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The Magician Empowerment - Communication, Creativity and Willpower

The Magician Empowerment - Communication, Creativity and Willpower

  • Prerequisite: Usui Reiki 2nd Degree

    The Magician Empowerment was channeled in 2009 by Maria Sereno. 

    The Magician's card is the first of the Major Arcana and represents the primary impulse of humankind. The Magician captures the energy of the individual and directs it towards the chosen goal. The Magician is also the channel through which the divine energies pass into the material world. The Magicians capacity to create everything that he wishes or wants is bestowed upon you as you work with this unique spiritual attunement. The Magician also helps you with the art of communication, creativity and willpower which makes this an ideal attunement if you are wanting to give up an old habit or way of living.

  • With your purchase you will receive:

    * Digital Download of your chosen Manuals. 


    * Your Distant Attunements will be sent to you after you have read through the Manual/Manuals and have asked any questions that you may have. This is to ensure that you have understood all of the information that was given to you. Your Distant Attunements will be sent to you via the Call In (Chi Ball) or Appointed Time Method. 


    * An Emailed Certificate with Hand Signed Signature and Lineage will be sent to you after you have received your Attunements. Alternatively, you can just receive the Attunement Lineages if no Certificates are required. 


    * Email Support will be given during the duration of your Spiritual Training. 

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