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Soulmate Reiki - Learn about Soulmates, Soul Friends & Soul Contracts

Soulmate Reiki - Learn about Soulmates, Soul Friends & Soul Contracts

  • Prerequisite: None

    Soulmate Reiki was channeled in 2007 by Stephanie Brail. 


    I have been working with this energy since it was released in 2007 and it is always one of the energies that I will tap into when I am working with relationship healing or helping with self acceptance. The energies of soulmate reiki work in 2 ways. The first is to help clear old adverse energetic patterns that may surround you and your soulmate. The second is to help manifest the energies so that you will meet your soulmate whether this be in a new relationship or as a new close friendship with another person (Man or Woman). 


    Through the teachings within the soulmate reiki manual you will learn about the following and much more:  


    * What is a Soulmate? 


    * Twin Flames 


    * "The One" 


    * Multiple Soulmate 


    * Soul Friends 


    * The Soulmate Reiki Symbol

  • With your purchase you will receive:

    * Digital Download of your chosen Manual/Manuals. 


    * Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you after you have read through the Manual/Manuals and have asked any questions that you may have. This is to ensure that you have understood all of the information that was given to you. Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you via the Call In (Chi Ball) or Appointed Time Method. 


    * An Emailed Certificate with Hand Signed Signature and Lineage will be sent to you after you have received your Attunement. Alternatively, you can just receive the Attunement Lineage if no Certificate is required. 


    * Email Support will be given during the duration of your Spiritual Training. 

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