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10 Valuable Tips When You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

It is easy to complicate a spiritual awakening. Awakening and ascension is simply remembering who you are.

Tip #1: Learn discernment

Through your life’s journey you will encounter all walks of life and experience challenges that will lead you to understand your own energetic resonance. What types of hobbies, work and people expand you and make you feel peaceful? What makes you feel stressed, tired and anxious? By interpreting what energy is of the highest good and what is going to drain your energy bank account, you will strengthen your tool of reading frequency and you will shift more into being your truest self.

Tip #2: Realise you attract people and situations where you need to clear limiting beliefs and patterns of illusion, self denial, people pleasing and more!

Anything that you don’t want to be doing is something you’re a slave too. When you are not in alignment with your Higher Self, your energy is going to be going something. Sometimes there is debris in your energy field that has to be cleared out. How do you clear out energy? Well the first idea would be to pinpoint what is blocking your energy from flowing. Through energy healing, sound healing and reiki you can flush out your chakra system and clear your aura.

Tip #3: It’s not an overnight process.

There is not a timeframe when it comes to a spiritual awakening. Earth operates at a lower frequency than your Higher Self, Angelic beings and other dimensions. Your higher consciousness will integrate new found beliefs and it takes time for your body to clear out outdated patterns and ways of living. A spiritual awakening is a process that has no end date and is constantly evolving. You will continue to unveil new layers of your awakening throughout life.

Tip #4: Accept the confusion and become the observer.

When new information comes in it can be confusing to decipher. Become the observer and look at your life from a higher perspective. Think of yourself in an airplane riding over your life. What do you see? How do you feel? Take note of your observations without attaching to the emotions. When you are in a neutral position, information can flow through easier. Putting pressure on yourself is not loving yourself.

Tip #5: Be open and receptive

Since we live on a free will planet, there are no definites in life. Not attaching to future outcomes is key because you cannot control your outer reality. When you are in conflict, think about what the situation is tying to show you. Why do you feel the need to speak your truth? Once you go within, you grant yourself the ability to see discord as a message, which helps your Soul expands its consciousness. Learn what consciousness is here: The Universe wants you to live in a state of abundance, joy, wealth, peace and phenomenal health. Trust and believe your vibration will bring in everything you want and more!

Tip #6: Let go

This is the time to use your imagination! Play around with your beliefs and thought patterns. How is your Universe responding to you? What do you want to see happen in your physical reality? Put your order out the Universe, focus on the now moment and let it go. All will unfold in Divine timing. When you honor your Higher Self, the Universe will conspire to make it happen for you!

Tip #7: Gratitude

Gratitude brings you into the present moment and shifts your vibration into a higher field of consciousness. Every moment is an opportunity to create a new possibility in your life through reflection and setting an intention. By being grateful and appreciate for what you have in this moment, your vibration will become a magnet for even more than you could ask for!

Tip #8: Love yourself through your spiritual awakening.

When our souls drop into human bodies at birth, we start to forget who we are and where we came from. Through programming and societal condition we add layers of forgetfulness and have to be reminded of love through experiences! Unconditional love is learned and strengthened by confronting the challenging aspects of oneself. In order to embrace the light in life, we must dig through the darkness. Find what you love to do it and follow it! Don’t take yourself too seriously. Have fun through the process and lead with an open heart!s

Tip #9: Let go of what other people think of you

Another person’s opinion of you is not your reality. An important realization when going through a spiritual awakening is grasping the idea that your beliefs dictate your reality. We are all on our own journey and how people speak to you is a reflection of their inner world. By embracing acceptance and empathy, one can truly see through the lense of another’s perceptions. You don’t have to agree with other people, but with acceptance comes less resistance and judgment.

Tip #10: Learn to listen to your body

Upgrading your light body will bring about some weird and uncomfortable changes in your physical body. As you access Source energy, open up your crown chakra, connect to higher realms and your higher consciousness, you go through an emotional release and cleansing. Old thought patterns, fears, childhood and past life traumas will come up to be loved and alchemized into light! The impact of the high frequency lights that pour into the Earth’s plane from the Sun can be heavy on your physical body and manifest into various physical and emotional symptoms. When you shift realities you are essentially moving your awareness from one consciousness to another. We are moving more into a aligned state of living.

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