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Tarot & Oracle Readings - What is the Difference

What’s the difference between tarot cards and oracle cards? I get asked this question all of the time!

When I started to walk the spiritual path, I purchased my first personal oracle and tarot decks It was the Rider Waite Tarot and Archangel Oracle and it changed my life forever. Shortly after I was introduced to other divination systems, like Norse Runes and the I-Ching, and others that lit me up like a candle! Little did I know then that my path would take me to the world of Spiritual Teaching which was one of the first messages that both the Tarot and Oracle gave to me. These were a means of self-understanding and communicating with the Divine that would become the main focus of my work. Curiosity led to transformation and now here we are. Over the years, even before I began, my now 20 years long career working as an intuitive and Spiritual Healer/Teacher, I used the tarot and oracle cards on a daily basis (at one point I had over 50 decks) and got to know how to work with them intimately. There is a difference between the tarot cards vs oracle cards as well as similarities. I’m going to get you in the know now, so if anyone asks you’ll have the answer!

So what’s the difference between tarot cards vs oracle cards?

Let’s first talk about what they have in common (which is what brings up the questions in the first place). The Tarot is an oracle in the form of a card deck. Oracle cards are an oracle too (form implied) What is an oracle? Outside an oracle being a person who receives and delivers wise guidance (like the ancient priestesses in the Greek temple of Delphi), an oracle is a tool that is used for divination. It is an intermediary tool that is created to facilitate Divine or Higher Guidance that uses symbols to form a language through which this communication is possible. An oracle works through synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence when a person uses it. An oracle can be a card deck, a set of runes on wood chips or stones, sticks or coins like the I-Ching, etc… It always works on a specific symbolic system that allows the information to be accessed about whatever subject the person using them seeks to know.

OK .. now that we know they are both oracles and their purpose is similar so let’s explore their difference.

The Tarot

The tarot is a fixed system. That means it has a strong tradition and is meant to have a specific reliable structure. In order to call a card deck a tarot deck, it must have 78 cards, that will always be split into 22 major arcana cards, and 56 minor cards.

When you pick up a deck that says “ tarot” you can expect that deck to have that specific structure. The meanings of each card should be similar in every tarot deck with slight variations based on the psychology and spin that the author and artist provides.

The tarot’s history is rich and long as it was first designed in 15th century Italy (that we know for sure) although much lore surrounds the tarot’s possible relationship to Egyptian mystery traditions, the Kabbalah and others. Bottom line is the Tarot has been around for a long time, and we associate specific traditional spreads with it too like the 7 card Horseshoe Spread, the 10 card Celtic Cross and the 21 card Gypsy Spread, or the simple 3 card spread (past, present & future) which I used in my work as an intuitive. Even the traditional imagery of tarot and its card meanings still show its medieval roots as it was created in that specific time to reflect society at that time although there remains a universality about it regardless.

Oracle Cards

Now, oracle cards are different from tarot because they are fluid systems. What does that mean? It means every oracle deck will differ from the other. It’s up to the author to create the vocabulary and system the oracle card deck operates on. It’s called a Lexicon. All the parts of the Oracle need to work together to have an oracle that works as a true divination system.

Each oracle card deck is its own little universe and is generally distinct from the others by their art, author, and themes. Oracle Cards began to be popular in the early 1900s in Europe with the advent of the Lenormand Oracle (which I’m not going to get into here), then gained popularity again in the 1970’s onward. Today you will see unique and interesting oracle cards that reflect our current culture. The way Oracle card decks are created and for what purpose varies: Some oracles are meant to be pulled with only one card a day. Others are true divination systems with which you can do readings for yourself and others. Some are reflective cards for emotional wisdom. Others are affirmations. There are many different versions, and these days, there are so many to choose from! Oracle card decks are independent of the others, although I love to use more than one for a second opinion or different take on a subject.

Choosing A Deck

When choosing a deck, a few good pointers are:

Do you vibe with the author?

Do you feel your values align with the authors?

What level of expertise and background does the author have?

That said there are great decks out there by first-timers too so keep an open mind and follow your heart. You will find the one that works for you- tarot or oracle card deck, or maybe both!

If you are interested in receiving a reading using either the Tarot or Oracle Cards, please check out my Tarot page where you can choose a simple 1 card tarot reading or an in-depth 12 month reading. I also offer Oracle readings using Crystalline, Herb and Spirit Animal cards. Click here for more information about the Tarot and how I like to work with them.

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