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Lung Care - Simple & Effective Healing for Lung Conditions

Lung Care - Simple & Effective Healing for Lung Conditions

  • Prerequisite: Usui Reiki 2nd Degree

    Lung Care was channeled in 2010 by Mariah Windsong. 


    Lung Care has been designed to consist of 2 levels that help you to work on Healing a multitude of Lung Disorders. As with all Attunements, this is not a replacement for traditional medical treatment and should only be used alongside conventional medicine.


    Lung Care Level 1 is a Synergy based Energy of Elecampane Essence, Mullein Essence and Optimal Blood Oxygen Concentration. Using these functions will result in a Smooth, Expanding and Supporting Energy for your Lungs and Blood. 


    Lung Care Level 2 brings to you the Spiritual Deva Essence of the Bloodroot Deva Empowerment and authorises you to pass the Lung Care Attunements to others. The Bloodroot Deva has more of a Personality than the other Etheric Plant Connections and is to be spoken to as a real Sentient Being. 

  • With your purchase you will receive:

    * Digital Download of your chosen Manual/Manuals. 


    * Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you after you have read through the Manual/Manuals and have asked any questions that you may have. This is to ensure that you have understood all of the information that was given to you. Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you via the Call In (Chi Ball) or Appointed Time Method. 


    * An Emailed Certificate with Hand Signed Signature and Lineage will be sent to you after you have received your Attunement. Alternatively, you can just receive the Attunement Lineage if no Certificate is required. 


    * Email Support will be given during the duration of your Spiritual Training. 

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