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The New Energies of Archangel Michael - Protection, Confidence & Inner Power

The New Energies of Archangel Michael - Protection, Confidence & Inner Power

  • Information

    Founder: Jay Burrell

    Year of Channelling: 2019

    Fixed Fee System: Yes

    Nos. Attunements: 1

    Symbols: No

    Prerequisite: None 


    The New Energies of Archangel Michael have been channelled to give you a set of spiritual tools that work to strengthen your energetic connection with his energies. Each function has been designed to support the process of healing, guidance, protection and most important, your spiritual development! The attunement can be used in a general sense which is where you activate the energies through your heart-felt intention. You will also learn a set of intention-based activations/functions that work in alignment with your higher self. This is to ensure that you receive the strongest energetic connection with the presence of Archangel Michael. You can use the given functions individually or you can combine them to utilise the blessings of all functions at one time. This gives you flexibility and energetic scope when you need to use them.


    The New Energies of Archangel Michael will help you with the following and much more: 


    * A Stronger Connection with Archangel Michael.


    * Healing Awareness of Archangel Michael's Blessings.


    * Spiritual Protection from Archangel Michael.


    * Increased Guidance from Archangel Michael.


    * Increased Self-Confidence and Personal Power.


    * Increased Inner Strength.


    * Increased Spiritual Dynamics and Understanding. Increased


    * Psychic/Spiritual Awareness.


    * Increased Spiritual Vibrations.


    * Increased Vitality, Wellbeing and Wholeness.


    * Heightened Awareness of Spiritual Growth and Ascension.


    * Heightened Control of your Life’s Direction


    You will also learn how to use the following functions to connect with the New Energies of Archangel Michael: 


    * Archangel Michael Initial Connection. 


    * Healing with Archangel Michael. 


    * Confidence Building with Archangel Michael. 


    * Protection with Archangel Michael. 


    * Spiritual Guidance with Archangel Michael. 


    * The Shield of Archangel Michael. 

  • You will Receive

    * A link will be sent to you after you have purchased your attunement. This link will give you access to your attunement manual which can be saved straight to your computer. 


    * A thank you email will be sent on the day of your attunement purchase. This email will give you a link to my new online booking program where you can select a day and time for your attunement to be sent. {Same-day attunements are not currently available}. 


    ** Your distant attunement will be sent using your chosen method of initiation {Chi ball or appointed time}.


    * A PDF certificate with a hand-signed signature and genuine lineage will be sent after you have received your distant attunement { I do not issue certificates at the same time as attunements are given} 


    * I give full spiritual support to all students before, during and after their attunements so if you have any questions or need guidance or support, please do not hesitate to email me and I will help as much as I can

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