Alignment

🐚 Past Life Recall

🐚 Increased Psychic Awakening

🐚 Lemurian & Atlantian Connections

Would you like to learn more about Seashells and how to incorporate them into your daily healing sessions please CLICK HERE

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