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Archangelic Seichim - The Original Angelic Seichim Energy

Archangelic Seichim - The Original Angelic Seichim Energy

  • Information

    Founder: Holli Blackwell

    Year of Channelling: N/A

    Fixed Fee System: No

    Nos. Attunements: 1

    Symbols: Yes

    Prerequisite: Reiki Master


    Archangelic Seichim is the original form of Seichim that incorporates the blessings of the Angels. There have been copies of this system which have added the 999 Energies but they are not part of the original energies that were given to by the Angels. Archangelic Seichim is an attunement that works with both the Seichim/Reiki Energy and the Archangels. You can use this system when you work with a client or you can use it for your own healing progression. Archangels, like all Angels are an Intelligent Power and Personification of a specific aspect of God and the power it represents. The number of Archangels that there are varies from school to school. Some identify only Three, while others have as many as Ten or Twelve. This information is acquired from a number of sources. These include Biblical, Arabic, Kabbalist or from the Apocryphal works. An example is where the Archangel Raphael who identifies himself as one to Tobias on the Road. There are Four Archangels that are generally agreed upon that all practices and faiths seem to include. These are Raphael, Gabriel, Michael and Uriel. 


    Archangelic Seichim works with Seichim/Reiki and the 7 Archangels who stand before the Throne of the Divine. Each of the Seven represent a different aspect of the Source and so we will use them to connect you to those aspects of this Vibration. We will then continue to work with the connections to Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Jarahmeel, Raguel and Sariel. Additionally we will work with Archangel Metatron and Shekinah as a balancing force for the Mind, Body and Spirit. Lastly, Archangelic Seichim works to help bring balance to the Masculine and Feminine (Yin/Yang, Thought/Feeling) Vibrations. As you connect with them, you will use the Chakras, Colours and Attributes/Powers as a means to activate that part of the Seichim/Reiki Energy. 

  • You Will Receive

    * A link will be sent to you after you have purchased your distant attunement. This link will give you access to your attunement manual which can be saved straight to your computer. 


    * A thank you email will be sent on the day of your attunement purchase. This email will give you a link to my new online booking program where you can select a day and time for your attunement to be sent. {Same-day attunements are not currently available}. 


    * Your distant attunement will be sent using your chosen method of initiation {Chi ball or appointed time}.


    * A PDF certificate with a hand-signed signature and genuine lineage will be sent after you have received your distant attunement { I do not issue certificates at the same time as attunements are given} 


    * I give full spiritual support to all students before, during and after their attunements so if you have any questions or need guidance or support, please do not hesitate to email me and I will help as much as I can

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