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  • The Spiritual Meaning of Panic Attacks

    If you have read my about how I found Reiki, you will have discovered that I found Reiki through suffering with Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia. Panic attacks can be scary and require care, but they can also teach us a lot about ourselves. A panic attack is a sudden, extreme, and concentrated experience of anxiety that completely envelopes the mind and body. All the physical symptoms of fear can appear at once: racing heartbeat, cold sweat, hyperventilation, constriction in the chest, and so on. Panic attacks are not life-threatening, but they can feel that way - specifically, they can feel like a heart attack. If you are or have experienced panic attacks resulting in it becoming a recurring issue, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about options for managing stress and anxiety; together, you can see if there are treatments that can help and ensure that you don’t have any underlying medical conditions. Alongside that, however, let’s think about the spiritual meaning of panic attacks., Learning from Fear A panic attack is an extreme feeling of fear, often without an extreme source of danger. There is generally a trigger, but we’re not always consciously aware of that trigger. Panic attacks can be a symptom of trauma: That feeling of not being safe could be left over from an unresolved experience. Treating trauma in this way means bringing the nervous system to the safety of the present moment. Fear is an important emotion to listen to, and when we can get a clear sense of what it’s pointing to, we can figure out if we actually need to get away or if it’s simply a reminder of a time when we were unsafe. You may not be able to reflect while you are panicking, but when you feel calm enough, ask yourself these questions: What is the panic trying to tell you? Is there an unresolved fear in your present or past? Do you have anything to fear in your life right now genuinely? What might help you feel more in control and connected to your power? We often think of safety as an objective fact: Am I in immediate physical danger or not? In a way, yes, we can deem a certain environment to be relatively safe or not, but as some of us know from experience, there is no such thing as being 100 per cent safe because we can’t tell the future. Safety is a feeling; a felt sense, an inner knowing. Panic attacks are a complete loss of a sense of safety. Since it is a feeling and not an objective fact, we can cultivate the feeling of safety in our lives. What does physical safety look like? What about emotional safety? What is the feeling of safety for you? What does it feel like in your body? What are places, people, or contexts that help you cultivate that feeling of safety? Do you feel safe within your body? Can your body be a safe place? For example, do you feed your body adequately, listen to its needs, and attend to it when it’s sore or tender? Protection from Feelings Panic is an extreme version of anxiety, and one of the functions of anxiety is to protect us from deeper emotions that may be overwhelming or destabilising. If we don’t have a safe way to manage big feelings when they come up {especially if you learned at an early age that big feelings are not okay}, the nervous system may choose to panic instead. Are you honest with yourself when your emotions arise? If you suspect that your panic is trying to protect you from an emotion, do you have any idea what that emotion might be? Are you going through a hard time right now or have gone through some things in the past that don’t feel fully processed? Do you have safe spaces and/or people with whom you can fully express and feel your emotions? Heartbreak and Unresolved Grief Panic attacks can feel a lot like a heart attack, with energy concentrated around the heart and the lungs. This can mean there is a buildup of unresolved grief in your body - of heartbreak. Is your heart broken? Was your heart broken in the past? If your heart could speak for itself, what would it say? What can you do to attend to the needs of your heart? Disconnection from the Body Panic attacks are powerful physical experiences. We don’t always know why we’re panicking, but the body insists we stop everything and pay attention. The body may be trying to get your attention; it may want more of a relationship with you on a day-to-day level. Do you listen to your body? Do you find that you tend to be more in your head than your body? Are there emotions that you tend to talk yourself out of rather than embrace feeling? If your body could talk to your mind, what might it say? Many of these questions are asking you to divert your attention to your body and the panic itself. When there’s panic, there’s often a sense of distrust and betrayal within the body. It can exacerbate our desire to avoid feeling in our bodies. But the body is taking a stand and deeply wants that attention. You may need to take it slow, perhaps working with a counsellor, to gently listen to your body and trust that it has its reasons for talking to you the way it does. When the body feels listened to and doesn’t need to overwhelm us, it may not push us towards panic when it recognises a trigger in the environment or an internal emotion. There are many grounding practices you can do to slip out of a trigger and back to the present. This can include deep breathing, focusing on certain items in the environment that indicate safety, consciously counting to 100, and so on. But often the best way to manage a panic attack is to allow it to flow through us. Trust that it has its wisdom. The more we listen, the less the panic will need to arise.

  • Crystals for Soothing Anxiety

    Work with healing crystals for anxiety and tap into their power for relaxation, protection, and self-love. If the bad news is that anxiety levels are high, the good news is there has never been so much help available in so many different forms. Many crystals have high vibrational energies, and crystals for anxiety work to calm the mind and soothe fear, dread, and unease. Crystals can enhance spiritual growth by connecting the individual with higher realms while also putting each person in contact with spiritual guides. Crystals have ancient wisdom and powerful healing energies stored within them, often dating back thousands of years. Working with crystals is a wonderful way to reconnect with the nurturing energies of Mother Earth. Lepidolite for Relaxation To overcome anxiety, we must delve deep within ourselves and uncover its root causes. One way to look at anxiety is to see it as an energy blockage in our mind-body system. Something must have caused that blockage, and if we find out what it is, we can restore the free flow of energy within our system. Since all thoughts and emotions are essentially energy, negative thoughts and emotions leave a negative, disruptive imprint on our energy fields, whereas positive thoughts and emotions can uplift and heal us. Sleeping With Lepidolite A Lepidolite crystal can help you overcome anxiety by calming your overactive mind and clearing away negative thoughts. This enchanting violet or lilac-grey crystal helps you dissolve your fears by releasing past emotional and physical trauma, which is often the root cause of anxiety. Simply place a Lepidolite crystal under your pillow or near your bed to bring forth deep relaxation while also enhancing the quality of your sleep. Protection with Black Tourmaline If you are an empath and are also struggling with anxiety, your anxiety could be caused by absorbing negative, toxic energy from the people and places that surround you. If you are like me and you are an empath, introvert and deeply sensitive, you will be more vulnerable to energy leaks caused by other people’s negativity, which is why we should pay extra attention to protecting our energy. Black tourmaline is the superstar of protection in the world of crystals. This crystal surrounds you with a potent protective shield that keeps you safe from psychic attacks and toxic energies. In addition, it helps to ground and balance your energies, which is extremely important when you’re struggling with anxiety or stress. Wearing Black Tourmaline Hang a piece of black tourmaline crystal as a pendant on a chain or a bracelet to protect and ground your energies. This can also boost self-confidence and self-esteem, thereby helping you overcome fears that could be hiding deep beneath the surface of your anxiety. Mangano Calcite for Self-Love Each time we measure our worth in terms of financial success or social media popularity, we end up feeling small and unworthy. Deep within us, we start to feel that we need to justify our existence as we face pressure from society, our families, and our friends to always strive to be the best at everything we do. Carrying a Mangano Calcite Crystal The mangano calcite crystal reminds you that you’re worthy just the way you are and that your life has a divine purpose, even if you doubt it from time to time. The deeply nurturing and supportive energy of this crystal helps you relax and release anxiety from your mind and body. Carrying a piece of mangano calcite in your pocket or purse or tucking it underneath your bra will help you absorb the healing vibrations of this powerful crystal for anxiety. A Simple Crystals for Anxiety Ritual Light a candle and sit comfortably in a quiet space {Always follow fire safety and never leave a candle unattended or near children/pets}. Hold one of these three crystals for anxiety in your hands and recite the following: I ask this crystal to release all my fears and replace them with love and light. Next, close your eyes, breathe in and out 3 times, taking deep breaths each time then allow a sense of bliss and tranquillity to take over. Feel your anxiety melting away allowing your mind to be cleared of worries and anxiety. Remain in this meditative state for as long as you are guided.

  • A Step-By-Step Guide To Cord Cutting

    While you can use a vast array of distant attunements to help you cut cords, I know that some of you practice magic and paths that utilise magical work in your daily living. For this reason, I have chosen to add this new blog post to give you and everyone who is guided a method that you can use to cut cords. What Does a Cord Cutting Ritual Mean? Now, before you start rummaging through your drawers for scissors, let me clarify. The cord-cutting ritual isn't about literally snipping cords or cables. It's a metaphorical practice, deeply rooted in the spiritual realm. The 'cord' here signifies energetic attachments or bonds that you have formed with people, places, or past experiences that no longer serve your highest good. The cord-cutting ritual, therefore, is an intentional act of liberating yourself from energy-draining ties. It's about saying 'snip, snip, goodbye' to negative connections and reclaiming your inner peace. It's an empowering exercise, often used in tandem with other spiritual practices like cord-cutting spells and cord-cutting meditation. The Importance Of Cord Cutting Rituals In Personal Healing The idea of a cord-cutting ritual might sound a tad esoteric, but let me put it into perspective. Haven't we all, at some point in our lives, felt stuck in the past, unable to move forward due to old hurts, grudges, or toxic relationships? That's where cord-cutting rituals come into play. These rituals are crucial for personal healing and growth. They help us release emotional baggage, facilitating a sense of closure and paving the way for new beginnings. They enable us to let go of what no longer serves us, so we can make room for what does. So, if you're seeking freedom from past traumas or unhealthy attachments, a cord-cutting ritual could be your ticket to emotional liberation. Preparing For A Cord-Cutting Ritual Like any meaningful endeavour, a cord-cutting ritual requires preparation. You can't just wake up one day, decide to cut some cords, and expect instant results. It's a process and one that needs careful thought and intention. The first step is to identify the cord you wish to cut. Be honest with yourself. Recognise the person, situation, or habit that's holding you back. Next, set your intention. Remember, the goal isn't to erase memories or feelings but to release the negative energy associated with them. Once you've set your intention, prepare your space. Find a quiet, comfortable spot where you won't be disturbed. Cleanse the area using sage or incense to rid it of any lingering negativity. Step-by-Step Guide To A Basic Cord Cutting Ritual Now that we have our premises set, let's dive into the actual process of the cord-cutting ritual. It's simpler than you might think, but remember, it's your intention that fuels the ritual, so focus on that. Start by grounding yourself. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and visualise your energy rooting down into the earth. Imagine the person or situation you wish to disconnect from, and see a cord extending from your heart to theirs. Next, visualise a pair of golden scissors appearing in your hand. As you cut the cord, affirm your intention to release this attachment. Feel the energy shift as the cord falls away. Finally, fill the space where the cord was with bright, healing light, and thank yourself for the courage to let go. Step-by-Step Guide To A Candle Cord Cutting Ritual If you're drawn to the allure of candlelight, then the candle cord-cutting ritual might be your cup of tea. It's similar to the basic ritual but uses the transformative power of fire to aid in the release process. Start by lighting a candle, and as the flame dances, visualise the cord connecting you to the person or situation you wish to disconnect from. Imagine the cord being consumed by the flame, turning into smoke, and dissipating into the air. As you watch the cord burn away, affirm your intention to let go. Feel the energy shift as the cord disappears. Finally, visualise a bright, healing light filling the space, and thank yourself for the courage to let go. Other Popular Cord Cutting Rituals In addition to the basic and candle cord-cutting rituals, there are other popular methods you might want to explore. Some people prefer to write a letter to the person or situation they're releasing, then burn the letter as a symbolic act of letting go. Others might find solace in cord-cutting meditations, guided visualisations, or even cord-cutting spells. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to cord-cutting. What matters is that the ritual resonates with you and aligns with your intention. Understanding The Aftermath: What Happens After A Cord Cutting Ritual? So, you've done the deed. You've said 'snip, snip, goodbye' and performed your cord-cutting ritual. Now what? Well, my dear seekers, the aftermath of a cord-cutting ritual can be a truly transformative experience. You might feel lighter as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You might notice a shift in your energy levels or even changes in your relationships. Most importantly, you'll have created space for new, positive experiences and relationships to enter your life. Common Mistakes In Cord Cutting Rituals And How To Avoid Them While the cord-cutting ritual is a deeply personal and intuitive process, there are a few common pitfalls to watch out for. One of the most common mistakes is rushing the process. Remember, healing takes time. Be patient with yourself. Another mistake is not fully committing to the process. If you're going to do a cord-cutting ritual, do it wholeheartedly. Don't just go through the motions. Be present, be intentional, and be ready to let go. Lastly, don't expect the cord-cutting ritual to be a magic bullet. It's a tool for healing, but it's not a cure-all. It's meant to complement other forms of healing and self-care, not replace them. Are you ready to say 'snip, snip, goodbye'? Are you prepared to embark on this journey of emotional liberation? I hope this guide has inspired you to explore the transformative power of cord-cutting rituals. Remember, the only cords worth holding onto are the ones that lift us, not those that weigh us down.

  • The Top Crystals for Wealth & Prosperity

    Crystals have many different purposes and can meet you wherever you are in your life. No ask is too big or small for these powerful stones and you should never feel ashamed for wanting to use crystals for wealth and prosperity. Using stones and crystals for wealth will alter your vibrational energy and turn you into a money magnet. Why Should You Use Crystals for Wealth? When it comes to money, people are sceptical about crystals. But just like there are crystals that enhance creativity and crystals that improve friendships and relationships, there are crystals for money. Here’s the catch: crystals aren’t going to magically make money appear. But they will open up your mind to new opportunities and new ways that you can earn money. So, when using gemstones for wealth, it’s important to ask yourself a few different questions: Will this crystal attract luck, therefore increase my chances of attracting prosperity and wealth? Will this crystal help me see more clearly and allow me to make better financial decisions? Does this crystal have other benefits that will help other areas of my life and in turn be beneficial for more than one of my needs? Answering the above questions will help you select the most suitable crystal to meet you where you currently stand. Best Crystals for Wealth & Prosperity Here are 6 of my favourite crystals for wealth and prosperity so you can begin attractive more good fortune and abundance into your life. I like these stones because they not only attract wealth, they help improve other areas of your life as well. They also cover a wide range of needs {i.e some stones help you make sound financial advice while others specifically aid those who need help requiring wealth they've lost} 1. Pyrite: Wealth | Creativity | Memory How to use this stone: Meditate with Pyrite and envision a life of wealth or place it where you work. Chakra: Sacral | Solar Plexus Stone Summary: When many people think of Pyrite, “Fool’s Gold” or “fake gold” comes to mind. And if you want to use crystals for wealth, the thought of using “knock-off” gold might seem a little counter-intuitive. However, Pyrite is an incredibly popular stone for attracting wealth, money, and prosperity. The masculine energy emitted from Pyrite will allow you to think more clearly and improve your memory. Pyrite will help attract wealth through ideas, and the ideas will certainly be flowing with Pyrite nearby. Manifestation comes easily with Pyrite. Simply place a chunk of Pyrite in view {either on your desk at work or around your home} and suddenly you’ll be able to view what life would be like if you want chunks of gold around you. 2. Amazonite: Luck | Money | Balance How to use this stone: Keep this stone with you, especially during stressful times. Chakra: Throat | Heart Stone Summary: Amazonite is the perfect crystal for luck and in turn, money. When you feel down on your luck, Amazonite is the lucky stone to turn your fortunes around. Although we don’t recommend gambling as a way to acquire fortune, it is worth noting that Amazonite is known as the “gambler’s stone” and brings good luck to those who need it. But don’t think you need to gamble to reap Amazonite’s lucky benefits. Gambling doesn’t always symbolize a smoky and dark casino. Starting a business, asking for a raise/promotion or deciding to switch jobs are all tasks that one could classify as “gambles”. Amazonite will be there for you by allowing you to tap into your intuition to make smart decisions that will result in more money and wealth in the long run. 3. Tiger’s Eye: Intuition | Willpower | Sharpness How to use this stone: Wear Tiger’s Eye as a ring or bracelet on your right side, so it’s kept close to your body and lower chakras throughout the day Chakra: Sacral | Base | Solar Plexus Stone Summary: The Tiger’s Eye is a powerful crystal for beginners and healers of all levels, and there’s a good reason I recommend this crystal to just about anyone. Tiger’s Eye is “all-seeing, all-knowing” and will give you the unique ability to see into the future to make good decisions about your wealth and money. For those who would like help planning their finances, Tiger’s Eye is the most suitable stone for this purpose. When using Tiger’s Eye crystals for wealth, you might want to place a small stone into your wallet beside your money to allow the Tiger’s Eye to attract even more possibilities for wealth and money to you. Tiger’s Eye will allow your mind to open, thus opening up your ability to see new opportunities for prosperity. 4. Sapphire: Wisdom | Prosperity How to use this stone: Wear and keep it on your body for protection and prosperity Chakra: Third Eye | Throat Stone Summary: This famous stone goes back to biblical times and amasses fortune and wealth for those who incorporate it into their life. I’ve you’ve suffered from financial loss, this crystal is one you should get familiar with. Sapphire is particularly good at recuperating wealth that you’ve lost while allowing you to see things for how they are. If you need help investing, Sapphire will help you seek out the right information to make informed decisions. 5. Citrine: Wealth | Success | Manifestation How to use this stone: Place the stone on your Root chakra and meditate Chakra: Solar Plexus Stone Summary: Citrine is a powerful crystal for wealth and success. With the healing powers of the sun, Citrine will revive and awaken any stagnant energy that is preventing you from moving forward. Nicknamed the Merchant’s Stone, Citrine is renowned for being the go-to crystal for entrepreneurs who want money, success, wealth and abundance in both their business and their lives. Money is associated with our Root chakra, which is why when we want to use crystals for money and wealth, it helps to meditate with them on our Root chakras. 6. Turquoise: Protection | Prosperity | Money How to use this stone: Wear or keep this stone with you, preferably near your Throat chakra {in necklace form} when you need to make financial decisions Chakra: Throat Stone Summary: As powerful Throat Chakra Stones, Turquoises are excellent in helping you find the truth. When it comes to wealth, being truthful is a noble trait. Turquoise will help you acquire wealth thoughtfully and ethically. If your job is commission or sales-based, Turquoise will help you find the right words to close sales and increase the money you earn. If you have major financial decisions to make, keep Turquoise on you so that you can see clearly and make the right decision. Tips for using Crystals for Wealth and Money These additional tips will help you in attracting an abundance of wealth and money: The Root Chakra is known as our money chakra, so it’s important to balance your chakras so they can all work together in harmony. Try meditating with the above crystals on your Root chakra to channel their manifestation power for wealth, money and abundance. Keep an open mind and be receptive to any messages your crystals might be trying to send you. You never know when an opportunity may be presented as a way to nudge you towards financial success.

  • Incense Smoke Patterns and Their Meanings

    Cultures from every corner of the planet have been burning incense for millennia but did you know that incense is more than just a spiritual offering or room fragrance? Did you know that the patterns that are made by the smoke of incense have a symbolic meaning? While interpreting the patterns will vary from culture to culture, it is interesting to learn about the different perceptions and their meaning. Through this post, we are going to uncover the secrets of the mysterious incense smoke patterns. Dive into this post and explore the following: What is incense The history of incense The importance of incense smoke patterns in various cultures and traditions Different incense some patterns and their meanings Factors that can affect the patterns of incense smoke Incense smoke as a tool for divination Incense smoke and its effects on energy and mood What Is Incense First, we will ask the question… What is Incense? Incense is an ancient yet powerful tool that helps bridge the gap between our material and the spiritual realm. It is an organic, scented material used for millennia in religious rituals and ceremonies. Incense is created using various fragrant substances, like herbs and aromatic woods, which are heated to release their aromas through the smoke that rises into the air. These fragrances are believed to act as powerful agents of purification and protection from negative energies Furthermore, incense smoke has three colours {I bet you didn’t know that}. White - White incense smoke is purifying and cleansing for rooms and spaces Black - Black incense smoke is used to evoke a feeling of strength, protection and stability. Grey - Grey incense smoke has many different connotations. It can represent a neutral force, helping to balance out both positive and negative energies. History of Incense Use Incense has been used in ancient times by different cultures around the world, primarily for spiritual purposes and divination methods. Incense use is a very common practice believed to have begun thousands of years ago, most likely originating in Ancient Egypt. It was used in various religious and spiritual ceremonies like those observed by Hindus and Buddhists. During these times, incense is used to connect with divine beings or call on higher energies for support. Through trade routes of the time, incense eventually spread throughout the Middle East, Europe, and East Asia before being adopted by countless cultures around the world. Even today, its use continues in many religious ceremonies and rituals worldwide. It is also still used in various traditions to bring positive energy while cleansing away unwanted negative energies. Importance Of Incense Smoke Patterns in Various Cultures and Traditions Incense has been used for centuries and across many cultures and traditions to create a specific atmosphere or mood. Through the burning of incense, unique smoke patterns are created that have distinct meanings and interpretations in different traditions and cultures such as: Buddhist monks often use incense during meditation practices to create elaborate geometric shapes representing mandalas or lotus flowers. In Hinduism, circles of smoke from burning incense represent cycles and eternity since they have no beginning or end point when observed from above or below. In China, too, particular shapes have specific meanings when created by blowing on burning incense sticks – such as rings representing unity or spirals representing longevity – making them a popular element in traditional Chinese weddings and celebrations. In Japan, Kōdō (the art of appreciating incense) is practiced by connoisseurs who carefully observe each scent’s unique aroma before rating them according to their complexity and intensity of smell. It is also believed that rising smoke from the incense burning has a spiritual meaning that prayers are carried to heaven or enlightenment is released from within oneself. From communicating messages beyond this physical realm to protecting from negative influences, each culture emphasises these patterns and how they can be used daily. Different Incense Smoke Patterns and Their Meanings The use of incense is one of the most ancient practices in history. Its purpose has changed over time, but it’s still a common feature in many cultures. The way incense smoke moves through the air can tell us entirely about the meaning of incense smoke. Several patterns can be seen to read incense smoke when it is released into the air, each with its meaning and significance. Here are the incense smoke pattern meanings. Straight, Vertical Smoke - Straight, vertical incense smoke signals clear communication, clarity of thought and a focus on positive energy. This kind of smoke pattern suggests that you are emotionally balanced and that your thoughts are clear. If this is the kind of smoke pattern you see when you burn incense, it is likely indicative of a very positive emotional state. It also indicates that the gods have heard and understood your prayers and will answer them. Curling, Spiralling Smoke - Curling, spiralling incense smoke indicates creative thinking and problem-solving. It suggests that you have strong mental capacities and intuitive intelligence. This pattern suggests that ideas and solutions are generated to overcome obstacles or solve complex problems. It’s a sign that innovative thinking will help lead to success. It also indicates that new ideas can easily and comfortably be explored in the current environment. When this type of smoke pattern forms from your incense burnings, it may tell you to trust your intuition and embrace new ideas or concepts. Flickering Smoke - Flickering incense smoke has been thought to reflect emotional turmoil or instability experienced by the person who lit the incense. Small details in the smoky signals are often harbingers of insights indicative of changes in attitude, cognitive perspectives, and even future events. These work together to signify a past event or symbolic conversation running through the reader’s spirit without resolution, alerting them to pay attention to unaddressed emotions and heal them using techniques such as meditation or prayer. It also suggests that some unresolved issues or conflicts need to be addressed. This type of smoke pattern encourages us to take a step back and reevaluate our emotions before making any decisions. Thick, Dense Smoke - Thick, dense smoke indicates a bad omen, such as an obstacle or negativity in your life. It could mean an issue blocking progress or that unresolved conflicts must be addressed for things to move forward again. When this kind of smoke appears in your incense burnings, it is essential to take time for self-care and reflection to avoid becoming overwhelmed by negativity. Thin Wispy Smoke - When incense smoke forms a thin wispy smoke, it signals a positive sign that negative energy is being dissipated away from you, allowing you to see things more clearly from a different perspective. It implies hope for change or progress if we stay open-minded about potential solutions or ideas presented during these times when thin wispy, incense smoke appears during our burnings. This thin stream of incense smoke dispersing represents moving away from the dark energy and finding a path toward harmony and enlightenment. Factors That Can Affect Incense Smoke Patterns Incense smoke is an integral part of many religious and spiritual ceremonies and a source of relaxation or meditation for many. But what factors affect the patterns that incense smoke takes when it rises into the air? Here are the two primary factors: Type of Incense Used The type of incense used is one of the most significant factors determining smoke patterns. Different types of incense can produce vastly different patterns, some thick and hazy clouds while others give off thinner trails and smoke clots. The type of incense you choose determines the shape and concentration of burning smoke, such as; Incense sticks will produce thin, vertical lines, Cones tend to create enormous, thicker plumes that quickly disperse Burning palo santo versus sandalwood will produce two very different smoke patterns as those substances have other natural properties when burned. The ingredients within the incense itself and how much heat it takes to vaporise it properly can also affect the incense smoke pattern. For example, solid-granulated incenses usually result in upward-rising smoke since they contain more essential oils with finer particles than the stick or cone varieties. Choosing the correct type of incense depends on what kind of pattern you are trying to achieve. The Burn Rate and Quality of Incense The burn rate refers to how quickly or slowly the incense produces a fragrant smoke. High-quality incense sticks maintain an even burn throughout their length, meaning that their aromatic and consistent smoke flow follows a uniform pattern as it disperses into the air. Low-quality incense may start with a slow burn but increase in speed further down its length, causing uneven smoke patterns. Environmental Factors Such as Airflow and Temperature Environmental factors such as airflow and temperature can also influence how an incense’s smoke pattern disperses into the air. If there is little airflow around the area where you are burning your incense, it may take longer for its plume to dissipate; conversely, if there is a strong breeze, it will be carried away faster than usual. Temperature also influences how quickly an incense’s plume dissipates; hotter temperatures cause quicker dissipation, while cooler temperatures slow down dissipation rates significantly. Incense Smoke as A Divination Tool Incense smoke has long been a tool for divination or spiritual practices to gain insight into the future. Let’s look at how this practice has been used either for traditional or modern use as a divination tool. Traditional Methods of Using Incense Smoke for Divination Incense smoke has been used in many traditional cultures to divine the future or to receive spiritual guidance from deities or ancestors. This practice involves burning one’s chosen incense blend while focusing on a question or intention. The smoke is believed to carry one’s prayers upward into the heavens and brings down answers from on high. The shape of the smoke can provide clues about what the spirits are communicating. Still, it is also important to “listen” with one’s heart and intuition to access a more profound understanding. Modern Techniques for Using Incense Smoke for Guidance and Self-Reflection In our modern age, many people still turn to incense smoke to connect with their spirit guides and seek inner wisdom. Instead of relying solely on external forces such as gods or ancestors, some practitioners prefer incense smoke as a tool for self-reflection. By tuning in within themselves and allowing their intuition to lead them forward, many have found that they can tap into their inner wisdom more deeply when using incense smoke as a guide. Incense Smoke and Its Effects on Energy and Mood Many people around the world use incense as a way to create a more peaceful atmosphere. But many may need to realise that burning incense can have powerful effects on our energy and mood. Incense Smoke’s Ability to Purify and Cleanse Energy The smoke in incense burning has the power to purify and cleanse energy. Burning specific herbs, such as sage, can help clear out negative or stagnant energy in your entire room or personal space. You may have noticed that burning sage produces an earthy aroma that dissipates quickly after the incense is extinguished. This scent helps to neutralise any negative vibes or energy in your home or office. Not only does this make for a pleasant-smelling area, but it also helps you feel more relaxed and energised during stressful times. Incense Smoke’s Ability to Alter Mood and Create a Peaceful Atmosphere In addition to its purifying powers, incense smoke can alter mood and create a tranquil atmosphere. Burning certain herbs can help reduce anxiety and stress levels and can even provide relief from depression symptoms. Certain types of incense are known to have calming effects on those who take part in burning it such as lavender, jasmine, sandalwood, and chamomile while others are known to help uplift the moon and emotions such as orange blossom or lemon balm. These aromas are often used in meditation rituals as they encourage relaxation while still allowing us to stay focused on our intentions or goals. Conclusion Understanding how to interpret incense smoke pattern meaning and how the smoke behaves is essential for gaining wisdom about your spiritual world and managing positive and negative energy levels. When burning incense, pay close attention to certain signs in reading smoke patterns to gain more answers and insight into yourself and the situations around you. And therefore, you can have an open mind to make more informed decisions when faced with difficult choices. Additionally, by being aware of these signs while burning incense during rituals or ceremonies, you’re prepared to handle any challenging energies that may arise during such practices

  • Reiki - Everything You Need To Know

    Reiki is a spiritual practice and healing art that utilises the bitfield of the human body. During a session {personal and professional}, a Reiki practitioner will lightly place their hands onto or just above the body to direct energy and help the body to heal itself. It is important to note that Reiki can be used by physically placing the hands onto the body or hovering them just above the area being treated. Not everyone likes to be touched so in these instances, you would hover above the body. Reiki is a complementary approach that is used alongside conventional medicine interventions, not as a treatment of its own. Reiki does not treat or cure any health conditions. It simply helps the body to heal itself. Anecdotal accounts and some researchers have suggested that Reiki can induce relaxation and tranquillity, reduce pain and anxiety and foster a sense of spiritual connection and well-being. This blog post will discuss Reiki, what it may help with, and what it doesn't do. What Is Reiki? So what is Reiki? Reiki is derived from the Japanese words rei, meaning universal, and kei, meaning life energy. It is a Japanese healing art and a complementary energy therapy based on the principle that everything in the universe consists of energy that flows around and through living beings. Reiki proposes that disruption to this energy may cause health problems and seeks to restore the balance of the energy flow to a person by sending the energy flow received by the universe. Reiki also involves a philosophy of living surrounding mind-body-spirit unity and connection to all things. The Reiki principles for living are: "Just for today do not worry” "Just for today do not anger” "Honour your teachers, parents, and elders” "Earn your living honestly” "Show gratitude to all living things” Reiki Master vs. Reiki Practitioner Initiation into practicing Reiki involves three stages, during which "attunement" occurs. Attunement is done through a series of rituals performed by a Reiki master, which opens the energy channels of the body. Level 1 Level 1 is also called attunement to first-degree Reiki, or Reiki I. Students learn basic information about Reiki history, application, principles, and hand positions. Students can balance their energies and practice Reiki with family and friends through touch. Students cannot practice Reiki on others or charge money for their services. Level 2 Level 2 is also called attunement to second-degree Reiki, Reiki II, or practitioner level. Practitioners learn specific symbols that allow the transfer of energy through space and time (called absentee or distance healing). Practitioners can practice Reiki on others. Level 3 Level 3 is also called attunement to third-degree Reiki, Reiki III, or master level. Involves more in-depth study of Reiki practice and teaching. This level is typically achieved via an apprenticeship with a Reiki master. The practitioner is now considered a Reiki master or teacher. A Reiki master can train new practitioners/attune others into Reiki. How it Works Reiki operates on the assumption that a universal life force sustains all living organisms and that an energetic and spiritual dimension exists in humans as part of the healing process. The theory behind Reiki is that by balancing these energies, the body's natural healing ability is stimulated. The focus is on healing, particularly through the spirit and mind-body connection, rather than a cure or treatment of specific conditions or diseases. The existence of this energy field or universal life force has not been backed by credible research, {nor has its ability to foster healing been shown by credible research} It has been suggested that the positive effects reported by people who have experienced Reiki sessions may come, at least in part, from the state of relaxation it encourages. Reiki may down-regulate the automatic nervous system tone, which relieves tension and anxiety, lowers blood pressure and elicits a feeling of calm. What It Can Help With While not proven concretely, Reiki may help with: Relaxation and stress reduction Activating the parasympathetic nervous system {reduced heart rate, reduced blood pressure, increased heart rate variability} Pain control Reduced anxiety and depression and increased self-esteem and quality of life in people with chronic health conditions. Enhanced well-being and sleep quality Symptom management in some conditions, such as cancer Stronger sense of connection with self and others Enhanced positive thinking Techniques There are several forms of Reiki, but The Usui System of Natural Healing is the most commonly practiced. A typical Usui Reiki session lasts about 30-45 minutes or up o 1 hour. During the session, the person receiving Reiki usually lies down. Then, the practitioner gently places their hands on {with the person's consent} or just above the clothed person, in at least 12 total positions on the head and the seven main energy centers {chakras}. Symbols, usually drawn onto the practitioner's palm by the palm of the other hand, may be used once a practitioner reaches level 2. These symbols are said to enhance the quality of the transmitted energy and consolidate the benefits of the treatment. Seated sessions may also be offered, usually lasting 20 to 30 minutes. Reiki can also be practiced on yourself {oneself}. How Does It Feel During a Reiki Session? Feelings of relaxation, peacefulness, warmth, and calm are commonly reported by people who experience a Reiki session. Other sensations people may feel include: Heat Cold Tingling Or even nothing at all Some benefits of Reiki include: It is non-invasive and gentle, with little to no risk of adverse effects. It can be performed nearly anywhere, including clinics, hospices, surgery rooms, or anywhere it is wanted. It can be performed by anyone who receives training, including physicians, nurses, caregivers, therapists of all kinds, volunteers, or even the person themself. Efficacy While studies exist that support some benefits of Reiki, research is typically of low quality {small sample sizes, flawed methodology, etc.} and usually relies on the subjective accounts of participants. There is no clear evidence that Reiki is effective for any health-related purpose. Cost Fees vary and are determined by the practitioner. A typical session can cost anything from £25 for 1/2 hour or up to £45-£50 for a full 1-2hour session. Low-cost or no-cost options are also sometimes available through some practitioners but one must always remember that time must be paid for so paying your healer and/or teacher shows a sign of respect and honour for your teacher’s time and the sometimes available through volunteer programs. Who Should Avoid Reiki While there are no specific restrictions on who should receive Reiki, Reiki should not be used as a stand-alone treatment for any health condition or as an alternative to conventional medical care. Summary Reiki is a complementary treatment that seeks to promote wellness by creating balance in a person's life force or energy field. However, there is insufficient evidence to support Reiki can meaningfully address any health condition. Studies exist that support the use of Reiki, but most are flawed or low-quality. Anecdotally, many people who receive Reiki report that it helps them feel calm, relaxed, and connected. Reiki should never be used as an alternative to conventional medical care or as a treatment on its own. While Reiki won't treat or cure your medical condition, it is a low-risk practice that may help you relax while undergoing conventional treatment. If you feel it's something you want to try, look for a practitioner who has at least level 2 training, preferably one who is registered with a credible professional Reiki association. Reiki FAQ Where did Reiki originate? Reiki as we know it was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1900s. The first Reiki clinic in the United States opened in 1970. How often are Reiki sessions? There is no established optimal number of Reiki sessions. Typically, three sessions are recommended to start, but this number can vary depending on many factors. How long are Reiki sessions? The duration of a Reiki session is typically about 45 to 90 minutes for a full session or about 15 to 20 minutes for a seated session, but these times can vary. What are other forms of spiritual healing? Therapeutic Touch and Healing Touch are also bio-field therapies that operate on the assumption of a universal life force that sustains all living organisms. How do you become a Reiki practitioner? A Reiki master teaches Reiki through a series of three levels. To become a Reiki practitioner, you must reach at least level 2. To become a Reiki master, you must do all three stages. If this post has captured your interest in Usui Reiki and you would like to learn more about how to become a Reiki Practitioner, please CLICK HERE to find out more.

  • Emotional Healing & Lithium Quartz

    If you found this article, you are probably looking for a way to bring healing to the mental and emotional bodies. You may even be wondering if it is possible. Well, the answer to this is YES… Mental and Emotional Healing is always possible as long as you are open to releasing expectations about what the experience will be like or what it will lead to. The reality is that you will never be the same person as you were before whatever happened that you are healing from. That can feel scary, but that can also feel incredibly freeing as you attempt to heal yourself or to help others. Read on to find out what emotional healing is and how to find it in your own life. What Is Emotional Healing? Emotional healing is the process of acknowledging, allowing, accepting, integrating, and processing painful life experiences and strong emotions which will involve empathy, self-regulation, self-compassion, self-acceptance, mindfulness, and integration. Many people tend to want to control the process of emotional healing by minimising the pain and controlling their emotions, but this can inhibit the process of emotional healing. Emotional healing takes the time it takes - which may be longer or shorter than you expect or plan on - if you allow it to be fully acknowledged, felt, moved through, and processed. Emotional healing will look different for everybody but if you start to the Lithium Quartz Mental & Emotional Healing method that I channelled in 2012 you will gain freedom and lightness plus stronger relationships as you can be more present with yourself and your loved ones. When Do You Need Emotional Healing? All people will need emotional healing at some point in their life. We all experience challenges and difficult emotions that need processing. Some common life stressors after which people may seek emotional healing include: Loss of a loved one Divorce Breakups Job loss Abuse {including emotional, physical and sexual} Illness It’s also possible to experience intensifying, lingering, and seemingly unshakeable anger, sadness, or anxiety that feels like it is taking over your life. These feelings may cause a functional impairment in your day-to-day life. Emotional healing may look different if symptoms are becoming chronic. No matter what the trigger for your difficult emotions, mental and emotional healing is possible in all of these scenarios plus many more. Questions to Ask Yourself Before Healing I won’t sugarcoat this, emotional healing is not an easy process for the self and also for a client who comes to you for emotional and mental healing but it can be incredibly rewarding for many people to help them find clarity and inspiration in life beyond whatever it is they are healing from. Here are some questions you might want to ask yourself as you embark on your healing journey and particularly if you choose to work with the Lithium Quartz Mental & Emotional Healing Method. What are you healing from? Maybe you don’t know, but you know you’d like things to be different: How is not healing affecting your life? What do you want your life to look like after you’ve healed? If you woke tomorrow, how would you know you had healed? Are you ready to heal? Are you willing to sit through some discomfort by purging old emotions and energy patterns in service of healing? What will help you on your emotional healing journey? How has not yet healing served you? What can you do to make your healing journey gentle for yourself? Tips for You As You Heal Practice daily self-healing and self-compassion - you’re not broken. It’s pretty hard to heal if you’re beating yourself up all the time, and since its release, I have worked with many clients using the etheric Lithium Quartz which has shown that those who practice self-compassion after their healing or receive regular healings show greater increases in well-being than those who didn’t. Thank Yourself Yes, that’s right, thank yourself. Despite the emotional pain you’ve experienced that’s leading you on this emotional healing journey, you have made it this far. Whatever coping mechanisms you used worked for you at the time, even if they don’t work now, or weren’t the “healthiest” in the first place. Don't go it alone. Science shows we heal better together. Your instinct might be to go into hiding until you are “done” healing, but the reality is that your friends and family probably want to help you! Reach out to someone who feels safe. Don’t try to “fix” it all at once. Emotional healing is not simple, and whatever happened to you likely has deeper roots in you than you realised and may be affecting you in many ways. Back to being realistic: don’t expect to fix all the ways your issue or trauma has affected you all at once. This is often where people fail because they expect healing to occur straight away and for all of their problems to vanish overnight. If only it were that simple but unfortunately, mental and emotional healing needs time and lots of patience. Sit Through It This may be one of the hardest things to do. You are likely experiencing a range of deep feelings such as sadness, grief or rage. Those aren’t fun emotions and it’s tempting to want to ignore them or rush through them. It will be uncomfortable but acknowledging tough feelings is part of healing. The good news is that feelings do pass even if it doesn’t feel like they will. Benefits Of Emotional Healing Emotional Healing can benefit the mind and body in many ways which bring through positive changes to mind, body & spirit. These include: Better Cardiovascular Health Potential longer life span Lower Cortisol {Stress Hormone} Output Lower Heart Rate Less Illness {particularly upper respiratory infections, cold and flu}. How to Find Emotional Healing If you are trying to heal your emotional pain, here are some ways that you can embark on your journey to emotional healing. Emotional healing can be incredibly rewarding but it can also be painful in the interim. You might want to consider talking to a mental health professional who is trained in working with people on emotional healing journeys every day. They can help you heal at a pace that is appropriate for you and provide the insight you might not be able to reach on your own. Getting Help with Mindfulness & Journalling When we are attempting emotional healing from something, it can be very easy to get pulled back into past events or to catastrophise what the future will be like if you don’t heal. Along with using the Lithium Quartz Mental & Emotional Healing Method, you can also practice Mindfulness. Mindfulness practices can help you be in the present moment and see that, at this moment, you are just fine. Journaling is often suggested and for good reason. Research shows that journaling is an effective way to reach insights into the unconscious by helping people work through their feelings and make meaning of what has happened to them. Allow yourself to feel the fullness of your grief, anger, pain, or loss without attaching further meaning, stories, or thoughts. The Etheric Lithium crystal that is placed into your auric field can also help with this. Move Your Body As you are experiencing difficult emotions, try to move your body to help process your feelings. Move your body in ways that it wants to move {i.e., slowly or quickly, shaking or running}. Moving the body to process stress or trauma can be seen in the animal kingdom as well. In his book "Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma," therapist Peter A. Levine notes that in the wild, an impala that escapes its predator will instinctively "shake off" the traumatic event, regaining full movement of its body. Therapeutic techniques like somatic experiencing {SE} and trauma release exercises {TRE} can help process and move trauma and emotions from within the body. SE involves a person becoming aware of their internal bodily sensations and bringing awareness to them. TRE involves a person intentionally moving their body to decrease stress levels. Getting Support Be open to receiving support from friends and family including your community. Allow yourself to be seen, supported, and cared for by friends and loved ones. How Do You Know If You Are Healing There is no finish line to cross that signifies that you are now a fully healed being! Emotional healing can sometimes be so gradual you may not even realise how much you've healed, and other people may notice it before you. But if you can look back at a situation without being overcome by emotion, you can better bounce back in the face of adversity, or you simply feel a greater sense of peace, this means you are certainly well on your way to emotional healing. There may be deeper and deeper levels of emotional healing to be discovered. Do your best to live in a way that honours and supports your continued journey of emotional healing. This will allow you to experience ever-expanding emotional healing that can improve your physical, emotional, and mental health, well-being, satisfaction in life, and connection to yourself and others. Do you feel ready to begin healing from old emotional wounds to advance your life and your healing practices? To find out more about how you can do this with the Lithium Quartz Crystal, please CLICK HERE

  • Attunement Focus

    Something that I have been wanting to bring to the Academy for several months is a new Attunement Focus webpage. On this page, I will be focusing on 1 attunement every month to bring you new insights and awareness into various aspects of spiritual teaching and the many categories that are associated with the spiritual community. For the month of February, I would like to take you on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual healing and personal development with the energies of Crystalline Reiki. Introduction Founder: Jay Burrell Year of Channelling: 2021 Fixed Fee System: Yes Nos. Attunements: 2 Symbols: Yes Prerequisite: Reiki 2nd Degree I have been working with the energies of Crystals for over 2 decades during which time, I have had the opportunity to meditate and connect with several very high vibrational stones including Zincite, Moldavite, Stellar Atom, Phenacite, Galaxite and many others. To list them all here or within the Crystalline Reiki manual would be extensive but through this attunement, you will learn about how the energies of Crystals can be used for healing purposes as well as how to incorporate them into your Reiki treatments so welcome to the world of Crystalline ReikiCrystalline Reiki has been channelled with the assistance of the divine energies within every crystal. My spirit guide has also been with me throughout this channelling work to ensure that what you will receive will be of the highest and purest energies. Crystalline Reiki will add a higher vibrational frequency to your existing Reiki healing work as well as to your everyday life. This distant attunement blends the scientific, technical, spiritual, and metaphysical aspects of Crystals alongside a balanced knowledge of intuitive knowing and psychic awareness. You do not need any crystals to start working with Crystalline Reiki but as you work your way through the manual, you will slowly find that you will build your very own crystal collection that will be based on your personal needs and those of your clients. As previously stated you need to be attuned to Usui Reiki 2nd Degree to work with Crystalline Reiki. If you have not yet received this level of training, please let me or your current teacher know so they can guide you to the Reiki training for you to receive the attunements to Crystalline Reiki. During your Reiki training, you will/have been taught how to perform healings on the self as well as others. This will give you a solid foundation in the understanding of Reiki energy and what your role as a healing practitioner will bring to your healing abilities. We will start by looking at the scientific evidence and historical background of crystals, their use in a healing setting as well as spiritual rituals. You will be guided to learn about what makes a Crystal so special and the benefits of Crystalline Reiki on the spiritual trinity of Mind, Body & Spirit. We will then move forward to look at the different Crystals that you can use to create Crystalline Reiki Grids as well as which Crystals to use for specific health issues, situations and emotional disorders including Somniphobia. Crystalline Reiki is mainly a system of healing but you will also learn about how to raise the vibrations of your home, and treatment room and assist your clients in creating a healthier environment in their own homes which in turn will create a rippling effect that will help their bodies to heal themselves. ​ Included within the manual you will learn about the following and much more: ​ * What is Crystalline Reiki? ​ * Quantum Energy. ​ * Crystals and Higher Vibrational Frequencies. ​ * Working with Crystalline Reiki. ​ * The Pyroelectric and Piezoelectric Effect. ​ * The Benefits of Crystalline Reiki. ​ * Healing with Crystalline Reiki. ​ * How to look after your Crystals. ​ * Charging Crystals. ​ * How to make a Charging & Clearing Spray. ​ * Crystal Programming. ​ * Etheric Crystals vs Physical Crystals. ​ * A Crystalline Reiki Treatment. ​ * Crystalline Reiki for Pets. ​ * The Animal Chakra System. ​ * Using Crystals for Personal Growth & Spiritual Awakening. ​ * How to Achieve Inner Peace and Calmness - Mindfulness and Meditation. ​ * Zen Meditation. ​ * Crystals and Sleep Patterns. ​ * How to make a Dream/Sleep Pillow. ​ * Physical Health, Spirituality & Personal Growth. ​ * Crystalline Reiki and Breathing Exercises. ​ * Crystals for Peace and Calm. ​ * Crystals for Starseeds. ​ * Crystals for Self Confidence. ​ * High Vibrational Crystals. ​ * Crystals for Hope & Faith. ​ * Seasonal Crystals - Crystals for Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter. ​ * Crystals for Tough Times. ​ * Crystals for Empaths and Hyper Sensitives. ​ * Psychic Vampirism. ​ * Crystals for Worry, Anxiety & Panic. ​ * Lucid Dreaming. * Crystals for Pain Relief. ​ * Crystals for Psychic Abilities and Intuition. * Crystals for Astral Projection. ​ * Crystal Grids. ​ * How to Make Powerful Crystal Grids. ​ * Types of Crystal Grids. ​ * Crystal Grid Template for Beginners. ​ * A Crystal Grid for Depression. ​ * A Crystal Grid for Healing. ​ * A Crystal Grid Template For Love. ​ * A Crystal Grid Template For Money. ​ * A Crystal Grid Template For Protection. ​ * A Crystal Grid Template For Success. * Crysal De-Programming. ​ * Crystals and the Chakras. ​ * Chakra Meditations. ​ * Chakra Affirmations. ​ * The Bindu Chakra. ​ * The Bindu Chakra Symbol. ​ * Bindu Chakra Healing and Activation. ​ * Crystalline Reiki and the 3 Nadis - I Ida, Pingala & Sushumna. ​ * Crystals and the 3 Nadis. ​ * How to Activate Chakra Stones. * The Atlantian Jewels - The Crystal Skulls of Atlantis. * Is Atlantis Beginning To Reveal Her Secrets. * Shape Resonance. * Crystal Resonance. ​ * How to Work with Crystalline Reiki. ​ * How to create an Etheric Crystalline Reiki Orb. * Crystalline Reiki Symbols - Crystalline Reiki Master Grid Symbol, * Crystalline Reiki Light Code Symbol, Crystalline Reiki Master Symbol. * Crystalline Reiki Attunements - Practitioner {Level 1} & Master {Level 2}. * Client Consent Form for In-Person Crystalline Reiki Healing Sessions. Please Click Here to purchase this new distant attunement with a new 240-page manual

  • 2 Simple Methods For Spiritual Protection

    Spiritual protection is something that everyone should know how to do, regardless of one’s religious beliefs. Negativity in any form can be damaging to your energy. The more you engage in negative patterns, the more you are going to “leak” energy and light. Everything that you create is processed first by your mind, so any negativity that emanates from you or which you express to others, is owned by you. Even though sometimes we create the negativity to simply send it to others, it first has to pass through us. Therefore fear, anger, depression, negative people, negative places, arguments, jealousy, greed, and all other negative energies create a negative layer around us that is very much like a dark and dingy coat of paint. The more you engage in that negativity, the more coats of paint you layer upon your energy field. As you continue doing this, the negative energy starts leaking all over your life, creating problems at home, at work, and with people you love. For this reason, spiritual cleansings are very important for your person, your home, and your office. I suggest you do this regularly. It is also important when you notice that the energy inside your auric field is not harmonious and your chakras are out of balance. I suggest you protect yourself every morning as you get ready to start your day. In the same way that you prepare yourself for the activities of your day by taking a shower, getting dressed, and brushing your teeth, you should apply protection as part of your daily routine. Rainbow Bubble Protection The bubble of light protection technique is very simple to do and is very effective. To do this, imagine a sphere, egg, or bubble big enough for you to fit inside. The strength of the egg shape in particular is quite amazing; it is no wonder that nature chose it! Once you have the shape visualised with yourself inside of it, imagine that the walls are about 12 inches thick and made out of unbreakable glass. If you’d like, you can add your own daily prayer to this visualisation. Mine is: "I invoke the Light of the Christ within. I am a clear and perfect channel. Light is my guide". The inside of the bubble is very important. I’m sure you’ve experienced how colours impact your life and your mood. The same applies to the colour you put inside the bubble or egg. If you want general protection, use pure white light. Envision it as big and as bright as you can in your mind’s eye, feeling it and allowing it to grow as large as you can make it. Once you have the visual or the feeling of it, imagine that you are blowing this white light into your bubble, the same way that you would blow air into a balloon. Do this until you feel it is full. This means that you have generated this light within you first; and when you are full, you can fill the bubble. Here is a list of colours that you can add to the inside of your bubble or egg, depending on the situation that you are going to encounter: Blue: for protection, communication, and flow Green: for giving and receiving healing, balance, and new growth Red: for action and vitality on the physical plane Orange: for procreation, co-creation, and sexuality Yellow: for mental clarity, direction and focus Purple: for spirituality and wisdom White: for purity, connection, and enlightenment Peach: for flattery (it brings out the best in everything and everyone!) Pink: for sweetness and humility Turquoise: for self-worth and as a purifier Pearlescent: contains all colours and is good for everything Silver: for attention, flow, and to be noticed Gold: for Christ consciousness Grey: for intensity or to intensify your actions Brown: for grounding and stabilisation Black: for containing, absorbing, and consuming This is a wonderful list of colours that you can add to the inside of your bubble or egg. There will also be times when you have to do something to the outside of the bubble, depending on the circumstances in your life. If you are experiencing a psychic attack, receiving negativity and waves of anger, jealousy, or criticism from a source known or unknown, you may want to coat the outside of the bubble with a reflecting surface like a mirror. You might be asking why you would want to do this. First of all, and most importantly, you are not responsible for the projections or energy of others. By reflecting the energy to the source, you give that individual the opportunity to take ownership of his or her projections. They are not for you to deal with; you have enough of your own stuff! The most important thing is to always reflect back with love and compassion. Do it knowing that what you ultimately want is the highest good for all concerned. Three-Layer Protection The three-layer protection is another simple yet effective way to protect yourself. To do this, see yourself standing and gathering all of your energy into your heart. Feel how all your intention funnels into the center of your heart. From this space, generate a feeling of love, and allow that feeling to gently grow and take over your entire body. Feel the temperature of love radiating out of your heart like gentle waves of heat; visualise the colour blue, like a flame. Allow that sensation to travel approximately 12 feet in front of your body and there, create a bubble or an egg shape all around you. See it as clearly as you can, and make it thick. See and feel the heat that continues to emanate from your heart, and apply it to the exterior surface of the bubble. Return your attention to your heart, and once again generate those feelings of love. Feel your heart expanding. This time visualise the color green. Make it the most beautiful green you have ever seen. Allow it to travel approximately six feet in front of you, just as before, and create a bubble or egg shape around you. See it as clearly as you can. Coat the bubble with the colour green that you generated. Return your attention to your heart, and again start generating feelings of love and compassion. This time imagine a golden and luminous colour, and imagine it generating energy in the center of your chest, your heart chakra. There, see it as a golden, luminescent ball approximately four to five inches in diameter. Feel it vibrating and moving. Feel and know that the energy within the sphere is alive. Feel it becoming the essence of love and compassion more and more, and feel the electric qualities contained within it. Allow that ball of energy to gently escape from your heart and travel approximately three feet in front of your body, and there create a sphere or an egg shape. Make it as strong as you can and see the golden luminous colour radiating all around it. Now see yourself standing in the center of all three egg-shaped layers. Think of Russian dolls that fit one inside the other. The first egg shape, the one with the heat, is going to burn and keep away any energy projected at you from any source known or unknown. It is going to keep you protected from the world at large, especially energies of mal-intent, negativity, anger, criticism, and envy. The second egg shape, the green one, is going to create a second layer of protection. Here you will allow energy to pass through the first layer and bring it closer to you; here you can store energies of healing either given or received. The third egg shape is the one closest to you. The colour is golden, and this layer is your most intimate layer. Here you allow Spirit to enter. This is your most intimate space, a space of inner meditation and communion with the self. This is the space that is reserved for your most intimate relationships, inner exploration, prayer, celebration, and love.

  • Christian Reiki

    During the many years of being a spiritual teacher, I have become aware that there is an interest in energy healing and spiritual development within the Christian Community. While I understand that many people who choose to receive their attunements from LivingReiki Academy will come from a variety of religious backgrounds, I want to add this blog post to talk about Christianity and Reiki because this is a subject that is very close to my heart as you will see from several of the attunements that I have channelled which focus on Jesus and Mary. I hope that this blog post will alleviate any fears or worries that you might have about practicing Reiki and being a Christian. My Christian Story I was born and raised in a Christian household, being christened as a baby within the Church of England. I attended Sunday School and would regularly read the bible throughout my childhood, teenage years and into adulthood but I always felt that something was missing. There was something out there, waiting or me to discover it. I continued to be a strong believer in the Christian faith throughout my childhood and teenage years, regularly attending church services every Sunday and prayer meetings during the week. During my teenage years, I attended several churches ranging from Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, 7th Day Adventist, Christadelphian, Christian Spiritualist, Christian Science, Unitarian and Bahai but it was at 16 when I discovered the Evangelical movement and was baptised as a Born Again Christian. I still however felt that there was something else out there that I needed to find and it was only after suffering with a debilitating illness called Agoraphobia that I discovered what I was searching for. I found Reiki. Now while I understand that there has been a lot of bad press about Reiki within the Christian community. People stating that Reiki is evil, Reiki comes from the Devil, Reiki is Devil Worship. I can promise you that Reiki never has and never will have anything to do with the Christian Devil. Reiki is not evil and it does not connect you to the energies of lower spirits and demons. While these beings do exist the information that is being portrayed by the Christian community is one of ignorance and a lack of true information. This is one of the reasons why I have decided to create this Blog post. To hopefully educate those who have these feelings or have been taught that Reiki is wrong. To put everything into simple terms, Reiki is Life and Reiki is the spiritual force that Jesus himself used. Jesus used Reiki when he performed the laying on of hands. Jesus used Reiki when he healed individuals of their sickness. Jesus used Reiki when he performed every miracle that is spoken of in the Christian Bible and many other religious texts from around the world. What we learn in Reiki and what Reiki practitioners do is no different to what Jesus did. It was only when the founder of Reiki Mr Mikao Usui spent many months and years searching for his own connection with the divine that he was blessed with being given the sacred spiritual knowledge that we now call Reiki. This is the same knowledge that was given to Jesus and it is the same knowledge that you can also gain when you open yourself up to the world of energy healing and the spiritual awareness of your own divine right to use this energy to benefit your own spiritual and life’s path. Below are several questions that all Christians ask when they are curious about Reiki and Reiki Healing. Q1. How do we know that healing is appropriate for Christians to do? 1 Corinthians 14:1 Paul tell us to eagerly desire spiritual gifts. In I Corinthians 12: 28 Paul says that healing is one of the gifts. Paul also says that each of the gifts is best expressed with love. Also, Jesus is quoted in John 14:12 as saying, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I go to the Father." We know that Jesus practiced laying on hands type healing, therefore, it is scriptural for Christians to practice healing by laying on hands. Q2. What is the best way for a Christian to practice Reiki? Reiki provides a very wonderful way for Christians to make use of God's power. When giving or receiving Reiki Attunements or treatments, call on God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to work directly through you and do the healing for you. This can be done through prayer before Reiki sessions, Attunements or classes etc. Christians have also found praying for additional healing power from Archangel Michael, Gabriel and the other angels of God to be very effective. In this way, your connection with God's love can become very powerful and act as a source of guidance, healing and love that will always be available to you. Q3. Why is the Reiki attunement necessary? How does it work? The attunement is a process that turns on the gift of healing and connects you with the presence of God. During this process, God can connect you more strongly to his power which strengthens the healing coming from your hands. While everyone has some healing ability we know from experience that those who receive a Reiki attunement have noticeably stronger healing energies coming from their hands and can help others more effectively with their Reiki treatments. As a Christian, it is recommended that you pray the Lord Prayer before any healing and ask for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide you in your healing sessions and attunements if you are teaching others have to use Reiki. Christians have found this to be a very valuable and uplifting experience that strengthens their connection to God and increases their healing ability. Q4. How do we know that Reiki comes from God? I've heard some people say Reiki comes from Satan. How can I know the truth? Our understanding of Satan comes from the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible do we find an instance where Satan healed someone. Satan tempts people to sin but Satan does not heal people. Furthermore, in Luke 6:44, Jesus says, "Each tree is recognized by its fruit." This is to say that if something is beneficial and helps people, and those results are long-lasting such as the healing people receive from Reiki, then it must be good and come from God. Q5. Is Reiki a religion? Religions are usually involved with issues such as heaven and hell, sin and salvation etc. and have a doctrine or code that one must believe in to be a part of the religion. Reiki does not deal with these things. Reiki is a simple healing technique. It does not require one to give up one’s religion or change one’s belief in any way to practice it. Most Christians who practice Reiki state that Reiki brings them closer to God, to Christ and the Holy Spirit and because it is a method of healing, it helps them fulfil their Christian calling to help others. Q6. Is Reiki a cult? For something to be a cult, it must have certain detrimental effects on its members. A usual requirement is that they must give up their previous religious beliefs and accept the new beliefs of the group without question. In Reiki, this is not required. People are free to continue with any religious belief they have previously chosen and people of all religious beliefs practice Reiki. In most cults, there is a leader to which members must follow and obey. Reiki has no leader. Practitioners can practice any way they want and are not controlled by anyone. In addition, in most cults, members are asked to give all or most of their possessions to the group, they often live communally and contact with the outside world is discouraged. None of these conditions exist in Reiki. Reiki is religiously neutral. Q7. I understand Reiki uses symbols. I've been told that Christians shouldn't be involved with anything that uses symbols. Keep in mind that symbols are part of Christianity. The fish and the cross are Christian symbols. Note also that Catholics make the sign of the cross over their chests for protection and to become empowered with Christ. Symbols are used in Reiki to connect with different kinds of Reiki energy and since Reiki healing energies all come from God, the symbols are a way to connect with God. However, if a person doesn't like the idea of symbols, they are not necessary to use them with Reiki. Q8. I've heard of Reiki practitioners speak of Guides. What's this about? I've been told that Christians should avoid contacting spirits. The idea of Reiki guides is not part of the original Reiki teaching but was added later by Western practitioners. Therefore, one doesn't have to contact a spirit guide, call on spirit guides to use Reiki as Reiki energy comes directly from God. However, it is possible as a Christian to use a similar concept when practicing Reiki. Keep in mind that Jesus, Mary and other Biblical figures received help from spiritual beings in the form of angels. Angels are spiritual beings that God has created to be his messengers and Christian Reiki practitioners can make use of their help. God's angels can help heal and also provide guidance. It is also possible to call on God directly and especially Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to be present and provide healing energy directly from them, but sometimes God will send an angel to do this also. Remember, the entire book of Revelations was given to John by an angel - indicating the responsibility God sometimes gives to angels to act as spiritual guides. Q9. Is Reiki wizardry or black magic? Wizardry and black magic are always used with the idea of gaining power over others or gaining some personal benefit regardless of God's will. It does not call on God but on lower powers or other lower beings to help fulfil one’s desires. Reiki does not operate in this way. It cannot be used to fulfil one’s desires unless they are part of God's plan. Reiki can only be used to heal and to help people. It is also always guided by God. Q10. I've heard that Reiki is a Buddhist practice. Is this true? While Mikao Usui who founded Reiki was a Buddhist, he had respect for all religions including Christianity which he had studied. At one point in his life, he lived with a Christian family and had Christian friends. He did not want Reiki to be a religious practice but wanted it to be a simple healing technique that anyone could use. Because of this, there are no Buddhist practices in Reiki. Reiki is religiously neutral. Reiki energy comes from God, which is understood to be the one or Universal God. Q11. How should Christians treat others who heal in the name of Jesus, but do not have exactly the same beliefs as one’s own? We read in the Gospel of Luke, 9: 49-50, " Master" said John, "we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because his is not one of us." "Do not stop him," Jesus said, "for whoever is not against you is for you." Q12. Is Reiki right for all Christians to practice? As you can see from the information presented, Reiki is in alignment with the teachings of the Bible. Yet, it is not likely that all Christians will be drawn to practice it. If you are interested in Reiki and are in the process of deciding on receiving a Reiki treatment or attending a Reiki class, it is suggested that you pray about it and then follow the guidance that comes to you from God. I hope that this article has alleviated any concerns that you might have. Being a Christian and being a Reiki practitioner can and does work in conjunction with one another. They do not conflict with one another and through Reiki, you can incorporate your Christian beliefs to heal just as Jesus healed. Through invoking the Holy Spirit and the divine blessings of Jesus, you can bring clarity, healing and joy back into your life.

  • Gifts from the Dragons

    Dragons are spiritual beings with potent lessons to offer - explore the seven lessons in power they can share with you within this blog post. You can also learn more about Dragons through several distant attunements that we offer through the Academy. Clicking Here will take you directly to the Dragon Webstore. Instead of projecting our human ideas onto the spiritual beings that are dragons, we need to remember the true nature of dragons and the dragon spirit. By reclaiming the true nature of the dragon, we also reclaim our power. Instead of relegating our power to the shadows, misusing it, projecting onto it, or dismissing it, we learn to love it for what it is: our very life force. We’ve projected our concepts of evil, darkness, fear, rage, and more onto dragons through the ways we’ve portrayed these deeply spiritual beings in movies, television, and books. This is a curious mistake because, in a way, we humans are trying to come to terms with the rightness of power by projecting the misuse of power onto dragons. The spirit of the dragon came to me at a time when I was introjecting to an extreme. I was heavily misusing my power to the point where it made me physically sick. This is some of the wisdom I received from the dragon spirit. Power Is a Law and Neutral Energy That Simply Exists We tend to watch other people in power and observe how they misuse it. Then we blame the concept of power for this misuse. We think power itself is bad, shadowy, or a corrupting influence. Dragons teach us that the nature of power is simply existence. Power by itself is not good or bad - it just exists as an element of the universe. There is no moral quality attached to power. Power is lifeforce, energy, abundance, dignity, divinity, and peace. Power is not what other people have given you or what others have taken away. You cannot take away power or lose power. You can only have it twisted around, misdirected, or kinked. You can choose to leak power, burst it, or use it, but you cannot destroy it. Like a garden hose that’s been bent at a right angle, the power of the water still exists, only it does not flow to your benefit. Asking yourself in each moment “Where is my power?" is a way to unkink yourself and wield your power in a conscious, authentic, and generative way. It Is Vital to Not Play the Matching Game We tend to match other people’s energy to seem compassionate or empathetic instead of holding onto our power. Dragons are great at holding power. They invite us to hold our power and subsequently provide the blueprint that others can use to build their own house of power. Dragons do not see people or anything as “broken.” We may be scared of appearing cold or indifferent, thereby hurting someone’s feelings. Imagine if an emergency room doctor was called to attend to a heart attack patient and then suffered from a heart attack themselves. Now who is available to help either of them? A lot of people need a blueprint for how to be well. They do not know what wellness feels like. Stay in your power and hold a state of being that is closest to your state of wellness. By doing this you will give people space and safety - space to break open, and safety to rise to a level of being of their highest choosing. This is the highest form of respect you can give another human being: remembering their most powerful state even when they do not. Radical Sovereignty Involves Great Rest When we are tired, we are susceptible to the influence of lower frequencies. Great rest can be had in a second or a few hours. It’s the quality of rest we speak of, not the quantity. Great rest might look like a good night's sleep, a moment of silence after a busy day, or a mindful breathing practice, among other methods. True spirituality is an exercise in radical sovereignty. Sleeping or active resting is the most underrated spiritual practice of all time. The “Treasure” of the Human Soul Is Locked in the Dungeon of Shame and Doubt Dragons find the concepts of shame and doubt puzzling and even hilarious. They see shame and doubt as great leaks of power and wouldn’t even dream of indulging in those states. Dragons are masters at self-preservation and preserving balance in all things. The last thing they would do is invite a murderer into their home. To them, shame is the ultimate murderer. It kills the goodness and equanimity in the world. They ask that you be vigilant for the voice of shame and not indulge it. As for the shame you already carry, admit to a trusted person your deepest shame. This will unlock your soul like nothing else. Enjoy Your Divinity and Exist in Wide Flow Dragons enjoy who they are. They are deeply content and in the moment. They enjoy themselves. They enjoy their flight, their caves, their sleep, their treasure, and their company. With their wisdom, you can eliminate the belief that you need to be self-critical or self-punishing to be a good person. Being comfortable in the simple joy of who you are and the things you like is the greatest act of self-respect and service to others. Just being where you are in full awareness (without resistance) can open a wide flow of power. Suffering Fools Wastes Power This was the hardest lesson I had to learn! Dragons just sit with you when you’re having a rough day. However, after a certain point, they will leave. If they find that you are more interested in coddling a story, being comfortably stuck, chronically blaming others for your misfortune, and hurting others because you are hurting, they simply leave. They leave as a final act of respect. They do not try to make you feel better because they do not see you as broken. Dragons offer respect as compassion. And if they cannot respect you, they choose to leave so as not to harm you with disrespect. Dragons ask that you do not tolerate drama. They ask that you give up the need for dramatic anything. Compassion is not the same thing as being complacent, acting as a doormat, or avoiding potential conflict. These are dramas and have nothing to do with compassion. They ask you to choose your peace and prioritize it as number one on your to-be list. Take inventory of the drama and the crazy-makers in your life. Ask yourself what they offer you. Then work to slowly detangle yourself from them peacefully. This also applies to self-inflicted attacks where the person convinces themselves that they are being attacked {spiritually} where in reality they have created this attack themselves by manifesting the entity through their thoughts and continued focus on the negative. The Dragons do not like this and they will leave. A Settled Heart Can Bring Great Power in Any Moment This is a lesson I struggled to understand because dragons and hearts never seem to go together. People often intentionally make the point of equating dragons with heartlessness. I think this is because people have misunderstood the true nature of the heart. The true nature of the heart is equanimity, which is a state of mental calmness, composure, and quiet. You might say that a dragon’s true power comes from complete coherence with their mind and heart. They invite you to sync your mind and heart energetically through breathing practices and meditation. Dragons offer you the greatest respect for your being and your evolution and have enjoyed giving their treasures to you.

  • Becoming an Elder

    Elderhood is not relegated to those who are over a certain age - the elder lives within us all! Dive into the following mysteries that teach us how to become true elders at any age. In my early spiritual studies {15+ years ago} I searched tenaciously for the people to teach me to help me with my problems and answer my questions. I met and studied with numerous teachers, spiritual healers, psychics and experts in their field of expertise and yes, I expected them to be masters, compassionately sharing what they knew. What I found were emotionally volatile narcissistic, egocentric grown-up children who saw themselves as being better than everyone else. Looking back now, I realise that in all my searching, I wasn’t seeking knowledge. I was seeking to be witnessed. What I craved and needed {but didn’t have the language for at the time) was the profound gaze of an elder. As I started doing client sessions, the question of purpose always came up and continues to do so today. As it should! However, much to my clients’ {and even my own} disappointment, purpose never shows up like a well-laid-out map. Purpose reveals itself a little at a time through the activity of a person’s life. After all this time with my own seeking and with my clients, I now know of only one surefire way to create the environment for true purpose to show up. And that is to cultivate an attitude of elderhood. Symptoms of a World Lacking in True Elders We are living in a world lacking in elders. We have a lot of “adults,” but very few elders. An elder is not someone older in age. Nor are they a young person who is an “old soul.” What marks an elder is their mastery of the love mindset. Elders have a refined, idiosyncratic way with which they give love. And love leads to purpose. A world lacking in elders produces human beings who are conditioned, not nurtured. There’s a lot of “obey this” and “follow that” and not enough exploration of the individual soul. For true purpose to come forth, there must be a nourishment of the individual psyche. The paradox is when an individual psyche is truly nourished, it almost always moves into service for the whole {which is one’s true purpose}. Unfortunately, in societies that lack elders, there is more focus on judging, criticising, and correcting - all the things that destroy purpose. And so we end up with entire cities of highly intellectual people who crave depth that they don’t know how to reach. Intelligence nowadays is purely mental. This has created a mass disconnection from the soul, spirit, heart, and body - all aspects of the human psyche that are perceived as the least controllable and the most unknowable. And, you guessed it, these are the very elements of our being that we need to travel to the realm of purpose. Finally, in societies that lack elders, the most vulnerable populations are easily harmed. This is especially seen with the treatment of women, children, and animals. So how do we start inhabiting the domain of eldership and therefore our purpose? This is a question that pushes us into the realm of the mysteries. Because, in simply contemplating these three facets of eldership, we open to levels upon levels of our truth. Elder Mystery #1 - Offering True, Loving Feedback The most important quality of an elder is their capacity to offer their words in service to love. This is the most important quality because our words are easily accessible to us. Therefore, they can either be treated with a kind of casual callousness or treated with a deep reverence. Too often it’s the former. Regularly I see people give “feedback” that is just an opinionated, biased, and conditioned response. The true nature of feedback is revealed in the word “feedback”: to offer food back to someone. An elder offers feedback to someone as though they were a guest at their table. They no longer ask themselves, “What is wrong with this person?” or “How can I cut this person down to size?” or “How can I show off my intelligent opinion?” Instead, they ask themselves, “What would help this person become even more alive?" They see the world with softer and clearer eyes and explain this world with soulful words. Elder Mystery #2 - Lovingly Sharing a Tangible Skill It doesn’t matter what form an elder’s skill takes. It could be a hobby, a mechanical skill, a specific technique, or an art form; anything from bird-watching to changing a tire. What matters is the offering of their skills. The skill in question becomes a foundation stone for someone else’s life - often in ways no one can predict. We often underestimate the quiet, accumulative benefits of skills. This is an elder’s true legacy: the skills they leave behind. Elder Mystery #3 - Fierce, Loving Stewardship Elders often stand for something and they actively {and joyfully} work in service to it. They are caretakers or stewards of this thing that they hold dearly. They are so devoted to it in speech, action, and thought, such that their cause becomes a matter of fact for the next generation and the people closest to them. An elder plants trees whose shade they will likely never sit under. They plant it anyway, for the love of being able to see some version of this tree in the world. Elders could be stewards of humans - their family, friends, and co-workers. They could be stewards of beings without a human voice - animals, birds, bees, the land. They could be stewards of the intangible - events, high ideals, ethics, authenticity, honesty. The Impact of True Elderhood As people learn to observe soulfully and respond with nourishing feedback, share whatever gifts they have, big or small, and stand for something close to their hearts, the world begins to respond to them. This response becomes the true inspiration for and an authentic connection to their purpose. They sort of stumble into it.

  • The Hermetic Principles

    “The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.” The Kybalion According to the Kybalion by Three Initiates, there are 7 hermetic laws or principles that govern the whole universe. These are the laws that can never be broken. Humanity cannot create the law. Humanity can only make rules and regulations and follow the laws that are above them. Law is the process by which the unmanifest becomes the manifest, the observer becomes the observed. What we call “life, matter, and energy” are the manifestations of the unmanifest. In other words, all creations are the manifestation, the result, and the consequence of the Unmanifest, of the Unseen, and of God transforming itself into the Manifest, the Seen, and the Visible. For example, when you say that you are powerful, can you see your power? Let's say that you have a great mind with super intelligence, can you see it? No, it is invisible. However, once you express your intelligence in your work or studying, for sure you and other people will see the power because the unmanifest is now being manifested. Similarly, you cannot see the One; you cannot see God, but when you look at the trees, the sun, the moon, and your self, indeed, these are signs which stand for the power of the Word of God. *Note: If you want to understand the spiritual law that governs our universe, I’d strongly recommend you to read the Kybalion, which is the classic book in the esoteric world. I use this book as a reference for this article, so check it out! Here is the list of the 7 hermetic principles that govern the universe: The Hermetic Principle of Mentalism The Hermetic Principle of Correspondence The Hermetic Principle of Vibration The Hermetic Principle of Polarity The Hermetic Principle of Rhythm The Hermetic Principle of Cause & Effect The Hermetic Principle of Gender 1. Hermetic Principle of Mentalism The Hermetic Principle of Mentalism is the law of the Universal Mind. Everything which has its roots in physical manifestation first comes from the mental plane, which is the spiritual above the materiality. Thus, preceding a physical action is the mental activity behind it. When you plan something, you first create the manifestation in the form of “image” in your “image-nation”. When you execute your plan, you simply project out in the physical world of what you first crafted in your mind. Therefore, to use the principle of mentalism, you need to think first before any action. Remember that everything you see in the material world are just what you mentally project out from the inner world. Your thoughts have the power to MOVE things around the world and you need to know that! Another way to understand the principle of mentalism is that all things come from the same Oneness {or the All}. It is the same essence that creates the whole universe from plants, rocks, plants, etc. to animals and humans. The physical body is the dwelling place for your spirit as the Bible states that your body is a temple of God, NOT the church, Therefore, The source of all creation is the Spirit, the All, or the Universal Mind. The process of creation is the Universal Mind in motion. The object of creation is the physical universe. 2. Hermetic Principle of Correspondence The Hermetic Principle of Correspondence is the esoteric law of “As above, so below”. It demonstrates that whatever happens in the heaven also occurs on the earth. This law also explains the relationship among the body, mind, and spirit that the higher is always the ruler above the lower. That is, how you think significantly affects what you do and vice versa. We can relate the hermetic law of correspondence to the law of astrology. Astrology works by observing the above {planets, and stars} and comparing its effects on the below {the earth}. Remember that the above always rules the below just like the mental plane is always higher than the physical plane. Thus, when you change what you think, you will change what you do, and eventually, you will change who you are. If you are aware, your thoughts are invisible while your actions are visible. So, we can see the hidden interaction between the unmanifested and the manifested under the law of correspondence. That is, the inner rules over the outer, the unseen over the seen, and the spiritual over the material. 3. Hermetic Principle of Vibration The Hermetic Principle of Vibration states that everything is in motion. Nothing stands still. Everything in this world is always moving. If you leave a cup of water on a table, you may see that the cup is fixed and that it’s not moving. However, the cup is actually moving – its atoms are moving. Thus, spirit and matter can occupy the same space; they are just different in terms of the degrees of vibration. Your thoughts and actions also vibrate at a certain speed if you know that. For example, your thoughts of gratitude and gratefulness vibrate much faster and higher than your thoughts of greed and jealousy. Due to the law of vibration, you will attract the same frequency of what you are vibrating. This is the reason why in many manifestation workshops, tell you to be grateful for what you have, as you will attract positive energy to your life. However, most people forget that the manifestation also comes from our subconsciousness, which occupies around 80-90% of our daily activity. Therefore, when you want to manifest abundance, you have to CONSCIOUSLY vibrate with the vibration of richness for A LONG period because your subconsciousness will find a way to stop what you try to change. 4. Hermetic Principle of Polarity The Hermetic Principle of Polarity is the duality in nature: yin-yang, male-female, masculine-feminine, etc. In other words, light and darkness are just 2 faces of the same coin. They are not separate from each other but differ in degrees of vibration. The law of polarity sets out 2 pairs of opposites, which are like and unlike in nature. Inside yin, we have yang. Inside yang, we have yin. Nothing is absolute in the physical world unless we can raise our awareness into a higher spiritual level. As stated in the principle of mentalism, everything is essentially one. For example, heat and cold are just 2 different qualities of the same oneness. They are just different in the matter of degree. Thus, hot water can be frozen while frozen water can become boiled water. You can change the quality of a substance into a better one based on the principle of polarity. This is the secret art of Alchemy: transforming the base metals into gold. 5. Hermetic Principle of Rhythm The Hermetic Principle of Rhythm indicates that everything flows in a cyclic nature of the universe. This is why we see the alternation of day and night, summer follows winter, dogs chase cats, cats chase mice, etc. This is the rhythm that swings you back and forth in between the 2 polarities based on the law of polarity. The law of rhythm explains why you are lucky or unlucky during a certain time. Nobody is all-time happy and nobody is all-time sad. We all have “moments” when we are either up or down in the roller coaster of life. Nothing in this world lasts forever and things are always changing. The only way to overcome the “down” period is to polarize with the opposite. For example, if you are a self-critical person, you need to find some good things about your character that make you a good person. It could be an act of helping someone else, being brave, etc. Either way, you have to find something positive to polarise the negative. This is how you act instead of reacting to life’s situations. 6. Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect The Hermetic Principle of Cause and effect is essentially the Law of Karma. Karma means action-reaction, reapsow, cause-consequence, and so on. In other words, you shall reap what you sow. The law will maintain fairness in the world and makes sure everyone gets what he/she deserves according to his/her deeds. You cannot sow an apple seed and hope that one day it will grow to be a banana tree. There must be a banana seed if you want to grow a banana tree. This is logic. Similarly, if you want to be rich, you can not sow negative thoughts in your mind. Your mind has the power to project whatever you have from the mental world. If you are having an unwanted effect, such as illness, you will need to check the cause of the effect and replace it with a new one, not to replace the effect with another effect. For example, if your lung is hurt due to your excessive smoking behaviour, you need to STOP smoking instead of going to see the doctor. It doesn’t matter how many surgeries the doctor will perform for you, you will still have the same effects if you still produce the same cause. I don’t say that going to see the doctor is wrong, but what I mean is that if you don’t stop the CAUSE, it will always produce the EFFECT that you don’t want it to happen. Thus, conscious intention in every single moment is essential in working out the law of cause and effect. 7. Hermetic Principle of Gender The Hermetic Principle of Gender states that all living things have a gender. Gender is not the sexes but the feminine and masculine principle underlying the creation of the universe. For example, within a man, there is a female element while within a woman, there is a male element. Gold is masculine while silver is feminine in nature. I’m talking about the energy here. It is by harmonising between the masculine and feminine aspects within ourselves so that we can be peaceful. By this, I mean not only in the physical plane but also in the mental and spiritual plane as well. We can also see the manifestation of the principle of gender in the law of physics. For instance, an atom is made up of a proton and an electron, which are positive and negative respectively. In Chinese philosophy, the law of gender is the law of yin-yang. The yin quality is cold, passive, reserved, and rest while the yang quality is hot, active, motivated, and outgoing. I Would now like to talk about the Hermetic Principle of Vibration in more detail The universe is governed by law, that which we call “The Truth” for that which does not change. No one can break the law for we are the Law, the universe is the Law, and God is the Law. If there is no law, the universe will be in chaos, and nature keeps telling us that the universe is always in order. That’s why you keep seeing the alternation of days and nights, of summers and winters; cats eat mice, dogs chase cats, etc. Those natural indications are what scholars refer to as “Signs of God” because God is in everything and everything is God, yet God is only One. There are 7 Universal Laws that govern the universe. If you come from an occult background, you may refer it to the 7 Hermetic Principles {see above} as noted in the Kybalion by Three Initiates. Their teachings come from ancient Egyptian Knowledge, whose founder is Hermes Trismegistus, concealing what is called Esoteric Wisdom and Secret Doctrines that are only revealed to the Adepts and Masters. In face the word “Hermetic” itself means “secret” and “sealed so that nothing can escape”. The Law of Attraction as is now known today is just a part of the hidden truth concealed under the veil of public eyes. It is the extraction from the universal laws of the universe, which means that the law of attraction works under the dominion of the 7 Hermetic principles. In the ancient era, Truth was not meant to be revealed to common men as the masters did not believe in “casting pearls before swine”, yet they stayed close to the teachings of “milk for babes; meat for strong men”. By understanding the law – the underlying principles of the universe, man hold a great power within himself, which enables him to become a true Master of his life, achieving anything whatsoever he shall desire. *Note: If you want to understand the spiritual law that governs our universe, I’d strongly recommend you to read The Kybalion, which is the classic book in the esoteric world. I use this book as a reference for this article, so check it out! 1. What is The Hermetic Principle of Vibration? The hermetic principle of vibration demonstrates that: If you are at a standstill position doing nothing, are you moving? Are you vibrating? You may see yourself as a fixed subject, but your heart is still beating, isn’t it? What if every part of your body stops moving? Your immune and your digestive system stop functioning? Are you still alive? Everything from rock to mountain to planet is always in constant movement. If you leave a plastic bottle on a table, you may see that the bottle is fixed and that it’s not moving, but in reality, the bottle is moving, its atoms are moving. It's like you are not moving but your heart is still beating. At the solid level, the atoms stay very close to each other. They vibrate but in slow motion. It’s like the effect of your camera: slow motion. When you burn the plastic bottle, this increases the speed of the atoms which moves them further apart. Again, it’s like a time-lapse effect of your camera, it moves very fast. As we have all learned chemistry in high school, the atom of solid moves very slowly while the one of liquid and gas moves very quickly. Thus, when God caused a deep sleep to Adam (Atom), He slowed the atom down which eventually consolidated the atom into solid form in the physical world: 2. How Does The Law of Vibration Work? Everything in this world is moving and vibrating whether they are solid, liquid, or gas. The only difference is in the speed and frequency at which they are vibrating. Atom is made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons, and these 3 atomic particles are always revolving around its center, which is called the “nucleus”. The whole process looks very similar to the planets revolving around the sun. Again, as we have learned before, we are just a copy of the universe. This is the La of Correspondence. Everything corresponds to one another, from the atomic level to the planetary level. As the universe is always vibrating and changing, so are we. “When you move from one action to another, you change. When you learn the mistake of the past and apply it to the future, you change. The moment you breathe, you change” Therefore, if you don’t want to change, stop breathing. That is how the law of vibration works. The hermetic principle of vibration works by changing from one condition to another. A true master embraces change and welcomes change because the only constant in this world is change. When you try something and it doesn’t work, and try another thing and it still doesn’t work; it is not the thing that doesn’t work, it is “you” that doesn’t work. Thus, we can extract the lessons from the experience, thereby we have the actions to correct the mistakes, which means to change. 3. The Law of Vibration Meaning The Hermetic Law of Vibration means that everything vibrates, nothing stands still, and nothing is at rest. When you think of something, your thoughts vibrate and it will attract the same vibrations with what you think. This is just another label to what is now called the Law of Attraction. When you think positively, you will attract positive things. When you think negatively, you will attract negative things. In life, most things we want such as abundance, love, and peace are made up of positive vibrations, so if you have any fear or doubt in your thoughts, the law will not work for you because you attract what you send you to the universe. Thus, you need the belief and faith, backed up by your visualisations and actions, which are made up of the same positive vibrations with things you desire, then you shall reap what you sow. Isiah 55:11 4. The Law of Vibration, Numerology, Astrology, and Tarot This knowledge can help you to understand why numerology and astrology work. When you came out of your mother’s womb at a certain date and time in this universe, it is the point of time at which you were descended from heaven. Your date of birth does not contain useless numbers. They are vibrations of what your abilities, talents, and characters are. In other words, 1 2 3 4 are not numbers, but they are vibrations containing specific qualities and characteristics. It's the same thing with letters A B C D. They are not letters, but are vibrations of the hidden energy underlying material manifestation. For example, letter A is the representation of the vibration of leadership, willpower, creativity, and initiative. Thus, if your first name starts with the letter A, you will see that you have a tendency or a talent of being a leader and taking initiative. The downside of this vibration is that you tend to become self-important and critical of others. It is a tendency, an influence, not the causation. Therefore, it depends on the level of self-knowledge and self-mastery that determines whether you are the pawn in the chess game of life or the player of the game. Tarot works the same way. Each picture that appears on the tarot cards is the vibration of a certain energy, either positive or negative. When you receive your tarot cards, they are of the same vibrations with your thoughts and feelings, So when you think negatively, you will receive a card that tells exactly what you think. It’s just that simple. You don’t need a bachelor’s degree to understand how things work. You just need the desire to know the nature of things, because the power is already within you. Bachelor’s degree in science is just a label and it doesn’t tell you who you are. That’s why a genius is the one who follows their path because they know who they are and know what they can do. If you reduce the degree to its initials, a bachelor of science is just a B.S degree. It's B.S. that we spent so many years studying things and finally came out just as ignorant as we were when we first started. So many years we have spent studying and don’t know a thing about who we are, how things work, and how nature works. 5. How to Use the Hermetic Principle of Vibration Here are the steps of how to use the hermetic principle of vibration: 1. Step 1: Understand that the only constant is change. 2. Step 2: Change yourself from low vibration to high vibration. 3. Step 3: Keep yourself at the higher vibration for a long period. If you want to manifest an abundance of money in life, think prosperity and the money will come to you as positive vibrations attract positive vibrations. Backed the thoughts with good deeds and constancy, you will get what you want. Thus, to apply the law of vibration is to live in harmony with the universe in the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. If one principle contradicts another, the law may not work. If what you think and do doesn’t produce the results you desire, then change your thoughts because those thoughts will attract and manifest whatever your mind conceives. Also remember to check your belief system, emotions, and visualisation, and to remove any fear, doubt, and worry in exchange for faith, confidence, and enthusiasm. It's like you cannot produce an apple by planting a banana seed. You cannot manifest abundance if your thoughts are mentally poor. So when you want good results {fruits}, you need to sow positive thinking (thoughts) and do the necessary labour {good deeds}. These activities should be sustained for a long period of time, as we can never grow a fruitful tree within one day. 6. Some Thoughts about the Meaning of Life Your meaning of life is not about what you do for work and how you survive on the weekends and start working again next Monday, living paycheck to paycheck. You are here to experience life, to be the master of life, and to be the ONE that you are destined to become. We are all here because of the same purpose my friend, whether you believe it or not. If you fail the test of this life, you may be back here reading the same post that you might have read for 400 or 1000 years ago, but you don’t know whether you have another chance to be back here or not, do you? You may have 3 chances of reincarnation and this is your last chance, but do you know it? Are you sure that you will be reincarnated in your next life? All we know right now is that we just have one life or one chance to discover the true meaning of life. We are all students in the college of the Holy Spirit, who go through the same exam and no one can cheat the test of life as no one can break the universal law. That is, no one possesses the knowledge of life and death except the Teacher, the Creator, or the One that is above all things. 7. Summary In this section, I will summarise the main lessons we have learned in this post: 1. The Hermetic Law of Vibration: everything is changing; everything is in vibration; nothing stands still as “the only thing that doesn’t change is ‘change’ itself.” 2. A true master welcomes changes, embraces changes, and makes changes. 3. You can change your vibration by changing your thoughts and actions in your daily activities.

  • Sekhem Heka - Ancient Egyptian Magic for Healing and Empowerment

    The picture of the Sekhem Heka book is being used with full permission from Storm and was given when the book was originally published in 2012. Sekhem Heka, where do I start.... I think the first place to start is to thank Storm Constantine for connecting me with Sekhem Heka. Storm and I worked closely when Sekhem Heka was being written and it was an honour to have been asked to write a short message for her that was added to the book which can be bought on Amazon. Here is the message that I wrote for the book: Everything we see, hear, smell and taste is also said to come from this universal energy. Sekhem, Seichim and Reiki work very well together as a unified trinity of sacred healing energies to completely balance and harmonise your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, bringing balance and harmony to your life. They help you expand your capacity to carry more light and love, which anchors and grounds the essential life force within your energy system. Many people all over the world feel a calling to Egypt and Egyptian energies. Learning to work with these energies can transform your life. Sekhem Heka introduces the searcher to this practice through seven degrees of spiritual and personal self-exploration and self-development.” Jay Burrell, Founder of The School of LivingReiki Therapies {Yes, the Academy was a simple school back when the system was created} Storm passed away a few years ago but I want to say that it was an honour to be part of the Sekhem Heka journey and this will be a system that I will always treasure as being part of my ongoing connection with the Egyptian Deities and Sacred Energies. In Ancient Egypt, Sekhem literally meant ‘power’ or ‘might’. The term applied to gods and goddesses and was often part of the titles of pharaohs and queens. The Sekhem scepter carried by rulers and important officials was a physical representation of their earthly power. In recent years, the word Sekhem has been reinterpreted to mean the energy of a healing system named after it, but that meaning is of modern not ancient origin. Sekhem, in its modern sense, is a form of healing that derives from a system called Seichim, which itself is partly a derivative of Reiki. Originally, the word Heka meant ‘magic’ or ‘magical power’, and it was also the name of a god who presided over magic. This system of healing and self-development derives from Storm's experience in the healing systems Reiki and Seichim and also in magical practices inspired by Ancient Egypt. Sekhem Heka is a system that incorporates energy healing as well as a structured series of rituals and path workings, focusing upon the energy centers of the body and associated Egyptian god forms. Storm formulated the system for a number of reasons. Primarily, she has a great interest in the goddess Sekhmet as do I and other Egyptian god forms, and have worked with their energy for many years. Once Storm became a Reiki Teacher and discovered Seichim/Sekhem, she was pleased to discover that some Teachers had combined energy healing with Egyptian symbolism, and was keen to go down that path herself. Secondly, as Reiki initiation paves the way for self-development, Storm wanted to provide a system for her magical students whereby they could combine their studies. You do not have to be attuned to Reiki or Seichim to be able to use most of the Sekhem Heka system but for those unfamiliar with the term, an attunement is a short procedure, performed by a Teacher who has taken the highest, often called Master Degree of an energy healing system. Attunements are the core of the majority of healing models based on Reiki and its derivatives, during which a person becomes enabled to channel universal life energy (chi or ki) through their body. Thus, the energy they utilise is not their own; it is universal energy channelled through them. It neither exhausts nor depletes you as you work with it. Anybody, whether they’ve been attuned to an energy healing system or not, can perform the meditations and rituals of this system and acquire the benefits from them. The Origins of Seichim/Sekhem In the early 1980's an American gentleman named Patrick Zeigler underwent a spontaneous attunement while in Egypt which occurred within the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was an experience similar to that of Master Mikao Usui when he first acquired the ability to channel Reiki. Eventually, and sometime later after having taken his Reiki training, Patrick formulated a method in which he was able to pass on the same energies that he himself had received. Over the years, as Reiki initiates learned how to work with Seichim, the two systems became fused, and now there are many crossovers between them, not least that Seichim attunement involves the use of Reiki symbols. (This is presumably because Patrick Zeigler used adapted Reiki attunements when formulating his initial Seichim system). Although Seichim and Reiki are mostly regarded as separate systems, channelling different energy ‘rays’, Storm does not think the two can be separated, for the simple reason of the shared symbols. If Seichim attunements were performed without any recourse to Reiki methods, then that might not be the case, but they are, and this cannot be overlooked. As with Reiki, many different branches of Seichim sprang up, and one of these was Sekhem. Although this was a term originally used by Patrick Zeigler, who has experimented with various different names for his system, it has been adopted by other Teachers, some of whom have greatly added to or changed the system. Sekhem, typically, incorporates the Egyptian goddess, Sekhmet, who was a ferocious lioness deity in ancient times, but who also had a healing aspect. Sekhmet’s priests were also physicians, so it’s easy to see how this goddess fits neatly into the Sekhem healing system. It is Storm's strong belief that any experienced practitioner can connect to Sekhem Heka, through regular meditation and openness to its manifestation. If you already regularly meditate or perform spiritual rituals, it should come easily. If you have taken a Teacher's degree in Reiki or Seichim, the practices will undoubtedly feel more familiar to you, but to get positive results you simply need to want to experience them. If you are intrigued by Sekhem Heka and this blog post resonates with you, please CLICK HERE to learn more about SHEF {The energy centers of the body} and each of the Sekhem Heka Degree's.

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