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Divine Human Angel Reiki - Are you a Human Angel?

Divine Human Angel Reiki - Are you a Human Angel?

  • Prerequisite: None

    Divine Human Angel Reiki was channeled in 2009 by Reiki Master Gabriela Szafman.


    During each of our journeys, there are those moments when someone comes into our life at precisely the right time and says or does precisely the right thing. Their words or actions may help you to perceive yourself in a clearer way. Reminding you that everything will turn out for the best, to help you cope with life changes and to see through difficult situations knowing that you are not alone. These people are human angels - individuals designated by the universe to be of service to those in need at specific points in time. Some human angels make a commitment before their births to make a positive contribution to the world at a particular moment. Others were chosen by the universe. All human angels, however, come into our lives when we least expect them and when we can most benefit from their presence. You may be a human angel yourself but you do not yet know this. Your fate or intuition may guide you toward other people's challenging or distressing situations, leading you to infer that you simply have bad luck. But recognizing yourself as a human angel can help you deal with the pain you see and understand that you are there to help and comfort others during their times of need. Human angels give of their inner light to all who need it, coming into our lives and often changing us forever. Their task has its challenges, but it is they that have the power to teach, bring us joy, and comfort us in times of despair. 


    Contenst of the Divine Human Angel Reiki Manual: 


    * Introduction. 


    * What is a Human Angel. 


    * The Contracts for the Reiki Human Angels. 


    * History of the Divine Human Angel Symbol. 


    * Additional Information about the History of the Human Angel. 


    * Merkaba. 


    * How to perform a Self Healing Treatment: Merkaba Activation and Merkaba Meditation. 


    * Divine Human Angel Diamond Activation. 


    * How to do a Self Healing Treatment. 


    * How to Perform an in Presence Divine Human Angel Reiki Healing Treatment. 


    * How to Perform Distant Healing Treatment. 


    * The Attunement Procedure. 


    * In Person Attunement. 


    * Distant Attunements. 


    * Performing a Distant Attunement. 


    * How to Receive the Attunements.

  • With your purchase you will receive:

    * Digital Download of your chosen Manual/Manuals. 


    * Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you after you have read through the Manual/Manuals and have asked any questions that you may have. This is to ensure that you have understood all of the information that was given to you. Your Distant Attunement will be sent to you via the Call In (Chi Ball) or Appointed Time Method. 


    * An Emailed Certificate with Hand Signed Signature and Lineage will be sent to you after you have received your Attunement. Alternatively, you can just receive the Attunement Lineage if no Certificate is required. 


    * Email Support will be given during the duration of your Spiritual Training. 

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