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Shamanic Prayer Tree Empowerment - Receive your Etheric Prayer Tree

Shamanic Prayer Tree Empowerment - Receive your Etheric Prayer Tree

  • Prerequisite: None

    The Shamanic Prayer Tree Empowerment was channeled in 2021 by Amanda Hadley


    The Shamanic Prayer Tree Empowerment has been designed to connect you with your own Etheric Prayer Tree so you can use this beautiful creation to help Manifest your Goals, Dreams and Desires into your Conscious Reality. The energies of this system come directly from Sacred Source and powerfully connect you with the energies of your own Etheric Prayer Tree. On a personal note, I have worked with this system for no more than 1 week but I can honestly say that it is one of the strongest attunements that I have ever worked with. It has also been a blessing to connect with these energies as I channeled my attunement to Crystalline Reiki in order to keep me grounded and present in my reality. This system also works very well when combined with the Celtic Oak Empowerment. The combination of attunements is stricly my own personal feelings, each person will experience something uniwue for them when using the attunement. The Shamanic Prayer Tree Empowerment gives you the ability to tie your Prayers onto the Etheric Branches of your Prayer Tree to be taken to Sacred Source to be manifested into your relality. This Empowerment has many uses and applications, many of which will present themselves to you as you work with the energies. 


    Examples of how the Shamanic Prayer Tree Empowerment will manifest itself into your life: 


    * Manifestation of your Goals.


    * Relieve Pysical Pain & Ailments. 


    * Being Peace to Relationships.


    * For Guidance on your Spiritual & Lifes Path. 


    * Bringing Forth Healing. 


    * To Heal Suffering in the World.


    * To Release that which no longer serves your Highest Good.


    * To relieve Emotional Suffering. 


    * To Heal Others.


    * To Find Answers to your Questions. 


    * To being Abundance & Success.


    * To bring forth Peace & Light. 

  • With your Purchase you will receive:

    * Digital Download of your chosen Manual. 


    * Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you after you have read through the Manual/Manuals and have asked any questions that you may have. This is to ensure that you have understood all of the information that was given to you. Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you via the Call In (Chi Ball) or Appointed Time Method. 


    * An Emailed Certificate with Hand Signed Signature and Lineage will be sent to you after you have received your Attunement. Alternatively, you can just receive the Attunement Lineage if no Certificate is required. 


    * Email Support will be given during the duration of your Spiritual Training. 

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