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Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Awakening = Awareness. When you awaken, floodgates of high frequency light pour into your body. The light brings to the surface all the beliefs and patterns you hold, so they can be remolded and shifted into a more expansive state.

Here are some signs you are going through a spiritual awakening:

You seek a deeper meaning in life.

You realise NOW is the moment to move out of limited ways of thinking and explore higher perspectives through deepening your meditation practice {or starting one}, studying esoteric topics and understanding the ascension process on Earth.

You see the bigger picture in life and trust that you are headed somewhere amazing.

You begin to take life more lightly and stay open to new opportunities and expect positive experiences to unfold as you follow the path of simply being.

Your diet shifts and you begin to eat intuitively and crave lighter, nourishing and wholesome foods.

When you awaken, floodgates of light come through your crown chakra, which as a result effects the physical body. Lighter foods, ample fruits and vegetables feed the higher vibrations and protect your light body. You might also find yourself being drawn to becoming Vegetarian or Vegan. This happened for me where I moved from being a meat eater for all of my life to now being a strict vegetarian.

You become your own best friend and dive deep into your shadows.

You begin to see what your needs, wants and desires are in life. Through this introspection process you allow yourself to feel into every emotion and observe how you’ve given your power away to outside authorities. You start to see the difference between the ego and the Soul.

You become very in-tune with your energy field and begin to notice how the outside world effects your vibration.

As you do more healing work, you realise how sensitive your energy is to food, people and places. You make it priority to protect your energy levels

You’re less interested in material possessions.

You notice how people are very attached to what money can buy and use it for self-validation or to bring short term happiness. As you follow your purpose, passion and explore the depths of you psyche, you discover that financial abundance comes to you naturally because money is simply energy.

You want to spend time outside more than ever.

Mother Nature is healing, cleansing and grounding. Her energy keeps you safe and in this present moment.

You see through the illusions of societal conditioning.

As you become detached from the outer world, you see how people confine themselves into limited beliefs and patterns. You notice how people are so governed by their thoughts and programmed to make decision through their mind, rather than their intuition.

You see how judgement is the main thing we are here to clear.

You realise how people live their life based on other people’s standards and thrive off pointing the finger at their neighbor. In the eyes of God, we are perfect and Divine. Discernment is crucial to determine what is coming from a heart centered space and what is coming from judgement. You accept all truths and perspectives, while standing in your sovereignty and integrity.

You’re positive and faithful.

You trust that everything that is meant for you will come to you in Divine time. It is your responsibility to hold yourself accountable for your choices and vibration. You deserve and have earned to have everything you want and more!

You stay present.

You discover that time is an illusion and everything is occurring in the now moment and it is up to you to choose your reality. Energy is constantly shifting and you begin to pay attention to how you feel around various frequencies.

Your friendships shift.

You want to spend time with people who are conscious of their vibration, interested in ascension, spirituality, philosophy and esoteric.

You see repetitive numbers like 111, 222, 555 or 888.

Each number holds a different vibration and message. When you begin to see a number, ask yourself, “What was I just thinking about?” Normally those numbers are confirming you are on the right path and Angels are cheering you on!

You see light orbs, hear voices and faces in dreams because your Angelic team is showing you’re protected and Divinely guided.

You’re never alone on this journey. The Universe supports you unconditionally. Each individual will find different ways to communicate with their Spirit Team.

You notice synchronicities.

Ask the Universe for signs and believe them when they show up. A great way to confirm you are on the right path is to ask Source to show you a symbol or animal.

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